I’m A Wasteland Giant-Chapter 316 - 315: The World of the Red Task!

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Chapter 316: Chapter 315: The World of the Red Task!

Translator: 549690339

“Heavenly Court, assist me to reconstruct my flesh body!”

After reaching a thousand-meter position, Du Gang quickly entered the Heavenly Court space.

This was also his plan, relying on the Heavenly Court space to avoid his pursuers.

[Ding, detected rarity Gloomy Sun Grass, would you like to exchange it for a merit point?]

A merit point?

Du Gang was taken aback for a moment, then quickly rolled his eyes, “What a joke, this thing is worth just one merit point? Only a fool would exchange it with you!”

However, the light sphere in the space didn’t dwell on Du Gang’s words and quickly gave a response.

[Reconstructing the flesh body requires 100 merit points, would you like to consume 100 merit points?]


With his affirmation, a force of mistiness appeared, which enveloped his divine person. Subsequently, his body slowly emerged right before his eyes.

Even with his flesh body recovered, there was still some time before entering a new minor world.

“Should I eat the Gloomy Sun Grass now?”

Du Gang’s main concern was whether the absorption of Gloomy Sun Grass would take too much time, and whether he would be caught off guard when the task began.

Thinking about this, Du Gang turned his head to look at the light sphere and asked, “What’s the price for the cultivation space?”

In the past, he had seen an option to exchange for cultivation space while checking what the light sphere could exchange. He didn’t give much thought to it then.

[Cultivation space: 1 merit point/Minute]

“That’s expensive?”

Du Gang was surprised. He didn’t expect that one merit point would only be worth a minute. Calculating it this way, an hour would require 60 points, and a day would require 1440 merit points.

With his merit points, he could, at most, open the cultivation space for two days.

Should I do it?

Du Gang was still hesitating. Despite the abundance of merit points, what mattered were his capabilities, especially when he was in the Heavenly Court. If the task was not completed, he would die completely.

“With more than three thousand merit points, what can I do?”

He shook his head. Virtually nothing could be done as the points were too few, and the good stuff couldn’t be exchanged.

“But if I consume the Gloomy Sun Grass, my cultivation progress will increase by one percent!”

“I’m currently at the Third Tribulation divine person. An increase of one percent will boost my combat power from 1800 to 2400…”

2400 meant that when he used the Jie-Character Secret, his combat power could soar up to 24000!

With 24000 combat power, he would be able to handle most situations.

“The peak warriors also have a little over 20000 combat power under normal circumstances…”

With that thought, Du Gang grits his teeth and makes up his mind.

Merit points can be earned again once they are spent, but if his life is gone, it’s truly gone.

At this stage, consuming the Gloomy Sun Grass can maximize the enhancement of his cultivation and strength.

“Light Sphere, exchange one minute of cultivation space for me. If I’m still in the middle of cultivation, automatically extend the time for me!”

[Activating the cultivation space!]

In the next second, Du Gang’s vision became blurry. When he opened his eyes again, he was in an ancient and fragrant place.

A quiet room with a meditation cushion, and there were also various auxiliary tools that could be used during cultivation.

Without having the time to look around, he quickly began to practice World Creation, and simultaneously swallowed the Gloomy Sun Grass.


An intense energy suddenly flowed into his divine person, immediately followed by a strong sense of drowsiness. His eyes closed, and he fell into a deep sleep.

When he woke up again, he didn’t have any idea how much time had passed. It could’ve been an instant, or a long while.

Before he could figure out the situation, a small person who looked just like him emerged abruptly in his mind. The small person had no expression. The moment it appeared, it began to evolve the martial art techniques.

World Creation!

It was performed in the same way, but the martial art technique exhibited by the small person gave Du Gang a completely different feeling.

He understood, this was the effect of the Gloomy Sun Grass. Without any hesitation, he focused all his attention, observing every move and action of the small person for fear of missing out on something.

Actually, World Creation did not have any fixed moves. The learner could cut, chop, slap people with the blade face or hit people with the back of the blade.

What truly influences its power was a kind of indescribable charm.

Compared with ordinary martial art techniques, Du Gang felt that these Heavenly Level Cultivation Methods were more like a certain kind of fixed program.

