Dimension Weaver: My Wife Is The Dragon Empress!-Chapter 126 - - Conflicting Emotions

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[Azure Flames have leveled up to level 4.]


[Tear of Reality has leveled up to level 4.]

An endless stream of notifications assaulted Talon's retina one after the other. The ringing sound echoed in his head endlessly. So, he quickly put it to the side, knowing fully well that this was going to happen the moment he did what he did.

After all, what he just performed was by far the biggest feat he has ever done since the integration happened. He was certain that when he was done with everything, he was in for a myriad of surprises with this number of changes happening in one single moment.

'I had a hunch that this is going to work… But… I never expected… To such an extent.' He mused.

Standing up again slowly, he stared into the distance with a complicated expression on his face. The previously loud battlefield had quieted down completely and the reason for that was simple… Most of the monsters have completely vanished out of existence in the last second, leaving behind a desolate field.

What remained in their place was a gigantic crater the size of multiple stadiums. Its depth was no less than 10 meters, making it look even more terrifying.

This wasn't a mere attack to kill monsters… This was the result of a complete and utter extermination of an army… With one single attack. Just a single move of Talon's hand, and everything was over. Just thinking about it sent a chill down his spine.

Nothing he could've done other than this would've had an effect anywhere near this caliber. Nothing of this gigantic army was left behind, not even their ashes.

As he was standing like that, Talon's exhausted body suddenly felt an extremely strong rush of energy take over him. Every single cell in his body pulsated at the same time. His pain vanished as if it was never there and instead, a very blissful feeling filled his body and mind akin to a cold shower on a very hot day.

This was the biggest power-up he had ever received, by a large margin and it lived up to what he expected if not exceeded it completely.

'+40 in all stats… I'm officially over 100 points in everything.' He thought to himself as he looked at his hands. Having the power of 10+ people in all aspects of physical prowess… How wild is that? A normal human's strength is already considerably good, so multiplying that by 10 just completely shattered common sense.

Talon felt as if he was a feather floating in the air with how light his body turned out to be. He was certain that merely trying to move now would shock him, so he instead stared at Acrypha.

He was curious to see her reaction as he valued her opinion a lot in such situations. But, never did he expect to see an expression like that on her face.

Seeing that clear, pronounced fear in her eyes… He froze in his place again. Incomprehensible emotions flashed through his mind for a moment.

Nobody knew what was going through his head at that moment and he wasn't going to tell her either. So, he turned away and tried to hide his reaction as much as possible.

'I guess this was expected…' He clenched his teeth.

"I'm going to the research center. I think that woman is still alive and is probably hiding there." He said.

His voice shook her off her trance as she looked at him. Then, she silently nodded her head. "Yeah, I can sense her aura. She's definitely still alive and can move."

Talon didn't respond and turned around as he stretched his limbs, getting ready to make a run for it. The pulses from the gate were still going as strong as ever so he ended up being stuck alone. Or that was what his old self would've thought, now… It was a completely different matter.

'Let's test our speed.' Channeling his newfound strength, Talon put his foot on the ground.



Hearing the crisp sound of cracking, he looked down, only to realize that his leg had just sunk into the ground. He didn't even realize it till he heard the sound.

'This is a completely different level of strength than before.' Talon thought to himself.

Then, he looked ahead of him and sucked in a deep breath.

'Here we go.'


The moment he pushed himself off, Talon's entire body flew forward at breakneck speed. He didn't even use too much strength and yet the result was as ridiculous as he expected if not worse. In a split second, he crossed a few dozen meters.

His body turned into a complete blur as he left a giant cloud of dust behind him. With each leap he took, he left a foot-sized hole in the ground.

'I'm fast!'

It didn't take him long to reach the first giant crack in the ground. So, Talon got ready and used his legs to leap in the air.


He sprang 25 meters in the air with ease. With a simple look, he was able to see so much of the campus at that level.

'This is ridiculous… Ah!'

Landing on the other side, Talon's momentum continued as he dashed forward. Jumping from one side to the other, he flashed through the forest in a few seconds.

Eventually, he found himself on the other side before he even knew it. The forest lay motionless behind him and the single building he was looking for this entire time was now right in front of his eyes.

"The research center…" Talon murmured as he stopped in his tracks and stared at it.

This was the place he had been working so hard to reach this past month. He had put his life at risk multiple times, fought monsters of all kinds, had to deal with a bombing attack from fighting jets, learned how to tear through reality, burn anything in his path, and even kill a gigantic army of monsters on his own with a single move.

Just recounting all these events made them sound like the drunk mumblings of a senile old man. Yet, they were all true. It had been a full-fledged bizarre adventure from start to finish. An adventure that the old him would've never thought could happen.

'What a weird world we live in…' Running his hand through his wet hair, Talon sighed.

It was true that he had finally reached his goal. But, for some reason, he didn't feel as excited as he thought he would be. Perhaps it was because of the reaction he saw on Acrypha's face at that moment.

He would be lying if he said that he wasn't disappointed. This entire time, Acrypha had been the sole person who knew everything about him. She knew his powers, his talent, and what he could and couldn't do.

In a sense, she was the only person that should truly understand him. He grew accustomed to telling her everything, even if it were things that he would've not thought about telling anyone before.

Yet, that person he trusted, was terrified of what he did and for a good reason. Talon wasn't angry with Acrypha and instead felt frustrated with himself.

'I'm going to make her leave because of what I do…' He thought to himself as he secretly clenched his fist.

He didn't want to lose Acrypha… Not in such a manner. He grew too familiar with this otherworldly beauty floating around him, guiding him through his path. She had become his beacon of light when he didn't know what to do or where to go.

Not to mention that she was an invaluable friend to him. A friend that he trusted more than anyone else.

In the end, Talon swallowed all of those emotions and focused on the research center. His feelings didn't matter more than his objective. Then, he stepped forward, looking around him carefully to make sure that there wasn't anything that could threaten him.

As he was about to take his step on the stairs to the building, Acrypha who had been silent the entire time, finally spoke.

"When everything is over. We can talk about it." She said, clearly showing that she was aware of what was going through Talon's head.

The young man halted as he looked over his shoulder. He could see a very serious and calm look on Acrypha's face.

He didn't know what was going through her head, but the fact that she at least acknowledged that made him a little relieved.

"Ok…" He replied as he finally exhaled a long sigh and turned around.

"Let's get this over with. I grew sick of this place." He said coldly as he stepped toward the door and kicked it open violently.

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