Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix-Chapter 201: Celebration

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"Speaking of personal matters, I will probably get married soon, so I won't be able to be as active regarding the organization, and we will need a branch here as well," Branden said.

"No," Rain replied.

"At least let me finish… in this kind of situation, I guess I can't just use my authority since you are that against it," Branden showed a troubled expression. "In any case, from now on, if you plan on living in the capital, you will have to deal with some other kinds of problems; I was thinking that working here would be better for you as well."

"What kind of problems?" Rain asked.

"You are famous, you look like a nobleman, and you are strong; many people will try to get on your good side," Branden said. "The easiest way for that is through marriage. While they are older than you, you probably should sort things out with Asche, Liss, and Terra."

"We aren't like that," Rain said.

"And I keep wondering why they are still single despite that… they are wasting their best years," Branden frowned. "Well, since they are working, perhaps it can't be helped. But they also will be troubled by this to some extent since your group will become more famous as well. You all will have to deal with other kinds of battles as well."

Rain's thoughts drifted to the possibility of Branden's potential marriage to the princess, a scenario that held a certain level of intrigue and uncertainty. Though Rain had never set eyes on the princess, he couldn't help but think about the circumstances surrounding noble unions, especially as he recollected his own experiences at those high-society gatherings.

The world he now inhabited was vastly different from the one he had known on Earth, and he was no stranger to the peculiar behaviors and customs of the nobility. Attending those opulent parties with Lorene had been a revelatory experience, as he found himself immersed in a society that seemed to prioritize power, connections, and appearances above all else.

Rain's fame and wealth seemed to act as a magnetic force, drawing the attention of those who saw potential benefits in aligning themselves with him. He couldn't help but recall the numerous occasions where he noticed individuals showing interest in him only after he had become somebody of note.

Families openly propositioned alliances, hoping to secure their future by joining forces with his rising prominence.

In this world, the concept of love appears to be a relatively recent phenomenon, with historical practices centering more on strategic partnerships to ensure access to resources and elevate one's status. Rain found it baffling to witness how people were willing to set aside personal compatibility and genuine connection in favor of pragmatic considerations.

The idea that individuals would readily accept such arrangements, seemingly valuing their partner's potential to improve their lives above all else, left Rain both puzzled and somewhat disheartened.

As he pondered these complexities, Rain couldn't help but be reminded of the intricate dance of politics and practicality that governed the lives of the nobility.

Two days later, the mercenaries and half of the army began to march back home. Rain was able to walk properly, but running was impossible… he still could move much faster by using magic. Still, the whole group was taking it easy with their pace.

"I want to send the message to everyone and tell them that I am alright as soon as possible, but I guess it would be rude to leave the main group like this," Rain thought.

Rain was well aware that any inclination to act recklessly in matters of relationships or partnerships would likely result in a stern earful from Terra. Her nagging words and unwavering principles were a constant reminder to him that his choices held consequences that reached beyond himself.

Even something as seemingly innocuous as wearing his wrist weights could invite a chorus of sermons from the people who cared about him. Terra, of course, would lead the charge, ensuring he understood the importance of not inviting unnecessary trouble or risk while he was hurt.

But it didn't end there—Liss and Asche would join the chorus as well, their voices ringing in his ears in harmony with Terra's teachings.

The trip to the capital lasted for one week, but at least it had been a fun and relaxing one since the mood was quite festive. As if things weren't good enough, they improved once they reached the capital. freewebnøvel.coɱ

The army and the members of the organization strode side by side, their presence commanding attention as they traversed the bustling city streets. The air was filled with shouts of joy and congratulatory cheers, a chorus of gratitude and relief from the people who had long yearned for the return of their lands to safety.

As the procession moved through the city, the faces of the citizens reflected a mix of emotions—pride, elation, and a renewed sense of hope. People waved flags, held signs of appreciation, and raised their voices in admiration for those who had fought and sacrificed to reclaim their homeland.

For the humans, the victory was more than just a triumph over the enemy. It symbolized the restoration of their lives, their livelihoods, and the return to a sense of normalcy that had been disrupted for far too long. The battle had been arduous, but the rewards were immeasurable.

With the threat pushed back beyond their borders, the path to expansion and growth lay before them. The presence of soldiers stationed near the border would not only ensure security but also stimulate economic activity. Businesses that had suffered under the shadow of conflict could now flourish, confident in their ability to serve a thriving community.

"I suppose that this is a good thing, but I can't get in the mood since I don't know what will happen in the future... when did I become such a worrywart? I thought that having power would be enough in this world, but maybe I was wrong..."