Hard Enough-Chapter 150: Rock v Rock! Roxanne’s challenge!

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Chapter 150: Rock v Rock! Roxanne's challenge!

Houndoom was a giant puppy. Flannery was on her back being licked to death for all intents and purposes as I approached.

Do you need help? I asked semi-seriously as she helplessly batted her hands at the slobbering pokemon.

Houndoom skipped around and narrowed its eyes on me, a small snarl escaped it before Flannery was on her feet, her hand on Houndooms shoulder. Hey, no. Calm down. Fight is over boy; we won, she said. Houndoom eyed me for a moment before barking once and sitting down.

Hmmm, hes well-trained, I said. Flannery nodded before shuddering as she realised how wet her face was.

I raised a hand towards A.J., and he blinked at me.

I made a gesture before sighing when he continued to blink at me cluelessly. The towels in the cupboard we keep for the water battles, A.J.

Oh! A.J. said, turning to the side and grabbing a towel before hurling it at me. Sadly, he overshot and it flapped into Flannery. She still raised a thumbs up to him as she began scrubbing off the slobber her pokemon had left on her.

When she was cleaned up she emerged and grinned at me. Was that a boss fight? Or was that a boss fight?

I chuckled. It was very boss, but I feel like it could have been made easier for you in a few ways.

Flannery blinked at me before coughing, Oh right, yeah, you kind of schooled me a bit, didnt you?

I waggled my hand in a so-so manner. Yes and no. I think you utilised your pokemon very effectively. You had a lot of setups in mind, but you were reckless in relying on power a lot.

I shot her an amused look when she coughed into her fist self-consciously. There were a few instances where you pushed early in the gauntlet. For instance, you could have entered the match against Rocko with your Rapidash, which would have given you more options later on. Torkoal was a bit ambitious as well. Camerupt and Blaziken were your aces, and that showed. Houndoom was perfect against my Solrock I grimaced and inclined my head to the pokemon in question. But using Roar against Rocko really bit you in the backside. He wasnt the right pokemon in that instance.

Houndoom tilted his head in confusion, and Flannery nodded.

Despite that, its impressive that you had plans for fighting against your typing weaknesses. You got shaken around with some of the tactics I used and the denials I had as well but you were able to emerge victorious. Id make sure to cover those gaps, however, as others will exploit them. You need a bit more utility in your fighting style. Have you considered getting a Vulpix for some trickery?

Ah, youre talking about the more classic style of Ninetales that uses Substitute? Confuse Ray, and moves like that? I nodded and Flannery grimaced. Not a style I enjoy using

I nodded. If its not your style, its not your style. Might be worth looking into counters, as I think it would be something that would work well against you at the very least, I said.

I rubbed my chin for a moment before deciding to pull the band-aid off. Where no, how did you find a Lucario of all pokemon? I knew where to find one, which was ostensibly in the Kingdom of Rota, but it wasnt a pokemon that was supposed to be found in Hoenn.

Flannery grinned and made a peace sign while sticking her tongue out. Sorry, thats a secret! Im gonna be grilled by Brawly over this as it is! Hes noticed my training methods with Combusken and always thought it was weird but couldnt work out why it bugged him!

Are you talking about me?! shouted the young man in question as he hopped over the side, Roxanne cradled in his arms. She hopped out of them and dashed forward to wrap Flannery in a hug.

Congratulations! she said before jumping back. Ohmygosh! I might have jinxed you! Brock hasnt given you the badge yet!

Flannery barked a laugh. Eh! No fear there! Hes giving it to me!

I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms without saying anything.

Flannerys smile faltered, and Houndoom whined.

I snorted. Im messing with you, you did more than enough to earn yourself a badge, congratulations! I turned, expecting that Id need to wave A.J. down, only to find him being escorted down by Rocko while looking rather sheepish.

I shot Rocko a thumbs up as A.J. presented the badge case to me. I took the badge inside and offered it to Flannery officially. Flannery, I recognise your skill as a trainer and hereby award you the Boulder Badge of Pewter City!

Flannery took it in her hand and bowed in thanks. Thank you for challenging me and allowing me and mine to grow, she replied formally.

I tilted my head. Huh, is that something said in Hoenn? I asked as a memory from years ago rose to the forefront of my mind.

Flannery blushed while Roxanne giggled. Flannery rubbed the back of her head. Its an old exchange of respect that some people have when they find that theyve had a good match that we do in Hoenn its kind of silly.

Huh, I kind of like it, I said, smiling at Flannery.

