Hard Enough-Chapter 229: Golden Week begins

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With no challengers for the Elite course for the Gym and only one normal challenger who tried and failed to run the gauntlet, things in the Gym were able to wind down easily.

This let me spend more time with A.J., Greta and Missy for most of the day until lunch. From there I ran a quick course on identifying pokemon moves and accessing databases for what moves pokemon could learn. Then I ran through variants of known methods I had for how to coach certain moves to my sponsored trainers.

“Dark Pulse is an effective move to have in your back pocket against psychic types,” I said, pausing the video of Knight exploding with dark power.

“You’ll want to make sure that you have your pokemon channelling and compressing the energy within them. It’s great to give them some visual cues for this,” I said over the channel.

A ping made me pause in the lecture. “How do you get them to visualise it?” Mia asked.

I grinned and pulled up a sheet of blank paper. I then waved for Yolanda to approach and enter the camera. “We’re going to have Yolanda demonstrate this with Terra.” I waved a hand towards the small pokemon who waved at the camera.

“Larvitar, while ground and rock typed currently, is capable of learning Dark Pulse. For this, it is best if Larvitar knows Payback or Bite, which will allow her to have an easy gateway into tapping into her dark energy,” I said, feeling like I should have worn the lab coat Oak had given me for this lecture.

“Terra does,” Yolanda said, waving a hand towards a pokedoll. “Terra! Use Bite!” she commanded, and Terra stopped waving at the camera and adopted a serious pose. She leapt from her position to slam into the doll with her fangs sinking in.

She shook the doll from side to side. A small squeaky toy in the middle of the pokedoll squeaked, causing Terra to sink her fangs in repeatedly.

“Excellent,” I said, amused at the adorable scene that reminded me of dogs playing with toys in my past life. “Now, the next steps were as we discussed, having the concept explained to her. I’m not going to rehash this.”

I gestured to the paper. “So we’re going to take the paper that I asked you to have for this lecture and work through it together, as it can be a bit tricky. If you need to rewatch this or need another angle, I have included a link in today’s notes,” I said as I demonstrated folding the paper into small squares over and over.

Then I had to work at valley folding the paper over and over in opposite directions so that it collapsed in on itself.

I then meticulously crumpled the paper.

“Hey! Wait? How are you doing that?” Humphrey asked, as I saw on his screen he’d fallen behind.

I demonstrated the trick of crumpling it, only to find he’d gotten more confused.

“It’s not too hard,” said Misty from Forrest’s transceiver.

Mia coughed. “She doesn’t even go here,” she said, teasing Misty.

I huffed and rolled my eyes, ignoring how multiple other sponsored kids had their friends sitting with them for the lesson. If they wanted to share, that was fine by me.

“So the next step,” I said, making everyone get back to the task. By the end of the lecture, everyone had an origami ball that could collapse and expand, showcasing a simple ‘expansion mechanism’ to their pokemon that they could handle and witness. Ȑ𝘼ƝôBΕ𐌔

Ash coughed. “How come we can’t just show them a video?”

I shrugged. “Not all your pokemon are going to be visual learners. It can help to cover multiple angles. They can experience the expansion mechanism along with how compression works,” I said.

I then coughed. “Also, this was a method that I developed when the pokenet wasn’t as well spread as it is today. Having methods that don’t rely on libraries worth of information isn’t a bad idea. Find what works for you,” I said easily. I then reached under the desk and pulled out a toy that Suzie and the other kids used.

“You can also buy these sorts of toys,” I said, demonstrating the expansion and contracting function.

Everyone stared. “Why have we been doing origami then?” they said.

I chuckled. “There’s other things you can do with simple origami related to training, if you think about it. Try and find a use for it by the time our next lesson rolls around. I gave you one that takes a lot of folding, but there are plenty of easier tricks that you can demonstrate to your pokemon, or ways to use simple paper,” I said.

I didn’t want to lead them too much, but simple paper planes thrown by you and your team while another tried to blast them was a great game I’d played with Bertha and Guybro when we’d been travelling.

