I’m A Wasteland Giant-Chapter 263 - 262: Fisherian Profits!

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Chapter 263: Chapter 262: Fisherian Profits!

Translator: 549690339

“It’s appeared!”

At this moment, Du Gang, standing on the altar’s stone platform, suddenly became excited.

In the virtual map, a red chess piece appeared at the location of the Big Dragon pit, indicating that the Big Dragon had respawned!

“Get Ready…”

Du Gang quickly drew out his Ancient Divine Spear, but soon, he put it away again.

This time, the main goal was to snatch and steal the essence, so there was no need for weapons.

He planned to activate the Jie-Character Secret, relying solely on speed for the snatch, not engaging in combat.

All actions were based on profit!

“One essence is worth one Naer’s divine power. In the outside world, it would be worth ten thousand divine crystals. I am not a fool, killing a member of the Demon Clan, the body would only be worth a hundred divine crystals…”

Although Du Gang was saying this, his attention was entirely focused on the virtual map. This was a crucial moment; he had to teleport over the moment the Big Dragon died, otherwise, someone else would likely snatch all the essence.

Last time at the Big Dragon pit, the Big Dragon seemed to have died in less than a minute…

Um… it should have been only about ten seconds, right?

With that thought in mind, Du Gang swallowed hard again. These few seconds were nerve-wracking for him as they determined how much essence he could get.

Especially the first time, which was most important. Since this was his first appearance, the Demon Clan side definitely had no defense, so he could take more. If there were a next time, the Demon Clan would be prepared, and it would not be so easy for him to take.

On the virtual map, there were not many members of the Demon Clan attacking the Big Dragon, just over a hundred, all Controllers.

Their departure did not change the front-line battlefield situation. The Demon Clan still had the upper hand.

However, these more than one hundred Controllers took much longer to kill the Big Dragon than before. What was accomplished in ten or so seconds before now took twenty seconds, yet the Big Dragon still lived.

“These guys, they’re too slow…”

Du Gang’s nerves were taut, ready to teleport at any moment.

Finally, when he felt as though he could hardly contain his anxiety any longer, the red chess piece representing the Big Dragon on the virtual map disappeared in an instant.

“The Big Dragon is dead!”

Seeing this, Du Gang chose to teleport immediately.


This time, before teleporting, he targeted an area in the Red Earth with the most vacant space.

The one hundred-plus members of the Demon Clan, who had besieged the Big Dragon, could not cover the Red Earth entirely, which provided him with many opportunities.


With a flash of white light, Du Gang instantly appeared on the Red Earth. Not far from him were more than a hundred members of the Demon Clan.


Without caring about anything else, his eyes spotted the essence that had fallen and floated on the ground. Without saying a word, he activated the Jie-Character Secret.

Ten-fold strength boost!

Ten-fold speed!


The spot where he was just standing suddenly collapsed into a pit the size of a bowl, and his whole body, like a teleportation, appeared on the ground nearby in an instant.

He looked down, reached out, and “Snap!” Smoothly, an essence was caught in his hand.

At this moment, among the hundred-plus members of the Demon Clan present, not one had obtained even a single essence. They hadn’t even noticed Du Gang.

“Snap!” “Snap!”

He picked up two more essences in quick succession, and finally, someone spotted him.


A member of the Demon Clan exclaimed, “There’s a human!”

At these words, the hundred-plus members of the Demon Clan were taken aback, then quickly became angry.

“Damn it, a human is stealing our essence, get him!”

At this moment, the Demon Clan members halted their actions and charged towards Du Gang.


The fastest Demon Clan member, without hesitation, unleashed an attack that reached two hundred Naer’s divine power.


This divine power attack came swiftly, aimed straight at Du Gang who was frantically picking up the essence.

Just as he was rejoicing the imminent victory, he was taken aback.

He saw the human face lift, revealing a grin. Next, he found that the human had dodged his attack in an unfathomable speed.


