I Found A Planet-Chapter 393 - Look, What’s This? Ores!

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Chapter 393: Look, What’s This? Ores!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

On a different side of the galaxy.

Li Dong’s roommates had also entered the game Galaxy Era.

“Congratulations to player ‘Qinghai Is Not A Newbie!’ you have been assigned to a star system with a great potential for development. It is called Star System KA-8751001. You can give this galaxy a new name.”

” ‘Dream Galaxy!’ ” Cai Qinghai blurted out.

“Sorry, the name is already taken.”

” ‘New Hope Galaxy!’ ”

“Sorry, the name is already taken.”

” ‘Qinghai Super Amazing Galaxy!’ ”

“Congratulations, you have successfully named your star system.”

The system then sent him to his region.

However, the place where he arrived was in the bridge control room of an interstellar development spaceship.

As the captain, he checked some basic information on the control panel.

“There are currently 336 crew members on the spacecraft… Hmm, these crew members are my people.”

“The spacecraft carries a population bomb, containing heritable genes from 10 million people. This is enough to breed a civilization.”

“The star system contains high levels of heavy elements, and there are large numbers of resource-rich stars and asteroids!”

“Although there are no life-supporting planets or water-rich colony planets, I can still build space cities, increase the population at a continuous rate, and finally create a strong civilization called ‘Qinghai Is Not A Newbie: Civilization.’ Haha, hahaha…”

Cai Qinghai placed his hands on his waist, looking very excited. He now had a general understanding of the basic situation.

Through the ship’s porthole, he could see small and large space meteorites floating past him.

He turned his sights to the right and looked at the center of the galaxy. There was a star emitting rays of yellow-orange light.

Cai Qinghai quickly issued the first order.

He commanded the crew to go mining.

He pointed to the front of the spaceship and said, “Mines. We need a variety of mines. Copper, iron, gold, silver, platinum, titanium, and some frozen meteorites which are rich in water.

“Whatever minerals we need on the spaceship, extract them and put the materials to good use. The more, the better!

“Our bright and wonderful future starts from pieces of ore!”

“Yes, Captain!” the mining team on the spacecraft responded.

The mining spaceships departed from the mothership like a swarm of little bees and headed for the group of meteorites.

Cai Qinghai could not sit still anymore. “Idling here is a waste of time anyway. Why don’t I try to mine some ores personally?”

He left the control center and arranged a mining spacecraft for himself. He maneuvered the ship according to its operation instructions, and rushed towards the fragments of meteorites.

In the cockpit, he turned on some powerful and explosive metal music.

He began singing. “Wooh ohhhhh ohhhhh… Mining, mining, happily mining. From today onwards, I will have mines in my possession, I am the pioneer miner generation of legend.

“This ore is mine, that ore is also mine, all the ores are mine, woah ooh woah…

“I am here to start a life where I have mines and ores. How marvelous and brilliant it is to start mining operations! I want to go to the peak of mines! Lalala… woooah oooh…”

Cai Qinghai waved his hands and shook his head crazily, all the while screaming nonsensical lyrics. He was so excited that he was almost crazy.

But he thought that this was normal and completely understandable. It was because the wealth that he possessed here was more than what anyone had on earth. If he set reality aside and focused on things inside his mind, he had already become the richest man in the world—at least in his mental world. He was experiencing the happiness and pleasure of a rich person.

Moreover, with the super high degree of realism in this game, it was not at all improper for him to pretend that all of this real…. At this moment, the sense of wealth that he was experiencing in his mind was just like what a rich person in the real world would experience.

“The virtual era; the era of happiness. Thanks to Xing Hai Technologies for giving all this to us,” Cai Qinghai said, closing his eyes.

About three hours later.

The players were feeling tired. The system prompted them that their bodies did not have enough energy, and could only continue the game after eating.

Li Dong and the others gradually withdrew from the virtual world.

They took some time to readapt to the real world, and called for takeout on their cell phones.

Li Dong asked them, “How are the star system to which you’ve been randomly sent? Did you have any luck with the ones that were assigned to you?”

“Yes, I feel like I’ve hit the jackpot.” Cai Qinghai felt pleased with himself and nodded in excitement. “I got a star system that has great developmental value! There are meteorites and ores floating everywhere in space. It is estimated that its mining will never end. Hahaha! I am probably the richest person in the dorm right now.”

Next, Cai Qinghai took out his phone and opened up a few pictures that were sent to it from the game. He then handed it to Li Dong. “Boss, look at this! What is it? Ores! I personally mined an ore containing 300 kilograms of platinum. It is worth at least 10 billion! There are countless meteorites like this.”

Huh? He’s actually this happy because he was assigned to a star system with developmental value? Li Dong was exasperated. But looking at Cai Qinghai’s innocent and childlike smile, he could only say, “Hmm… not bad. A very good start.”

“I also got a star system that could be developed.” Liu Yichen said, craning his neck over to look at the photos. “But my star system is older and there are not many meteorites in space. However, there are more planets with diameters exceeding 1,000 kilometers… I probably have worse luck than Qinghai.”

“Bro, don’t be discouraged.” Cai Qinghai patted his shoulder and beat his fists on his chest. “What’s mine is yours. After my civilization has become developed and is ahead of yours, I’ll cover you.”

“Let’s help each other. We’re best bros for life.” The two men clasped their right hands firmly together. Li Dong could not help the corners of his lips from twitching.

At this moment, the takeout was delivered by the drone. Li Dong and his roommates asked about Mu Wanqiu’s progress in the game via the group chat as they ate.

“Wanqiu, which star system have you been randomly assigned?”

“Were you also assigned to a star system with the potential for development? Besides Li Dong, all three of us were assigned to star systems that could be developed.”

“No,” said Mu Wanqiu. “I was lucky, and I was assigned to a colonial star system. It has a planet with a lot of freshwater resources, and a large immigration spaceship. There are 100,000 human crew members on the spacecraft. The spacecraft also carries a population bomb large enough to raise 10 billion people.

“I heard from a friend that there are only about 20,000 of the best life-supporting star systems. The probability of an average player getting assigned to one of those systems is one in ten thousand. There are about 200 million colonial star systems, and the probability of getting assigned to one of those is one in five. The remaining star systems with the largest numbers are those with potential for development. That is the most common type.

“In short, my luck was good. Although it’s a far cry from the life-supporting star systems, I estimate that I’ll soon be able to create a prosperous civilization if I work hard on its operations.”

Listening to Mu Wanqiu’s tone, it was clear that she was very excited.

“Ah…” Cai Qinghai opened his mouth and the piece of meat that he was eating fell back into the bowl.

He muttered, “I have so many mines and ores, but my luck is actually average?”

Li Dong tapped his head helplessly.

Ores did have value in application. But he had said it a few days ago: of all the resources, the most valuable was always people.