Mia waved her hand. "I already have one!" she said. She then pointed to Silly Mouse, who was happily folding paper. "Group activities!" she proclaimed happily.

That earned a laugh from everyone.

I ended the lesson there, then set about helping Rachel pack things up. She smirked at me. “You forgot about the pokenet didn’t you? Old man~!” she teased.

Yolanda giggled.

I made a show of wagging my finger at her. “Now you listen here young lady! In my day we had to come up with training methods on the fly! None of these gizmos and doodads!” I said with a creaky voice like I was an elder.

Yolanda and Rachel giggled. I looked over to find that A.J. was toying with his collapsible origami ball with a thoughtful expression. I considered asking him what was on his mind, before noticing that he didn’t have a transceiver on his wrist, unlike most kids his age.

I frowned. They weren’t that expensive, and he was getting paid for the work he was doing… Hmmm, I might have to talk to him this week while we were on Chrysanthemum island.

“Brock?” Yolanda said, prompting me to turn back to her. “Do you still have the origami ball that you used for Titan with you?” she asked.

I hummed and reached into my pouch. I rifled around a bit before grasping something. I withdrew a black paper that was scrunched up into what looked like a tightwad. I then twisted it so that it expanded.

Terra cooed in delight at this and I handed the ball over to Yolanda. “I’d forgotten I had this, after I got home from my journey I thought I unpacked everything.” I rubbed my chin in thought. “I must have repacked it when we moved,” I said.

I’d have to set aside some time to go through everything and see what was in there and store it away properly, instead of just hoarding it like a loot gremlin. Not that there was anything wrong with being a loot gremlin. It was just convenient to keep all my things close at hand.

I had my very expensive bag of holding, which was really just a Silph Co. Travelman Deluxe, and other people had storage facilities like the PC that was currently being debated on for pokemon. Well, and then there were also people like Sabrina who had entire facilities where she had dresses, knicknacks, paintings, and other sorts of things such as furniture that she’d acquired over the course of her travels.

“Tar tar tar!” chirped Terra as she opened and closed the ball with her little arms.

I took a video of Terra playing with the ball and giggling to herself. Rachel would love this, and it would also be a great memento for when Terra was much older and probably much larger. No way she’d be this cute when she was a Tyranitar.

I tilted my head, imagining Tyranitar Terra playing with an origami ball.

Hmmm, actually that would be pretty cute. I wonder if I could get Empress to play with it?

I made my way to the reserve to conduct a final check in with my pokemon. I found most of them standing around the pond, which made me sigh and facepalm.

I marched up to it and glared at the lumpy mud that lay on the edge of the water.

“Bertha, you got hit with a Toxic, you’re being ridiculous!” I said, crossing my arms and glaring at her.

The mud pile that was Bertha sat up. “Perioooooooooor!” she wailed, the back of one of her massive hands held to her head like she was a woman from some period drama who was feeling woozy.

I rolled my eyes. “Seriously? What gives? You’re really playing it up today,” I stated, ignoring Zubat as she landed on my shoulder and proceeded to rub her face against mine.

“Rhyperior,” said Bertha despondently as she lifted a handful of mud up before letting it slough off her and onto her leg. The entire action lacked the usual spark I’d come to associate with her and mud.

“You didn’t lose, even though it was a damn close thing with Ethan getting in that Toxic early. You fought a great fight and pulled through before passing out after the match, but you’re wallowing like you lost something?”

Bertha began forming a clump of mud up, only to make it flop over itself. “Rhy, perior!” She said a few times, indicating the mass of mud and then putting a hand to her chest.

I frowned. “You… feel like Muk was too close to living mud?” I asked seriously.

Bertha nodded.

I hummed. Well, even in terms of name, they were similar, with Muk and mud only being a letter off. There was also the fact that Grimer basically resulted from polluted waterways and dumps with excessive chemicals. Meaning that if you really squinted at it, Grimer and Muk sort of were living mud.

I bit my lips as another thought came to mind.

Damn, when we got access to Alola, she was going to absolutely hate Sandyghast and Palossand. Ghost and ground type, but literal sentient sand.

