I’m A Wasteland Giant-Chapter 317 - 316 You are a Werewolf!

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Chapter 317: Chapter 316 You are a Werewolf!

Translator: 549690339

[Game rules are as follows:]

[Participants: 9 players.]

[Factions: Good faction, Wolf faction.]

[Winning conditions: 1. If the good people kill the wolf, the good people win. 2. If the wolf kills the good people, the wolf wins.]

[The game is divided into day and night. During the day, everyone searches for clues and evidence, then vote before night falls…]

[After nightfall, the order of actions is as follows: Wolf actions – Witch actions – Prophet actions.]

[Please do not leave the room randomly during the night, or bear the consequences by yourself. You are free to move around during the day!]

[In this game, the duration for daytime is 6 hours, and for nighttime is also 6 hours.]

[After everyone receives their role, please go to your respective rooms to sleep within 10 minutes.]

The game rules were almost the same as those Du Gang had played on Earth before.

Day and night were divided. At night, the wolf would kill someone, and during the day, everyone would vote publicly, casting their votes to the person most likely to be the wolf.

This meant that without the witch using her medicine, one person would die at night and one during the day.

If someone dies by vote, they will be eliminated. Thus, even if they don’t know who the wolf is, they have to try not to be voted out.

With the rules fully explained, the devices in front of everyone were retracted and recessed into the ceiling.

“What are your roles?”

The person sitting in front of Chair No.9 was Liang Chu. He stood up and asked immediately after understanding the specific game rules.



Within a span of three seconds, eight people with varying expressions responded one after another. Without exception, all replied that they were villagers.

“Wait a minute!”

The player sitting next to Du Gang, No.3, asked in doubt, “Aren’t there special roles like witches and prophets? Why are all of you villagers?”

As soon as he said that, everyone turned their heads and squinted at him, looking suspicious.


Player No. 3 didn’t understand what their stares meant and frowned, “Am I wrong? What are you guys getting at?”

Player No.9, Liang Chu had a slight smile on his face, about to reply, then he suddenly saw Du Gang, who boasted about his excellent deduction skills. So, he suggested, “No. 2, didn’t you say you’re good at deduction? Can you explain it to him?”

At this point, all players turned to Du Gang, waiting for his explanation.

The detailed game rules were just announced. Obviously, this was a game of suspicion and role-play, and anyone could be the wolf, so everyone was more interested in observing others’ performance.

Out of nine players, only No.9 started talking first, his role was pending, which made the others suspect that the first to speak the dubious words was No.3.

After hearing Liang Chu’s words, Du Gang didn’t hesitate and stood up immediately.

He first looked around, seeing that no one intended to talk, he began, “Firstly, let me explain it for player No.3.”

He turned to No.3 and said, “After No.9 asked everyone their roles, all eight replied they were villagers. It’s not that the special roles like witch and hunter aren’t present, but they chose to hide their identity!”

“In this game, we have a total of nine players, and what we know so far is, there is one witch, one prophet, and one hunter, along with five villagers on the side of the good people. As for the wolf faction, there is one wolf!”

“Clearly, the witch, prophet, and hunter can all pose a threat to the wolf as special roles, so these are likely to be the main targets of the wolf…”

“If they reveal their identity now, they might become the wolf’s target when night comes!”

“So, the witch, the hunter and the prophet wisely chose to hide their identity just now!”

Du Gang looked at player No.3 and concluded, “I’m relieved that you’re neither the witch nor the hunter, nor the prophet; because if you were, it would be hard for us villagers to win!”

He said this purposely to let the hidden wolf know, he is not one of the special roles.

For the wolf, the three special roles are the top targets.

“So that’s how it is!”

Player No. 3 realized with sudden enlightenment, “I thought we didn’t have those roles. Thanks for clearing that up. I’m a villager without a role, I hope the players who do have roles stay hidden and aren’t discovered by the Wolfmen, leading us to victory!”

After he finished speaking, he noticed that everyone else was still gazing at him expressionlessly, “You guys?”

Du Gang chuckled, continuing: “I just explained it to you. Now, based on your recent actions, I’ll do a quick analysis.”

“You just asked, why there are no special player roles!”

“There are two situations!”

