I Have A Divine Tree In My Heart-Chapter 147 - The Competition Intensified

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Chapter 147: The Competition Intensified

The second orphanage was also an orphanage that housed disabled children. In the past, the orphans there had been xenophobic and had rarely interacted with others. However, Lin Yao’s light appearance was a powerful weapon. Any ordinary person would feel peaceful when they saw Lin Yao and have a good impression of him. It did not take Lin Yao much time to get close to the orphans. When it was time for him to leave, the children looked at Lin Yao with tears in their eyes, as they could not bear to see him leave.

After visiting the second orphanage, Lin Yao gained another 1,000 grams of energy. However, he was not very excited this time. The situation in those orphanages was too depressing.

“Sigh… I really hope that the world will be peaceful.”

“Well, you have been sighing too many times today. It’s time to go.”

“What is our next stop?”

“Our next stop is the city center stadium. Have you forgotten that you need to participate in the competition?”

“Uh… Of course, I didn’t forget.”

Upon saying that, Lin Yao was about to close his eyes to calm down, waiting for the start of the soon-to-be battle.

However, before he could close his eyes and rest his mind, an electronic tablet with a dozen or so teenagers’ combat skills and a link on it was placed in front of him. After clicking on the link, he saw a video of these teenagers fighting against other people.

“What is this?”

“Your opponent for the next game.”

Lin Yao narrowed his eyes at her words.

“Is it going to be that easy?”

“It’s not that easy, but it’s not that troublesome either. The city center prohibits non-tactical tricks. As long as we don’t affect that person off the court, threaten to bribe that person to fix matches, or take the initiative to injure the player, the city center personnel will not do anything to us.”

Lin Yao knew the reason behind this. The city would not pay attention to ordinary youths. They would only be concerned about the geniuses.

If someone lost in an arena competition without being disturbed by others, they would not be considered a genius at all.

Of course, it was unfair to know information about the opponents in advance or even choose weaker players to fight against. However, there was no such thing as absolute fairness.

In fact, there had also been bonus points, regional examinations, and other situations in the college entrance examination of the previous world.

At the same time, if someone was really powerful in this world, no one would choose that person as an opponent at the beginning of the competition. Take Lin Yao for example. Apart from Li Peng, the simp, other children from powerful families were trying hard to avoid going up against him.

After all, they wanted to get a good ranking, not to attack others. Therefore, they would look for weaker opponents.

‘In other words, it is impossible to play dumb when one is, in fact, very powerful. No one is willing to fight against a ferocious wolf, while the more one pretends to be weak and hides one’s abilities, the more people will attack them.’

With these thoughts in mind, Lin Yao quickly browsed through the information of those teenagers and then stopped talking and closed his eyes to rest.

“Aren’t you going to spend more time reading the information?”

“You have not only collected information on one person, but on a dozen or so people. Rather than thinking of ways to deal with them, it’d be better to think of ways to improve my strength.”

Speaking of improving his own strength, Lin Yao was indeed working on it.

When he closed his eyes and rested, he sank into his consciousness and saw two small trees and numerous energy clusters floating on the top of the trees.

Lin Yao ignored the small energy clusters that had been obtained by absorbing the elemental crystals and glanced at the two huge energy clusters.

These two energy clusters had 50,000 grams of energy and 6,500 grams of energy respectively.

The huge golden energy cluster was the remaining angelic energy from last time, and the other energy cluster was the green energy points collected by the system.

Following Qin Ya’s lead, Lin Yao had collected a lot of energy. However, it was still considered very little for the Tree of Heaven Punishment and the Celestial Tree.

They lacked a total of 200,000 energy points, which seemed like a bottomless pit, making Lin Yao feel terrified when he looked at it.

‘Fortunately, there is angel energy. Otherwise, 6,500 grams of energy would never have been enough.’

He had just finished his thoughts when he controlled the green energy points to give 5,000 points of energy and integrate it into the golden angelic energy cluster next to it.

After he mixed the energy points, the green energy cluster changed nature, now having the same nature as the angelic energy cluster, which allowed it to be quickly absorbed by the Celestial Tree.


The Celestial Tree was happily swaying its leaves, and the angelic energy cluster hanging on the Celestial Tree was quickly absorbed by the tree.

After absorbing the angelic energy of the same origin, the Celestial Tree also grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The trunk thickened, and the branches and leaves spread. In a short time, the Celestial Tree had grown very tall, and it was much taller than the Tree of Heaven Punishment next to it.

At the same time, the information label of the Celestial Tree on Lin Yao’s system panel had also changed.

[Celestial Tree]

[State: Small Tree Sapling (52,500/100,000)]

[Level: Silver Person (King Potential)]

[Talent 1]

[Armored Body Of Light LV4: The host now has the ability to absorb sunlight (LV MAX) and store it in its cells. The host can use the stored sunlight to replace energy, physical strength, and energy consumption. At the same time, when there is an abundance of sunlight in the host’s cells, the host will obtain the talents of Light Healing (medium-level), Light Purification (medium-level), Body of Light (medium-level, full 120% physical bonus), and Light Adjustment (medium-level).]

[Talent 2: Angel (Light Cluster)]

[Ability 1 Angel’s Descent: The Tree of Light absorbs the angel’s power and nurtures a new angel. Since it is nurtured by the host, it will be the host’s guardian angel. When the angel grows to a certain level, the host can summon the angel’s will to be attached to the host, turning the Armored Body Of Light into the Angel Body.]