Sand was basically her second favourite form of dirt, with it being used to clean her off. You basically had to sandblast her.

I shot her a sly look. Betha narrowed her eyes. “Rhy!” she said, pointing her finger at me.

I adopted a faux innocent look, but she wasn’t buying it. She dove closer to the water’s edge, where she could sink into the mud more.

“What if there’s a Muk lurking in there?” I called out.

She stood and pointed at me. “Rhy rhy rhy! Perior!” she said, sounding for all intents and purposes like she was berating me. She pulled her eyelid down and stuck her tongue out when she was done.

“Well, I never!” I said, as though this sort of behaviour affronted me rather than amused me. I stuck my nose up and sauntered to the side before turning and sauntering the other way.

On my shoulder, Zubat copied me, her own nose turning upwards.

“Zuuuuu bat!” she said in what I can only assume was a snooty manner.

“Rhyperior!” snapped Bertha at the both of us.

“I’m just raising a valid point!” I called back.

A few chuffs and some laughter behind me had me glancing over my shoulder to where the rest of my pokemon were lounging.

I found them loafing around, idly watching the drama unfolding before them. Titan had a nice rock in the sun, while Sanchez lay on his stomach with his head in his hands, his legs kicked up behind him. Selene, my Lunatone, merely hovered above Gible, who was making small snapping motions at her while she evaded him.

Knight, my Aggron, lay on his stomach with a host of Aron piled on top of him. They nudged and bunted at him only for him to ignore them as he munched on what looked like a small metal girder. Huh, they must want some of his snack.

Still… the cheeky buggers were treating this like entertainment.

I could even see Don waving his wings in our direction, while next to him his daughter and what looked like another young Aerodactyl were watching on. Neat, Bianca hadn’t mentioned there being another egg hatching, but she had been busy so she might not have had the time.

This tale has been unlawfully lifted from Royal Road. If you spot it on Amazon, please report it.

I watched Don interact with the pair of smaller Aerodactyl.

Huh, they were taking in his every word.

Don paused in his retelling and shot me a scowl. “Aero!” he screeched in challenge.

I shrugged. “I’m just weirded out seeing you being the calm rational one telling the youngsters what to do.”

The rest of my pokemon turned at this and sniggered, with Zubat flapping her wings in glee.

“Aeeeeeeeero!” he shouted in annoyance. Then he took a play out of my book and turned his nose up at all of us. I chuckled and shot him a wink, which he responded to with a smirk. Hmmm, good to see he’d settled down since I’d dragged him into line.

I turned back to Bertha, only to chuckle as I caught sight of Link, my Clefable, sitting on Tide, my Lapras’ back with a stick and string, while Shin played at nibbling on the line.

Everyone was relaxed going into next week. That was good.

I turned back to Bertha and saw she was still somewhat weirded out by the mud.

I sighed, knowing there was only one thing for it. I shucked off my shoes, took off my shirt and waded out until I could reach down and scoop up some mud.

I then did the extremely clever thing of throwing it at Bertha.

Everyone paused as Bertha stiffened. She turned her head to stare at me.

“You’re being silly and overthinking it. Mud is mud and one of the things you annoyingly love to spend time in. Muk is not the same. They come in purple, lightish grey and rainbow colours! Just stick to clean pools of water and you’ll be fine!” I said.

Bertha blinked at me before nodding slowly. I returned the nod before making a show of slowly wading back out.

“You should fly off now, Zubat,” I said out the side of my mouth. She followed the suggestion, and this proved to be the correct choice, as I got all of five steps before a wave swept me into the pond.

I swam up and onto Tide. I clambered up his neck to take the high ground against Bertha, who grinned at me unrepentantly.

With water dripping off me and a glare that could set things on fire, I levelled an imperious finger at Bertha. “So, it’s betrayal, then?” I said aloud.

Bertha nodded smugly.

I sniffed and pretended I was going to jump at her to splash her with a dive bomb, but I was feeling like I should make the most of having most of my pokemon here.

“Pokemon! It’s a water war free for all!” I called instead, pulling out a giant super-soaker from my pouch, which I used to spray Bertha like an unruly Growlithe.