Once the same frequency is found, it can be activated to release terrifying power.

Of course, it sounds easy, but in reality, it’s as hard as looking for a needle in the Pangu Universe.

The Gloomy Sun Grass was like a navigator with a positioning system, leading the user to remove the fog and reveal the truth.

Following the small person’s evolution, Du Gang’s clear enlightenment got more and more intense. His understanding of World Creation also deepened.

The distance between him and the small person grew shorter and shorter. It was as though he was standing at the periphery of a mirror and constantly moving closer.

Finally, when he got close enough to the small person, even to the point that he merged into the small person and started pulsating…


A ringing sound came into Du Gang’s ear, and he was shaken. His eyes regained their clarity and his sight became clear.

“Where is the small person?”

Upon waking up, the first thing on his mind was the small person – it was something he stole by risking his life and spent merit points to get.

The next second, he started to grin from ear to ear.

That’s because he realized that his martial art technique cultivation progress unknowingly reached 4%!

He did it!

Du Gang was elated. Immediately after, he remembered that he was still in the cultivation space. This wasn’t good as every extra minute spent there would result in a deduction of a substantial amount of merit points!

He hurriedly shouted, “Light Sphere, end the cultivation space!”

In the next second, his vision blurred again. He appeared to be back in the familiar independent Heavenly Court space.

The moment Du Gang came out, he quickly checked his merit points, then froze.

[Current merit points remaining: 3397]


He raised his eyebrow, “I remember I had 3400 merit points. I still have that many left?”

He was a little surprised. He didn’t expect that only three minutes had passed.

But, wasn’t that very good?

Du Gang immediately broke into a smile, “Well done, Gloomy Sun Grass!”

Before he could do anything else, the voice of the light sphere echoed again.

[You will be teleported to a level 2 Mini World in three minutes. Please prepare…]

[Specific task will start after reaching the target Mini World…]

Upon seeing this, Du Gang began to think about what he needed to prepare.

“These merit points… I really can’t exchange them for any amazing items…”

Suddenly, he thought of something and quickly found the exchange list and exchanged for a few items.

Three minutes passed in a flash. At the end of it, a teleportation force appeared and enveloped Du Gang. In the next second, he was already in a different world.

It was still a special space that existed independently of the world.

Just like last time, Du Gang was the first to appear this time as well.

“It seems I still have the least mission experience!”

“I wonder what kind of people my teammates will be this time!”

With such thoughts, Du Gang suddenly froze.

He noticed that the purple force, representing the power of the Heavenly Court, was combating the force from the small world below.

Resistance is normal, as the Heavenly Court needs to open a gateway to this minor world.

However, the issue is, the color of the oppositional force… it is red!


Du Gang’s eyes suddenly contracted.

He recalled from his last conversation with Tao Xuanzhu and others in the previous world that she had once experienced a world of nightmare-level difficulty.

A world where the world power manifested as red!

At that time, of the nine people on Tao Xuanzhu’s team, the other eight were all at the Third Tribulation level, yet only she survived due to good luck.

Not only her, but Kou Yingwu also had an experience with such a red world.

He said that if it were not for some Merit, he would already have died!

The worlds they experienced were different, but there was one common point: the color of the world power resisting Heavenly Court’s purple force was red!

“Does that mean, I’ve also encountered this legendary red world?!”

Du Gang frowned, pondering if there was some special implication in this.

According to Kou Yingwu, when he experienced the red world, he had already traversed through several other worlds, and his cultivation had reached the Third Tribulation level.

Whereas in Tao Xuanzhu’s case, it was her second world where she encountered the red world.

“This world… is also my second world, is there a correlation?”

Du Gang sank into deep thought, trying to find a connection.

“The common point is the Third Tribulation level!”

“Whether it’s Kou Yingwu or Tao Xuanzhu, the main force in their world were all gods of the Third Tribulation level!”

“Like Kou Yingwu, there were no people below the Third Tribulation level in his team, and in Tao Xuanzhu’s world, except for her, everyone else was of the Third Tribulation level!”

“Does this mean that this is a sort of test mission world targeted at gods of the Third Tribulation level?”