She glanced at me for a moment before looking away and coughing. Roxanne stepped forward with a smirk and nudged her friend. Flannery might like to pretend to be a tomboy, but she has manners and bearing where it matters!

Flannery glared at her friend. Oh, wow, faint praise. Thanks Roxy, she said snidely.

She huffed and turned to Houndoom, I forgive you, though because today has just been that amazing for me. She scratched Houndoom behind the horn. Well, with you now up and strong, boy I think were ready to challenge Sabrina!

I coughed to hide my laugh, but Flannery shot me an unimpressed look. Yeah, yeah, alright! Ill need more than my boy wonder here, she said, patting her Houndoom.

I nodded. Just remember that almost all of her pokemon will know Miracle Eye, which will give her a lot more opportunities to impact your Houndoom.

Flannery shot me a sly look and sidled up to nudge her elbow into me. Are you sure you should be telling me how to beat your girlfriend, Brock?

I raised an eyebrow at her. Is that what you thought I was doing? I said with a smirk. Flannery narrowed her eyes at me which only made me smirk harder. I shook my head and waved for everyone to gather around for Flannery to celebrate her victory.

Flannery raised her hands into two Vs towards Rachel, who was acting as a camerawoman.

Roxannes gonna get crushed tomorrow! One! Two! Three! Flannery shouted.

I grinned as Roxanne shot her friend a betrayed expression right as Rachel took the picture. Flannery shot out of the group to inspect the results. Perfect! Keep it like that, no takebacks! she said while Brawly laughed aloud.

Rachel, sensing a chance for some hype, pulled out her microphone. You heard it here first, folks! The Hoenn Stone Maiden versus our Boy! Brock, the Boulder! she said as I facepalmed.

The crowd murmured at that and I saw a number hustling out to secure their seats for tomorrow. I fully expected a full house tomorrow. Sadly, I could hear a lot of them repeating what Rachel had said, calling me Brock the Boulder.

Yeah good job, Rachel, I said, pleased that shed hyped up the crowd but less than impressed with the epithet shed hitched me with.

Rachel knocked on her head with her fist. Hehehe? she said trying for a cutesy act as she realised shed goofed.

I returned my focus to Roxanne. So? Feel like youre ready? I said, allowing my eyes to lock with hers. She straightened up instantly.

I will be leaving with the Boulder Badge tomorrow, Brock! she said.

I merely nodded, saying, Alright, Ill look forward to it.

Its lunchtime! Lets eat! Brawly said as he wrapped his arms around us. We all laughed, the tension well and truly broken.

The rest of the day thankfully passed quickly enough, and I was more than happy to throw myself into my training with both the Gyms pokemon and my Elite team. I felt like I was making serious progress with Jormungandr, albeit a slow and steady, step by step gradual process.

Empress was getting better at following some of my orders.

I started making her work with me in abstract situations that Id encountered during my years as a trainer. I had her fight in a thin layer of mud before ordering her to skip stones across the top in an attack pattern while Clefairy floated and danced about, avoiding the attacks with Minimise.

A sweep of a flamethrower over the field and a trade-out so she was facing Knight forced things to change.

Then I swapped out Knight for Hypnotoad, forcing her to advance over broken ground.

Jump left diagonally and then kick the rock to fire off a Stone Edge! I ordered making use of earlier rocks that Id had her set up. She did so gradually, and when we broke for a debrief, she looked frustrated.

Ran-tar Tyran! she said animatedly to the other pokemon who looked thoughtful.

I tilted my head towards Titan for a translation, having not grown used to Empress mannerisms enough to interpret what she said. Titan scratched his chin in thought before pointing at Don. Tar, he said simply.

Don shot off a Hyper Beam into the air, and when he was done, Titan pointed at his mother. He then pointed at himself and turned, and unleashed a Giga Impact upon a boulder to crush it with his whole body.

I hummed in thought. She is used to using moves that are more long-range rather than advancing in close? I said.

Titan nodded, and it was my turn to rub my chin in thought. Huh, it might be my bias with you coming through but theres also the standard that most Tyranitars are physical powerhouses. Youre best known for your strong attack and defence more than special abilities.

I waved my hand back and forth. That being said, you do have the capacity to learn some truly impressive moves You have Stone Edge, Outrage, Hyper Beam, Dragon Pulse, and Dark Pulse, along with the typical moves such as Crunch, Dig, Tackle and Earthquake

Hmmmm, is it preference? Or do you think youre stronger with special attacks?

