Eternal Melody-Chapter 965 My Beautiful Monster Part 66

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Chapter 965 My Beautiful Monster Part 66


Due to the neglect on his body for the past few months, that slap sent him falling to the ground quickly. He used a great deal of strength just now from preventing Norah from escaping, so he had nothing left.

Norah blinks confused. She was probably wondering if he was faking it.

Instinctively he caught her move closer as though she was going to check on his injuries. But she stopped herself and scoffed.

"There is nothing to say. I don't know how you managed to persuade Elza and everyone. However, I have nothing to say to you."

It hurts, his soul feels like it's being stepped on. However despite Norah's cold words, Lucifer felt the girl's gaze wandering to him. She was examining his current state.

He knew he looked awful. Unkept hair, face gaunt, eyes sunken and dark eyebags under his eyes. His well built warrior body was a cry of it's usual self. He hadn't eaten or slept in days, in weeks, since he lost her. The past thirty days have been a nightmare. It didn't help how he hasn't even caught a glimpse of her in thirty days. Norah has done a fantastic job in keeping away from him. So, he couldn't even seek comfort in brief glances.

Everybody heard what happened between them, but it wasn't new. Situations like this happened all the time. It was the best way to get out of the courtship, since it would give the other an excuse to hate their partner. Some couples even set up fake situations themselves. His family tried to make other arrangements but he couldn't. They even tried to get the woman he slept with, but it didn't work. He didn't even know the girls name, let alone what family she belonged to.

He kept his ears open for news on her, to see if Norah's family would match her up with someone else. James briefly mentioned that there were some talks to set her up with his brother Lennon. Lex felt sick when he heard that. His family didn't tell him this, of course they didnt.

They wanted to keep the connection with Norah's family and was afraid if he knew, he would ruin Lennon's chances.

"Did, you go on a date with my brother?"

Norah's gaze dimmed. "That's what you have to say to me? Your going to accuse me?"

Lex panicked and shakes his head. "N-no, I just heard-"

Norah exhales deeply. "It's true, your parents approached mine with another offer and there were debates. One day, when I was in the garden. Your brother sir Lennon personally came to me."

Lex felt his heart beat increase at those words.

"But, I rejected him."

The tension he felt since hearing about the news and seeing his brothers smug expression finally left him. If Norah rejected him that early, that means everything Lennon has been telling him has been nothing but lies.

Norah scans his expression. "Does that relieve you?"

Lex nodded.

"So, it's okay for you to have another woman but if I had another guy you would be upset?"

Lex cringed and Norah kept looking at him. "It's weird. You truly do look like you've been hurt as bad as I have when I saw you betray me. I'm good at sensing emotions due to my divine abilities. You, got in this state because of me. But," Norah trailed off, brows furrowed. "-how come?"

Lex doesn't say anything and just watched her. She is so beautiful, even though there has been signs of self neglect on her end too. She is radiating with beauty.

Norah shifted uncomfortably catching his gaze. "Your not really checking me out right now are you?"

"I apologize, I find it difficult to look away."

"Unbelievable." Norah cursed. She takes several deep breaths and sighs deeply. "I know Elza and the others wants us to fix this, and I do see their points. We haven't spoken at all since then. We never even formally broke off the courting. I get it, we need to talk one way or another. But, you cheated on me Alex."

"..that I did."

Norah bit her bottom lip and paced around the room with her hands on her hips. "I don't even know how to start this conversation. I thought the next time I saw you again, you would be betrothed to Miss bennet."

Lex looks at her puzzled. "Miss Bennet?"

"Yes, Melissa Bennet. She is the one you were-" Norah paused seeing his expression. "Wait, you didn't even know who she was?" She said in disbelief. "How can you be so cruel to the woman you had been seeing for god knows how long?"

"That's because that was the first time I saw her."

Norah blinked. "The first time?"

Lex slowly nodded and Norah extended her hand out. "Let's sit on the couch. The floor is cold and uncomfortable isn't it?"

He looked at her outstretched hand surprised and for the first time since entering the cabin, did he see a flash of concern in her eyes. Lex slowly accepted, savouring the feeling of her hand in his after so long. That moment however didn't last as long as he liked since she let go the moment they reached the sofa. Norah was sitting at the furthest end as though it hurt too much to get near him.

It's okay, this is better than earlier.

"Can you explain it? You truly didn't see Miss Bennet before?"

Lex nodded and replayed the events of that day from his perspective. "I knew there was someone in my office who had been making passes at me. But I had never truly looked at them before."

"Jacks told me, that you have more insecurities than I think and that your mental state has never been good. He quote said he can't explain it in more details. But, I think I get it. If it was the first time, were you feeling overwhelmed and just dragged her inside without much thought?"

She was always smart. Perhaps it was due to her divine powers but Norah was very good at sensing emotions, especially his. She knew what he wanted even without him asking her.