I Have A Divine Tree In My Heart-Chapter 148 - The Showdown of the Thunder Geniuses

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Chapter 148: The Showdown of the Thunder Geniuses

“I thought that No. 1 High School’s strategy would be having their powerhouses go up against us first before advancing to the final battle. What’s going on now?”

“They can’t possibly do that. Those foreigners are very powerful. Besides the players from No. 1 High School, the other locals who fight against them will likely be defeated. If this happens, they will attain a high ranking. In addition to getting rewards, they’ll also affect the reputation of Ninghai City. As the frontman of Ninghai City, No. 1 High School has been tasked to batter them at the earlier stages of the competition.”

Surprisingly, Yan Yu’er was the one who answered Lin Yao’s question. After being insulted by Lin Yao earlier, she was fuming deep in her heart and had thought of giving Lin Yao a violent beating. However, after contemplating it, she’d dragged herself to Lin Yao’s side and sat down with her arms wrapped around her knees. On the other hand, Yan Yan’s eyes were filled with anger and disappointment while she looked at Lin Yao.

Lin Yao knew why Yan Yan was disappointed but couldn’t appease her.

His mentality had already changed. When Lin Yao had first come to this world, he had longed for a beautiful love. However, his mentality was different now.

A couple loved each other from the cradle to the grave, and this was beautiful love. It would become a harem if the numbers were to increase. Lin Yao preferred the latter. Unfortunately, only a Casanova could garner the affection of that many women, and Lin Yao couldn’t do that. He didn’t have the time to. He could only use his power and influence to attract women.

However, there were some women in the world who were not swayed by power. What they wanted was true love, which Lin Yao couldn’t give. Therefore, Lin Yao would minimize his interactions with them. Otherwise, he would end up hurting others as well as himself.

Lin Yao took a glance at Yan Yan, who was staring at him. He then lowered his head and looked at Yan Yu’er, who had curled herself into a ball by wrapping her arms around her knees.

She was already petite. In this pose, she looked weaker and even more pitiful.

However, Lin Yao didn’t sympathize that much with her. He felt indifferent.

He knew very well why Yan Yu’er wanted to get close to him.

Lin Yao stretched one hand and attempted to pull Yan Yu’er into his arms.

However, as soon as his palm touched Yan Yu’er’s shoulder, her entire body trembled suddenly. Simultaneously, Lin Yao heard a frightened voice.

“Don’t do this here.”

Caressing Yan Yu’er’s hair casually, Lin Yao whispered into her ear, “I really don’t know what to say about you. Since you don’t like it, why did you come here and make yourself suffer?”

“You have already taken my virginity.”

“Do children from powerful families care about this? Based on your lifestyle, I’m sure you guys have had a few fancy parties.”

“Our family is not what you think.”

This was certainly a liberal world. Even ordinary men and women were unlikely to be devoted to an individual for life, let alone people from powerful and wealthy families.

However, while some of the children from powerful families lived extravagantly, some had very strict family rules. The Yan Family used to be considered a family of scholars in the past and belonged to the latter type. Yan Yu’er, who had been educated this way, still valued her first time very much.

At the same time, Yan Yu’er’s mother had taught her to be very shrewd since she was a child. Therefore, she also knew that after losing her virginity, she had already lost a very important bargaining chip to marry into a better family. To avoid making a fool of herself, she could only clutch onto Lin Yao tightly.

Lin Yao didn’t reject her advances but made his stance clear.

“I know what you’re yearning for. As long as you’re obedient, I promise I won’t shortchange you if I really become rich.”

“What do you take me for?”

Infuriated, Yan Yu’er felt her eyes well up with tears. However, this didn’t melt Lin Yao’s heart.

“You don’t even know why you’re trying to cozy up to me? I gave you more than one chance. That day… I was prepared to read a book the whole night.”


She was speechless upon hearing Lin Yao’s words. She wanted very much to refute them. However, as Lin Yao had said, she had never gotten close to him out of love but because of power and influence.

Still, young girls always longed for love and marriage. Yan Yu’er had never thought of sacrificing her virginity, but she had already backed down that day. However, she hadn’t expected her mother to be that anxious. To push her into the arms of the man in front of her, her mother had drugged her.

However, she could not bring herself to say that her mother had done that. As she was at a loss for words, she heard Lin Yao speak.

“Since you’re in it for the money, we don’t need to talk about feelings.”

As he said that, he tried to pull Yan Yu’er into his arms but didn’t succeed.

Yan Yu’er could sense that Lin Yao was very hardhearted and couldn’t stop crying from despair. This scene attracted a lot of attention, and Lin Yao dared not act rashly.

He didn’t want the title “Threatening a Female High School Student” to make tomorrow’s headlines.

‘What a bother.’

After letting go of Yan Yu’er, Lin Yao no longer paid attention to these trivialities. Instead, he focused his gaze on the arena.

The individual competition would be held today. No. 1 High School had been given a mission, so they launched into a face-off at the beginning. The geniuses of Ninghai City and the ‘trespassers’ from other regions were engaged in a fierce battle.

Amid the whizzing and buzzing sounds of fists and swords, Lin Yao soon discovered several potential warlords who had broken through Iron Body 100% fighting on the stage.

However, No. 1 High School was disheartened by the outcome of the battle. In the series of battles, No. 1 High School didn’t gain the absolute upper hand. In the end, a total of 10 foreigners clinched victory, which made Lin Yao sigh.

“Only the fierce and courageous dare to cross the borders. They didn’t come without a purpose.”