While the divine power attack had a locking effect, its tracking level was low, and its own speed too fast. After being dodged by Du Gang, the powerful attack hit the ground instead.

“Thump!” A loud noise, and a huge pit was smashed into the ground.

“He dodged it!”

The Demon Clan member was taken aback, he didn’t think that the human could slip away.

“Chase him!”

Just as he thought that Du Gang was going to escape from the Red Earth, Du Gang made an unexpected move.

Du Gang started to move around the outer perimeter of the Red Earth, dodging the Demon Clan members. While sprinting and dodging, his hands moved swiftly, continuously picking up the essence.

“Damn it, he’s got quite a few essences!”

“Those are ours…”

The Controllers at the frontline numbered in the thousands, while they were only over a hundred here and could not visit daily. They had already agreed that the Controllers would take turns to come and acquire essence.

This meant that the next visit to kill the Big Dragon and collect essence would not be for at least a week.

“It’s fine, kill him, and there won’t be a problem…”

“The essence can’t enter the body world!”

There were people among the Demon Clan who remained calm and quickly assessed the current situation.

As long as they killed Du Gang, their essences would stay here.

Suddenly, the Demon Clan members were all spread out, surrounding Du Gang.

And Du Gang, regardless of consequences, was crazily grabbing the essence.

At this moment, he began to feel grateful for having sewn a dozen pockets for the sake of grabbing the divine artifact during his time at the Academy.

At this moment, he didn’t need to worry about where to keep the essence, he just shoved it into his pockets.

Luckily, the essence was not large, about the same size as the divine crystals, and even if one held several thousand essences, it wouldn’t be a problem.


Even though the Demon Clan members knew that the essence would stay here after Du Gang’s death, they were still a bit annoyed watching him continuously grab essence.

Because that was their essence!


Soon, three more members of the Demon Clan intercepted Du Gang, quickly unleashing powerful attacks.

Looking at these three attacks, Du Gang had another idea.

According to his ability to dodge the tracking of divine power, based on speed, and the difficulty for the original owner to control the divine power after it was released, he planned to use angles and positions to make these three divine powers collide with each other…

Just as he was about to test it out, suddenly his eyes felt hot. Instantly, streaks of blood color appeared again in his right eye.

This time, not only did his right eye appear blank, but it also had a deeper and more profound charm.

“Sound of water!”

In that instant, Du Gang was stunned.

Because at that moment, a strange scene appeared in his eyes.

Just like the overall linear image from a computer simulation, in front of his right eye, the trajectories of the three attacking divine powers actually appeared.

Not only that, it even marked the potential paths the divine powers would deviate to under the manipulations of the original owners.

The current trajectory was marked with a red line, while the possible alternative paths were enveloped with a green line. Other than that, there were influences from other weak powers marked in various colors, but they were way too weak to be worth mentioning.

How fucking great!

At this moment, Du Gang admired the scene in his eyes from the bottom of his heart.

This was not the first time the ominous eye had helped him.

There had been two instances in the past where it had come forward to help him out of a difficult situation during a critical moment.

However, before, at most it helped him see through someone’s true form or identify the origin, but now, it could even show him the results calculated by a supercomputer regarding the trajectory of the enemy’s divine power attacks.

He didn’t bother thinking about whether the ominous eye had any side effects. What will be, will be. If it benefits him, he’ll use it!

Without saying another word, he started dodging in accordance with the linear image he saw with his eyes.

“Boom, boom, boom!!!”

The three attacks collided all at once, then annihilated after hitting each other.

Du Gang saw the point where their three attacks intersected from the linear image and easily led them to attack each other, successfully escaping the deadly barrage.

“It seems I can stall for a while longer…”

Du Gang had originally planned to go back to the podium, but now it seemed that he could snatch a few more essences.

After dodging the three attacks, he didn’t bother to check whether the other demons were surprised or shocked, instead, he quickly reached out for more essences.



Seeing this, the hordes of the Demon Clan roared in anger, chasing him in frenzy.

There were too many of them, over a hundred. Even though Du Gang could see everyone’s trajectory, including their divine power techniques, he was still surrounded within five seconds in the middle and had no space to dodge anymore.

Five seconds, this was an incredible number.

Being hunted and hemmed in by a hundred strong enemies and being able to hold on for five seconds, that would be impossible for anyone else.

After all, their attacks were very strong, each attack was powerful enough to kill Du Gang.

But astonishingly, he dodged all of their attacks and not a single one could touch him after five seconds even though they released almost three hundred attacks.

He was like a butterfly fluttering in a flower field, moving around with twisting movements, dodging all of their attacks.

“You’re dead now!”

One of the demon tribes snarled with vicious laughter, roared loudly, and launched another attack.

The other demons did the same, releasing their attacks simultaneously.

Meanwhile, Du Gang, who was surrounded by them in the center, had a faint smile in the corner of his mouth.


The moment the attacks were about to hit him, he vanished.

When he appeared again, he was already on the altar.

Upon reaching the altar, Du Gang threw away the essence and quickly started looking for another empty spot in the red soil.

He was not planning to give up just yet, there were many more essences in the red soil, and the hundred something demons had just run to one corner chasing him and now was his chance to go the other way.


Without hesitation, he quickly activated the teleportation feature, and in a flash, he appeared in another area of the red earth farthest from the demons.

Essences! Essences!

At this moment, Du Gang didn’t have the time to strike a pose, he turned into lightning again and crazily picked up the essences on the ground.

On the other side, the demons didn’t know that Du Gang had teleported and their colourful divine power lights were splendid, making it hard for them to see the situation in the center clearly.

So, they all assumed that Du Gang was dead, and started laughing.

“Where is the essence?”

When the light in the center of the explosion died away, the members of the Demon Clan were stunned.

The man was gone, but the essence was also gone!

“Impossible, essences are products of the abyss, they couldn’t be destroyed…”

One demon tribe member who had obsessive-compulsive disorder added: “Even if they can be destroyed, it’s not something we are capable of!”

At this point, a demon who happened to be facing Du Gang’s direction was staring wide-eyed at Du Gang hundreds of meters away.

“Over there!”

With his shout, the demons finally discovered Du Gang.


All of them were flabbergasted, not knowing how Du Gang got over there.

However, this was followed by even more anger!

“He’s actually still stealing essence!”

“Damn it, kill him!”

At this moment, more than a hundred controller-level demons were enraged!

Those essences were their spoils of war!

Tens of thousands of demons on the frontline were engaged in a battle with the humans, and nearly a hundred thousand people were involved in the war, all for those essences, right?

And now, the human side actually sent someone to cut in!

This was unforgivable!

Every demon’s heart was filled with anger, their eyes burning like furnaces.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!”

A few hundred meters wasn’t a long distance. With their speed, they could reach Du Gang in four to five seconds.

But in those four to five seconds, Du Gang was able to pick up quite a few essences.


The demon in the front of the pack was a top-level warrior capable of releasing two hundred divine power techniques. At this moment, he let out his most powerful attack, filled with rage.

Two hundred divine power technique attacks!



This attack was incredibly swift, even the air was displaced creating a bizarre sound wave.

But alas, it was futile!

Du Gang dodged it again, as he did before, just before the attack was about to hit.

In Du Gang’s eyes, this demon could even see a hint of mockery.

“I’m so infuriated!”

This demon, filled with rage, spoke some dialect impulsively.

Upon hearing this, the other demons looked at him in surprise.

The members of their Demon Clan weren’t all from the same place, they all had their dialects, on a daily basis they communicated in the common language of the Demon Clan. Hence, that ‘I’m so infuriated’ seemed quite novel to them.

Despite this oddity in their minds, they didn’t stop advancing and continued chasing Du Gang.




Divine power techniques with over a hundred power levels were used wildly as if they were free.

If others saw this scene, they would definitely think he was crazy.

Because amidst these dense attacks, a figure was constantly moving, resembling someone dancing on a high wire, exceptionally crazy!

At this moment, Du Gang had already deactivated the Jie-Character Secret.

Besides using it at the beginning for five seconds, he canceled it as soon as he started seeing all sorts of lines with his eyes.

Now, he was purely relying on his own speed and eyes to evade the attacks.

“This guy is too strong!”

At this moment, everyone had the same thought.

Even though Du Gang did not display any attacks making it impossible to judge his strength, the way he escaped alone was exceedingly powerful!

“Could it be, he’s someone who retreated from the second layer of the abyss?”

They couldn’t help but think so, because this kind of skill was astonishing, just like a work of art.

If this was on Earth, such jumps could even be declared as an intangible cultural heritage.

In fact, they were quite certain that Du Gang was someone who returned from the second layer of the abyss.

Because such a strong person, if they stayed in the first layer of the abyss all this time, they would definitely know.

In fact, Du Gang appeared once in the Big Dragon Pit a dozen days ago, also noticed by the Demon Clan.

But just as he was blind to the demons, the demons were blind to him.

Members of the two races could hardly recognize each other unless they had unique features, such as extra dragon horns or distinct eagle-hooked noses. Otherwise, ordinary humans and demons would not be recognized by the respective race.

Du Gang’s face, in their eyes, was quite ordinary, a typical human face!

While sighing, the Demon Clan continued their attack, and five seconds later, they again intercepted Du Gang, blocking him at the central position.

“This time, you can’t escape, right?!”


Every member of the Demon Clan, holding back their anger, were bothered by Du Gang who disrupted their feast of essence absorption. Now, all their pent-up frustration was about to be released.


One after another, the brilliant, colorful lights shot out towards Du Gang from various tricky angles.

The Demon Clan weren’t fools; they knew he had some kind of evasion technique, so all their attacks were strangely angled according to their own understanding.

Heh heh!

Du Gang chuckled silently, he didn’t waste time evading, he chose to return directly.

In fact, he could dodge according to the guiding lines displayed by his eyes, but there was no point.

He came here just for the essence, there was no need to waste time showing off!

Moreover, his audience was the Demon Clan, with whom he couldn’t communicate, which took a lot of fun out of it.

In his view, there was no point in showing off if there was no one he knew watching!

The moment he returned to the altar, Du Gang quickly teleported again.

This time, he chose to appear at the furthest location from the Demon Clan on the Red Earth.

“Shush shush!”

The instant he appeared, he resumed collecting essences.


Having experienced similar situations before, the demons immediately started looking for him after their attack, and sure enough, they saw Du Gang emerge on another patch of Red Earth.

“Damn it, what’s up with this guy?”

“Teleportation, he definitely has teleportation!”

“What should we do?”

“We are no match for him!”

One of the demons furrowed his brow: “How about we divide our forces? Have some go after him and some pick up essences?”

At this moment, they had clarified the situation. If they continued this way, all the essences would be picked up by that human.

So, they were planning to adjust their strategy.

“Who will go after him?”

At this moment, the selfish nature of humans was revealed.

Even though the demons carry the word ‘demon’, they are essentially human-shaped with their own civilization and language.

Human nature is not exclusive to humans but is inherent in all intelligent life!

The next second, all the demons compromised. None of them went after Du Gang, they all crazily began picking up the essences on the ground.

Chase after Du Gang?

Even if they caught up, what about his teleportation? He would escape, wouldn’t he?

As for killing him, it was simply impossible. If more than a hundred of them couldn’t kill him, how could they with just over fifty?

As for the issue of compensating for the essences, let’s talk about it later. Now, whoever grabs the essence owns it!

Although ordinary demons lacked intelligence, those with over a hundred power levels were very clever. They quickly judged the pros and cons and made their choice.

So, more than a hundred demons and a single human began harmoniously scraping up essences in the Red Earth.

Each Big Dragon could only drop over a thousand essences.

After two rounds of Du Gang’s scavenging, not many essences remained. In just three seconds, all the essences in the field disappeared and ended up in the pockets of everyone present.

