Heaven and Hellfire Compiled-Chapter Two: Cloaks, Daggers, and Morpheus

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Kiyora had parted ways with William shortly after she was sure they were out of the woods. She hadn't dreamed again for several nights. The truth was that with all the adventures she'd been having these past few months, she was sick of them.

However, she knew she couldn't stay away from Seathorius forever. Something might have happened while she was gone, and she did rule the place. So she dreamed again. The trees looked much the same as they usually did. However, their spirits were a bit more lethargic. She came to a door as she walked beneath the shadow of the woods. Of course, it was a Nakmar door, which looked like a hillside, but she'd learned to walk through those years ago.

She passed through the halls and found King Houndslasher. The King of the Nakmar was practicing with a broad axe and clad in his mail. As she entered, he looked up. At once, the black-haired dwarf returned the weapon in its rack and looked at her.

"Dreaming Goddess, I am glad you are here," said Houndslasher. "Things have not been the same without you."

"Believe me, I know the feeling," said Kiyora. "Have there been any invasions?"

"No," said Houndslasher.

"Demonic possessions?" asked Kiyora.

"No, nothing of the sort," said Houndslasher.

"Odd," said Kiyora. She'd been expecting Arraxia to start all kinds of trouble now that she had the Void Stone and the Axe of Fortenex. "Oh well, is there anything you need me for?"

"No," said Houndslasher. "We have minded our affairs." He paused. "But the woods..."

"Yes?" asked Kiyora.

"They've been very quiet and silent," said Houndslasher. "They haven't moved at all. When our sorcerers communed with them, they claimed they were exhausted."

"Yeah, I had to use a lot of power in a foreign land," said Kiyora. "Long story. It will be a while before I can do any more miracles. You guys will have to handle things without me."

"I understand," said Houndslasher.

Kiyora considered Arraxia. She had no idea what the demoness was up to, but she really should find out. "Hey, I've got to talk to someone."

"I understand," said Houndslasher. "Before you go, however, I should tell you. Some of the less faithful are... concerned. We've become so used to you doing things for us. Now that you've stopped appearing so often, it has downed spirits.

"Some say you have abandoned us."

"I didn't abandon anyone," said Kiyora. "And hundreds of years of good deeds earn a little loyalty."

"Be that as it may," said Houndslasher, "it would be well if you did a few minor miracles. Just to remind others that you are still watching over them."

"Okay," said Kiyora. "I'll see if I can make time. But I've been swamped, so no promises." Then, she teleported herself again.

This time, she appeared outside Baltoth's Retribution. The great fortress was now nearly rebuilt. Its black walls towered over the surrounding woodlands. The illusion of benevolence was gone, and several satyr villages had sprung up around it. Kiyora focused and then appeared within the great stone hall of Arraxia.

It was mostly empty. The pillars now had symbols of monsters engraved on them. The ceiling seemed to have gotten higher. The bonfires were burning with an unholy light. At the far end of the room was a throne. And on that throne, Arraxia was lounging.

The voluptuous demoness had her long legs crossed over the side of the throne. Her dark hair fell across the armrest. The Void Stone was gripped in the palm of one black-skinned hand. Looking at it was as horrible as ever, and she leaned on the Axe of Fortenex. The red axe did not radiate suffering as it once had; the power had been used up.

"I bet you think you've been clever?" asked Kiyora.

"Well, yes," said Arraxia. "I have the Axe of Fortenex and the Void Stone. Melchious has been banished, and I am stronger than ever at no real expense on my part. With their power, I may easily bend you to my will through our connection."

"You know your sister might be dead?" noted Kiyora.

"I doubt it," mused Arraxia. "Melchious wouldn't kill Zigildrazia's pets. Necrophilia is one of the few depravities in which Demon Queen doesn't engage. And if he did, I suppose he's saved me the trouble of breaking her, if nothing else."

