I Don’t Want to Be Loved (Web Novel)-Chapter 115: Palace Ball

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Chapter 115: Palace Ball

“Your Majesty, this phenomenon usually occurs with children. Those children fall asleep thinking they’ll never wake up from their deep slumber. So they begin to fear the night and fear the thing so natural to us. I’m not sure why Her Majesty’s experiencing a similar case when she’s a grown adult now,” the court doctor said with tightened brows, “but in any case, I had tried to ease the symptoms of prescribing medical herbs that would ease her nerves, but to completely eradicate her insomnia, I will have to place the responsibility of finding the cause root of her problem to you, Your Majesty.”

Igor nodded.

He knew already the true cause of her suffering. She said that her troubles began after the death of her mother, but in truth, it had to do with the life experiences of her past and the memories she retained.

The answer was obvious to see.

For a fragile person like her who came back from the dead, how can she not be afraid of the dark?

His eyes were full of complex emotions looking at the sleeping Rihannan. 

He used his one wish Ataraxia granted him to bring her back, to have her by his side on his own selfish whim, and now, she’s right here… 

If he could make just one more wish…

His hand slowly moved downward and stopped at her belly. 

He bent down and left a soft kiss on her belly.

He desperately begged to the heavenly being above that they’d regain the precious child they had lost in the distant past…

Numerous numbers of maids and butlers ran around frantically inside the busy palace tending to their designated work.

It was the day of the palace banquet. The newly wedded king and queen as well as many important figures from Arundell and neighboring kingdoms would be participating in the ball. 

The ballroom where the event would be held was filled with colorful and expensive things.

And then, eventually, delicate sounds of instruments indicating the start of the ball echoed from behind the giant curtain.

A moment later, an attendant came out and called the names of nobles from the highest-rank to the lowest-rank, and one by one, they all made their timely entrance.

The one empty ballroom was slowly being filled with warm bodies one by one.

The faces of the nobility greeting one another were full of smiles and curiosity. They had many thoughts and opinions of the banquet’s main characters – the king and his wife.

Their engagement was… different… and the traditional wedding ceremony to signify their union never occurred. As such, the crowd had high interests as to how they’d react, and thus causing many whispers and gossips about the newly-wedded king and queen.

“I heard that Duchess Cessley became the Queen’s Matron of Honor.”

“That egotistical Duchess?”

“Yes. It was rumored that she stuck by Her Majesty’s side throughout all of last month to help the Queen adjust to the palace.”

“Hmm… she is the king’s closest advisor. He must truly care about his wife to have the Duchess be the Queen’s Matron of Honor.”

The noblemen spoke. Meanwhile, the ladies fanned themselves.

“Even so, she’s still living as a hostage, in the end, right?” the voice lowered slightly and let out a peal of sneering laughter.

Someone was playing devil’s advocate.

“At this rate, should our relationship with Chrichton turn sour, what will become of the Queen? We don’t know.” the voice spoke once more.

“But Her Majesty is the Queen Mother’s goddaughter, is she not? Surely nothing horrid would happen to her. There’s speculation that even if Her Majesty did not move to Chrichton and stayed in Arundell instead, she’d have risen to the status of Queen much earlier.”