Dimension Weaver: My Wife Is The Dragon Empress!-Chapter 107 - - (Title at the end of the chapter)

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"In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity."

A quote that Hyun-Jae read before in a book when she was young and stayed engraved in her mind her entire life. Something about the quote felt very profound and mysterious. Perhaps it's the contradicting nature of the quote itself that made it seem nonsensical or perhaps it was the lack of further explanation.

But, when she thought about it carefully, she could only come to believe that it was true. While chaos is most of the time linked to everything bad, chaos can create opportunities a person would never expect.

In fact, chaos itself could be an opportunity for someone to achieve their goals and that was what Hyun-Jae exactly decided to do.

Her entire plan was built on that quote from start to finish.


The relentless attacks from the monsters continued like a raging tide. The students held their positions as much as they could under Hyun-Jae's orders. They had been told about the plan and they knew that if they continued at this rate, success was but a certainty.

Meanwhile, the leader herself was butchering all the monsters that stood in her path. Her extremely high speed, clever movement, and stealth made it impossible for the monsters to even catch a glimpse of her let alone attack her.

All they could do was see corpses fall to the ground one after the other like insects. Notifications appeared and disappeared in Hyun-Jae's retina as she felt the bonus points accumulate slowly.

The more she fought, the stronger and faster she felt which made it even harder to trace her. It was a disaster for the monsters.

However, even then, Hyun-Jae was still but a single person so she couldn't be everywhere at the same time, so with their sheer number alone, the monsters slowly pushed the line of defense back.

The more they were pushed back, the stronger the monsters' rampage became. It was a brutal clash on all fronts, one that seemed like it was bound to be a loss.

However, at that moment, something changed.

"Attack!!" Hyun-Jae suddenly yelled loudly. Immediately, the line of defense suddenly pulled back in, taking the entire horde of monsters even deeper.

Before the monsters could even comprehend what had happened, students attacked them from both sides at the same time.

"AAAAAAAHHH!!" The survivors used that moment of chaos to completely infiltrate the horde as they attacked them.

The sudden ambush happened so fast that by the time the monsters realized what happened, the students had already closed up on them. Meanwhile, the last line of the army moved to the other side and closed the last possible route of escape. In other words, it was a complete encirclement of the horde.

In wars, all military generals would always try to get into this very position because in most cases, encircling the enemy meant victory.

'It worked!' Hyun-Jae exhaled a small breath as she quickly rushed forward. There was still a lot of work to do.

Even if they massacred the entire horde of monsters, there were still way more of them lurking in the forest waiting to attack at the right time.

Meanwhile, inside the trap, a giant massacre ensued. The students attacked the monsters, brutally killing them one after the other. Blood and flesh splashed everywhere as dead corpses fell to the ground. The sight was horrifying to watch.

In a matter of seconds, piles of dead bodies stacked like a hill. The bodies themselves were ruined beyond recognition by the relentless hits. Some students even kept slicing the dead monsters just to ruin their bodies.

"Die! Die! Die!!"

"Kill them all!!"

All the hatred, anger, frustration, and whatever emotions the survivors bottled up this entire time came out in this battle. For the past few weeks, the only thing they could do was to fear and escape from these abominations. They didn't have any way to fight back.

They were weak, powerless, and inexperienced. They saw their friends and families die and yet they couldn't do anything about it. All of that made their hatred toward these creatures rise to new heights. They didn't care about blood or killing anymore, all they wanted was to get their revenge and that was exactly what they did.

The more seconds passed, the more the massacre grew even worse. It reached a point where the monsters were so squeezed and compacted together that they couldn't move at all. All they could do was watch as they died, one by one.

At the same time, Hyun-Jae was supervising what was happening. She didn't really care about the horrors that were ensuing in front of her. These were the same monsters that kept trying to take their lives away. They deserved all of this.

'Things are going well for now…' She thought to herself as she looked up. The forest was still as quiet as ever with seemingly no trace of movement at all.

She squinted her eyes suspiciously. Considering the current situation, she assumed that their enemy was going to do something. After all, it was clear that the survivors were cutting down huge numbers of monsters.

"What is she planning? There is no way she would let this happen…"

Still, no matter what their enemy was planning, they now had the advantage and Hyun-Jae was going to make sure to use that advantage to the fullest.

'This is far from over!'


Meanwhile, a few kilometers away, Talon was moving quickly through the trees and buildings as he made sudden turns left and right. He could clearly hear the screeches of monsters and the yells of the survivors in the distance.

"I hope the plan is going well…" He murmured as he leaped in the air.

His mission hasn't started yet even though he left the group a few minutes ago and it won't start till he gets the sign he is waiting for.

Looking at his surroundings, Talon was now on the eastern side of the Research Center compound.

The forest was exactly 1 kilometer to his west and was within vision distance. The place was very quiet and calm which was something that made Talon even more wary.

"Hmm, this should be a good place to hide." He murmured to himself as he found a good hiding spot in the bushes. Sitting down, Talon watched the forest quietly and waited.

Now, the real test will start. He had to be extremely patient and know when to move so that he could take his enemy by surprise. But, that also meant that he couldn't interfere in the battle no matter what was happening.

He had to stay completely vanished from sight even if he was seeing his group losing. Because if his plan worked, then their chances of victory were going to increase by leaps and bounds.

"I rely on you, Hyun-Jae. You can definitely do it."


Back at the battle, the numbers of the monsters have dwindled down to a mere few. What was at first a terrifying horde of abominations was rendered into butchered corpses lying down in a messy pile.

The students were exhausted from all the killing and had to take a moment to catch their breaths. But, Hyun-Jae could see the satisfaction in their eyes as they looked at their doing. Weirdly enough, the massacre felt really good.

It gave them a refreshing feeling after all the fear they had to go through every single day knowing that death could snatch their lives at any moment.

"Don't let your guard down! This is just the beginning!" She yelled, catching their attention. "Everyone, take your positions again. We're going to enter the forest!" She ordered them strictly.

Immediately, the students followed her orders and got back to their positions. Then, Hyun-Jae returned to the leading position and started moving toward the forest. For some reason, the more she looked at it, the more she felt a deep unease fill her heart.

While she was occupied, the forest felt as if it had gone through some kind of change all of a sudden.

There was something off that she couldn't put her hands on yet and she was sure that her hunch wasn't just a coincidence.

As the group grew closer and closer to the forest, Hyun-Jae's expression changed slowly. Her hand gripped the sword even tighter till her knuckles turned white. Then, when they were about 100 meters away from the forest, she suddenly halted and gave a signal for all the students to stop.


Hyun-Jae stood there in complete silence. No one could see her expression but they were certain that it wasn't normal at all.

What they weren't aware of was the reason Hyun-Jae stopped in the first place. The reason that made her completely freeze in her place.

"Where… are the monsters?"

Chapter title: Where… Are The Monsters?

(A//N: Thanks to everyone who supports the book with power stones and golden tickets, you guys are the best:) )

Read Monarch of Time
RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts