Immortal Supreme: Sovereign of the Grand Dao-Chapter 10 Reincarnation

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While Arthur was trying to use the power of the Gems to be reborn. His actions did not go unnoticed…

At this time, in a dimension far, far, away. In a realm where beings with godly might dwelled and lorded over different parts of the dimension.

Things were calm and peaceful as always when the calm became a storm as an overpowering presence appeared.

As an eye suddenly appeared above the entire dimension of Gods. This was the Eye of the Heavenly Dao.

"The Eye of the Heavenly Dao?"

"Why would it appear here, did something happens?"

The supreme beings that dwelled in this dimension questioned themselves and spread out their consciousness to examine the myriad of realms and worlds beneath them.

As they observed, they couldn't find any abnormality that could be the cause of the appearance of the Eye of the Heavenly Dao. f𝒓𝗲𝗲𝒘𝑒𝚋noѵ𝒆𝗹.co𝗺

The Eye of the Heavenly Dao, only shows itself, when there is an abnormality that appears in the world with the potential or ability to threaten its power. It also appears when someone is attempting something that goes against the will of the Heavens.

At this time the Eye in the sky released a suffocating pressure as it began to scan every life form in the universe.

The weak ones didn't even know that they were being scanned. Only the extremely strong ones sensed the scan, and they felt deep fear.

Only the godly beings that stood at the peak of the universe did not react in fear. At their level, they do not hold much fear for the Heavenly Dao, but at the same time, they would not dare go against it.

So the gods wondered, "Who could have been so daring?"


Meanwhile, Arthur has been successful in getting the power of the gems under control and made what seemed like a portal of light appear right in front of him.

The spirit of the Nine Heavens Palace noticed this and was glad at Arthur's success. He then summoned a tiny key and threw it at Arthur.

"Keep this key with you. With this key with you, I would be able to go with you and reside in the world within your soul."

Arthur nodded and stored the key within his soul, which he just found out that he could do. It was like his soul had a world of its own. He was about to speak when he suddenly sensed something.

'This feeling… the Eye of Heavenly Dao?'

"You guessed right, Arthur. I thought it would be later, but it seems that the heavens have noticed you and are trying to find and stop you."

"Quickly, enter the path of light in front of you. There's not much time le…!?"


The sound of thunder echoed as dark violet lighting appeared in the sky above the palace. It was immediately followed by a gigantic eye, which had its gaze focused on the palace. It saw through the palace and looked directly at Arthur.

The eye was surprised at Arthur's appearance, before getting angry and sending forth the lightning of destruction at the palace.

Arthur was not about to get killed just when he was on the verge of success. He held the key with him and jumped into the portal of light, and with that, the Nine Heavens Palace vanished along with him.

Due to the power he had gained with his soul, he was able to react fast enough and moved just as fast.


As soon as he entered the portal, it disappeared, but just before it did, a few lightning bolts were able to enter the portal and struck Arthur's soul.

"Argh!" shouted Arthur in pain as he got struck.

He was focused on using the power of the gems to get reincarnated and couldn't divide his attention. Plus he wasn't skilled in the use of the gems, else such a thing would not happen. mend that master practices a body cultivation technique. I would be entering deep slumber and would not be able to contact you until you reach a certain realm in your culti…" the palace's spirit voice was suddenly cut off.

Arthur knew that he had entered a state of hibernation. He once more reinstated that he would help this loyal artifact spirit recover to the peak once more.

At this time he quickly went through all the cultivation novels he had read in an instant. He did that to remind himself of how things work. And how he should move on ahead after he gets reincarnated.

Time passed and before he knew it, he began to feel sleepy, and he knew that he was finally at the end and would get reborn soon.

He directed the soul gem to seal his soul power and used the fate gem to set things in the best fortune for his reincarnation, then his consciousness went off.


Meanwhile, the Eye of Heavenly Dao was angry at its failure to take down this defiant cultivator once more.

It used the entirety of its power to search through the vast multiverse, timelines, past, present, and future. It went through all possible alternate realities and wasn't able to find Arthur.

It knew, that the powers of the Multiverse Gems had covered anything that had to do with Arthur in a veil. In a fit of anger, every powerful cultivator that was attempting a breakthrough faced a backlash. 𝘧r𝘦𝗲w𝘦𝚋𝐧o𝘷𝘦𝙡.co𝑚


"What happened suddenly? The heavens are angry, but why?"

This was the first time that such a thing had happened…



--------End of Chapter---------------


A/N: Arthur finally enters the cycle of reincarnation. It is time for his adventure in the world of cultivation to begin for real.

Stay tuned!