“First, you really don’t know why everyone claimed to be a villager—that is, you’re genuinely naive.”

“The second is, you did it on purpose!”


Player No. 3 was puzzled, not understanding the meaning of Du Gang’s words.

“Don’t worry, let me explain slowly!”

Du Gang grinned, “The first situation is clear enough—that you’re innocently naive. You’re a commoner.”

“At the beginning of the game, everyone was just starting to understand the rules, had just chosen their roles, just gotten hold of the game rules… ”

“At this moment, if you purposely ask such a question, it seems like you haven’t thought it through, like a subconscious slip of the tongue. By this logic, you can be inferred to be a villager.”

“The strange looks everyone’s giving you are because of the second situation—they think you’re doing it on purpose!”

“What does that mean? It means, you deliberately asked such a question at the beginning of the game, pretending to be naive, just to show that you’re a villager!”

Du Gang shook his head at this point, “Your role is either a villager or a Wolfman…”

“If you’re a villager, you won’t die tonight because you have the second logic I just mentioned, making you a potential target, so the Wolfman certainly wouldn’t kill you.”

“And if you’re a Wolfman, you absolutely can’t commit suicide. So, tonight, you, player No. 3, will not die!”


No. 3 instantly got flustered upon hearing this and stood up hastily, “Everyone, I genuinely am a villager, you must believe me… ”

Before he could finish, Du Gang immediately interrupted, “The game has just begun; nothing can be deduced yet. Save your explanations for tomorrow morning. Right now, you should hurry up and find your room to sleep, I don’t want to be mysteriously dead on the outside!”

Following that, Du Gang glanced at Liang Chu, who was player No. 9, with a meaningful look and then left.

Seeing this, the rest of the players left the conference room without any further delay.

In the arched corridor, every three meters there was a door, each labeled with numbers starting from 1 up to 9.

Du Gang quickly found the room marked with the number 2 and stumbled inside.

The moment he entered, he scanned the room: a single bed was the first thing he saw, with a small cabinet at its head hosting a table lamp. Apart from that, no other furniture was present.

The room was very simple; it looked like a typical room from a budget hotel.

Du Gang, however, felt something was bizarre about it, something he just couldn’t put his finger on.

He furrowed his brow and slowly shut the door.

Instantly, the room darkened considerably.

“No window!”

Du Gang quickly realized the strange thing was that the room had no windows.

He brushed his hand around the edge of the door. However, after exploring all four corners, he couldn’t find the switch.

“Fine, if there’s no switch!”

With no time to waste, Du Gang stumbled through the darkness towards the side of the bed, not caring about anything else, and plopped down into the bed without even removing his clothes.

At the same time, he reached over to the table lamp on the bedside, eventually finding the switch.


The sound of the switch echoed, but the room remained in darkness. The body that Du Gang currently occupied was an ordinary one and even when his eyes were as wide open as possible, he couldn’t make out the situation inside the room.

It was clear that this lamp wasn’t working!

The only source of light was a white line shining under the door gap.


Du Gang’s throat moved a bit, it had been many years since he had felt such intense tension and excitement.

His eyes remained on the door gap, yet his mind was continuously turning.

Would the werewolf come?

He didn’t know, he was just a commoner, with only the right to quietly wait.

Although, he was 70% sure that the werewolf would not come after him, what if the werewolf couldn’t get his hint and came to kill him?

“Now, should I hope that the werewolf is smart?”

Du Gang let out a sigh, and the images of the other eight people gradually appeared in front of his eyes.

His mind was continuously guessing, wondering who among these eight people could be the werewolf.

[Close your eyes when it gets dark!]

Suddenly, an electronic sound echoed from the vent in the ceiling.

Ten minutes had passed, and darkness had fallen!

Du Gang instantly became anxious, his eyes fixated on the door, fearing that something might be approaching.

[Werewolves, please start your action!]

Another electronic sound rang out.

All nine people in the rooms started to feel tense.


A sound as slight as high heels walking came through.

Everyone’s hearts tightened, each staring at their own door gaps, filled with terror.

Obviously, this was the werewolf in action!


This sound like the walking of high heels was very rhythmic, as if someone was pacing after a meal.