There was a second as everyone registered the command, before suddenly the pond became a free-for-all. Water and mud flew everywhere, and by the time everything was done I was soaking and shivering.

I and a few other pokemon approached the tunnels leading to the faux volcano set up, where I called up my Magcargo to warm us all up. They obliged by exhaling a stream of fire upwards, and soon I was no longer shaking.

Titan nudged me and grinned. I chuckled.

It wasn’t what others might have done on their last pre-tournament days, but I couldn’t find anything wrong with having some fun with my pokemon.

I marched home and found my family with their suitcases all packed up. Suzie looked unusually sad, while the others were all biting their lips and trying not to laugh.

“Alright, what’s up?” I asked.

Suzie coughed. “Brock, I will have to wear these clothes as I can’t pack anything else in my suitcase,” she said seriously. I was surprised with how she met my gaze. It was rather adorable how serious she was being.

Precocious was the word.

“Alright, why is that?” I asked.

The most uptodat𝓮 n𝒐vels are published on freёnovelkiss.com.

Suzie nodded. “I have decided to use my suitcase to carry the egg inturborator,” she said.

“Incubator,” I said along with Yolanda, Flint, and Salvadore.

We all shared a smile while Suzie coughed. I felt a warmth build up within my chest and decided this might be something Sabrina would enjoy.

“Well, I think we can ask Sabrina if she can make a luggage exception for you. Don’t you?” I asked.

Suzie perked up. “Do you think she will? Really?”

Cindy chose to snort at that. “Please, you and her are like best friends,” she said while rolling her eyes. She was standing next to a large suitcase that made me wonder if she hadn’t packed her entire cupboard of clothes in there.

Suzie turned on Cindy, “She’s not like my best friend! That’s Munchlax, and Penny at school,” she said pointing at Munchlax who beamed at her. I noted he had his own little travel sack at his feet.

Suzie put her hands on her hips. “Sabrina is my big sister!” she said proudly.

I chuckled, only for the doorbell to ring.

I opened it to find a small crowd of kids of various ages standing with what had to be their parents. A few of the men and women suddenly began to blush. I suddenly remembered that I was shirtless, having not donned it on the way home.

Right… that was a whoops on my part.

“Hi there!” I said, determined to forge ahead. “Sorry about my state of dress, I had to deal with an unruly pokemon!” I said. They’d understand, I was a Gym Leader. It came with the job to get your hands and sometimes body dirty. I reached into my pouch and drew out a floral slip on shirt.

Cindy gasped and shot past me. “Becky! Harriet! You made it! I’m so glad!” she said, wrapping them both in hugs.

I glanced at both girls, noting their names in my mind. If I wanted to avoid situations like what happened to Forrest, I needed to spend some more time around my siblings and their friends.

Yolanda was easy as she basically exclusively hung out with her friends in the Gym… At least, I think she did... I shot her a thoughtful look, which garnered a confused look from her in response.

“Got any of your friends here from school, Yolanda?” I asked.

Yolanda shook her head, “Nah, they all had plans,” she said casually.

Ah, so they did exist! That was something to follow up on.

I turned back and made to greet the parents. Becky’s parents turned out to be Mr. and Mrs. Furor, a professional interior decorator, and a dentist. “Oh,” I exclaimed, recognising Dr. Furor. “I didn’t realise the girls were friends,” I said happily.

Dr. Furor beamed at the girls. “Oh yes! I was just talking about them the other day when Flint brought your brother in for his routine check up!” she said.

That gave me pause.

That was another thing I used to handle. Huh, I hadn’t even realised he’d taken that over. Maybe I’d gotten too used to having my schedule listed out to me by Alexa. I hadn’t had to plan out school trips or things for the kids in… months now. It was kind of nice, but also weird to not be as involved.

Should I feel guilty?

With that weird feeling of everything being slightly off balance, I met the other parents, only to find that Flint had already addressed them.

I decided to shrug it off. It was a sign that Flint was taking this seriously, so that was good. He was setting down roots. Excellent, all the better for there to be less risk of him haring off after Lola.