"Well, either way, I think I should let you know I'm not going to let you use those," said Kiyora. Arraxia laughed. "Let me? And who are you to disallow me?!"

"The Dreaming Goddess," said Kiyora.

"A mere title to disguise a foolish child playing at divinity," said Arraxia.

"I've done a pretty good job of stopping you so far," said Kiyora.

"A momentary inconvenience," said Arraxia.

"What exactly are you going to do with the Void Stone and Axe of Fortenex anyway?" asked Kiyora.

"Is it not obvious, dear?" asked Arraxia. "With the unbridled power of both, I shall... I will... I..." She paused. Then she sat up straight. "My plan was..." Arraxia looked very thoughtful.

"You didn't plan this far ahead, did you?" asked Kiyora.

"I did," said Arraxia. "I was planning to subdue Seathorius using the Axe of Fortenex. I would have used the Void Stone to create an army of the walking dead to overrun all my neighbors.

"But right now, I'm almost allied with the surrounding regions. I could break the truce and attack them, but I am not so shortsighted."

"So you don't have a plan anymore?" asked Kiyora.

"I seem to have outsmarted myself," admitted Arraxia.

"I think you mean Vanion has outsmarted you," noted Kiyora. "Out of curiosity, could you create an army of the walking dead with the Void Stone? Or were you just joking?"

"Oh, of course," said Arraxia. "All those souls trapped inside it have been festering for hundreds of years. I need only to break them to my will and then implant their souls into the corpses of the dead. Then I could unleash them upon the neighboring regions."

"Right," said Kiyora. "So, what are you going to do now?"

"I have no idea," admitted Arraxia. "I suppose I shall continue to strengthen my holdings in Seathorius. So I'll maintain this alliance for a while more.",

"Glad to hear it," said Kiyora. "Bye."

She reappeared outside Baltoth's Retribution. Quickly running over the situation, Kiyora concluded. It was a pretty obvious one at that.

"Okay, she's going to betray us," said Kiyora. "I need to get that stone from her, and I need to do it ASAP. But how? I can't act directly against her, can I? If I go right up there and steal it, we'll have a war. I need someone who isn't allied with her and wouldn't want Arraxia getting too powerful." Then she had an idea. "That's it!"

She snapped her fingers and reappeared within a beautiful golden woodland. The trees here were very tall and had white bark. Walking among them was a breathtakingly beautiful elven woman with gold hair. Yet her eyes were very old.

Queen Dawn eyed Kiyora in irritation. "Well, what do you want?"

"Oh, nothing, Queen Dawn," said Kiyora. "I just thought I'd tell you Arraxia has the Void Stone and the Axe of Fortenex."

Dawn sighed and put her face in her hands. "I told you your association with her would bring nothing but ruin."

"She isn't doing anything right now," said Kiyora. "She never expected her plans to work this well, so she's trying to figure out what to do with them."

"And you are telling me this because?" asked Dawn.

"Well, you are enemies with her," said Kiyora. "I figure you might want to initiate some quest to retrieve the Void Stone. You know, before she gets bored enough to do something reckless."

Dawn remained silent for a long moment. "...I will take this into account."

"Oh, and if you need help, I could help guide the destined heroes or whatever," said Kiyora. She waved her hands mysteriously. "You know, in spirit."

"Of course, you could," said Dawn. "Now get out of my domain."

"Fine, I know my way out," said Kiyora. As she prepared to leave, she sensed a call of sorts. Someone, somewhere, wanted to speak with her.

Kiyora quickly followed the call and found herself within the halls of the Nakmar again. King Houndslasher was sitting at a table, writing a decree. In front of him was a dwarvish woman clad in brown robes. As Kiyora approached, Houndslasher looked up without surprise. "Dreaming Goddess," he said with a nod. "You return quickly."

"Well, I got the sense I was wanted over this way," said Kiyora. "How can I help?"

"It is not the Nakmar who desired your presence," admitted Houndslasher. "There is a messenger here for you."

