I Attained Invincibility In The Real World-Chapter 428 - 268: Follow-up and Crushing Xiang Li_3

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Chapter 428: Chapter 268: Follow-up and Crushing Xiang Li_3

Translator: 549690339

“Let’s go to Kyoto first.”

As soon as the words fell.


The ground shook again.

Chen Sheng’s body instantly turned into a black thread, aiming for Kyoto.

“What about Vermilion Bird and Azure Dragon?”

“Are they alright?”

On the way.

Li Wuji, having no choice, could only use divine light to protect himself to avoid injury from the wind pressure produced by Chen Sheng’s movement.

Although there were many doubts in his heart.

Li Wuji still chose to inquire about Vermilion Bird and the others’ safety first.


He suddenly thought of something.

It was the matter of Azure Dragon’s undercover.

Neither Chen Sheng nor Vermilion Bird knew about it.

What if Chen Sheng encountered the chasing team and started fighting without even trying to negotiate first…

Thinking about it,

Li Wuji couldn’t help but feel anxious.

If Azure Dragon were to die, it would be in Chen Sheng’s hands for no good reason.

How could he face Feng who trusted him?

“Oh, those two.”

“Since they’re not useful anyway, I let them go to the Yihe Gate base first to see if there’s anything they could help with.”

Is that so….

Hearing this,

Li Wuji finally let out a quiet sigh of relief.

As long as they didn’t die, it was fine.

At the same time,

With Chen Sheng’s speed,

In a few breaths, the two of them were already close to the Kyoto city district.

“We should split up.”

Li Wuji spoke once more.

“Now, the Respected Elder knows your true strength.”

“After returning to his original body, he will definitely take corresponding measures.”

“The biggest possibility is that he will directly occupy my original body to maximize the power of the authority of the heart’s power.”

“But there’s also a possibility that the Respected Elder will flee to preserve himself.”

“You go to where the Respected Elder’s original body is.”

“I’ll go to win back my physical body.”

“As long as our speed is fast enough, no matter what the Respected Elder plans to do.”

“We can both respond in a timely manner.”

Hearing this,

Chen Sheng hesitated.

“But what if the old man, you over there-”

He didn’t finish his sentence.

But the meaning was clear.

If the Respected Elder was fast enough and appeared at Li Wuji’s location,

Wouldn’t Li Wuji be doomed?

At Chen Sheng’s hesitation, Li Wuji shook his head and laughed.

“I may be an old man, but I’m not so useless that I’d be killed with just one encounter.”

“Besides, the distance between the two is extremely short, and support is just a matter of an instant.”

“You go ahead without worry.”

Hearing this,

Chen Sheng finally nodded in agreement.


“Then…. let’s go!!”


Chen Sheng suddenly leaped into the air.

His body aimed toward the Martial Arts Association.

At the same time,

As he was in midair,

Chen Sheng swung.

Instantly, Li Wuji turned into a black thread, shooting towards Shen Butong Transport Company.

His physical body was hidden underground in the transport company. freewebnoveℓ.com

“Hey- you!”

Chen Sheng’s power was immense.

Even with just a casual swing.

Li Wuji instantly felt as if his body was wrapped in wind pressure and unable to move.

“Seems… like I used too much strength?”

Chen Sheng hesitated a bit.

The old man couldn’t possibly be killed by his own throw, could he?


The black spot rapidly descended.

Just as it was about to reach the ground, a divine light appeared.

Although the power fluctuations were not strong,

It was enough to eliminate the commotion created by the landing.

Only then did Chen Sheng look away.


He landed softly.

Standing directly in front of the Martial Arts Association.

At this moment.

Although it was already nighttime.

Quite a few staff members still walked back and forth inside the hall, seemingly handling various matters.

Most of these people were disciples from lesser martial arts sects, and even if they were away from their posts, they wouldn’t provide much help to the Respected Elder’s actions.

Better to let them stay inside the Martial Arts Association.

According to Li Wuji’s words.

Most of these people already had their thoughts implanted by the Respected Elder.

Through their bodies, the Respected Elder could naturally witness his own arrival.

As expected.

The instant Chen Sheng landed.

It was as if the pause button had been pressed in the Martial Arts Association Hall.

Originally busy with their duties, the staff halted their motions.

All their heads turned at the same time.

Dozens of expressionless faces stared straight at Chen Sheng.

Such an eerie scene.

If an ordinary person were to witness this, they would probably feel goosebumps on their scalp.

But it seemed as if Chen Sheng couldn’t see these people at all.

As the glass door opened.

Chen Sheng stepped into the hall with one stride.

The heads of everyone followed Chen Sheng’s movements.

“Stop fucking staring, Old Bideng.”

“Today, you must die.”

Chen Sheng exposed a grin.

The next second,

his body vanished instantly on the spot.

Not until his figure disappeared,

did the actions of everyone in the hall return to normal.

They continued with the tasks at hand.

It seemed as if they had no recollection at all of their previous bizarre behaviors.

At the same time.

Underground of Shen Butong Transport Company.


Li Wuji kicked out.

The tightly closed elevator doors instantly flew out, smashing into the depths of the underground tunnel.

Li Wuji’s location was a pitch-black elevator shaft.

Time was pressing, he didn’t wait for the elevator to slowly descend, he just stepped through the elevator and went underground.

With one step.

Li Wuji entered the underground cave.

His expression became a bit strange.

For years,

he had constantly suffered the pain of the incompatibility between the soul and the physical body.

His invincible flesh, with a perfect adaptation, was only a few kilometers away from him.

But he couldn’t even see it, let alone take it back.

This kind of pain,

only Li Wuji himself knew how extremely agonizing it was.

He had imagined today countless times.

Imagined himself walking through this underground tunnel, taking back the flesh.


today had finally arrived.

However, it seemed to be a little different from the scenario described by Vermilion Bird Azure Dragon?

According to Vermilion Bird,

after the Respected Elder took control of the flesh, its power growth rate increased rapidly every day.

Every time they came to this underground cave,

a fierce wind would rage, with very little movement.

But today,

the underground tunnel was unusually quiet.

So quiet that even a needle dropping could be clearly heard.

Li Wuji instinctively felt that something was off.

He didn’t hesitate.

The moment he stepped into the tunnel, he instantly transformed into a ray of light, rushing towards the deep end.

In an instant.

He reached the end of the cave.

Li Wuji’s eyes pierced through the darkness, and at first glance, he saw the body sitting in the depths.

That was his former physical body, which he was naturally extremely familiar with.


Li Wuji’s solemn expression did not show any relief.

It even seemed that,

the bad feeling in his heart intensified.

With a flash of light.

Li Wuji arrived in front of the body.

His eyes,

instantly widened.