Empress shrugged in a manner I thought was far too casual, and then she nodded firmly.

I contemplated the matter for a moment. Hmmm it might be that Im wrong with how Ive been using you. Empress blinked in surprise at that, and I smiled. Dont be like that. Its not that surprising. Im used to handling Titan and hes a powerhouse physically.

Ty-ran tar! Empress said with a firm nod. She then reached over and pinched Titan.

The rest of my pokemon snapped their heads around with such speed that I knew that something had just been said. Don started cackling, while Titan merely rolled his eyes as the others burst into laughter.

I shot Titan another look, and he huffed and mimed a large circle around himself and a smaller circle around his mother. I blinked. She called you fat? I said shooting Empress a less than pleased look.

Empress merely shrugged and murmured something that might have been a clarification, but the others were all too busy laughing to listen.

I let them laugh for a while before I whistled sharply, and the laughter cut off. I flicked my eyes about before shaking my head and locking eyes with Empress. Titan isnt fat. Hes thickly muscled, which allows him to end matches with single hits while tanking through those very same hits.

Empress nodded, but I could see some doubt in her gaze.

I waved her and Titan to step up. Alright, nows as good a time as any to address this. Titan, Im going to have you spar with your mother.

Titans eyes widened, and he shot me a questioning look. I raised a hand to forestall his complaints. She needs to see that what we do has a serious impact on skill, power, and mentality for making better fighters, I said. Empress straightened up at this and started sizing up her son.

With them standing across from each other, the differences were now very noticeable. Titan was thicker and shorter, Empress age giving her an advantage in height. In comparison, Empress looked lean and sharp with many of her spikes being sharper, more primal.

I slammed my hands together. Were going to do this simple. Only moves that you both know will be used. The pokemon knocked out of the ring loses.

I snapped my fingers towards my starter. Titan! Do not go easy on her. If you do that, youre disrespecting her and doing the rest of us no favours. Youre representing all of us, I said, gesturing around at the watching pokemon.

Titan looked them over before turning and locking eyes with his mother. Empress perked up, and a small smile split her scaly lips before she inhaled and roared in her sons face.

Titan matched her, and I had to put my hands to my ears with how close I was to the two pokemon.

When they straightened, I raised my hands. Begin! I said, slapping my hands together.

Empress surged forward to end the match, a snarl escaping her.

Titan matched her, and Empress had a moment of surprise when his heavier form knocked her back and then carried her straight out of the circle. He then knocked her feet out from under her and roared in her face while she was still recovering.

I whistled and signalled him away. He stepped back and relaxed before turning sheepish. He offered his mother a claw and helped her up. She stared at him as if she were just seeing him for the first time.

Rhy! Perior! said Bertha as she stepped into the circle with a grin. Titan snorted and stepped up next to her.

I raised a finger. I hadnt meant for this training to turn into a sumo matchup. Bertha shot me an infectious grin and flicked her eyes to Empress. Rhy! Or!

I chuckled. She can try again next huh? Bertha shot me a thumbs up with her thumb spinning like a drill.

I chuckled at Bertha and signalled for them to be ready. By the time every pokemon had taken a turn in the circle, I was pretty sure Empress had learned not to underestimate her son, and I had learned some things as well.

I had to admit Teddiursa squaring off against Clefairy was adorable, and Don against Zephyr was particularly memorable with how they battered each other with their wings. I then opened it up to using some moves so Empress could blow people back with her Dark Pulse; she didnt end up ruffling Titan, however, who handled the hit wonderfully and then responded in kind.

Empress lasted longer and longer each time she went into the circle, but after the fifth match, she waved off, sitting to the side with a thoughtful expression.

When I was done being the referee for the unofficial Sumo matches that had broken out, I fetched food for my pokemon. I deposited the plates, and when it was Empress's turn, I smiled up at her. Alright, so tonights dish has Empress snatched the bowl up and swallowed the meal in a few bites before nodding at me. extra spice I said before sighing.

Did you even taste it? I asked her. She shrugged and watched as Teddiursa tried to copy her only to wheeze when he got a few bites into it. Empress tapped him on the back quickly. I huffed and left them to it before heading home to spend time with my own family.

When it was time for everyone to go to bed, the kids sprinted to get their teeth cleaned, and then they piled into bed. Suzie was particularly happy as she bounced around. Brocks reading me a story tonight!

Timmy nodded. Yeah! Hes reading us a story! he said to the others, who grumbled as Yolanda bundled off the younger kids. Cindy sniffed pointedly while Salvadore happily opened what looked like a new encyclopedia.