Although the sound was simple and clear, to the nine people, it was exceptionally terrifying, as if the Reaper had arrived.

Was it coming from the left?

Inside the room, the bed was parallel to the door. Du Gang could denounce the direction the sound was coming from due to his position on the bed.

The left?

Room number 1?

Their room numbers were the same as their seat numbers, arranged anticlockwise from 1 to 9.

To his left was room number 1, and further left were rooms 9 and 8.

So, was it room number 1 or room number 9 or 8?

Du Gang racked his brain, suddenly his breathing hitched, and he became alert.

He saw the sound of the high heels stopped slowly in front of his door. The bright crack of light under the door was half covered.

The werewolf stopped!

Could he be this unlucky?

A bit of bitterness invaded Du Gang’s heart.

If he were in his true form, or if there were gods, he definitely wouldn’t accept this kind of death.

But now, he was just an ordinary person, it was too hard to resist!

Updat𝓮d from freewēbnoveℓ.com.

Difficult… But no matter how hard it was, he would not yield easily!

He clenched his fists, grabbed the table lamp with the other hand. If the werewolf entered, he would fight with it!

At this moment, the sound of “dada” came again as if it was a life-saving straw.

The shadow that was standing motionless at the entrance began to slowly move to the right.


Du Gang almost choked on a breath, he exhaled, fearing that the person outside might return.

“Don’t come over!”

“Don’t come over!”

In room number 3, the player stared at the door gap nervously, with cold sweat continuously erupting on his body, and whispering to himself.

Suddenly, his pupils contracted sharply. In the door gap, he noticed a shadow that covered half of the ‘white line’ about sixty centimeters long under the door.

“Don’t come in!”

“Don’t come in!”

At this time, player number 3 wouldn’t dare to speak. His teeth were clenched tightly, his eyes were bulging out, and in his heart, he was incessantly praying.

“Ancestors, please protect!”

“Ancestors, please protect!”

As if his ancestors heard his prayers, after a brief halt, the shadow at the door continued to move.


Soon, the shadow disappeared from the front of the third door, and the black line under the door once again turned to a white line.


Listening to this rhythmic sound, Du Gang fell into contemplation.

What did the werewolf use to kill?

A tool? Or something else?

Did it need to enter the room?

As he was thinking about these, the high heels’ sound outside the door stopped.

It stopped again!

Du Gang frowned, picturing in his mind a figure standing in front of door number 4.

According to the sound and the sense of distance, he deduced that the werewolf was in front of door number 4.

Would it make a move?

While he was thinking about this, the electronic sound resembling the referee’s rang again.

[The werewolf has chosen its target]

[Witch, please act. The werewolf chose to kill this person, would you use the antidote? Would you choose to use the poison?]

After the electronic sound, the entire room suddenly fell silent. It was only after a lapse of considerably long time that it sounded again.

[The witch’s action ends!]

[The prophet, please act. Please select the player whose identity you want to examine!]

Another round of waiting, eventually, the electronic sound rang again.

[The action of the prophet ends, tonight’s operation ends, goodnight!]

It’s over?

Du Gang let out a sigh of relief.

This meant that the first night’s victim was already decided, and it was very likely player number 4!

It’s not necessarily. If the witch saved him, then no one would die!

However, the probability was low. Here, the game did cost lives. The witch would not be so kind. As long as she was not the one to be killed, the witch would certainly only save herself and not save others!

So, if number 4 is not the witch, he is doomed.

I just hope the Prophet doesn’t check number 4… Hm?

Du Gang paused, quickly realizing that the Wolfman acts first, and the Prophet follows, which implies there’s no chance for the Prophet to check everyone.

After all, when the Wolfman makes a move, there’s a distinctive characteristic: the sound of high heels tapping.

Although this sound is clear, in the quiet night, it is bright and audible to everyone.

So, the Prophet probably wouldn’t check number 4…

Upon this thought, Du Gang quickly shook his head, “That’s not necessarily true. If the sound is far away, we can hear it, but we may not be able to discern its position!”

Right now, they all have ordinary bodies, their hearing has been weakened. If it wasn’t for the shadow stopping in front of his door, he wouldn’t necessarily be able to pinpoint its location at door number 4.