“The reason why Tao Xuanzhu was chosen in advance, could it be because her talent and potential were noticed by the Heavenly Court?”

Du Gang felt this was very likely. His performance in the previous world mission was outstanding, which meant that he might have been chosen by the Heavenly Court, hence encountering the red world.

Suddenly, he recalled a concept mentioned by Kou Yingwu before and blurted out, “Preparatory task world!”

He remembered Kou Yingwu saying that the Heavenly Court system had given him a hint that completing a task world would unlock the promotion process.

This implied…

“In other words, my teammates might have already reached the Third Tribulation god stage and are one step away from breaking through?”

“And I am, like Tao Xuanzhu back then, considered a special talent and consequently selected by the Heavenly Court system to prematurely experience this terror?”

What’s the benefit?

The Heavenly Court wouldn’t only present danger without corresponding benefits.

Tao Xuanzhu…

He carefully recalled Tao Xuanzhu and the words she had said at the time.

“Normal combat power is around 11,000, normal bursts can reach 20,000, if I exhaust my source explosion, combat power can reach 30,000!”

Thinking about these words, Du Gang furrowed his eyebrows.

“Kou Yingwu can only reach just over 20,000 when he bursts, although it’s possible he was also hiding his power, but the gap between Tao Xuanzhu and Kou Yingwu is two levels…”

Did she really have this strength before she entered the Heavenly Court?

Du Gang shook his head, “Not necessarily!”

If Tao Xuanzhu had such power before entering the Heavenly Court, she wouldn’t have stayed anonymous.

Before entering the Heavenly Court, he saw one of the individuals on the Human Ranking make a move on the platform.

The attack that person released had an attack strength of as much as 30,000 Naer, which was not much different from Tao Xuanzhu when she used her source explosion. Likewise, a combat power of 30,000 seemed to be just 10,000 higher than 20,000, but the strength was as if they were of two different tiers.

That near-peak powerhouse at the time was killed instantly without any resistance.

“Therefore, by this logic, it is very likely that Tao Xuanzhu received some benefits in the red world, which is why she has the ability to use the source explosion!”

Based on his experiences, many know how to burst, but those who know how to use source explosion are few, you could even say they were as rare as a phoenix feather or unicorn horn.

Looking at it this way, Tao Xuanzhu’s source explosion method is likely something she obtained after completing the red task world.

As for Kou Yingwu, although he also experienced the red world, he did not complete it at that time, and only survived by relying on a bit of Merit, naturally, he did not receive any rewards.

“So, the reward for this mission is possibly very abundant?!”

Du Gang analyzed for a good five or six minutes, but in this space, he was still the only one.

“Now I can basically confirm that this is a preparatory task and that all my other teammates are all gods of the Third Tribulation level!”

Finally, in the seventh minute, the force of teleportation resurfaced and a familiar figure emerged.

“It’s you?! Sissy!”

Du Gang’s mouth twitched, he didn’t expect to see a ‘familiar face’.

In front of him, the handsome man who he had a verbal altercation with at the platform previously appeared once again!


Upon appearing, the handsome man saw Du Gang and revealed an astonished expression. Quickly, he expressed his disgust, “You just won’t give up, even on coming to this place…”

Du Gang rolled his eyes, “Who won’t give up? I entered first!”

Just as the two were about to start another argument, the teleportation force reappeared again, seeing this, both of them instinctively shut up.

In such places, it’s still better to hide some personal information to prevent being exploited by others.

The newly emerged person wore a suit of black clothes and looked cold and aloof. As expected by Du Gang, this guy was also a god of the Third Tribulation level.

Upon appearing, he did not greet Du Gang or the handsome man. He simply stood in place, waiting silently.

As expected, one after another people were teleported in.

In just a few minutes, six more people joined, and the area suddenly became lively. Including Du Gang, there were now nine people present.

The ninth person was a burly man who looked like Kou Yingwu. After entering, he glanced at the resisting force from the world below and said, “We already passed ten minutes, no more people will be coming in, let’s all give a quick self-introduction!”

From his words, Du Gang instantly grasped the crucial piece of information, that is, no one is teleported after the tenth minute!

