Dimension Weaver: My Wife Is The Dragon Empress!-Chapter 106 - - March And Lure

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"OK, everyone, listen here." A loud voice echoed in the vast gymnasium, catching everyone's attention.

Talon stood on the stage staring at the students. Everyone was holding a weapon and some had armor made out of monster hides on their bodies. They looked far closer to a medieval army than to a group of university students.

Even their auras were far different than before. Now, each one of them had the presence of a warrior rather than a normal person. Their eyes stared seriously at Talon.

"The plan is plain and simple, we're going to go that place and wipe it out of monsters. Inside the research center is the key for us to contact the world. If we can reach it, we might be able to talk to other survivors or even our own families. Who wants that?" Talon asked as he raised his hand.

Immediately, all the students lifted their hands too in agreement. Most of them were people who came from other cities and villages to study in the city and make their families proud. They all had some kind of strong bond with their loved ones and so their hope to see them again was as high as ever.

Talon wanted to play on that note because that's also his reason for doing all of this.

"We've struggled, fought hard, faced death, and emerged victorious. Each one of you grew on your own and improved day in and day out just for this exact moment. What was the point of all of that hard work if we don't make sure to end with a huge victory!"

The students looked at each other and nodded in agreement. They had grown far stronger than before and went through one rollercoaster after the other. Now, the true moment for them to shine has finally arrived.

"Let's finish this!"

"Yeah! We're going to stomp on those nasty things!!"

"I'm not backing down! Even if I die!"

Such shouts could be heard from the students and it made Talon nod with a satisfied look on his face.

"Time to put an end to all of this, boys… Once and for all!"


The students yelled in union before Talon turned around. "Off we go!" ƒгeewёbnovel.com

Immediately, the students started marching toward the exit in an organized manner. There wasn't any disorder amongst their lines nor panic. Fear was still instilled in their heart, but even more than fear, they had endless determination… Something that their enemy perhaps never expected.

Slowly, the students left the gymnasium and stood outside. The cold weather hit them hard, but, it wasn't dangerously bad so they were able to easily overcome it. As for the rain, most of them wore thick monster hides that covered their bodies from getting wet.

"March!" Talon said as he stood atop a huge boulder as he gave them the orders.

The students immediately followed his words and with that, hundreds of people started their march toward the research center. The wind blew at their faces and the rain poured down on them relentlessly, but, they didn't stop for even a second. The sound of their steps echoed in the vicinity, imposing as ever.

Meanwhile, Talon and Hyun-Jae moved to the side of the group to keep an eye out for any possible ambushes. Since they knew what the enemy was capable of, they couldn't just ignore the possibility of another sneak attack.

But, for better or worse, nothing of that sort happened. Minutes passed as the group walked to their destination. Some monsters appeared in sight across their journey which were easily dealt with by the students. Other than that, it was as quiet as it could be.

At some point, The scenery started shifting slowly. For instance, the number of buildings around them completely diminished and greenery became more frequent. Grassy areas and small gardens started appearing around them. Granted, all of them were ruined after the continuous disasters that hit the world, but it was still a good change of scenery for the students.

At the same time, on the horizon, a beautiful, thick forest appeared in sight. Its huge trees stood tall and imposing as they loomed over the world. Around this forest, monsters moved chaotically as they went in and out.

Their growls could be heard with ease even through the rain. Immediately, the tension amidst the students' lines grew and their heart rate increased.

"It's time…" Talon murmured as he stared at the thick forest and then at Hyun-Jae. "Are you ready, Hyun-Jae?" He asked her.

"Is that even a question? I'm more than ready." She replied confidently.

The young man smiled when he saw her confidence as he finally turned around. "Ok, I'm leaving then." As Talon was about to descend, he heard Hyun-Jae calling his name.



"You better come back to me in one piece." She said after a moment of thought.

Talon blinked confusedly before he smiled. "I will."

After that, he jumped down and quickly vanished somewhere as if he was never there. Hyun-Jae's eyes lingered on the last spot she saw him in before she shook her head.

Then, her vision moved to the monsters ahead of them. The creatures seemed to notice them too and they started growing wary.

Jumping down, Hyun-Jae stood in front of the group as she looked at them. "Get your weapons ready!"


The monsters growled loudly as they finally realized what was happening and immediately, tens of them left the forest and rushed toward the survivors. The sound of their steps shook the entire place.

"Long-range, get ready!" Hyun-Jae lifted her hand and gave the backlines the signal to aim their weapons.

Unaware of it, the monsters closed the distance between them. Their bestial hunger could be felt even from the students' positions.

What was initially a few kilometers of distance was immediately shortened to one or two kilometers.

"Hold…" Hyun-Jae didn't move her hand the entire time as she watched the monsters. She kept her composure the entire time and didn't let the pressure get into her head. She trusted the plan more than anything.


"P-President…" Go Young-Soon called her name as he looked at the horde of monsters approaching. The distance between them was now less than 1000 meters.

"Hold…" She said as she focused on the monsters.

The tension grew even higher as the students gripped their weapons tightly. Each passing second felt like an eternity of waiting. Their hearts beat loudly in their chests and their breathing became erratic.


"Now!" Suddenly, Hyun-Jae yelled as she moved her hand.

At the same time, a rain of arrows and bullets flew from the backlines toward the incoming enemies.


The rain of projectiles fell on the targets, covering them completely. What followed after was the disgusting shrieks of pain of dying monsters that were pierced by the arrows mercilessly.

Blood splattered everywhere as dead creatures fell to the ground. In one fell swoop, a few dozen monsters died. But, it was far from over as the next second, even more monsters replaced them and rushed toward the students with endless hunger.

"Now!" Hyun-Jae gave the second sign and another wave of projectiles flew in the air, hitting the monsters and killing a good number of them. The third wave was the same. In a matter of seconds, over a hundred monsters died.

However, even after killing that huge number, what was left looked extremely terrifying. Not only did their number not reduce, but it felt as if they increased.

"The first line! Hold your shields!"

"AAAH!!" The students yelled as they held their positions firmly.

A few seconds later, the monsters reached them and they smashed into the first line of the army.

The hit was extremely violent like a raging tsunami. But, with sheer determination, the students held their positions as they pushed the monsters back. The violent attack felt like a crushing boulder.

"Hnnng! So… Heavy!!"

"They're… relentless!"

The monsters attacked the shields with endless vigor, wanting to break their way through with pure force.

"Don't retreat! Hold on!" Hyun-Jae yelled as she gave a secret signal before she pulled her sword out.


Lightning coursed through her body and into her sword. Her eyes turned a degree colder and her aura exploded before she dashed between the lines of the students, emerging at the front.


With a flashing move, a huge lightning bolt exited her sword and exploded amidst the horde of monsters.

"Keep the first line intact! If they break through, it will be a huge problem!" She yelled as she sliced a monster's head off with ease before she kicked another one back.


The monsters, unaware of anything, continued their rampage. They slashed, smashed, and did everything they could to break through the shields.

'Just a few more seconds.' Hyun-Jae thought to herself as she continued cutting down monsters she moved back and forth between the lines to avoid being targeted by the enemy.

Her goal was to cut down the pressure on the first line till something important happened. Unbeknownst to all the monsters, her plan was in motion the entire time.

(A//N: Thanks to everyone who supports the book with power stones and golden tickets, you guys are the best:) )