When everyone stopped, they looked at each other.

The demons were somewhat confused, not knowing what to do next.

Chase after him?

Be toyed with by this human?

Fortunately, Du Gang resolved their dilemma by disappearing instantly after his meaningful smile.


Looking at the missing Du Gang, all the demons on the field sighed in relief.

Standing with such a strange human made them feel a bit chilled.

Because with such an opponent, you don’t know how strong he is, or what other impressive methods he possesses.

“What should we do now?”

One of the demons was stunned for a moment before asking the question everyone was confused about.

However, no one responded, they were all confused and didn’t know how to handle it.

After a while, a demon sighed and suggested, “Anyhow, let’s head to the front and continue fighting, then inform others and brainstorm…”

“Guess we have no choice…”

When they returned to the front lines, the battle was almost over.

Just like before, the humans were defeated again and were being pursued on a large scale.

Although the humans had a larger number, they lacked strong individuals by a third compared to the opponents, which was key to their defeat.

The Controllers in the Demon Clan were too many making it easy for them to kill the Destroyers.

Finally, after pursuing for tens of miles, the Demon Army stopped and returned to the Big Dragon Pit.

“Hahaha, that was exciting!”

All the members of the Demon Clan laughed, overjoyed.

This time, they won again, which meant they would be rewarded again.

“Send out the news, have those who are reincarnating return to the battlefield soon after…”

“Also, go to the river channels and wilderness to muster forces…”

Upon discovering that the humans had summoned a number of fodder Destroyers, the Demon Clan was naturally not foolish, and also began to gather their forces.

Just as the several commanders gave their orders, the hundred or so Demons from Red Earth who were assigned to slay dragons came over.

“So, how does it feel for a hundred or so of you to consume a thousand essence, exciting or not?!!”

A top level star from the Demon Clan chuckled.

It was his idea to go and slay the dragons of different Demons in batches every day.

Over a hundred demons looked at one another, saying unanimously, “We ran into trouble…”

Soon, they recounted everything that had happened on Red Earth.


The demons who had gathered near the commander were all top-level powerhouses, all of them were eligible to slay dragons, so after hearing this, they all voiced their doubts.

“How is it possible for a single human to escape under your attacks from hundreds of people?”

“Are you toying with us?!”

“Yes, did you see us winning on the front line and wanted to have a little fun?!”

No one believed their story, they all thought it was a joke.

But then, they all furrowed their brows.

Becuase they realized this group of over a hundred demons wasn’t laughing. In fact, they wore severe expressions that seemingly mocked those who didn’t believe their encounter.


Everyone was quiet for a while, and a top-level Demon commander asked, “Is all of this really true?!”

After hearing this, over a hundred of the formerly Red Earth-based elites nodded, “Yes, it’s true, I swear on the name of the Master Demon!”

The Master Demon is the leader of the Demon Clan, their spiritual symbol, taking an oath upon such a name would certainly be sincere.

Other demons became serious and realized that they were telling the truth.

“Are you certain he all at once teleported to the other side?”

“Yes, he teleported at least several hundred meters in a single instance!”

“Do you have any footage?”

“Yes, I’ve recorded it with the Recording Stone…”

Soon, everyone started watching the footage.

After viewing the entire recording, they were completely flabbergasted.

“There’s really a human that can teleport at the First Tribulation God Spirit Level!”

They were shocked, and someone asked, “Could this human… have come down from the second layer of the abyss?”

“It’s possible!”

“That’s what we thought at the time!”

At this point, a composed Demon asked, “How many essences were stolen by that human?”

“Around five to six hundred!”

“Six hundred and sixty-six Essence!”

Du Gang was currently in the shrine, his face filled with joy.

He had stolen a total of 666 essences, by coincidence!

This meant that he increased his Divine Power by 666 Naer.

“This is so thrilling!”

At this moment, he couldn’t help admiring that the essence of the Big Dragons was extraordinary. One essence could increase one Naer of Divine Power.

