Eternal Melody-Chapter 936 My Beautiful Monster Part 37

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Chapter 936 My Beautiful Monster Part 37


"I'm not, and if he hurts me I would fight back but I-"

Akane saw the conflicting look in her eyes. "You don't want it to get like that?" She guessed.

Sumire nodded and bit her bottom lip. "I don't want to hurt him Akane-chan."

"I will be honest with you. The reason the Lord acts like that with other women is because of the darkness. The monster inside him." Akane paused. "I suppose, it's like having another personality."

"I have heard about it, and he has briefly mentioned it to me. But, I suppose I didn't realize how serious it was."

"Does it bother you?"

"The picture those rumors have painted of Lucifer is very different. But that's not why I'm upset. I'm upset that he couldn't find someone to love, couldn't experience happiness. I'm upset that he had to resort to such methods just to fill the void of missing me."

So, that's why. Akane didn't know what to say to that, she didn't know what to say that wouldn't reveal the truth. Ibuki's intentions are very noble and this would sound very sweet if that was actually the case. But, it isn't.

'Lucifer was never in a relationship with you.'

Akane wanted to say but she shakes her head.

'You have to make her remember Terashima.'

Mashima's instructions remained firm in her head. He insists its the best way for Ibuki to regain all her memories. She isn't sure if it is, especially seeing Ibuki like this.

Akane takes a deep breath. She needs to, give advice that would help her. Even if it means pushing her back into Lucifer's arms. It is important for Ibuki to return eventually. But, if grandmother is the one who sent those beasts to attack her. Wouldn't it be better for Ibuki to stay here for now?




After her library visit, Sumire found herself heading to the kitchens. What kind of deserts would Lucifer like today? He seemed to like the cake she made the other day.

Sumire was about to enter when she heard her name. She paused and proceeded to leave. She doesn't need to hear the staff talk about her. She wants to maintain a friendly relationship with them after all.

"The master is so good to the mistress."

"But there is a rumor you know?"

"A rumour?"

"That they've never had a wedding ceremony, and they are only married on paper.

"Oh my my."

"It's quite easy to falsify documents."

Sumire froze hearing those words. It can't be right? It can't be. But, indeed she hasn't seen any wedding pictures. He hasn't even shown her the marriage certificate properly. From the moment she arrived here, there were so many red flags regarding her so called husband.

But, she didn't care. It didn't matter if she was living a lie. Whatever accident happened to her clearly hurt her.


Her thoughts break off when Lucifer bit harsher into her neck. After the talk with Akane she found him, and before she could apologize. He did, and they have spent the last few hours drinking each other's blood. The main reason why she snapped at him was because of that conversation she overheard between the kitchen staff.

Lucifer raised his head, clearly sensing her distress.

"Lucifer. Did we not have a wedding ceremony?" Sumire found herself blurting her thoughts out.

Lucifer seemed surprised at her words. "Where did you hear that?"

"The servants working in the kitchen." Sumire managed to say.

"It's true we didn't. But that's because we have both been busy the past few years."

"Are we not going to have one?"

"Is it important to you?"

Sumire nodded. Isn't every girl's dream to have a wedding? Especially with the man she loves. Sumire paused at that thought. It seems no matter how close she becomes with Lucifer, she still can't say the words 'I love you.'

"Then, I'll make the arrangements."

"Can I help?" Sumire asked.

It is also her wedding. She ought to be involved in the process too.

"Of course." Lucifer kissed her eyelids. "We can get started right away."

Sumire relaxed in his hold. "I was nervous the whole day."

"I apologize for putting you through all that. But surely you know how much I love you?"

"I know." Sumire mumbled.

Of course she knew. From the moment she woke up in this place, Lucifer has shown her such love and dedication. Sometimes she feels bad that she can't say those words back. But Lucifer insists that he is aware of her feelings, even without those words.

Lucifer parted his lips from her neck. "Shall we take a break?"

She slowly nodded and Lucifer reached over and caressed her cheek. "You're looking a bit pale. I apologize for taking so much, your body still hasn't adjusted to the darkness yet. So, you don't have as much blood."

Right, the 'darkness' Lucifer explained to her that as a purebred hanyou she has more darkness then light. So, she ought to have more blood.

Sumire leaned into his palm. There was something comforting about Lucifer's touch. This is one of the reasons why she decided to trust him. She has always felt comfortable and safe whenever she is in his presence.

Lucifer's gaze is gentle. "My heart. What are your plans for tomorrow?"

"Mmm, I don't have any training. Jacks said you're sending him and the others on an important job."

Lucifer nodded. "No research in the library?"

"None. Grace seems to be busy with something recently, I don't want to disturb her too much."

"I see, then do you mind spending it with me?"

Sumire looked at him surprised. This is the first time he is offering to spend time with her like this. They've never spent a full day together. Aside from the first few days when she was recovering from her injury.

She felt her heart beat when she saw the look in his eyes. He looks so hopeful. It would be cruel of her to turn him away. Besides, wouldn't this be a good opportunity for them to get to know each other better? A good chance for her memories to return?

Sumire slowly nodded and Lucifer leans forward and kissed her forehead. "Do you remember how to dance my heart?"

"I do."


Is he going to take her to go dancing? She thought he didn't like the idea of her leaving the manor.