From there, I learnt that Cindy was friends with Becky and Harriet. Suzie was friends with a nice, if shy, girl by the name of Penny.

I noted that only her mother had decided to come with us for the Golden Week break. There was a pointed air around Harriet that no one else in their family was coming.

Ah? Recent development then?

Harriet’s mother was casting certain looks at some of the male gym trainers that made me think unleashing her on a beach was going to prove… well I was sure she was going to get whatever she decided she wanted on this break.

Timmy had Frank as his best friend, whereas Tommy had Fred, Chuck, and Leeroy.

“Not Jenkins?” I asked, more out of habit.

When Leeroy grinned at me and replied, "That’s me!” a red flag went up in my head.

This kid, this kid was chaos. I just knew it in my heart of hearts. And he would bear watching. I looked around, only to find a pair of men nudging each other.

“That’s my dad and Uncle Harry! They’re best friends!” said Leeroy cluelessly.

I decided to not explain the historical context of that statement. He’d learn one day.

I instead turned to find Salvadore talking to a girl who looked like she could wrestle Bertha and make a good showing of it. “Brock! This is my lab partner Olga!”

She thrust a hand at me. “It is your honour!” she said as she shook my hand.

I blinked. “Oh? Uhmm, yes it is?” I said.

Olga blinked at me for a moment only to twitch as her whole face went red.

A short man who seemed to be half-hair guffawed and slapped his thighs. “Oh, darling! I swear you were born with two left feet and a wooden tongue sometimes!” said who had to be Olga’s father.

A tall woman reached out and pinched the man’s ear, making him yelp. “That will be quite enough of that, dear!” she said, before gifting me a beaming smile. “Hello! We’re the Forge family,” she said.

I blinked. “Oh, the foundry owners?” I said, earning myself a nod. The man puffed his chest out. “That’s us! I’m Frederico Forge! And this here’s my wife Deena and my pride and joy! Olga!” He said. He turned his attention to Salvadore. “I figured it was high time I got a bead on this here young man and saw what made my baby girl talk so much about him!” he said.

I nodded, feeling like this man was missing a pair of cowboy boots, a stetson, and a Rapidash as part of his everyday attire. It was sort of like talking to a smaller, squatter Surge.

“Don’t worry,” I said. “I don’t think Salvadore’s gotten to that lesson about anatomy yet,” I joked.

Frederico coughed. “Wish I could say the same of Olga, she might be playing doctor soon if you get my drift,” he said.

I hummed. I suddenly felt like I needed a lot more chaperones. Good thing I’d invited along so many parents.

I continued to make small talk, feeling out the parents. Most of them seemed like they were looking forward to some time at a resort. I’d been able to find a rather traditional resort that didn’t use the pokenet for bookings. This led to them having plenty of rooms left, while other places had only a few rooms free.

With the number of families and Gym Trainers coming with us, I’d had to book the place out, but it would be worth it to have a place to call home.

I glanced around at the kids that were starting to chase each other around. Shrieks of joy were ringing out.

Hmmm, it probably wouldn’t be a quiet place to call home…at least until nighttime.

I eyed the parents and noted there was a certain eagerness in them. I adjusted my mental image. It probably wouldn’t be too quiet after the kids went to bed either.

Deena Forge approached me after a few minutes of chatting with others. “So, how are you getting all of us to Chrysanthemum Island? Are we taking a bus to the port south of Pallet Town?” she asked.

Before I could answer, a huge flash of light appeared in the gardens with Sabrina appearing with her Alakazam, Hypno, Kirlia, Xatu, Exeggutor, and Claydol.

I opened my mouth only for a second flash to occur, with a Slowbro appearing alongside Saul and Sandra.

Saul waved. “Hello there!” he said to the other adults. “Ready to travel with a Teleport?” he said grandly.

I snickered as Slowbro turned and took in everyone. “Sloooooow,” said the pokemon.

The kids broke into giggles while Saul could only tilt his head cluelessly, only to groan when he noticed Slowbro was matching him with the confused look.

“Sabrina!” cheered Suzie. Sabrina knelt down and accepted a hug from Suzie who turned and pointed out Penny. “This is one of my best friends Penny!”