I led Suzie and her twin into Suzies room before plucking two stories for each of them. I ended up reading three and making up another about a cheeky Azelf that wanted to play with its siblings.

That seemed like a good one that Suzie and Timmy could appreciate. Better yet, it had them both falling asleep.

When I carried Timmy back to his room, I found Yolanda and Salvadore resting outside the door.

Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit, Yolanda said with a dreamy expression as she stroked the sleeping form of Terra. They sound like wonderful pokemon. I shot her a smile as I made my way past to deposit Timmy in his bed.

When I lay in bed later, I had to wonder if I hadnt just set future Brock up for some issues. Sometimes during story time, I really needed to think things through better rather than just winging it like I did. I shrugged and shut my eyes.

Eh, it was worth it, and future Brock would be able to handle it I hoped.

Ladies and gentlemen! Are you ready for the rock of the year! Nah! The decade! said Rachel as she hyped up the crowd that had come. I chuckled to myself, word had definitely gotten around, it would seem.

The Gym was packed, with even more people setting up to watch outside. Flannerys match might have been highly watched, but Roxannes match was going to have every local sitting up and paying attention. The girl herself was waiting in the tunnel, and I watched as she strode forward at Rachels summons, her head held high and a picture of perfect poise.

Jackson happily marched down to be her first challenge, and I settled in to see what she had.

Today I had Yolanda standing at my side and Crystal acting as the referee for some proper experience.

Crystal raised her flags, and both Roxanne and Jackson selected their first pokemon.

Go Nosepass! said Roxanne as Jackson released a Lairon.

Crystal dropped the flags with a grin. Fight! she ordered.

Roxanne splayed her hand out in front of herself. Double Team! Roxanne said starting off with a good move.

Jackson clicked his tongue in response, and Lairon swept the field with a rock blast that saw shots scattered about and broke up some afterimages.

Stealth Rock! Roxanne said, causing a trio of rocky spikes to come from one of the Nosepass.

Jackson instantly pounced on that one. Rock Blast! The Nosepass faltered as it was hit and the other Nosepass vanished as its Double Team failed.

Nosepass! Earth Power! said Roxanne in response. Her pokemon slammed itself into the ground, and the earth snapped up around Lairon and made the other pokemon groan in pain before slumping.

Roxanne blinked in surprise. Eh? she said, tilting her head as Lairon was withdrawn.

What was she expecting from a fourth-tier matchup against a pokemon I expect shes had for years? I said to Yolanda.

Ground-type moves are four times as effective against Steel-rock no? Greta offered. I nodded and pointed at her like shed won a prize as Jackson threw out a Golem that landed and shrugged off the rocks that slammed into him.

Bulldoze! said Jackson, causing his pokemon to sprint forward before throwing itself into a roll that began picking up speed.

Protect! Then follow up with Earth Power! Roxanne said.

Jump up and perform Focus Blast! said Jackson. I raised an eyebrow at that call but didnt comment as next to me, Yolanda tilted her head.

Roxanne herself gasped in surprise and swept her hand out. Abort! Go into Dig! Now! she ordered, causing her pokemon to break off its attack with Earth Power and instead throw itself into the ground.

Jackson snorted and grinned at her. Oh man! Youre too easy! Golem doesnt know Focus Blast! He smirked. He does know Earthquake though! His Golem hit the ground and made the battlefield rock with force.

Nosepass came up groaning in pain before shaking it off as it rose back up.

Return Nosepass! Roxanne said hurriedly.

Yolanda hummed. Shes not risking her pokemon which is good.

I wobbled my hand back and forth. She could have won this match much quicker, honestly. She has a pokemon that is levitating so some of the ground-type moves wont work as well against her unless they ground her Nosepass, I said toying with an idea for later. Shes being a bit too hesitant, though. Her Nosepass is strong and could probably take out Jacksons pokemon straight away with some ground-type moves.

Yolanda hummed and nodded. She is expecting Jackson to match the level of fighting that Flannery faced against you straight away and is instead getting caught out?

Yup! I replied. We watched Jackson go down with his Golem taking some hits from a Graveler that Roxanne immediately used Earthquake with. I noted that her Graveler was nowhere near her Nosepass strength. When the match was called in Roxannes favour the Hoenn girl instantly used her potion on her Nosepass as Yolanda stood to dust herself off.

What should I try against her? she said, catching me by surprise.