“My name is Liang Chu, 7 task worlds completed, good at long-range attacks!”

Very brief, only name, world count, and his abilities.

Soon, the people standing there began to introduce themselves in order of arrival.

“My name is Li Qing, 7 task worlds completed, good at close-range combat!”

Quickly, the first seven people finished their introductions, and it was the handsome man’s turn.

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Just like with Du Gang, all eyes turned to him.

This time, among the nine people, the personality traits of eight people were pretty obvious, and they were all men.

Only for this handsome man, although he had an Adam’s apple, his face was too pretty, making it somewhat hard to determine.

The pretty guy seemed to be accustomed to such attention, and he calmly said, “My name is Fu Yangxia, 4 task worlds completed, good at close combat…”

He paused for a moment, then added, “I am a man!”

Everyone present was momentarily speechless, with many showing odd looks of loss on their faces.

This Fu Yangxia was just too devastatingly handsome, it seemed somewhat regrettable for such a face to be on a man.

Just then, a man not too far from Fu Yangxia excitedly stepped forward, reaching out a hand, “Hello, Fu Yangxia, I’m Nie Fei. Can we be friends?”


Fu Yangxia rejected him promptly, even stepping backward with an expression of disgust.

Nie Fei didn’t seem to take offense, instead looking even more excited, as though your rejection of him only delighted him more.

The crowd twitched at the sight.

It was clear that Nie Fei’s sexual orientation was different from the norm!

Liang Chu shook his head, shaking off the stray thoughts in his mind, and looked at Du Gang, saying, “Your turn!”

Without hesitation, Du Gang said, “My name is Du Gang. I’ve done one task world, and I’m good at reasoning.”

He didn’t hide his number of task completions. Doing so could lower the guard of others. By declaring his specialty in reasoning, he emphasized his role in the team.

“Just once?”

All eyes turned to him immediately, each person displaying varied expressions.

Among these people, there were those who were curious, doubtful, understanding, and those who remained indifferent. Du Gang quickly memorized their reactions.

Liang Chu was once again the first to voice his surprise. “You’re good at reasoning?”

It was the first time he had heard anyone describing their strength in this way.

Upon hearing his question, everyone else also reacted and looked at Du Gang.

After all, having the skill of reasoning suggests that he might be a wise man.

During their numerous journey through task worlds, these veterans would occasionally encounter some wise men who were undoubtedly powerful.

“Yes, I am good at reasoning!”

After Du Gang answered, he glanced at the progress of the two opposing forces below and found that there were only thirty seconds left before they would be drawn into the mini-world.

He quickly asked, “Have any of you ever been into such a red world before?”

As he spoke, he observed everyone’s expressions carefully.

He found that apart from Liang Chu and Li Qing who were relatively calm, everyone else seemed confused and at a loss. Some even asked, “When you say ‘red world,’ do you mean the force of the red world below?”

Upon seeing everyone’s reactions, Du Gang had some closure. Only Liang Chu and Li Qing knew what the red world represented. If they hadn’t experienced it themselves, they must have encountered others who had survived the red world.

Someone asked confusedly, “Could it be that the color beneath represents something special?”

Apart from Du Gang, everyone present had experienced at least eight tasks and yet the majority of them did not understand the implications.

Indeed, considering the high death rate of the red world, genuine survivors were quite rare.

Like Kou Yingwu, who just happened to have some merit left, there probably weren’t many others.

According to the regular difficulty of the task, these people were likely to exchange their accumulated merit points for cultivation or other resources as soon as possible, seldom keeping particles on them.

Du Gang nodded seriously and said, “Yes, it does carry a special significance!”

“The Red World is different from the ordinary task world. It is a terrifying world with a death rate of fifty percent…”

“Fifty percent?”

All of a sudden, except for Liang Chu and Li Qing, everyone else frowned at the figure, somewhat puzzled.

Even Liang Chu and Li Qing looked surprised, but their confusion was different from that of the others.

The pair obviously knew about the Red World and was fully aware of its death rate, so they wondered why Du Gang understated it.

Du Gang nodded and said, “Yes, the death rate in the Red World is extremely high. I’m telling you this so that we all can unite and avoid internal strife…”

The more he said this, the more puzzled Liang Chu became.