Penny stiffened. “One of?” she said worriedly.

Suzie bounded her head up and down, clueless to the fear in her friend’s tone. “Yeah! You and Munchlax!” she said.

Munchlax waddled up to Penny and raised his hand. “Munch!” he said in greeting.

Sabrina stood, keeping Suzie on her hip. “So, we have fifty-seven people and pokemon to take,” she stated.

Alexa appeared and handed me a clipboard with that exact number, making me chuckle. Trust Sabrina to take in the situation at a glance. Suzie leaned in and whispered in Sabrina’s ear. Sabrina listened before nodding. “And one egg,” she said, tacking on the egg.

Suzie then leaned in and whispered something else.

Sabrina nodded along. “Yes, we can repack your suitcase,” she said. “I’ll take care of that while my pokemon start Teleporting everyone,” she said, indicating the various pokemon who stepped forward. Slowbro took a few seconds before matching them.

Saul released his own pokemon to help out, and soon people were vanishing in flashes of light.

I joined Sabrina in helping Suzie pack her suitcase. Next to the suitcase, Togepi’s incubator rested.

“So I’m going to wear this, and this and this, but I need to fold them up properly like Nanny Grav does!” said Suzie seriously.

Sabrina and I sat, watching as Suzie proceeded to slowly fold up the clothes.

Sabrina shot me a look and it took me a moment to realise what she was implying I should do.

She needed a distraction to help speed this along, or we’d be here for hours. “Suzie… would you like to keep looking after this egg?” I asked.

“Yes!” replied Suzie instantly.

I coughed. “No, I meant on a longer-term basis,” I said.

Suzie rose to her tiptoes. “Eeeeee! You mean like she’d be another friend for me?”

I nodded. “Yeah, like that,” I said, deciding that anything else about the relationship between a starter and their person could wait. For Suzie, they’d just be another special friend.

I put my hand on the incubator. “I think I know what, or rather who will hatch from this egg and they will—”

“Shhhhh! No! I want it to be a surprise! Don’t tell me!” said Suzie as she rushed over and put her hand on my mouth to silence me.

I blinked, not having expected that. Sabrina giggled at my expression. While Suzie was distracted, the rest of the clothes that Suzie had been ‘folding up’ to put in her suitcase folded themselves in the air before depositing themselves.

Suzie turned back to the clothes, only to find the pile was now a single top. She hummed in thought before shrugging, deciding it wasn’t worth it. “All done!” she cheered.

Sabrina gave a thumbs-up while looking at me, letting me know we were both recipients. Sabrina put a hand on both of us, and we vanished in a flash.

We reappeared in a room that had a beautiful view of a beach that could be no more than a few hundred metres away. I stepped out to the balcony and took in a lungful of seaside air. “I think Tide is going to enjoy coming back to his home away from home,” I said, noting the nearby cove with a pod of Lapras bobbing along.

Overhead, Wingull called out to each other.

I felt myself relax before sighing. Sadly, I was here to compete, I couldn’t allow myself as many pleasures as everyone else.

Suzie hopped up on the railing fearlessly. “Wow, what a view! Oh hey! There’s a pool!” she said, indicating the resort’s pool, which already had parents and children from our group in and around it.

I could make out a few of the Gym Trainers who’d won the draw lounging on a few deck chairs.

I could also make out a hill that, on the other side, housed what I knew to be a secluded training area that I'd be able to use for my pokemon for the coming week.

I was just thinking about seeking out the training area that the resort had offered up for my exclusive use when Sabrina stepped up next to me.

She smiled, but I was too busy noticing that she was wearing a bikini with a sarong skirt.

“Training and match prep can wait, we can relax this afternoon,” she said, cocking her hip to the side and giving me a smile. Behind her, the bed that was ours for the next week sat innocently.

I found it hard to refute her, she had a compelling argument, and I had no doubt she had just as good a secondary argument coming up.

She was right, work could wait, it was time for some fun. Tomorrow I’d find out what the draw would be for the week as the top sixteen Ace Trainers faced off.