Ah, I thought Missy was facing her? I shook it off and waved my hand when Yolanda gave me an earnest look. Fake her out with some power moves. Go for Earthquake and slash or a fake Fissure and then do a Giga Impact if youre running with a Rhydon.

Yolanda coughed. I was going to start things off with Izumi if thats alright?

I snorted. Alright, let her loose and go for some head I considered the Nosepass, Or nose shots in her first pokemons case.

Yolanda nodded seriously only to blush as Rachel started Yolandas intro. And now! The gem of Pewter! The strong sibling of our very own Gym Leader! Give it up for the incredible, Yolanda!

Yolanda coughed and strode down the stairs to a loud round of applause. I grinned and leaned forward. It was going to be very amusing watching Roxannes reaction to Izumi.

Release! shouted Crystal as she dropped her flags.

Go Izumi! shouted Yolanda revealing a Geodude who smirked as Roxanne once more released a Nosepass.

Roxanne narrowed her eyes. Hmmm, those are some rather pronounced forearm muscles, a strong ridgeline above the eyes and what appears to be a hardened rock carapace youre not a mistake! Youre a trap! Roxanne said as Yolanda clicked her tongue. Nosepass Double Team!

Sandstorm! Yolanda said without missing a beat. Then focus your energy on your arms! Were going for Fissure!

Fissure will not work on a levitating pokemon! Roxanne shouted. Nosepass! Use Lock-On!

I chuckled. In another instance, that would have been a good move, except I knew that Izumi didnt know Fissure. Instead, Yolanda had used her rather wordy command to hint at what she wanted Izumi to do. Sure enough, a moment later, I saw an Izumi-sized shape leap across the battlefield with her arm cocked back.

Roxanne gasped. Protect! she cried out once again. Her pokemon responded, but I noticed it did so barely.

Yolanda clicked her tongue and said, Argh! Izumi, use Rock Polish! she said, causing Izumi to gain a sheen as it waited for the Protect to drop.

Roxanne stabbed her hand forward. Drop into Earthquake!

Rise with Brick Break! countered Yolanda.

Both pokemon slammed into each other, and Nosepass grunted in pain but continued down, causing Izumi to be slammed into the ground and then shaken. Izumi rolled away with a glower, causing Yolanda to hop from foot to foot in excitement as she realised Izumi was still in the match and at close range.

Break Brick! I mean Bri Izumi understood what she meant, and her fist lanced out and slammed home into Nosepass, causing the Hoenn pokemon to be hurled back before it fell over.

Nosepass?! Roxanne said in shock.

Yolanda shot me a look that I could imagine should have sparkled with how proud she was to have pulled that off. I nodded, shed made wise use of an objectively weaker pokemon to win against another. Shed used Izumis Sturdy ability as well. It was a good awareness of her pokemons abilities.

Roxanne returned her pokemon and huffed as she tossed out another pokeball. Go! Solrock! she said, making me hum with thought. Another Hoenn pokemon, and what I expected would be another strong pokemon.

Psychic! said Roxanne with a decisive chop of her hand.

Yolanda didnt bother allowing the hit to connect, instead withdrawing Izumi and signing that she was withdrawing her pokemon. Crystal allowed it with a faux frown and playful finger waggle at Yolanda.

Yolanda rolled her eyes and selected another pokeball. Lets go Cradily! she said, surprising me with her selection.

Roxanne perked up at the Ancient pokemons reveal, and I had to chuckle before she shook her head.

Sunny Day! she said.

Ingrain! replied Yolanda, more than ready to turn this into a slugfest, it seemed.


Solar Beam! Yolanda said, causing Roxanne to eep and start to abort the earlier command, only for Cradily to do nothing but shoot Yolanda a confused look.

Roxanne clenched her fist. Youre making me look silly on purpose, arent you? she said as her pokemon unleashed Flamethrower.

Brine! Yolanda replied. And, yes! Sort of! Its a weakness we noticed! Youre too reactive and defensive! You have the answer to the match a lot of the time, but hesitate! Yolanda clenched her fist. Cradily use Giga Drain!

Fine! Solrock! Psychic! Roxanne said snappily. Psychic energy built up around Cradily but instead of ripping it up and throwing it about, Cradily held itself firm in the ground. Yolanda smiled. Sorry! That was the other reason I wanted to use Ingrain! Ive seen what a Solrock can do so I wanted to counter that with my setup! Brine again! Yolanda said with a punch as her pokemon finished draining Solrock with Giga Drain and looked better for it.

