Imperial CEO Sweet Sweet Love-Chapter 1802

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The Secretary said that Murong Feng was expelled from the board of directors, but in his face, Murong Shanshan did not see anger and sadness, some were happy.

"You go by yourself." Murong Shanshan looked at him and said.

Murong Fengyi Leng, he reflected what Murong Shanshan was saying, bent over and kissed her cheek, "yes."

"Why!" Murong Shanshan asked.

Murong Feng did not answer her question, but said to her, "have you eaten? Well, let's go to see Grandpa. "

He said, holding Murong Shanshan's hand, "if you want to buy something for Grandpa, you can bring more magazines to go there. Where do we have a lot of time to stay today?"

Murong Shanshan shook her head at him. "No."

Two people hand in hand walked out, Murong Shanshan looked at Murong Feng's back, full of doubts.

Why did he do that.

"Don't worry, I won't give it to them." On the way, Murong Feng turned his head and smiled at Murong Shanshan.

"Well." Murong Shanshan nodded and said, "I know."

"It's your stuff, and they can't take it."

Murong Feng smiled and didn't answer. He used to be because it was his own thing and didn't want to be taken away by Murong Lian and Murong Yu. Now it's not because it's Shanshan's and his wife's.

His wife's things, even if they are desperate, have to be taken.

"Wife, what would you like to eat at night?"

The topic jump let Murong Shanshan Leng next, "what?"

"I'll make it for you."

After Murong Feng finished, Murong Shanshan stayed in place.

"You cook?"

She felt that she had heard it wrong. Murong Feng was a young master. When did he enter the kitchen.

"Yes." Murong Feng said with a smile, "I suddenly want to cook and wash clothes for my wife."

"Ha ha." Murong Shanshan looked at him and smiled. She reached out and touched Murong Feng's forehead. "What's the matter? Have you got a fever? "

"No." Murong Feng reached out his hand and held Murong Shanshan in his arms. "I suddenly felt that I was too bad for you and wanted to apologize."

"I want to please you. I may need you to support me next."

"Yes?" Murong Shanshan still doubts, "you are not going to the company?"

"I'm going to give myself a few days off and spend time with my wife." Murong Feng let go of Murong Shanshan and Wensheng said, "do you agree?"

"So I need my wife to support me these days."

"I still want to keep you so low?" Murong Shanshan understood the meaning of Murong Feng.

"Really?" He laughed. "Then I don't go to work and cook and wash clothes for you at home every day."


The two went to the hospital all the way talking and laughing.

The old man is still the same, there is no change and reaction.

Murong Shanshan and Murong Feng are chatting casually with the old man in the ward. Neither of them mentioned today's Murong Lian father and son.

The old man needs a happy topic, not something bad about Murong Lian and his son.

Most of the time of the day was spent in the ward. Murong Feng said that he would go back to cook. In the afternoon, he really left first.

In the ward, Murong Shanshan imagines what kind of dishes Murong Feng makes?

Murong Feng asked her to choose which dish to eat. She specially chose several stews, with less difficulty coefficient. 𝗳𝐫𝘦e𝘸𝗲𝚋𝓃𝚘v𝘦𝘭.𝑐𝒐m

Obviously, Murong Shanshan overestimates Murong Feng. She looks forward to going home and sees a kitchen that has been burned for more than half of the time.

The walls of the kitchen were pitch black, and murongfeng's people came out of the black charcoal heap in confusion.

When Murong Shanshan saw his black face, she burst out laughing.

"Murong Feng!"

She thought about that. Murong Feng didn't burn the kitchen completely. It was very good.

"Murong Shanshan." Murong Feng clenched his teeth and shouted, seeing Murong Shanshan laughing so happily, he reached out his burned hand to her and said, "wife!"

When Murong Shanshan saw the red back of his hand, she immediately lost the smile on her face and asked in a dignified way, "what's the matter?"

"Have you dealt with it cold?"

Murong Feng looked at her wrongly and shook his head. "No!"

"What a pain!"

Murong Shanshan immediately asked the servant to look for the scalding medicine and give him a careful scratch.

The back of his hand was very hot and painful, but Murong Feng was sweet in his heart. He looked at Murong Shanshan's serious appearance and thought of only one thing.

"Wife, do you know what I want now?"

"What do you want?" Asked Murong Shanshan, who had scraped Murong Feng.

"I want to sleep with you!"

Murong Shanshan looks up and sees Murong Feng's serious face. Her face is "Shua" and red.

"If you make any more noise, I won't wipe it for you."

Murong Feng approaches Murong Shanshan's side, "I don't make any noise, then you wipe it for me slowly.""If you wipe my medicine every day, I'll cook for you every day."

"No more." Murong Shanshan continued.

"Why?" Murong Feng thinks that Murong Shanshan is worried about her injury, and just wants to ask her, does she love herself?

Murong Shanshan said, "I'm afraid you've burned the whole family."

The eldest young master came from childhood to stretch out his hand in clothes and open his mouth when eating. How could he cook?

He didn't burn the whole house. He didn't chop off his hands.

"Wife!" Murong Feng called out, "I'll cheer tomorrow."

Murong Shanshan stood up and shook her head. "Well, you'd better make money."

Murong Feng can't cook a man at home. He's not suitable at all.

"Come on, get dressed. Let's go out and eat."

"Good." Murong Feng said, he really needs to wash and change clothes. The kitchen in his family is almost burnt. The servant is still cleaning up. He can't open the fire tonight.

Or go out to eat!

"Wife, you wait for me."

"Yes." Murong Shanshan watched Murong Feng go upstairs. She took out her mobile phone and checked her email to see if she had missed any important news.

All of a sudden, her mobile phone jumped into a text message. She clicked on it and her face suddenly changed.

"Shanshan, if you are coming to work tomorrow, I will keep the office for you."

Although no name is displayed, Murong Shanshan must be Murong Yu's through the content of the SMS.

Before Murong Yu got the shares in Murong Feng's hands, he decided that he was in power.

There's no brain!

The old man is not dead. His will has not come into force at all.

In addition, if Murong Feng is not a shareholder of Murong group, when Murong Feng is a coward or a fool, the shares in his hand will be given to you if he gives them to you.


If you have the ability to sue in court, wait for the lawsuit to win, and then take it away.

Now, be arrogant! Arrogant!

What are they! Said Murong Feng is not Murong Lian's son, she saw Murong Yu is not.

Hum, Murong Shanshan gets angry when she thinks about it. For Murong Feng, for the old man. The more she looked at Murong Yu, the more she hated him. How could she have liked such a man before.