In just this round, he increased by a third!

It is important to know that the absorption limit of third-level essence is only two thousand Naer, and he has hit a third now.

“Wouldn’t I be able to absorb the upper limit of the third-level essence after doing this two more times?”

Soon, he came to his senses and shook his head, “Not likely, the first time, they were caught off guard and I managed to get so many essences. Next time I go, they’d probably be prepared…”

Nonetheless, Du Gang was still smiling, “Anyway, let’s absorb these six hundred or so essences first, and then decide about stealing more essences…”

He placed the essences neatly in groups of a hundred and began to absorb them one group at a time.

In just one short minute, he increased his Divine Power by one hundred Naer.


At this moment, Du Gang’s pores sprang open, feeling extremely comfortable; he couldn’t help but groan with pleasure.


This time, it took him a total of seven minutes to absorb more than six hundred essences.

“So efficient!”

After completing this, Du Gang’s eyes glittered, “I still have eighty-seven teleports left, which is enough for me to absorb the third-level essences to the maximum…”

“There’s one day left until the Big Dragon refreshes tomorrow. In any case, I can’t waste time, might as well practice my technique…”

Although his technique was only 1% complete, allowing him to apply a hundred Naer Divine Power techniques, when compared to the top-level powerhouses in the first layer of the Ancient City Abyss, it was lacking.

In the first layer of the Ancient City Abyss, he had seen at least ten people who had broken through two hundred.

This meant that at least ten people had reached a level of 2% in terms of the progress of their Supreme Techniques!

“Looking at it this way, Yang Jun truly has remarkable talent…”

Being able to represent the new students of the Holy Confucian Academy at the Penglai Academy exchange, on the one hand, showed his talent, and on the other, it showed his age.

Thinking of this, Du Gang frowned, “So, Yang Jun has recently advanced to the God Spirit Level as well?”

So it seems, even before he advanced to the God Spirit Level, he was already training his Supreme Technique at an astonishing rate?

“What’s even more terrifying is, according to Yang Jun, he isn’t considered the most outstanding among the new students…”

After all, the Holy Confucian Academy is open to the entire Southern Wilderness, and even some people from other regions have joined the Holy Confucian Academy.

“If Yang Jun isn’t considered the most outstanding, then among the students that have reached 2% in terms of technique comprehension, are there even greater powerhouses?!”

Du Gang was somewhat awe-struck, he never thought that there would be so many powerhouses within his peers!

These powerhouses were much more genuine compared to those who relied on bloodlines and techniques to crush ordinary people.

These were powerhouses who grew through only talent and aptitude!

“This is only the Holy Confucian Academy. There are still forty-four other forces at the same level. Unbelievable!”


Du Gang let out a deep sigh, “I still have a long way to go. I mustn’t be arrogant. Even in the Ancient City Abyss, I’m not considered top-level on the first layer!”

The Jie-Character Secret is an external force, he understood that once he encountered someone who also mastered this level of secret technique, he basically would have no advantage.

So, the true top-level powerhouse needs to strive not only for these top-level techniques but also for the basics!

The progress of the Supreme Techniques is the basics, because this determines each person’s limit of power!

With this in mind, Du Gang calmed his buoyant heart, and his attitude became peaceful. He started to cultivate his technique diligently and sincerely.

Basic cultivation is the most important, and it also means the limit he can reach after using the Jie-Character Secret.

If he could employ two hundred Naer divine power techniques, it would mean that under a ten-fold increase in combat power, he would have the means to unleash two thousand Naer divine power techniques.

Two thousand Naer divine power techniques, this is a very terrifying number, meaning, he could face many special situations.

Like ordinary Ninth Tribulation Divine Spirits, he might be able to easily slay them.

But in reality, this is a false proposition, ordinary people can’t actually reach the Ninth Tribulation God Spirit Level.

After reaching the level of the Ninth Tribulation God Spirit, every individual has mastered Supreme Techniques, the worst of which is the Sage Technique.freēwēbηovel.c૦m