Roxanne swept her hand to the side. Use Flare Blitz to close and then hammer it with Sand Tomb to weaken its grasp and damage it!

Giga Drain again! Yolanda said, perking up even as Solrock slammed into her pokemon. Cradily snapped back into position with a glare and green energy around it.

I chuckled, and when Greta shot me a look, I waved a hand. Yolanda has remembered something Roxannes forgetting. Cradily is a rock-grass type, which means that it does normal damage with ground attacks. So despite the Sand Tomb being a good method to weaken the Ingrain, Yolanda is trading and coming out ahead.

Solrock faltered in the air, and Roxanne narrowed her eyes. Solrock use Flare Blitz again! she said. Her pokemon slammed into and dragged Cradily along with it before tossing it.

Cradily stood up shakily, and Yolanda clenched her fists. Rest! she ordered firmly.

Roxanne paused at that and sighed in relief. Recover, she said, causing Yolanda to click her tongue.

Ah, you have that move? Yolanda said, which had Roxanne giggle good-naturedly. Indeed I do. Now Solrock, use Psychic to throw that Cradily around and then hit it with another Flare Blitz!

Cradily was tossed hard, and then just as it righted itself and awoke, it was slammed into with another Flare Blitz. This proved too much and finally ended the match.

That Cradily has some serious potential, I said in thought as I watched Yolanda return it. Yolanda used it well, I said to Greta, who nodded and rose to clap as Yolanda trudged up the stairs towards me.

She smiled hesitantly at me, and I stood to wrap her in a hug. You did very well out there. I think you did excellently with Izumi, and you worked with Cradily perfectly for what the matchup was.

Yolanda smiled before gaining an impish smirk. You should call her Ivy.

I raised an eyebrow. Its not enough that you want to name my Teddiursa? Now youre trying to name my Cradilly as well?

Yolanda smiled unrepentantly, and I huffed and rolled my eyes at her. She stuck her tongue out in response. I huffed and instead marched to the top of the stairs, watching as Roxanne hurriedly sprayed some potion onto her Solrock.

Shed come through with more pokemon than Flannery had yesterday, but I still felt like she needed to show more. She was falling back on her Hoenn pokemon which obviously came into the circuit with her. With this being a few months into the circuit she could only use a few of them. Shed need to show me some depth before I let her advance.

The usual stomp-stomp-clap heralded my descent and Roxanne snapped her head up to watch me come down like a mountain slowly giving way. She stood up and clenched her fist.

I smiled at her and then, from a few stairs up, leapt. The crowd gasped. This was a much bigger leap than I usually performed, but as Rocko had mentioned, Id been working out.

I slammed into the podium and rose to lock eyes with Roxanne. So, you happy with your showing so far? I said, crossing my arms.

Roxanne nodded tightly. I still ended up underestimating that Geodude, but otherwise I have remained within expectations.

Hmmmm, sounds like Im going to have to shake things up then, I said, selecting a pokeball and enlarging it.

Crystal raised her flags, and I tossed out my first pokemon. Lets go Quirina!

Roxanne, whod left out her Solrock, gasped as I threw out my own Solrock in direct challenge. Then she smiled and raised her chin. I see your game and shall rise to the occasion.

I smirked at her as the flags dropped. Gravity! I ordered straight away, causing a pressure to slam into the field and cast her Solrock into the ground on the first move.

Eh? Solrock! Use Stone Edge to force it to release you!

Drop into the ground and make it shake! I ordered Quirina, making him drop into the ground, subsequently dodging the Stone Edge and slamming into the ground to unleash an Earthquake.

Roxannes Solrock was bounced around before it shakily floated up to glower at my pokemon.

Gravity again, I said.

Flare Blitz! Overcome the gravity with power like we practised! Roxanne said, punching forward.

Spin to the side, I said with a lazy flick of my fingers, making Quirina's barrel roll away before it rotated and oriented itself onto his foe. Sol! Quirina growled.

Tch! Recover!

Explosion! I ordered.

Roxanne to stiffen before shaking it off. Theres no way

Quirina detonated himself, and the battlefield suddenly lit up with force. Was it overkill? Yeah, it would also have her second-guessing herself.

When the field was revealed, both pokemon were knocked out. Roxanne stared at me in shock. But you had an advantage with your pokemon Why sacrifice it?

To teach you a lesson, I said firmly. I could have etched a victory against her in what might have been a slightly longer exchange, but I was starting to wonder if her pokemon werent the issue for Roxanne. I wanted to see if I was right and, in doing so, get a much more important lesson taught today.

