I Am A Prodigy-Chapter 740: Peerless Master

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That kind of Hell's Gate...was permanent!

The shock in Ye Lingchen's eyes became even stronger. For so many years, there were only four permanent Hell's Gates in the entire China, which showed just how rare it was for a permanent gate to actually occur.

There were three ways to distinguish between permanent Hell's Gate and temporary Hell's Gate. The first way was dependent on spiritual energy. If spiritual energy continuously overflowed and showed no signs of weakening at all, then there was a high probability that it was a permanent one. The second depended on the fluctuation of the vortex. The speed of a temporary gate's vortex was slower and the texture was relatively fuzzier. The third was by its duration—temporary gates generally lasted no more than an hour.

All signs pointed to the gate being a permanent one!

At the same time, Ye Lingchen was also observing the surrounding marine life since animals were particularly perceptive to spiritual energy. They gathered as though they were being summoned and seemed to show some cultivating tendencies. Each animal looked like they were capable of tempering themselves through spiritual energy.

Just as he was about to surface, Ye Lingchen's heart sank suddenly and he quickly held on to Old Tortoise.

Step, step, step!

Above the surface of the sea, a figure walked on water over the waves in a manner similar to that of Ye Lingchen's parkour skills. His speed was much faster however, and he covered a significant distance when walking on the water, leaving behind only an afterimage.

A black robe swayed along with the sea breeze. The person's face was thin and his frontal bones were slightly convex, while his cold and sharp gaze gave off a ruthless and cold-blooded vibe.


A gleam of cold light flashed in his eyes and a powerful force struck the bottom of the sea with every step. Waves immediately splashed about, and the fish swimming around him turned belly-up and died whenever he passed by them.


His strides eventually angered the sea creatures. A huge shadow suddenly leapt out of the sea and opened its mouth to bite the old man. Its sharp teeth shone awe-inspiringly in the light and it turned out to be a shark that was more than eight meters long!

The old man's expression did not change the slightest. With a casual wave of the hand, a powerful wave of air shot out like a cannonball. Like a knife made out of thin-air, it slashed across the shark's mouth and sent blood spurting all over!

Soon, the old man walked to the gate with a sneer on his mean-looking face. Behind him was a sea of ​​blood and countless dead fish floating on the water. Blood stained the sea red, making it look like Asura hell.


His voice was not that loud when he uttered that word but it carried a bitter chill. Anyone who was weak-willed would be instantly frightened upon hearing it. Despite the reluctance of the fish around him, they could only retreat in horror.

"Hahaha, God is great. Another Hell's Gate has appeared here!" The old man's fiery gaze stared at the still-rudimentary Hell's Gate and his face was slightly flushed.

Hell's Gates took time to fully open, and at that point, it was merely in a rudimentary form and was still too small. It would count as being officially stable when it expanded to a radius of one meter. The time it took for the gate to be fully established would take almost three months.

In fact, that period of time was for humans to make preparations, just like Capital New District. Allowing the Warrior's Department to prepare in advance was also a reminder to humans as well as an advantage for weaklings.

"This old man is strong! "

Ye Lingchen hid on the bottom of the sea. Sensing the aura coming from the old man, Ye Lingchen panicked and his hairs all stood on end.

This old man's aura was much stronger than Xiang Guocheng's and force alone was no match against him.

If Xiang Guocheng was at the peak of the innate Stage, then the old man might have broken through the limits of the Innate Stage.

Ye Lingchen palpitated slightly and held his breath. He let Old Tortoise retreat slowly along with the school of fish in order not to attract the old man's attention as much as possible.

Could such a powerful person really exist in the Stick Nation? Did Ye Lingchen run into him just like that?

At the same time, his mind attempted to ascertain the location of that gate.

Miracle Island itself was in the East China Sea. He followed the spiritual energy eastward, then continued until he reached the Stick Nation. China and the Stick Nation were just across the sea and it was not that far away.

That area of the ocean was likely international waters between China and the Stick Nation. Rightfully speaking, the ownership of that area should not belong to the Stick Nation!

Even though it was international waters, whoever discovers it first would certainly want to claim it as their own.

He was no match for the old man, so he had to go back and tell the Warrior's Department of this news, otherwise, the Stick Nation was likely to cordon off that area directly.

However, the old man's brow c.o.c.ked up suddenly and he let out a soft huff.

He advanced forward, strode across the sea, and was clearly heading in Ye Lingchen's direction. Every step was like a cannonball, producing huge waves on the water's surface.

"Go, Old Tortoise!"

Ye Lingchen's expression changed abruptly and he no longer cared about hiding his figure. Old Tortoise then began to swim at full speed.

"Didn't expect a little rat to be here." The old man smiled coldly. His slim body looked powerless, but a wave of his hand shot out a knife-shaped airwave. It gushed into the sea with a 'poof', parting the water open as it headed straight for Ye Lingchen.


Ye Lingchen cursed in a low voice and dared not act carelessly. Channeling the strength of his entire body, his spiritual power surged wildly and he unleashes his Arhat Fist Force behind.


Waves shot up more than ten meters high from the sea surface. Ye Lingchen's body flew in the opposite direction, while Old Tortoise groaned after being struck by the impact of the aftermath.

"Too strong. He's too strong."

Ye Lingchen was shocked to the core. He fled quickly without looking back.

"You can't escape! This tortoise isn't bad. I shall keep it to be used as a mount!"

The old man sneered wickedly and simultaneously raised both his hands to attack. He then stepped on the water again and his body soared up, launching himself just like a cannonball. His speed had increased by more than a few times and he had covered about ten feet worth of distance in an instant.

Ye Lingchen told Old Tortoise to avoid the attack, but when he looked again, the old man was already standing in front of him, even giving him a mocking look.

The old man's eyes lit up the minute he saw Ye Lingchen. "Are you Ye Lingchen?

"Hahaha, I found you by sheer luck after searching high and low for you. Looks like I've struck gold today. Not only did I discover a new gate, I even have you at my fingertips. Amazing. This is just amazing!"

Ye Lingchen calmed the anxiety in his heart and kept a distance from the old man, putting on an expression that suggested he would not even hurt a fly. "You recognize me?"

"I don't just recognize you. Your reputation precedes you!" The old man gazed intently at Ye Lingchen. His eyes narrowed, and there was a maliciousness emanating from his scar-ridden face. "Miracle Doctor Y has issued a blanket ban on our Stick Nation and won't sell us the Canine Bane Pill. How ruthless is that?

"You're Miracle Doctor Y, aren't you? Now that we've made acquaintance, it's time for you to come with me!"