"A messenger?" asked Kiyora. "Who?"

"She is from Calisha," said Houndslasher. "Moira, I'll have this order for a metal filled out soon enough. Could you escort the Dreaming Goddess to Ambassador Emira?"

"Emira?" said Kiyora. "I remember her."

"Follow me," said Moira.

Moira led Kiyora through the winding, circular halls of the Nakmar. They came into a room with a high ceiling and a paved floor. The roots of a tree were growing through the top. That told Kiyora that the above were the Nakmar burial grounds for this settlement. Or, vulture grounds. Whatever they were technically called, Nakmar didn't bury their dead.

On the far side of the room was Emira. She appeared to be writing something in quick, small movements. The scratching of her pen annoyed Kiyora. She hated that sound. Moira bowed and looked like she wanted to say something. Then she thought better of it and departed.

"So I'm told you came looking for me," said Kiyora.

"Indeed," said Emira. "I come to you bearing a message from Emperor Baltoth himself. He, at this moment, invites you to attend the Festival of the Hearth within Ruscow."

"The Festival of the Hearth?" asked Kiyora.

"It is a celebration dedicated to Herus. Lord of Fidelity and Marriage," said Emira. "Held in the dead of winter when the world is coldest."

"Oh, that's nice," said Kiyora. "Uh, why is Baltoth inviting me again?"

"He wishes you to see Calisha with your own eyes," said Emira. "He desires that you do not have your mind clouded by the speeches of Harlenorians."

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"Right, okay," said Kiyora, only half believing it. "When is this festival exactly?"

"It is a week from now," said Emira. "Though this year's winter has been very mild. If you wish to attend, you need only focus your will through this stone, which will transport you to the capital." She offered Kiyora a bright blue stone.

"Okay, cool," said Kiyora, taking it. "I guess I'll see you there."

Then she departed and at once met with her high priest. High Priest Bjorn was reading as he usually was in his spare hours. She approached him quickly. "Bjorn, I got this stone from an emissary of Baltoth. Have some sorcerers check this stone for any sign of curses."

"You don't think that Emperor Baltoth would do something dishonorable, Dreaming Goddess?" asked Bjorn.

That was right. The Nakmar held Baltoth in high regard. "Let's just play it on the safe side," said Kiyora. Then she felt her spirit being drawn back to the world of waking. "...And I'm waking up now."

She awoke, got up, stretched, brushed her teeth and hair, then dressed. Finally, she went downstairs to eat breakfast with Mom and Dad. She found Dad sketching on a notepad with his pen. Mom was reading this morning's newspaper, a half-drunk cup of coffee by her.

"Morning, Mom. Good morning, Dad," she said, sitting down.

"So Kiyora, how is the application to become a Dream Sage going?" asked Dad.

"I just sent it in yesterday," said Kiyora. "I don't know if they'll get back to me in a month or a year."

"It may be less than that," noted Mom. "You did say that Lieutenant Escalus recommended you take it." Her voice was hopeful. She'd been against Kiyora's decision.

"Yeah, but it's the most prestigious job in the entire Empire," said Kiyora. "Every kid wants to become a Dream Sage and take time out of their day battling evil."

"Not me," said Dad, putting down his pen to sip his coffee. "I never wanted to be anything but an artist."

"Wait, seriously?" asked Kiyora.

"Yes," said Dad. "I've always loved drawing. Running across rooftops fighting evil spirits may sound glorious. But I think it is somewhat less fun than one might expect."

"If it were up to me, they wouldn't accept anyone under sixty," said Mom.

"Well, that is the trouble, Mayora," said Dad. "Connections to the spirit world become most powerful when honed early. It would seriously disadvantage the Department of Spiritual Defense if they were to do that."

"Disadvantage or not, no one is mature enough at that age to make that kind of decision," said Mom.

"Then why did you let me send it?" asked Kiyora.