It is because the Wolfman had once lingered at his door that he was able to create a virtual model in his mind, follow the sound outside, and determine the Wolfman’s location.


If the Prophet is not stupid, it is very likely that they will investigate their surroundings, which means to the left and right.

If I were the Prophet, and the sound started from the left, then it would undoubtedly be checked to the left.

By then, everyone can report the location where they heard the footsteps, and it would be determined where the Wolfman came from!

A slow smile appeared at the corner of Du Gang’s mouth.

With so many clues, the Prophet should have a high chance of finding the Wolfman…

Wait a minute!

Is it really that simple?

He frowned again. This is a high-risk task with a ninety-five percent mortality rate, is it that simple?

Du Gang was somewhat perplexed, feeling this task might not be so straightforward.

Just as he was about to continue thinking, a strong sense of fatigue came over him.

He felt helpless. At this moment, his soul was attached to an ordinary person, and the analysis he had just made had overtaxed this body.

Just as if an exceptionally large programme was placed in a tiny processor, a slight movement would be enough for the processor to crash.

“I can’t think anymore, or this head may not be able to handle it!”

Du Gang shook his head, finally understanding why the game was divided into day and night, it was designed for them to rest.

He sighed, estimated the dawn, gave himself a pre-wake hypnotic suggestion, then closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Five hours later.

Du Gang woke up from the darkness, opened his eyes, and everything around him remained unchanged, the whole room was still pitch black.

It probably would take about half an hour for daylight to break, a perfect opportunity to check for clues in this room.

He got up and started groping in the room with a faint light from the door.

The first thing he checked was the walls. Without any windows, the walls looked somewhat strange to him, making him wonder if there was any secret door or something.

After checking, he didn’t notice anything unusual. The walls were very smooth, and he couldn’t find even the tiniest crack.

As he walked, he suddenly stopped and returned to a corner. He measured his own foot size with his fingers, then began to walk towards the opposite wall.

While walking, he used a step width he had intentionally practiced before, which helped him calculate the distance.

Finally, he stopped in front of another wall.

“Eight and a half foots, a standard distance of 30 centimeters, that’s a total of 255 centimeters…”

Looking at this…

Before Du Gang entered the room, he had intentionally measured the distance between the two doors using his steps.

Moreover, he also separately measured the distances from the digital room and other rooms, and found out that each room was three meters apart.

Are the two walls 45 centimeters thick?

Du Gang raised his hand, gently knocking on the wall; it made a hollow sound. Judging by the sound, it didn’t seem hollow, more like it was 22.5 centimeters thick.

He nodded slightly, “As far as I can see, the walls are normal, there are no secret tunnels, or secret rooms, for now…”

After verifying the walls, he walked towards the bed he had slept in.

When he first arrived, all his attention was on the task requirement to sleep and the identity of the Wolfman, so he didn’t examine the bed carefully.

Now upon checking, he realized how crude the bed was: a completely wooden bed frame, a mattress placed on top, a thin quilt, and a hardwood pillow at the head of the bed.

Looking at the pillow, Du Gang was taken aback. This pillow didn’t look like a modern one; it seemed more like the ones often seen in historical dramas.

He moved forward, picked up the pillow, and checked it meticulously, he frowned.

“No traps?”

After checking and not finding any dips or rises, Du Gang carefully checked again. He couldn’t even find a single crack, as if it was a real wooden pillow.

“Knock, knock, knock!”

He gently tapped on it again, producing a deep sound, and confirmed that it was indeed a solid pillow!

Having put the pillow down, Du Gang started searching on the mattress.

After what felt like checking it over again with no noticeable oddities.

“Could I be overthinking?”

Du Gang frowned. As he saw it, since this is the Wolfman Kill game, there ought to be some clues, or some loopholes that seem like the Wolfman, right?

Just like after dawn, leaving some marks on the dead body, and then leaving some tools in another person’s room…

Thinking this, his gaze was drawn to the bedside table underneath the lamp.

The corner of his mouth twitched, “Could it be, inside this?”

At first, he knew there was a cupboard here, but he didn’t rush to move it. He just felt there probably wouldn’t be anything inside. Even if there were clues in the room, it wouldn’t be so blatantly left out.


