Dimension Weaver: My Wife Is The Dragon Empress!-Chapter 114 - - Burning

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Far into the distance, she could see glimpses of a flickering blue light. The light was very weak at first but rapidly grew as she looked at it. At first, she didn't understand what was happening since the light was rather odd.

But, as it slowly crawled toward her, she realized what it was.

'Fire…? Blue fire?' She frowned hard as she tried to understand what was happening. At the far distance, a very bright blue fire was slowly eating away at the grass and logs while moving toward her.

No matter how she looked at it, the fire looked extremely different from normal flames that she knew of.

A few seconds passed before she finally made the connection and looked back, only to realize the huge blunder she made.

While she was completely occupied by the flames, Talon had dashed toward her and jumped in the air, aiming his spear at her. At the same time, the Aetheris Blades flew from both sides, closing the last two escape routes she could've had in her hands.

It was a huge blunder and she was about to pay for it…

'Fuck!' Cursing, the woman moved.

Quickly, she aimed her sniper rifle as she pulled the trigger three times successively.


The two Aetheris Blades made a loud noise as they were deflected by the bullets. As for the third bullet, it was aiming for Talon.

'Here it comes!' Talon clenched his teeth as he swung his spear down as fast as he could. He knew that there was no way for him to dodge this bullet and so he readied himself for the impact.


Blood exploded from his stomach as the bullet tore through his skin ruthlessly. His eyes widened to the extreme as he felt breath being knocked out of his lungs.

'Fu.. ck!!' Cursing under his breath, Talon's eyes turned even colder.

"AAAAAGHH!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs and clenched the spear even tighter.

Looking at him, the woman realized that the bullet didn't knock him back and her face paled immediately.

'Oh no.'

Quickly, she tried to jump back, only to find the spear already a few inches away from her face.

In a split second, the blade of the spear cut through her forehead, going down to her left eye and then through her nose.


The hit blasted her away a few meters as she rolled on the ground. At the same time, Talon fell to the ground powerlessly. Blood was seeping out of all of his injuries like a dam.

"Talon!" Acrypha flew toward him as fast as she could. Her expression was as dark as it could ever be. When she reached him and took a look at his condition, her face paled.

His condition was brutal on all fronts. He had multiple injuries in his entire body, each one worse than the other. The sheer amount of blood that pooled around him made her question whether he even still had any blood coursing through his veins.

"You need to leave now. This place is going to burn." She tried to lift Talon up, only for him to signal at her weakly.

"... No… Hah… It's not… over… yet…" He replied as he slowly lifted himself up. "She… ugh, isn't dead…"

Looking up, Talon could see the woman on the other side slowly lifting herself up. Her mask was broken in half, and whatever remained of it covered half of her face. The other half was completely bloodied beyond recognition.

A huge, terrifying scar ran through her face that destroyed her right eye and a part of her nose. The pain from that hit must've been brutal, and yet, she didn't show any extreme reactions to it as if it didn't bother her at all.

Clenching his teeth, Talon slowly stood up on his working leg as he grabbed his stomach. Each move he made felt like hell, even breathing was painful. He couldn't feel most of his body and the parts he could feel were aching like crazy.

This was by far the most pain Talon had ever been in his life. Even when he fought the Grim Roamer and got half of his torso carved out, it didn't hurt as much as all of these ghost bullets punctured multiple parts of his body.

Meanwhile, the fire was slowly making its way toward them. A good chunk of the forest had already caught in flames and was eaten completely, leaving behind a barren land with nothing on it.

The Azure Flames rapidly consumed anything in its way.

"You… What did you do?" The woman asked coldly as she glared at Talon. Her aura was far more chaotic than ever before.

But, Talon wasn't intimidated in the last as he smiled mockingly. "I'm going to burn this entire place down… With everything in it. When I flatten it out, then I can finally put an end to you and your little monsters." He declared coldly.

'So, he did set flames to the forest…' Feeling her face turn even darker, Talon's smile widened.

"I've had enough…" Spitting a mouthful of blood, the woman said. "I'm going to kill you, right here and now!"

Hearing that, Talon's fist gripped even tighter on the spear as he got ready. He knew that the fight was far from over even though he was already in such a critical condition.

Still, his smile didn't even vanish as he slowly lifted his hand before he extended his middle finger.

"Good luck with that."

"Very foolish. But, I might say you forgot one single detail." The woman said as she slowly picked up her weapon. "I don't need to fight you directly to kill you."

Saying that, she suddenly aimed her sniper. But, this time, she didn't aim it at Talon. The latter's eyes widened as he followed the trajectory of the weapon, only for his breath to halt.

The weapon was aimed at Hyun-Jae, who was lying behind him on a tree trunk, completely unconscious.

Immediately, his aura exploded as he stared at the woman with an extremely terrifying expression, further intensified by the blood that covered him. For a second, the woman shuddered as she felt as if she was staring at a monster.

"Touch her… And I will make you realize hell is a better place." His voice was devoid of any emotion and yet carried a deep, unfathomable hatred.

His threat wasn't a bluff or a way to intimidate her either and she knew it. Talon had meant every single word he said.

'This bastard…' Squinting her working eye, she continued aiming at Hyun-Jae, knowing full well that this was going to outrage him even more. He clearly cherished that girl greatly and she wanted to use that.

"If you want that girl to stay alive. Then, you're going to hand yourself over and leave the other survivors to die. I will only spare her life. As for you, I'm going to make sure to use you for my plans, and then depending on whether you were really helpful or not, I will make your death painless." She said.

Her offer was ridiculous and she knew it. But, she was testing how much Talon was ready to go for that girl.

However, Talon ignored her words completely as he channeled his Aetheris.

"Leave her out of it and fight me if you really think this world isn't good enough to put an end to your life." He said.

His words carried an aura of superiority that the woman couldn't ignore. It was a clear disrespect that hurt her ego. But, more than her ego, she had things she cared about more.

"... Keep your morals to yourself. This world was never fair." She replied as she fully aimed her rifle and pulled the trigger at Hyun-Jae.

Immediately, Talon flashed from his position appearing right in front of Hyun-Jae.


The bullet hit his left arm.

"Agh!" Groaning slightly, he made one step back. But, he didn't fall to the ground.

The masked woman was taken aback for a second. 'He still can move that fast…' She thought to herself as she shook her head and aimed the rifle again.




Meanwhile, inside the research center.


The sound of a door clicking as it opened echoed in the corridors.

"Shit… Was that too loud?" One of the scientists whispered.

"I don't know, just take a look outside and move." The woman replied.

"... Ok… *Gulp*"

Peeking outside, the corridor was completely empty and dark which gave them a very dark feeling. But, still, there was no trace of the woman.

"No one is outside… Let's move quickly before she comes back."

With that, the three of them crawled out of the room and started moving through the building carefully, trying to navigate their way to the exit.

(A//N: Thanks to everyone who supports the book with power stones and golden tickets, you guys are the best:) )