Disciple of Immortal-Chapter 40Act 3: : Lich’s Aid(Side: Lunaire)
Act 3: Chapter 40: Lich's Aid(Side: Lunaire)
Late at night, two shadows appeared inside one of the rooms in 《Mithril’s Cane》.
They were Lunaire, clad in 《Impurity Sealer’s Rode》 and Noble Mimic.
Lunaire looked down at the black haired woman with bob cut sleeping in the bed before her, and heaved a sigh.
「Are YOu GoiNg To HeAl Her?」
Lunaire closed her eyes and then turned around upon hearing Noble Mimic’s question.
「It will be too pitiful if I leave her alone despite being able to heal her… And Kanata will be sad on top of that.」
「And hErE I ThouGht YoU’Re goIng tO PosTPOnE Her TreaTmenT.」
Just as Noble Mimic had said, Lunaire had already healed both Balot and Garan before Kotone.
The first thing Lunaire did after slipping into this place was looking at Kotone’s face, Lunaire was bewildered for a while after that so she moved on to heal Balot and Garan first.
「… Noble, do you really think that I’m such a petty person?」
「I ThouGht THaT YoUr JEaLOuSy ToWARd Her WiLL MaKe You HesitaTe.」
Lunaired raised her arm, pointing with her finger as she prepared her spell, Noble Mimic’s ornamental lid closed immediately, making him look like a normal treasure box.
Lunaire then lowered her arm, heaving a deep sigh.
「I will never do that. And I believe in Kanata.」
「FoR SomEonE WhO UsED HiGh RAnk SpiRit To EAveSDroPPing On HIM And EsCapEd WHeN He TrIed To ChaSe You, YoUr ArGument SoUnds LeSS ConVinCing YoU Know?」
In all honesty, Lunaire didn’t tell a particular story to Noble Mimic but, she really did troubled for a moment whether she should save Pomera or not when the latter was about to be killed by Lovis.
「T-That is that. You’re talking as if I’m at fault. I, I just worrying about Kanata and wanted to see his situation for a bit.」
「… IsN’t THAt WhAt The OthEr CaLl As StaLKer?」
Noble Mimic stretched his tongue in bewilderment.
「MaStEr Has SaiD Too That The MaN in Black Suit Seems To BE ReaLLy SusPIcioUs RigHt? ARe YoU SuRe AbOUt LettiNG TheM Go?」
He was talking about Lovis.
Lunaire only tells the gist of the situation with Lovis to Noble Mimic.
But, Noble Mimic couldn’t help but feel that something was off about that situation.
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Lovis called himself Kanata’s best friend.
And yet, never once did he see Lovis around when both Noble Mimic and Lunaire were stalking Kanata.
Surely, it’s not like they could watch Kanata’s activity 24/7 and it’s been quite a long time since Kanata and Lunaire left 《Cocytus》.
But, even with that assumption, Noble Mimic still couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off about Lovis’ remark.
「Lovis is a good person. Kanata, uhm… He told Lovis about the the fact that he love me.」
「YoUr Bar For A GOOd PErSON Is Too Low, MY LaDy.」
「How insistent. For your information, I also used Yama Darum Raja to prevent him from lying to me.」
「WeLl, That’S EnOUgH I GueSS…」
Lunaire walked around Kotone’s bead, and then placed the palm of her hand on Kotone’s forehead.
「Ghost Magic, 20th rank《Anteros》」
A pink magic circle appeared on Kotone’s forehead.
It was tuning magic to purify the soul that had been contaminated by ghost magic.
Thirty seconds later, Lunaire finally raised her hand from Kotone’s forehead.
Thus the magic circle vanished without a trace.
「Done. This person should wake up soon.」
「As ExPeCtEd Of MasTeR, FoR A MoMeNt, I ThoUGht ThaT You”re Going to abAnDoN TheSe PeOPle.」
「You’re mistaken, I just returned her psyche to normal. I mean, I’m a busy person. And I don’t want to be haunted by these people.」
Lunaire wiped her forehead with her sleeve as if she just completed an exhausting job.
「ShAll We Go TheN? ThINgS GoIng To Get MorE TrOUblEsOMe If The PaTrOls SaW Us.」
「Please wait a minute.」
Lunaire gripped the railing of the bed as she looked down at Kotone’s face.
She brought her lips closer to Kotone’s ears.
「… Kanata is mine, don’t you dare to seduce him.」
「Oi, MasTer. WhAt AbOUt YoUr ReMArk To BelIEve in HIm?」
「J-Just in case. Now let’s get out of this place, Noble.」
Lunaire turned around and left.
Lunaire squinting her eyes, anxious expression appeared on her face as she walked along with Noble.
「… Which reminds me, strange things keep happening one after another. The sudden appearance of level 1000 demon king from before, and now the ancient great spirit released from its seal. Strange incidents that might not even happen once in a thousand years have actually happened twice in this short amount of time. I mean… One wrong move and Kanata might really lost his life this time.」
「You MeaN, SomeOne ArraNged This IncIDenT?」
「Is it… My fault? Could it be that Kanata’s life is in danger because I raised his level a little bit too much? If that’s really the case, keeping Kanata from leaving 《Cocytus》 might be the right choice… Should I just grab him right now, bring him back to Cocytus, and never let him to leave that place again?」
Said Lunaire with an extremely serious and grim look on her face.
「I, Don’T ThiNK THaT AloNe Is EnOUgh To ConVinCe TheM… ThaT Nyar-WhaTeVer-THeiR-NaMe-Is MighT Be EvEn MoRe PoWerFul ThaN YoU. ThE BEsT WaY To DeAl WiTh SuCh DaNgeRous FeLLa Is To CruSh TheiR PlAn BeForE it HaPPen RiGht?」
Noble Mimic tried to come with a solution.
Lunaire stopped, blinking as if she just got inspiration.
「WEll, ThAt SouNDs ImPoSSiBle ThoUgh.」
「Noble… That sounds like a plan. I’ll consider it.」
「MasteR… ArE yOu SeRIous?」
Journey of The Childhood Friend Who Got Betrayed by Sword Saint
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