After Du Gang opened the bedside cupboard, a strong and peculiar feeling surged in his heart.

In the cupboard he had just opened, a dagger lay quietly inside. There was no cover at all, as if it were mocking him. Here I have been waiting for you, but you have been searching for me all over the room…

Du Gang scratched his head, cast aside the mess of emotions in his mind for the moment, and then reached out and took the dagger.

The moment he grabbed it, he could tell that it was an ordinary dagger, entirely black and antique, feeling a bit coarse to the touch.

“The material used is iron, and this forging technique is too crude, isn’t it?”

With a casual touch, he determined that this was a common dagger. So common that if someone strong came along, another sharp weapon could easily break it.

[The day has dawned, all players can move freely!]

At that moment, the electronic sound echoed again.

Hearing the sound, Du Gang looked at the dagger in his hand, pondered for a moment, quickly put it back into the bedside cupboard, and restored the room to its original state before heading towards the door.

He opened the door, stuck his head out, and realized that, like him, everyone else was also peeking their heads out.

After ensuring there was no threat, everyone came out.

“It’s daytime!”

“Who died last night?”

“Look around to see if anyone is missing…”

Soon, everyone quickly noticed the unopened room door.

Just as Du Gang heard last night, it was room number 4!

All of them gathered around door number 4, looking at each other.

“Looks like the one who died last night could be number 4!”

“Let’s go in and check!”

Liang Chu, as always, took the lead, pushing the door open to enter.

Seeing this, others hurriedly followed him in.

Before long, the not-so-large room was crowded with people.

There on the single bed within the room, Number 4 was lying grotesquely. There was a dagger sticking out of his forehead, and he seemed utterly devoid of life.

The dagger…

Du Gang recognized it at a glance. It was identical to the dagger in his room.


From the side, Liang Chu had also noticed the dagger. He quickly reacted and briskly walked towards the bedside cabinet to take a look.

The others, who had naturally inspected their own rooms, showed similar expressions upon seeing his reaction.


Liang Chu revealed a frown after opening the cabinet, for it was completely empty.

From the side, Number 3 asked, “Do you also have a dagger in your room?”

Upon hearing this, Liang Chu slowly stood up, turned towards everyone, and asked, “You have all inspected your rooms, right? Inside the bedside cabinet, has everyone found a dagger?”

The crowd was taken aback, but they quickly responded. No one chose to conceal anything regarding this matter.


“There is also a dagger!”

“It’s very similar to this one!”

Liang Chu nodded, “In view of this, there are two possibilities!”

He glanced at Du Gang, who had been silently observing Number 4’s corpse, and said slowly, “First, this dagger was left by the Wolfman who killed him, and Number 4’s dagger was taken by the Wolfman!”

“The second possibility is that it’s not a wolfman who murdered, but a dagger!”

Du Gang closely examined the corpse and noticed that apart from Number 4’s horrific face, there were no other signs of movement.

“Did you notice anything?”

Fu Yangxia, Number 1, who had been keeping an eye on Du Gang’s actions, suddenly asked.

Instantly, everyone’s eyes turned towards Du Gang, curious about what this quick-witted person might have discovered.

Without hiding his findings, Du Gang crouched and sniffed, stating,”There are no signs of struggle. The deceased didn’t fight back. Apart from the strange expression on his face, there’s no reaction in his body…”

After sniffing, he shook his head, “There is no particular smell left…”

Then, he stretched out his hand and checked various parts of Number 4’s body, including his arms, joints, and other places.

“The body has begun to stiffen, death occurred more than 3 hours ago but less than 24 hours… based on the rigidity,”

He nodded affirmatively, “The approximate time of death could be determined. It must have happened when the Wolfman appeared last night!”

It couldn’t have been any earlier, as they had only been at this place for just over six hours, and Number 4 was alive at that time.

Hearing this, the crowd was impressed even though they didn’t fully understand. Someone asked, “There are still five hours until public execution, what should we do now?”

Liang Chu didn’t speak. Instead, he looked at Du Gang as if he wanted to see how he would handle the situation.

Seeing him silent, Du Gang said, “Everyone, let’s look around and see what rooms are here. If you find something, call out. In any case, gather in the conference room in an hour!”