If he wanted people to realize the dangerous nature of the Red World, why didn’t he tell them the truth that the death rate is actually more than ninety-five percent?

Did he genuinely not know, or was he doing it deliberately?

If deliberate, then why?

After finishing his speech, Du Gang looked down again at the opposing forces below, finding only a few seconds left, he fell silent.

He had achieved his goal.

Originally, the aim of telling everyone that he had only completed one task world was to make them realize his uniqueness.

When everyone else has experienced eight or nine task worlds, and a guy who has only completed one task sneaks into the team, it seems extraordinary.

In addition, he mentioned specifically that he excels at reasoning, which would allow him to conveniently hide among the crowd when encountering danger.

Besides, he also understated the danger level of the Red world a bit to prevent anyone from collapsing under the pressure and causing chaos.

A fifty percent death rate, neither high nor low, was within everyone’s acceptable range. At least, if half of the people die, everyone could accept it.

In the Red World, it’s impossible to not have casualties. Du Gang just hoped that he could survive. As for the others, if it wouldn’t affect him personally, he would save them if possible, but wouldn’t force it if not possible after all he wasn’t a saint!

Just then, the confrontation between the red and purple forces below ended.

[The world is opening, please enter the Play World within one minute…]

[Task Mode: Descent!]

[Everyone will descend into ordinary humans’ bodies…]

[Wolfman Kill]

[Nine people in total, split into two camps, the “Good People” Camp and the “Werewolf” Camp…]

[The “Good People” Camp consists of: one Prophet, one Witch, one Hunter, and five Villagers.]

[The “Evil” Camp has: one Werewolf!]

[The Werewolf, can come out at night to kill one person.]

[Prophet: After dark, gets one chance to check another player’s identity.]

[Witch: Owns one bottle of antidote and one bottle of poison. The antidote can save the person killed by the Werewolf, and the poison can kill whoever you suspect to be the Werewolf.]

[Hunter: Upon death, has one chance to take another person down with him. Note: If the person taken down is the Werewolf, then the Hunter revives.]

[Villager: You have to find the hidden Werewolf and bring him to justice.]

[Task: “Good People” Camp, find the Werewolf and vote to kill him. “Evil” Camp: Kill all other people.]

[Reward: One Merit Point.]

[Death Penalty: Erasure!]

“Huh? What’s going on?”

All nine of them were stunned. Listening to the voice in their ears and looking at the task list, they were stunned.

None of them had ever encountered a task like this, all their faces showing confusion.

“Descent? Does it mean stripping us of our physical bodies, leaving only our souls down there?”

“And what the hell is this Wolfman Kill game?”

[Please enter the Play World within thirty seconds, or be erased!]

As the crowd panicked, the electronic voice sounded again, leaving them no choice but to head towards the Play World below.




As everyone passed through the Play World, they all felt a force of seal, and then their souls were stripped out, flying out of their deified bodies, then out of their physical bodies, and then sheltered by the purple force belonging to the Heavenly Court, gently drifting downward.

“What is that place?”

Du Gang’s soul was enclosed by the purple power, slowly drifting towards what looked like a villa.

This villa was unique, surrounded by a terrifying red power that took the semblance of a sea of blood, freely roaming around the villa’s perimeter.

On the wall of the villa, a purple energy acted as a shield, seemingly separating it from the invasion of the red power.

“Is this the power of the red world?”

Even as he was encompassed by the Heavenly Court’s purple power, Du Gang felt a strong shock.

This a power full of destruction, brutality, and tearing. The resulting terror made Du Gang feel a little afraid, even worried that the purple power holding him might break.

“Hiss, hiss!”

His fear came true, the purple power wrapping his physical body began to tremble, as if being corroded by the red power, making an unpleasant sound.

“Faster, come on faster!”

At this moment, Du Gang could not help but feel anxious, hoping that the purple power would deliver him faster.

Luckily, their location wasn’t too far from the villa below. Before the purple power dissipated, all nine of them safely entered the villa’s front gate.


There was a loud noise, and the villa’s front door closed tightly.

