Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix-Chapter 202: Reasons

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Rain wanted to pass the message to Lotto that he was fine, but he should know since he probably had some spies on the support group that brought supplies to the battle.

"Rest for one week, then we will all go together from here," Branden said when they arrived at the organization's base. "You guys did well, and I am proud of all of you. We lost a lot of friends, but we will carry their spirits with us."

The group split up, and Rain said bye to his friends and wondered what he should do… he had talked with Branden earlier that he wanted to buy a good house since his sisters were coming to the capital. Still, then he said that he shouldn't do that and he would solve that problem for him.

"I just hope that he won't do anything stupid…" Rain thought and then sighed while he looked for an inn.

The next day, Rain received a letter from Karla that said that he had to head to a certain address. It was definitely from Branden, but Rain didn't mind much since it wasn't in the central area of the capital. It was close to the western gate, which he mostly used, and it was also quite close to the organization as well.

Still, Rain was left speechless when he found the building and some workers repairing the place. The old building stood at the intersection of grandeur and practicality, an architectural blend of a mansion and a fortified guard post. Its weathered stone walls bore the marks of time, telling stories of years gone by.

The structure exuded an air of authority, yet it also carried the weight of history, evident in its elegant yet aged design.

As the sun cast its golden rays upon the building, Branden, with an air of purpose, directed a group of workers who were diligently engaged in repairs. The mansion-guard post hybrid had seen its share of wear and tear, the toll of battles and the passage of time evident in its weary appearance. But now, under Branden's watchful eye, it was receiving a new lease on life.

Branden's orders were clear and precise, a testament to his meticulous nature. He wanted this place to be perfect, a fitting reward for Rain's unwavering dedication and valor during the war. The old building was to become Rain's home, a token of gratitude that echoed the importance of his role in reclaiming their lands.

Still, Rain's future home might seem vast for him alone and perhaps even for his young sisters.

"What do you think? Not too gaudy, just like you want, right?" Branden asked. "We are going to do the most repairs that the house needs, but you can change with your magic later."

"... This doesn't look like an ordinary house," Rain said while frowning. "How much does this place cost?"

"Around fifty platinum coins?" Branden replied. "Grandpa and Grandma's house looked like this, remember? This house belonged to a family that worked guarding the western gate a long time ago. Still, that family ended up disappearing due to the lack of heirs one hundred years ago. Since then, it has been left alone since it is expensive and too big considering the area."

Rain watched as the workers went about fixing up the building that was going to be his new home. It had a mix of mansion and guard post vibes, sort of like Roswall and Melody's place. It was kind of cool how things connected in weird ways sometimes.

The design had this military feel to it, probably because it used to be a training spot for soldiers. But Rain had some ideas. He knew he could use his magic to change things up, make it more cozy and less like a drill ground.

He imagined infusing the place with a sense of comfort and family. He could tweak the rooms to make them feel inviting and turn the tough exterior into a safe haven. Yeah, the outside might look all serious, but inside, it could be a space where his sisters could be happy. freёwebnoѵ

"This is a lot of money, even though I didn't save that much money working for you for four years," Rain furrowed his eyebrows.

"The garden is big enough for training sessions, and the walls are tall enough for you to feel like relaxing on it as well," Branden said. "I think that this place needs some servants, but I imagined that you wouldn't like that."

"I can do that with my magic and save money," Rain thought.

Rain thought about how he could involve his sisters in the process of making their new home. He knew that he could use his magic to clean the place quickly. Still, he saw an opportunity to help them refine their own magical abilities and skills.

Cleaning might seem like a simple task, but Rain understood that magic was in everything, even in the small actions. He could guide his sisters through the process of using their magic to clean, helping them gain better control over their abilities. It could be a fun and practical way for them to learn while also contributing to their new home.

Rain was the type who liked to seize every chance to grow stronger and improve, and he wanted the same for his sisters. So, he envisioned them working together, using their magic to make their home shine.

"I know that you are itching to go home, but try not to skip the ceremony; I don't want to answer one hundred times the same thing when people ask about you," Branden said.

Rain let out a slight sigh, feeling a mix of emotions about the attention he was receiving. Fame wasn't something he actively sought or enjoyed. Still, he understood that it could open doors and opportunities that he might not have had otherwise. While he preferred to stay out of the spotlight, he also recognized the practical benefits that came with it.