Roxanne returned her pokemon with shaking hands. She selected her next pokemon and I did the same.

Go Graveler! she said.

Go Onix! I countered.

The crowd that had been stunned by my earlier choice of plays stirred at the pokemon matchup. It must have seemed a poor choice.

Dip Dig into HH! I ordered cryptically.

Earthquake! Roxanne barked, causing the ground to shake. With the fractured ground, it clattered and shifted a lot.

Onix took a bit of damage before suddenly leaping out of a shallow hole and throwing himself wholesale into the air with High Horsepower to slam himself into Graveler.

Graveler, Rollout to get room!

Rest! I ordered my Onix, making it shut its eyes instantly.

Roxanne faltered once again, caught by surprise. Earthquake again! she said after contemplating for a moment.

Sleep Talk, I said with an evil smirk as my pokemons tail glowed before whipping around and slapping her Graveller with a super effective Iron Tail. That was enough to knock it out.

I raised two fingers and waggled a third at her. It honestly had a lot of implications. That was three of her pokemon now out of the match. I knew shed used two of the three pokemon from Hoenn she was allowed with only one left that she could use.

Instead, she narrowed her eyes and flicked out a pokeball to reveal a Rhydon that snorted and stomped its feet. Use Earthquake! she said. The move tossed my still-sleeping Onix. With the earlier damage from Roxannes aborted Earthquake, that was enough to see my pokemon knocked out.

I hummed and selected my third pokemon. Lets go Shelly! I said, releasing my Omastar, who waved merrily to everyone before settling her attention on the Rhydon.

Surf! I said.

Surf back at them! Roxanne said, surprising me for perhaps the first time in the match.

Both pokemon rose up, and twin tidal waves rushed towards each other.

Roxannes Rhydon then leapt over the wave. Ice Beam! she called out.

I chuckled, knowing she must have picked that up from watching Bertha and I.

Hop off and use Hydro Pump! I responded. Shelly hopped off the wave towards her foe and while in the air unleashed a powerful barrage of water.

Dig! Roxanne commanded, allowing her pokemon to just dodge the attacks, it popped out a moment later covered in mud and grinning.

When Shelly landed I chopped my hand. Earthpower! I ordered, making earth spikes shoot up around the Rhydon.

Fissure! barked Roxanne, her Rhydon instantly reared back a fist and slammed it into the ground

Protect! I said, deciding I wasnt going to risk it against a pokemon that appeared to be styled after Bertha, a pokemon known for her one-hit K.O. abilities.

Instead of causing the ground to slam together around the protective shell, however, nothing rose up. I clicked my tongue in annoyance. Now I looked like I had overcommitted.

Roxanne, instead of being smug, was blushing. It took me a moment to realise shed messed up.

Ah, she hadnt accounted for the destroyed landscape from the Explosion, and the mud defusing the Fissure. She needed to let her pokemon build up more power.

Ah, this is embarrassing, I said laughing at our situation.

Roxanne groaned. Just use Thunderbolt Rhydon. Rhydon unleashed a spark of lightning and Shelly took it before shrugging it off, her shell smoking from the hit.

Hydro pump! I ordered.

Thunderbolt again! Both attacks hit, and once again both pokemon went down, causing me to chuckle as we returned our pokemon. A quick look over the field revealed a muddy, frozen waste. A section of the frozen waves cracked off and slammed into the ground causing me to consider who Id be sending out as my last pokemon.

Roxanne also seemed to be in deep thought. I held off sending out my pokemon, forcing Roxanne to frown and look worried. I smiled and continued to hold off sending out my next pokemon, pointedly dragging it out and stressing her with each second that passed.

As the countdown reached five, I hurled out my Sudowoodo, much to her surprise, before she grabbed another pokeball of her own just as the count reached three. I hummed as she almost flubbed the throw. She wasn't used to being pressured like this and so heavily ted it would seem.

Her last pokemon was an Onix, which rose up and glowered at my Sudowoodo. Low Kick! I ordered.

Dig! Roxanne responded, causing her Onix to dodge the attack that would have caused serious damage. Rise and use Iron Head! Roxanne said with a rising fist.

Her Onix shot up from beneath my pokemon but I merely chopped my hand downward. Hammer Arm!

Both attacks slammed into each other, and my Sudowoodo came off the better with Onix reeling back from the hit. Roxanne grimaced before she perked up. Use Rock Tomb! Deny it mobility!