Mom remained silent for a moment. "Well, you've already been thrust into things. So it will only make the difference if you become a Dream Sage. Except, in this case, you may be prepared.

"You were the one who said it first."

"Or she'll face even worse dangers," noted Dad. "Tell me about them after the fact, Kiyora. It may help me paint."

"Dear!" said Mom.

"I'm only joking, Mayora," said Dad. "Besides, she may not get accepted at all."

Kiyora got her food and ate hungrily. She didn't know why, but she'd been starving lately. Finishing it, she looked at the clock and glanced at Mom. "Anyway, I need to get ready for school. Thanks, Mom."

"Just try not to meet any creatures of eldritch power while you're there!" said Mom.

She began making her way down the street. As she did, she admired new construction. Several new buildings were being grown from Actovosh's roots in her neighborhood. They were still in the early stages of growth, so she could only wonder what they would look like when done.

She was halfway to Reya's house to meet her friend en route when she heard a voice.

"Kiyora..." It said.

"Wait, is someone calling me?" she asked.

"Kiyora... help me..." said the voice.

That sounded important. Kiyora followed the sound and saw a group of kids huddled around a small furry creature. They were poking at it with their feet, and one of them was kicking it.

"Hey, you kids, leave that poor animal alone!" snapped Kiyora, moving up to them.

At once, the kids dispersed, and Kiyora saw the animal for what it was. It was like a cat, except it had wings like a dove's. The symbol of a golden sun was etched onto its brow. It stood up and scratched itself, none the worse for wear.

"Hello! I'm Morpheus!" said the creature. "I'll be your Dream Sage Mascot!"

"Dream Sage Mascot?" asked Kiyora. This was going to be one of those days.

"Or you can call me an instructor if you like," said Morpheus. "Your application was received and accepted. I'm here to help you with your dream of becoming a Dream Sage."

"And you were getting beaten up by a bunch of kids because?" asked Kiyora.

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"Oh, there weren't any kids," said Morpheus. "That was a secret test of character. We would have counted it as an automatic rejection if you hadn't stepped in.

"Now come on! We've got a mission!"

"A mission?" asked Kiyora. "I've got school."

"Don't worry. It's all been arranged," said Morpheus. "You'll be able to make up your work during the summer."

"Right, okay," said Kiyora. "Thanks for the warning, Morpheus."

"You're welcome," said Morpheus.

"That was sarcasm," said Kiyora.

"Sar-what?" asked Morpheus.

"Just lead on," said Kiyora in resignation.

Morpheus led Kiyora into a series of alleyways, and soon, they were walking through a maze of passages. In some of them, the roots had begun to grow too large and had nearly filled in the alleys. The people who owned the buildings really should have been doing more to guide the growth.

"Where are we going anyway?" asked Kiyora.

"A nightmare is manifesting itself in these alleys," said Morpheus. "If we don't stop it soon, it'll take a direct place in the world."

"A nightmare?" asked Kiyora. "Is that one of those things which happen every day? The kind that are kept secret by the Department of Spiritual Defense?"

"Yes," said Morpheus. "They are evil spirits that try to ruin and destroy this world. And they are the first enemy rookie dream sages are supposed to face."

"Where do they come from?" asked Kiyora.

"They're a side effect of what Dreamer Elves are," said Morpheus. "Your races' inherent connection to the spirit realm causes natural disruptions. Evil creatures can use these disruptions to crawl through. One of the primary duties of a Dream Sage is to exterminate them."

"I thought their job was to fuel treeship's weaponry," said Kiyora.

"No, those are adult Dream Sages," said Morpheus. "We don't send children on that kind of dangerous mission."

"Oh, because fighting eldritch horrors is much safer," said Kiyora.

"Nope," said Morpheus. "But nightmares aren't eldritch horrors. They're parasites. Most just sort of cause people bad dreams when they start. They have to become very strong before they can do any real damage. Also, most of them aren't smart enough to last this long. This is more like exterminating an infestation of insects.