Because of the consecutive defeats, the players from No. 1 High School had sullen expressions on their faces. However, this didn’t affect Lin Yao that much. In fact, the advanced face-off of the powerhouses of No. 1 High School and the ‘gatecrashers’ had reduced the chances of Zhang Feng and Yan Yan running into the powerhouses. As for Lin Yao, his opponent had already been predetermined from a group, and he was one of the weakest players in this group.

After he watched a series of battles, it was finally Lin Yao’s turn to fight.

Upon stepping into the arena and seeing the person opposite him, Lin Yao thought of the information he had read.

[Qiao Liang]

[Talent: Thunder Attribute]

[Introduction: Thunder genius who has undergone Project Thunder God. He had been awakened a long time ago. However, due to his weak willpower, he can only persist for a short time during each electric current development. In addition, there is always half a month’s interval between each development. His physical realm is currently at 81%. As he is afraid of pain, the electric current development has already been engraved in his heart, and he has unlocked the gene lock.]

[Adept at Thunder Fist and Tempest Kick]

‘I’ve met my counterpart.”

Thunder geniuses were rare, but there were millions of people in Ninghai City. After seeing his opponent, Lin Yao even tried to recall if he had met him at Professor Li’s research institute. In the end, he had no recollection of such a meeting.

On the other hand, Lin Yao’s opponent didn’t feel frightened upon seeing Lin Yao walking onto the stage.

“You have thunder talent, and so do I. I’m not afraid of you.”

“I wish you all the best.”

Qiao Liang was surprised that Lin Yao had encouraged him instead of spitting at him. The commentators beside the arena were also excited upon seeing Lin Yao’s appearance on stage.

“One Sword is on stage again, and he is fighting against someone who is also a thunder genius. We’re not sure if One Sword can continue to uphold his miracle of defeating one person with one strike. Let us wait in anticipation.”

“Woo, come on!”

The atmosphere in the venue heated up as soon as Lin Yao came on stage. Soon, the referee waved his arm and announced the start of the game.

Buzz, buzz.

As soon as the word ‘start’ was heard, Lin Yao crouched and made a sword-drawing gesture. Thunder and lightning were unleashed in his body, stimulating his muscles and making his aura skyrocket all the way.

In the past, most of the opponents used to become anxious when they watched Lin Yao’s aura rising. This time, when Lin Yao stimulated his muscles to temporarily increase the strength of his basic attributes, his opponent did the same.

As the thunder vital energy seeds exploded, his aura also rose all the way.

“As I said, I have what you have. I’m not afraid of you. You… Are you trying to kill yourself…”

The auras of the two men rose all the way. Very soon, the state of the electric current stimulus on the body became apparent.

First, their hair stood on end due to the effects of the magnetic field and static electricity. This applied to both parties. Unlike his opponent, although strands of his hair were standing up, Lin Yao felt his eyes rolling upward as electricity was spreading on the surface of his body.

As a thunder genius, the opponent of course understood what Lin Yao was doing. That was precisely the reason he felt afraid.

He was unleashing the strength in his body until it reached 200%. Qiao Liang felt that he was already very hard on himself. In order to win, he had exploded to 150% of his attributes in one breath. This had caused his muscles to tear and put immense pressure on his internal organs. He felt that he would have to rest for a long time after the battle.

However, his strength was 150%, and the opponent’s was over 200%. This was something that he wouldn’t even dare think of.


Sensing the horror of Lin Yao’s outburst, he wanted to catch up with him. However, he eventually acted rationally and didn’t do so. Afterward, there was a crackling sound and, with a flash of lightning, Lin Yao dashed forward like a thunderbolt.

Naturally, the opponent dared not block such an attack. The moment Lin Yao moved his feet, he used his Tempest Kick to try to dodge the attack.

His counter-move was correct. Lin Yao’s attack was peerless at the moment. However, he was too slow.

Iron Body 62% + Body of Light 120% + potential outburst 240% + blessing of three vital energy seeds 90%. The superimposed physique made Lin Yao as fast as a phantom. Amid the flash of lighting, he had already appeared behind Qiao Liang.

“You’re too slow.”

As Qiao Liang heard these words come from behind him, he also heard the sound of a clang. This was not the sound of unsheathing but sheathing a sword.

As the long sword was returned to its sheath, a sword mark suddenly appeared in Qiao Liang’s retreating figure, and blood spurted from the mark.

‘He is very powerful.’

Holding a long sword in his hand, Lin Yao descended from the arena.

It wasn’t until Lin Yao disappeared without a trace that cheers were heard at the venue.

“He is so handsome.”

“This is it. I also want to learn the Lightning Flash.”

“I wonder who can make His Excellency One Sword strike a second time.”

There were loud cheers at the venue, but this had no impact on Lin Yao, as each person only had to go through one battle. After the battle, Lin Yao left the city center stadium directly. Outside, Qin Ya had already driven her car over to pick him up.

“What’s happening behind you?”

“I’ll handle it myself.”

After speaking, Lin Yao looked at Yan Yu’er, who was standing behind him silently. “I’ve already set the terms. It’s your choice whether you accept them. If you agree, come and look for me. Otherwise, let’s go our separate ways. Don’t tell me it was your first time. You’re the one who’s been taking the initiative all this while.”

Without the slightest bit of hesitation, Lin Yao and Qin Ya got in the car and drove off.

However, when they were a fair distance away, Qin Ya’s expression looked somewhat ugly. “You really sounded like a scumbag earlier.”

“That’s my personal affair. We’re not in a romantic relationship. This is work. My personality has no impact on our contract, right?”

These words made Qin Ya laugh. However, Lin Yao could sense that her laughter stemmed from anger.

“No impact? Mr. Lin, I am going to propel you to stardom. Do you think it is not my business if a celebrity has caused a scandal?”