[Note: The light cluster cannot be attached to the body. It has to take shape to be able to work.]

[Ability 2Brave Soul: The angel power absorbed by the Tree of Light is derived from the angel Virtues. It is the middle order, fifth-in-rank angel among the nine levels of angels that are grouped into three orders. It is God’s virtue, and it adds bold and unshakable courage to his actions. These angels are performers of miracles, best friends of heroes, and tireless fighters. They give courage to the righteous people who suffer. Now that the host has gained the Brave Soul, the host will be fearless and have strong willpower.]

As it had not broken through the 100,000-energy-point mark, the Celestial Tree had not undergone major changes, but the trunk had become thicker and the branches and leaves were luxuriant. Thus, Lin Yao’s Armored Body Of Light was able to reach LV4. The most obvious benefit of this was that when the power of light filled Lin Yao’s body, his physical body would receive a 120% bonus.

This was a comprehensive bonus to basic qualities such as strength, speed, physique, toughness, resistance, etc. With this bonus, as well as the Iron Person 62% bonus of the basic attributes, Lin Yao’s physical fitness alone was equivalent to the Iron Person 180% potential warlord.

‘I am a potential warlord as well.’

When Lin Yao opened his eyes again, he had already converted part of his gains into strength. It was only a pity that when the green energy points were used as a fusion agent, some of the energy points were lost in the process. Half of the energy dissipated during the fusion process. Otherwise, the maturity level of the Celestial Tree would not have been 52,500/100,000 but 55,000/100,000.

While Lin Yao felt upset over the lost energy, Qin Ya, who was next to him, looked at him, feeling somewhat surprised. She was a silver warlord, so she could perceive that Lin Yao’s abilities seemed to have improved and reached another level.

In the end, she did not say anything. Instead, she quietly drove Lin Yao to the stadium in the city center.

Since they had been to two orphanages before that, by the time they reached the stadium, it was almost noon.

Upon arriving at the venue, Qin Ya did not follow Lin Yao into the stadium, as she was busy with some other matters. However, when Lin Yao entered the stadium, she called out to him from the car.

‘One Sword and one man is your greatest special feature. You should understand what I mean.”

Lin Yao continued walking while he answered her.

“Of course.”

He quickly found his seat, thinking of sitting down right away. However, he frowned after taking a few steps. That annoying, devilish girl was there again.

Compared to the previous few days, Yan Yu’er seemed to be in a bad condition. She was no longer lively and bubbly. Instead, she seemed delicate and pitiful.

She was already petite, so this pitiful expression of hers made even Lin Yao feel like holding her in his arms and comforting her.

However, in the end, he held back and did not do that. Compared to love, he was more afraid of inviting trouble.

“Why are you here again?”

Yan Yu’er looked even more pitiful upon hearing his indifferent words. Tears welled in her eyes.

“Are you too timid to take responsibility for what you’ve done?”

“Of course not. Although you took the initiative and you even slapped me, I have forgiven you.”

This remark surprised Yan Yu’er, but her expression soon turned sullen.

“Based on what was said that day, you can stay with me as my lover.”


As soon as he said this, Yan Yu’er gritted her teeth until they almost broke.

At the same time, flames were coming out of her, rising along with frost.

However, this time, the frost was no longer hostile to the flames. Instead, both the flames and the frost were directed at Lin Yao.

Lin Yao was caught between the two siblings, Yan Yu’er and Yan Yan. He was deterred by the ice and fire and surprised that both of them were angry with him.

He was not surprised that Yan Yu’er was angry with him. What he had said just now had indeed been an insult to her. Lin Yao really could not consider falling in love with her. He might seem ruthless, but what had happened that night was merely an accident to him. In fact, Yan Yu’er’s actions also made him look down on her.

After being agitated, she had been impulsive enough to go to bed with him. Based on this, she would not be a good wife, and he would not endure this just because of the one night of pleasure that they’d had.

What surprised Lin Yao was that Yan Yan was very angry with him. He wondered what the reason was.

“Didn’t you two have a bad relationship?”


“Uh, I can’t refute it.”

His teammates, who were next to him, were dumbfounded by their confrontation and their shocking conversation. In the end, it was Instructor Tu Hong who reacted first and quickly pulled the three of them away.

“Don’t fight, don’t fight here. I don’t think you guys want to be a laughing stock.”

“Yan… Miss Yan Yu’er, is that right? Calm down and think about the reputation of the Yan Family.”

In the end, the three of them sat at their respective corners.

Among them, Yan Yan was the furthest away from Lin Yao. It was as if she had seen through Lin Yao.

Lin Yao could not help but make speculations. ‘Given this reaction of hers, could she have taken a fancy to me? I don’t think our relationship has progressed so quickly.’

Lin Yao was a little unsure, and while he was distracted, the battle in the field had already begun.

What caught Lin Yao’s attention was the fact that this competition was quite intense. As soon as the competition began, a potential warlord from No. 1 High School went up against a potential warlord from the Ultimate Boxing Dojo.

Then, the powerhouses from No. 1 High School fought against strong players from other cities, having a tit-for-tat showdown.

“I thought that No. 1 High School’s strategy was having their powerhouses go up against us first before advancing to the final battle. What’s going on now?”