When he descended, he saw the villa was quite large and it also had a second floor. Therefore, it’s a necessity to thoroughly explore the whole villa.


“Then, let’s take a look around!”

Not long after, the remaining eight people split into two teams — one heading to the left of the corridor, the other to the right.

Du Gang walked towards the right. Accompanying him were Fu Yangxia, Number 1, a player with number 3, and Nie Fei, number 5.

The relationships among the four were complicated. Fu Yangxia kept watching Du Gang, while Nie Fei had a love-struck expression whenever he looked at Fu Yangxia.

As for the player with number 3, he seemed to follow Du Gang aimlessly, appearing rather nonchalant.

Or perhaps, Du Gang’s analysis from yesterday unconsciously compelled him to follow along.

Du Gang glanced at the reactions of the three, didn’t pay much attention, and led the way towards Room Number 5.

The corridor was only one meter wide. All their numbered rooms were on the outer side of the corridor, and there were no doors on the inner side.

Soon, Du Gang passed Room 5 and continued walking forward. This time, it wasn’t just three meters, they had to walk for about eight meters to reach the living room and the briefing room.

Upon reaching this location, he looked back at the others and said, “Let’s go around the first floor first to see how many rooms there are.”

The stairs leading to the second floor were located in a corner of the living room. He was in no rush to ascend, preferring to complete a mental picture of the first floor’s layout and establish a virtual model. Thus, once they reach the second floor, they would be able to ascertain the positions of the rooms beneath.

“Why aren’t we going upstairs?”

Even though Nie Fei kept his attention on Fu Yangxia, he raised his question after hearing Du Gang’s words.

Du Gang shrugged off, “As you like, I’m just going to walk around here.”

With that said, he continued walking down the hallway.

Similarly, the distance between the living room and Room 6 was also about eight meters.

Last but not least, the corridor further shortens back to three meters when they approach Room 7.

Upon reaching this point, they meet Liang Chu and his group coming the opposite way.

“Didn’t you guys go upstairs?” Liang Chu asked, sounding a bit perplexed.

Du Gang and the others would naturally be the first to reach the second floor since they had started from Room 5, which was nearest to the living room, but they didn’t go upstairs.

Du Gang coughed and chuckled, “I have a mild case of compulsive disorder. I want to finish going around the first floor before proceeding to the second.”

Liang Chu nodded, didn’t say much, and left with the other three.

Watching their retreating figures, Du Gang suddenly noticed a strange coincidence.

Namely, the numbers of those in Liang Chu’s group were exactly 6, 7, 8, 9.

Whereas for his group, they were 1, 2, 3, 5; Number 4 was the victim from the first night.

While walking, Du Gang was mentally constructing a model.

Very soon, he stood before Room 9, and suddenly stopped in his tracks.

“What’s up?”

Number 3, who had been following Du Gang, almost collided with him when Du Gang stopped all of a sudden, and quickly asked.

But Du Gang was immersed in his thoughts.

He remembered hearing the sound of high heels coming from Room 9 yesterday. Then it proceeded towards Room 1 and then to his, passing by Room 3 and ultimately halting in front of Room 4.

He stared at the number on the door of Room 9, looking at the others ask, “You all heard the sound of high heels yesterday, didn’t you?”

“Where did you first hear it from and in which direction was it heading?”

Number 5, Nie Fei, was the first to respond, “The sound of the heels came from the left. I have no idea how far away it was…”

As he said this, he glanced at Fu Yangxia and continued, “That’s because this avatar is too average. Its hearing is poor, can’t even discern distances…”

After he finished speaking, Number 3 also nodded, “I also heard it from the left. I don’t know how far away.”

When it was Fu Yangxia’s turn, he suddenly grinned. Looking at Du Gang, he revealed a sinister smile.

“I heard the heels coming from the right…”

The room next to him on his right was Du Gang’s, number 2.

Taking into account both numbers 3 and 5’s stories, it concludes that Du Gang is the wolfman!

“Step, step!”

Both Number 3 and Number 5 instantly understood. Both backed away and nervously looked at Du Gang.

Number 3, in particular, looked terrified. With fear in his eyes, he looked Du Gang in the face and asked, “Are you the Wolfman?”