D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad-Chapter 1420 - The Story of Grue and Snee
--- Kat ---
"Ok… let's back up a bit. I'm, mostly, on board for stopping an apocalypse. I like to think I'm a good person and I'm not just going to let another world end… but I have to ask, why is this our problem? And how exactly did the problem start? You said we had to kill a drake or a dragon but nothing other than that," asked Kat.
"Ok… this is going to take some explaining that alright?" asked Miznark. Kat and Lily obviously replied with a nod. "Ok, good. So at the highest level the reason we're doing this is because we have a contract with the Angels to prevent any apocalypses we can, especially in worlds that aren't strong enough to survive an angel trying to fix things. That's the general reason.
"More specifically in this case? It seems like the drake, or dragon, we'll just call it a drake because it should be mindless… anyway the drake was infected with demonic energy some time ago. We have a decent guess at how and why it happened, though that itself is a long story. I promise I'll get to it in a moment.
"Ok… right so, it's a demonic threat. That means that we, the demons, need to deal with it because of treaty obligation and because we're generally not assholes. Some of us are sure, but we tend to push all the worst demons into their own hubs and let them deal with keeping their ideology alive… usually without good medical care. Ok never mind that I'm getting distracted…
"So this all started a truly massive amount of time in the past. I'm talking thousands of years pretty sure it's more than ten thousand, but less then twenty… though not much less then twenty thousand if memory serves. Ok. So, there was a decent amount of demon activity at the time but the two important demons are… wait am I allowed to give out their real names? Give me a second…"
Miznark pulled out a few more pieces of paper and looked them over quickly. They didn't seem to contain the answer he needed so he shoved them back into his body and pulled out another set, only to still find nothing. "Ok… right. So I have no idea if it's allowed. Just to be on the safe side I'm going to say it's not… and call them Grue and Snee as a substitute for their real names. freewebnoveℓ.com
"So, Grue and Snee were, and to the best of my knowledge, still ARE best friends. This will become relevant later. So anyway, at the start not much was going on. A few regular summoning and what not until Grue was summoned by the princess by accident. Now you might ask, how was it an accident? Well the princess found the castle's summoning setup and used it when she wasn't supposed to.
"In the end, she asked Grue to spend time with her… and they hit it off. There are quite a few details involved, but in the end? Grue and the princess get… well not married. See the historical records I have are all insistent that she became Grue's mistress instead of wife… and there are enough notes about it that imply heavily that the princess… um… let's call her Grape?
Grape got off on the idea of being the 'other woman' and threw herself pretty heavily into the romance.
"This is likely because Grape was a lesbian and Grue was the only woman to ever show interest in her… but Grue is also not humanoid in the slightest so I personally, don't know how that worked. Anyway, Grue and Grape got together and Snee sees what they have and decides, on finding himself, yes Snee is male, a partner.
Though according to the records Snee was bisexual and as such not particularly picky.
"In the end, he did find a partner, a young noble lady from a ducal household. Now, there is mixed reports on this part. Some say this was purely a political move from the second kingdom because they hated the first… umm… let's just call them Red Kingdom and Blue Kingdom I'm sick of thinking of proper names.
"So anyway, Grape and Grue were aligned with Red while Snee and his bride Rose were aligned with Blue kingdom. This wasn't ever really a problem because they mostly just poked at each other for a while. In fact, if we didn't have the benefit of knowing the 'future' from this point everything would seem fine.
"Both kingdoms rapidly advanced in technology when Grape and Rose visited home. They didn't technically cross the line, nothing they told their friends and family was 'actionable'. Just little hints about how certain things worked. Honestly, the only reason it ended up mattering was because they kept this up for thousands of years. A little hint here and there, every decade for a couple of millennia?
It adds up.
"Now, this all comes to head some time after both kingdoms discovered space travel. Red and Blue were the only two kingdoms left on the planet and resources were drying up… but they refused to go too far into space because this was their home planet. They wanted it firmly under their control before heading out into the stars.
"So for the first time in centuries Grue and Snee were both summoned to do battle. Reports are very vague on who was summoned first, and both Grue and Snee both agreed they didn't want those specifics released so a lot of what happened around this time is up in the air. We only have a few facts.
"The important ones? Grue or Snee was summoned, requested time to think about the request which was essentially 'go win our war against the other guy' and then they spoke to each other about it. Remember they were friends, right? Ok, so, they got together with their partners and had a long discussion and decided they were going to fight it out casually.
Do a lot of environmental damage and destroy as much land as they could to try and force Red and Blue into space.
"The main reason for this is that… well Grape and Rose didn't feel all that close to their families anymore. Remember this was millennia later, both sets of parents had passed away long ago, and it was mostly due to the resources Grue and Snee had purchased that helped keep them alive and in good condition.
"So they decided it was time to wash their hands of the two kingdoms, or more like empires at this point. They were barely recognisable and the families in charge were increasingly just trying to get information or assistance from Grape and Rose. This was just the last straw…
"So Grue and Snee had their fight. It was a big spectacle but not all that deadly… until Red and Blue did something stupid. Nobody is sure who acted first, once again Grue and Snee helped obscure that information. Nothing we couldn't confirm if we wanted to… but it doesn't really matter.
"They launched nuclear based mana bombs. Dozens of them, all aimed towards Grue and Snee. Now at this point they were more than strong enough to survive such a thing after Ranking up to 6 at this point in time… but the rest of the world? Much less likely to survive. So the pair worked together to block the damage the best they could… to moderate success.
"The fallout was still horrible, it destroyed all of the society on the planet, most of the people, a good chunk of the wildlife. What wasn't destroyed by the initial impacts, or under Snee and Grue's shielding quickly got taken over by magically enhanced radiation. It was a horrible time but the planet didn't get destroyed.
"Now here's where the problem you care about comes in. See… you don't just casually stop 90% of the damage from a weapon like that without using a massive amount of demonic energy… way more then a universe like that one can just bleed off. Especially not in such a short amount of time… and also definitely not when mana bombs have just gone up fucking with the magic of the world in a massive way.
"So cleaners had to be sent in. Now, absorbing demonic energy like that? Very expensive so we don't like to do it if we have to… but it was an apocalypse in the making so Angel treaty comes into play. We thought we got everything… but it seems like that wasn't the case.
"From the information we can put together a draconic egg of some kind was right at the edge cleanup area. Technically just outside of our cleanup efforts but it was connected to a large lake that was in the cleanup area. The lake in question was on the lower priority end of things…
"And we suspect that by the time we got to it the egg had already absorbed massive amounts of demonic energy. It was far enough away that our scanners didn't detect anything… and clearly it wasn't done growing because the think tank is of the opinion that it continued to siphon as much demonic energy from the surroundings as it could… until now.
"Now it's hatched and we have a massive problem on our hands," finished Miznark.