"It's only dangerous if you let things get out of hand."

"You're selling me on the glory angle of this job," said Kiyora.

"Good," said Morpheus. "I'm supposed to keep the Dream Sage lifestyle seeming epic for as long as possible. Though I'm surprised, I'm doing such a good job. I mean, you did kill Laughing Wraith.

"Compared to that, most of what we run into for the next few months is going to be trivial. Hopefully."

"Great." said Kiyora. "So, how much am I getting paid again?"

"It was listed on the form," said Morpheus.

"I kind of forgot the details," admitted Kiyora.

"All rookie Dream Sages get paid by the bounty," said Morpheus. "Each nightmare you destroy is worth a certain amount of money, depending on its power. You'll get a regular paycheck once you qualify for a higher rank.

"Just think of it as an afterschool activity. Now, we've got to focus. We're nearly there."

They came to a fence, and beyond it was Reya's house. There was an eerie light coming from Reya's window. Within that light was a shadow that seemed to be feasting off of it.

"Look there, Kiyora!" said Morpheus. "There's the nightmare! It's tormenting that girl's dreams."

"What do you mean, dreams?" asked Kiyora. "Reya wouldn't be sleeping now."

"The nightmare has forced her into a sleep which she can't wake up from," said Morpheus. "Quick, take this." And out of the air came a long carved white staff. It had the metal symbol of a sun on the end, painted gold. Kiyora took it. "What do I do with this?"

"Raise the rod and say, 'By the Power of Alchara, I will smite you.'" said Morpheus.

"That is so lame," said Kiyora.

"Do it quickly before-" began Morpheus.

Kiyora raised a hand and channeled her power. A wave of blue energy shot out and hit the shadow. There was a screaming noise, and then it dissipated.

Morpheus blinked. "-um, that happens."

"Yeah, I've kind of learned to use my power on my own," said Kiyora.

"Maybe so," said Morpheus. "But you should probably still use the staff."

"Why?" asked Kiyora.

"Because when used, that rod naturally focuses your innate dreamer power into it. It allows you to wield it much more efficiently," said Morpheus. "You must have a truly immense amount of dreamer power to be able to kill nightmares without a focus."

"I'm the Dreaming Goddess," said Kiyora. "People focus on me."

"I can't pass you on your first test until you use the rod," said Morpheus. "Now, could you just say the words?"

"Wait, so you teach me to use the rod while I'ma nightmare is attacking me?" asked Kiyora.

"You were in no real danger," said Morpheus. "Like I said, nightmares don't kill at this level. And if you'd really needed help, I could have intervened."

"So you have powers," asked Kiyora.

"Yes. All mascots are equipped with power enough to destroy lesser nightmares," said Morpheus. "Just in case inexperienced Dream Sages get into trouble."

"Right, okay," said Kiyora. "Do I have to invoke the name of Alchara?"

"Yes," said Morpheus. "That's the code word."

"Well, it could be worse, I guess," said Kiyora. "I could be invoking the name of Ictargo."

"That's a little harsh," noted Morpheus.

Kiyora took a stance and raised the staff with the sun symbol pointed away from her. "'By the Power of Alchara, I will smite you!'"

Suddenly, Kiyora found herself being drawn upward. Her arms were pulled back to either side of her. Light surrounded her entire body, and she felt her clothes disappear. Onto her torso crept a blue corset, which showed off a lot of cleavage. She felt something like a crown on her head, and her hair was tied behind her head in two buns. Long blue gloves were now on her hands, and her pants were replaced with a black miniskirt. Her legs were bare except for a pair of blue leggings, and on her feet were a pair of high heels.

Kiyora landed as the light faded and looked at her outfit. She realized she was blushing. "Well, this is uh... why the miniskirt exactly?"

"Style points," said Morpheus.