I chuckled as rocks snapped around Sudowoodos thin legs and held him down. Rock Throw, I said, allowing her the move and setting the bait.

Iron Tail! Roxanne said, making her Onix sweep its tail around to slam into my pokemon.

Reversal! I barked just before it could impact. Sudowoodo slammed into it, taking some damage himself but then paying it back. Onix groaned painfully before slumping to the ground.

My twig of a pokemon stepped over him and raised his branches high. I grinned. If Sudowoodo didnt enjoy the fourth tier matches so much Id have promoted him to the Elite team a long time ago.

Roxanne returned her pokemon and toyed with her last two pokeballs before selecting one. Go! Magcargo! she said. The Magcargo landed a good distance from Sudowoodo, but my pokemon leaned forward, more than ready to charge in close.

Rock Throw! I ordered. Sudowoodo responded by tumbling forward, grabbing up segments of rock and unleashing them as fast as he could.

Gyro Ball! Roxanne ordered her pokemon to tuck into itself and use grey energy to form a ball around itself as it kipped up and began rolling. It powered straight through the Rock Throws and as it closed I could tell it was building up a bit of power.

Heh, Sudowoodo werent that much faster than Magcargo it would seem.

Sudowoodo! Reversal! I said, once again letting my pokemon take the hit before paying it back with interest. Magcargo groaned as it took the hit on its shell. Despite this Roxanne smiled.

Shell Smash! she ordered, causing the shell to detonate energy that made Sudowoodo stumble in shock.

Despite that, I knew no actual damage had been done, apart from lowering Magcargos defences and increasing its speed and power.

Earth Power! Roxanne said, with her pokemon in close. Earth snapped up and around Sudowoodo and knocked him flying. When he landed it stayed down and I recalled him.

Yatta! shouted Brawly and Flannery straight away standing and leading the cheer for Roxanne. Way to go Roxy!

I smirked and reached for a fifth pokeball. Roxannes face blanched, and I stopped and grinned. Im kidding! I only use four pokemon, remember?

Roxanne drew in a breath of relief, and I toggled the podiums to lower. Greta approached me with the badge case, and I signalled for her to join me next to Roxanne.

So, I said as we got close. How do you think you did?

I did rather poorly, you worked out a weakness of mine and rather ruthlessly hammered home that I need to work on reading my opponents or preparing for them more. I also need to improve the strength of the team I caught locally, as some moves did not work.

Uhuh, anything else? I asked leadingly.

Roxanne squirmed. I dont go for the win as quickly as perhaps I could

I nodded. Anything else?

Roxannee fidgeted and shifted. I I she cast her eyes around. Dont pay enough attention to the landscape of the battlefield? she said. I wavered my hand back and forth before raising my hand to stop her.

Correct me if Im wrong, but Flannery does most of the fighting since youve been travelling together? Roxanne nodded slowly. And now that Brawly has joined, would you say you do even less?

Roxannes eyes widened. Im not fighting very much at all

I nodded. Its an issue when you travel with such loud personalities that they draw the attention and the trainers who are looking for fights. People that are more reserved have a bit more difficulty getting as many matches as people that are outgoing; sometimes they can even take matches from the reserved person without knowing it.

I waved a hand in her direction. Youre a solid trainer, but I think your mental awareness and experience are lacking. I think you should start going to battleclubs specifically for yourself, as just travelling around is not getting you as much experience due to people gravitating to or being dragged into Flannerys pace.

Ive never considered it before, Roxanne said.

I smiled. Not many do; I wouldnt comment on this usually, but I know you, and the people youre travelling with, so I can do a bit of a deeper dive. Youre good, Roxanne, but you second-guess yourself. Take some of the skills that Flannery has with being aggressive and some of Brawlys slick moves and try to incorporate them. Sometimes youre a bit stiff.

Roxanne nodded at that. I will, yes, thank you, Brock, she said, offering me a bow.

I grinned and accepted the badge case from Crystal. That being said, I hereby award you the Boulder Badge in recognition of your skill level as a trainer.

Flannery and Brawly led the applause before hopping down to join us for the photo.

When we were done Brawly clapped me on the shoulder. Ready for our rematch this friday?

I tilted my head before chuckling. Are you seriously waiting until Friday for the tropical day at the gym again?

Brawlys grin was answer enough.

I sighed but smiled. Hmmm, two down, with Brawly coming around for another run. I rubbed my chin. It would be interesting to see how he performed with his starter back in action and how much of a difference that made.

Friday couldnt come quickly enough.

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Read Bailonz Street 13