Despite that, everyone could still sense the horror of the blood-red power outside through the cracks of the door.

“Is this the red world?”

A somewhat fearful voice echoed out.

As this voice sounded, Du Gang froze.

They were all in a soul state, how could they be making noises?

He glanced around and saw eight guys who looked exactly as they did before.

“Wait, didn’t they say our bodies were left on top?”

Surprised that he could speak, he quickly reacted, and looking down, he found a young body beneath his chin.

It turns out that their souls had already attached themselves to an ordinary human body upon entering the villa.

Seeing this, Du Gang casually pinched his attached body, finding it very similar to a typical human’s.

Of course, to him, a regular human body would be similar to those of people on Earth.

But the others…

“What’s going on?”

“Why are they so weak?!”

Everyone else began testing the body they were attached to.

“This is an ordinary human body?”

“There’s no power at all?!!”

“This is just a weak toy that looks like us!”

Hearing this, Du Gang didn’t say anything, instead he just pretended to test it out too.

He hadn’t forgotten about this mission; it was a Wolfman Kill!

Although he didn’t know why game-like themes would appear in the mission world, he dared not to take them lightly.

If it was truly a Wolfman Kill game, then caution was needed. Otherwise, any discrepancy would make him stand out as the wolfman.

Right, it seems like they didn’t tell me my role yet!

Du Gang felt puzzled, apparently, the system didn’t inform him of his role.

Just as he was thinking, an electronic sound different from the system echoed through the villa.

[Please arrive at the central conference room within one minute to select your identity.]

Following the sound, the noise from the people finally ceased.

“Select our identity in the central conference room?”

Du Gang was regretting that he claimed to be good at reasoning beforehand. Otherwise, he could be hiding and keeping a low profile now.

But it can’t be helped, since he confessed his skills at reasoning in the beginning, he couldn’t change it now.

“Everyone, we all understand the mission. Right now, the most important thing is to go to the central conference room to select our identities. We can discuss how to play and how to complete the mission once the identities are done, right?!”

With what he said, everyone calmed down, nodded one after another, and following Liang Chu who took the lead, everyone followed.

Although Du Gang was the first to remind people to select their identities, he was the last to leave the living room.

He was memorizing the furniture placement in the room!

Regardless of whether it would be helpful, getting details right was his usual habit.

As he left the living room, he hesitated for a moment.

Outside the living room, to the left and right, were paths about one meter wide. And right ahead was a conference room with double doors.

The conference room wasn’t big; there was a round table at the center and a water dispenser in the corner.

The moment Du Gang saw the round table, subconsciously, he started counting the chairs.

Exactly nine! For the nine of them!

[Please sit in the seat corresponding to the number on your clothes.]

As another notification rang out, everyone checked their clothes.

Everyone’s collar had a two-centimeter number, numbering from 1 to 9.

Du Gang looked down; his number was 2, meaning he was Player 2.

Simultaneously, he quickly found the chair with the number 2 and sat down.

The chair was very simple, as if it was pulled out of a factory about to go bankrupt. It looked like just six iron rods with a wooden board stuck in the middle.

At this time, no one had time to pay attention to that.

Soon, everyone sat down nervously in their positions.

[Please remember your identity within three seconds.]

Another electronic sound echoed, followed by an old-fashioned camera-like object appearing from the ceiling above each person’s chair.

There was a shell that could completely cover a person in front of this camera. This was to prevent others from peeking.

Without needing to be prompted, everyone consciously put their heads up to it, with their eyes affixed to the two round black lenses that looked like binoculars.

These black lenses were very special as you couldn’t see anything without getting close.

But once you get close, you could see some text.

Du Gang, who knew how to play Wolfman Kill, was continuously repeating in his mind.

‘Have an identity!’

‘Have an identity!’

He had played Wolfman Kill on Earth; it was a game where the players with key roles could more easily decide the game.

Having an identity and not having an identity were almost like two different games.

Whether it is the prophet, the witch, or the hunter, they all had an easier time determining who the wolfman was.

Unlike the villagers, they are flying blind, seeing everyone as a wolfman.

When Du Gang saw the text behind the black lens, he couldn’t help but sigh.

He was a villager…