"Couldn't I have battle armor or flowing robes?" asked Kiyora.

"Well, flowing robes might trip you up," said Morpheus. "And battle armor would make it harder to pursue nightmares."

"What about pants?" asked Kiyora.

"Um..." Morpheus paused, "style points?"

"I feel like a prostitute," said Kiyora, feeling somewhat inadequate at the same time. "How do I get out of this? Can I get my clothes back?"

"Raise the rod and say, 'Let the power of Alchara be returned.'" said Morpheus.

Kiyora could not raise her staff fast enough. "'Let the power of Alchara be returned.'" The light reappeared, and she was raised into the hair. Her hair went free again, her pants and shirt returned, and she no longer had to wear that stupid tiara. She landed. "So how is this Alchara's power exactly? Isn't it my own?"

"It is your own," said Morpheus. "But children who become Dream Sages are gifted with great powers. The creator of all Dreamer Elves, Alchara, gives them."

"Except not really," said Kiyora. "The Department of Bloodlines has been breeding powerful Dreamers."

"Yes, but the Department of Bloodlines was created and is directed by Emperor Ictargo," said Morpheus. "And Ictargo reports to Alchara."

"Okay, but there is a difference between shuffling paperwork and bestowing divine powers," noted Kiyora. "Especially on children."

"Actually, there isn't," said Morpheus. "The gods use many means to achieve their ends. Alchara bestows the power of the dreamer through marriages rather than gifts. Is it truly so different?"

"Yes," said Kiyora.

"How?" asked Morpheus.

"Well, I mean... in another world, there is this god, Elranor," said Kiyora. "He gives his powers to people who prove themselves. If someone gets their powers from him, they have earned them. You have to prove yourself worthy of powers before he gives them. Giving powers to kids seems like a recipe for disaster."

"Alchara has means of restraining them," said Morpheus. "They may have dreamer powers. But she can choose not to unlock them, should they prove unsuitable in one life or another."

"Yeah, but what is the benefit of giving someone powers at birth? As opposed to giving them when they prove themselves?" asked Kiyora.

"You ask many questions, don't you?" asked Morpheus.

"Yeah, yeah, I do," said Kiyora. "Do you answer them?"

"The truth is that Alchara lost much of her power before the Dreamer Elves even existed," said Morpheus. "You know the human king, Anoa the Butcher? He was only the beginning of a period called the Great Calamity. Elven realms across the world were devastated. Alchara was forced to expend much of her power to save them.

"When Alchara bestows power on certain bloodlines. She can increase that power by controlling whom they marry. Giving powers costs her much more. Elranor can do it because he is immensely powerful and has some power to burn."

"Okay," said Kiyora. "Wait, so if Alchara lost most of her power before the Dreamer Elves existed, why did she create us?"

"The answer is a bit complicated," said Morpheus. "Ordinarily, when a soul dies, one of three things happens. First, they are found worthy and pass to the forest of Alchara to dwell in her domain. Second, they are not yet worthy and are reincarnated. Third, they are cast out into hell if they have performed great evil.

"Well, things got bad during the Great Calamity. So many elves were killed that there was no way they could all be reincarnated. Not enough of them were being born. So Alchara created the Dreamer Elves, a new race from the souls of all those killed."

"Hadn't her power diminished?" asked Kiyora.

"Creating the Dreamer Elves is what did much of the diminishing," admitted Morpheus.

"That makes sense," said Kiyora. "Well, it looks like I got a history lesson from this, at least. Why isn't any of this taught in schools?"

"Alchara prefers this world to operate on a need-to-know basis," said Morpheus. "What you read in class is only the surface of a much longer history." He turned and began to walk away. "Come on, if you're quick, you might be able to get back to school in time."

"Huzzah," said Kiyora. "I'll try to contain my glee."

"Glad you're so enthusiastic about your education!" said Morpheus.

Kiyora wondered if she could find those kids again.