Dimension Weaver: My Wife Is The Dragon Empress!-Chapter 125 - - Birth Of a God (Part 2)

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A warning immediately flashed in Talon's retina when he channeled his entire Aetheris reserve into his hand. This had never happened to him before since he had never tried to use the entirety of his Aetheris in one single moment.

After all, that meant that he was going to suffer from consequences due to it. But, at that moment, he had no other choice but to put every point of energy he had into what he was about to do for it to have any possibility of success.

'I don't know if this is going to work… But, I'm betting my luck on it.' He thought to himself as he stepped forward, heading toward the stampede of monsters.

His heart was as calm as a lake and his mind was clear and empty. For some reason, the sight of hundreds of monsters running toward him became something that he didn't fear at all.

'I grew too accustomed to this shit to get scared anymore.'


[You have activated 'Tear Of Reality'.]

The ball of energy in his hand intensified the moment Talon activated his skill. He felt his fingers grow colder and the energy condensing even more till it was wrapped in a perfect sphere.

But, he didn't immediately use it as he lifted his other hand and channeled his Aetheris there.


[You have activated 'Azure Flames'.]

A blue ball of flames formed in the palm of his hand as it floated silently.

"What are you trying to do?" Acrypha asked as she looked at him with confusion.

"Something that's probably never been done before. Talon said as he looked at his hands with clear focus.


Hearing those words, Acrypha instantly realized that he was about to try something outlandish, as he usually does. So, she went silent and watched.

'Ok, here goes nothing.'

Slowly, the young man rotated his palms to face each other before he closed them up. The two balls of energy made contact with each other before Talon felt an extreme pain rush through his body like an electric shock as the two balls rejected each other.

"Ugh!" Clenching his teeth, he shook his hands to get rid of the numbness.

Meanwhile, Acrypha looked at him with confusion written all over her face. Was he seriously trying to mix the two skills together?

'That should be impos- Oh, hold on right there, Acrypha. It's Talon we're talking about. This kid doesn't follow common sense… He never did.' She sighed as she rubbed her temple.

She naturally didn't have to say that doing this was a ridiculous idea by all means. The Azure Flames and Tear of Reality were fundamentally two different abilities with basically nothing in common except that the two of them are made out of Aetheris which might as well not be a similarity since it didn't mean anything.

Trying to mix them together is like trying to mix olive oil and water… It should not work in normal circumstances.

However, Acrypha wasn't naive enough to think that such a thing would apply to her little human. Even if she told him, he would probably look at her and say. 'Who said that it's impossible? Let me try first.'

So, she saved herself the effort of doing that and watched his second attempt.

Talon naturally failed the next few attempts as it should be. Each time, the two balls would repulse each other, hurting him instead. Meanwhile, the monsters were now basically right in front of him. At most, he had a few seconds before he was completely swept by the raging beasts.

'Come on… I know it can work…'

Talon slowly calmed his breath to a halt as focused his entire being on his hands. Ever since his Enhanced Focus evolved into Future Sight, Talon's senses had evolved far and beyond along with it. He was sure that they improved at least ten or twenty times.

Naturally, his ability to focus also soared up. Now, he could easily submerge himself in his own world in a moment and put his entire mental strength into any task he wanted. But, that also meant that he could easily cut himself off from the real world… Something that he shouldn't do in a situation where he was about to be killed.

Not to mention the expansion that was quickly rushing toward him from all angles. It was a terrifying situation.

But, the young man ignored all of those secondary thoughts and put his entire being into these two contradicting balls of energy.

'Swiftly merge them together… They simply are two balls of energy from the same source. They aren't that different… They just look different…' He thought to himself again and again like a mantra.

Then, he closed his hands toward each other very slowly. The Azure Flames slowly touched the ball of energy that could Tear through reality. On the fifth attempt, something different happened.

Instead of instantly rejecting each other, the two energy balls slowly fused as they sparked energy everywhere. Talon squinted his eyes as he tried to resist the urge to simply pull his hands away.

He was feeling a very uncomfortable sensation run across his arms at that moment. Inch by inch, he fused the two balls together. The bright azure color of the flames mixed with the darkish blue of the Tear Of Reality, creating a completely new blue… A color that Talon had never seen before.

By the end of the fusion, Talon had a single floating sphere in his right hand. It was big, and shiny, with bolts of lightning coursing through it as if it had a weather of its own.

Talon's eyes flashed with a weird glint as he looked up. The monsters were now within his reach. All he had was a few fractions of a second left.

Silently, he threw his arm back, channeling every ounce of strength he had in his body, he swung his arms at full force.


His fingers dug through the atmosphere violently, tearing it to pieces. A huge rip formed instantaneously and for a fleeting moment, the entire world went quiet.

But, after that single moment, nothing remained the same.

A blinding light flashed across the entire place. It was so bright that its rays reached the other side of the city.

The students who were running away stopped in their tracks as they looked back in jaw-dropping shock.

For a few seconds, they couldn't hear anything and that was true. No sound came from the battlefield. Until…


A violent gush of air swept across the campus, sending them flying back. Dirt and debris were swept away, clearing the entire area.

"AGHHH!! What the hell is going on?!!"

Grabbing into anything near them, they fought the wind as much as they could. But, the sheer strength and scale of it was on the level of a violent storm.

Chin-hwa quickly crouched down as he protected Hyun-Jae before he looked up.

"... That guy…" He murmured under his breath. He didn't know what happened and for a moment, he was terrified to even go back and look.

A few moments passed before the light finally died down and things went back to what they were before… Chaotic… But not as soul-shaking as the event that just occurred.

Nobody knew what just happened. But, if they had to describe it… It was similar to a nuclear explosion. The blinding light, the lack of flashy explosions, and the strong gush of air that swept them away.

"Where is the leader?!"

"He isn't with us?! Wait, I saw him on the battlefield before we escaped! Is he still there?!"

"Oh no! Did he get caught in that explosion?!"

Worried murmurs spread across the entire group. They had seen their leader stand up from his injuries before they ran away and nobody knew what happened to him.

Everyone assumed that this was the working of one of those abominations. Everyone except for Chin-Hwa that is.

Staring into the distance with a complicated expression, he sucked in a deep breath. "What did you do?"


Meanwhile, back where everything happened.

Acrypha floated in the air silently, her body was motionless and so were her thoughts. Her eyes were staring but they weren't registering what was happening. Her senses could capture the scenery in front of her in full detail and yet she wished she couldn't.

Ever since she met Talon, Acrypha was shocked many times by Talon's feats. He was a monster through and through. She even found herself shuddering at the things he was capable of doing. Hell, she even learned to expect the unexpected from him again and again.

But never before, not even in her wildest dreams, did she ever think that she would feel this from him… To feel this particular feeling… A feeling that even the strongest creatures in existence wouldn't necessarily instill in her. A true, soul-shaking, fear.

"Hah… Hah… Hah… Cough! Blurgh!" Talon heaved up and down as he coughed a huge mouthful of blood and fell on one knee, catching his breath.

His ears were ringing and his right hand felt extremely numb. But, he was still alive which was good news. Because from what he was seeing in front of him at that moment, he might as well think that he would've perished right there and then.

'I went... a little overboard... Haha...'


[You have killed 742 monsters. +40 in all stats.]


[You have leveled up 2 times. +4 free points.]


[You have reached level 25. Your ability to level up has been locked temporarily.]

[All the energy absorbed has been stored for when you fulfill the requirements.]


[You have gained a new class.]


[You have fulfilled the requirements for your first evolution.]


[The first gate has been created.]

A//N: Thanks for reading ??