Cultivation: When you take things to the extreme-Chapter 361 - 239: Xuantian_1

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Chapter 361: Chapter 239: Xuantian_1

In the Demon Realm beyond the ruins.

Although he had practiced for several lifetimes and made substantial progress, “descending into a secret realm dungeon” was still a new experience for Xu Yang—it was like a maiden’s first time sitting in a bridal sedan; his first encounter.

Previously, he had either been lying low and accumulating strength or actively causing trouble, engaging openly with various factions in a battle of wits and strength, leaving little time to seek out secrets or explore mysteries.

Of course, this was also because the benefits of seeking out secrets and exploring mysteries were far less than those of directly contending with various powers for dominance. After all, how could the pace of development from grave robbing keep up with that of nation-building and power management?

But that was then, and this is now, and the once again peerless “Wudi” Xu Yang certainly didn’t mind taking a look at the legacy of an Ancient Immortal Gate.

Upon entering the Demon Realm, the heavens and earth immediately transformed.

The demonic Qi surged fiercely, thick to the extreme, instilling a profound sense of unease.

Meng Fuyao remained composed, her aura of righteousness as vast as the East Sea, faintly exuding a sharp energy that eradicated the encroaching demonic Qi, leaving only the purest spiritual energy to be absorbed into her body.

It was the might of an ancient Immortal Artifact, the “Haoqi Long Breath.”

On the other side, Li Qiankun also manifested the “Haoqi Cloud Dragon” to protect himself from being disturbed by the demons.

With his Corpse Resolution body and demon-transforming spiritual objects, as long as he didn’t overexert himself, he could effectively neutralize the demonic Qi without worry of any hidden dangers erupting.

Even so, he dared not act like Meng Fuyao, cutting down the demonic Qi with a sword and absorbing the Yuan Spirit.

Because this place was the gateway to the Mysterious Heaven Sect, one of the top spirit veins of this world, the quality and quantity of the Yuan Spirit demonic Qi far exceeded the outside world. As a Corpse Resolution Nascent Soul who had not yet advanced to the Divinity Transformation, and lacking an ancient Immortal Artifact like “Haoqi Long Breath”, how could he dare to absorb it carelessly? He had no choice but to rely on spirit stones to maintain his energy expenditure.

The two Corpse Resolution cultivators each displayed their abilities to resist the contamination of the Yuan Spirit demonic Qi.

In contrast, Xu Yang was unmoved, letting the demonic Qi enter his body.

While the two of them were not shocked by this, they took note of it in their hearts.

Truly a Wonderful Skill from the Upper Realm, with a method to transform demons; such high-quality Yuan Spirit demonic Qi, and he dared to directly absorb it into his body.

Leaving their thoughts aside for now,

Let’s look ahead, at the center of the Demon Realm.

There stood a Spirit Mountain, pure white all over, with the main peak resembling a towering jade pillar rising into the clouds and reaching the ninth heaven.

However, the clouds were not usual clouds; they were tainted with filth and dark as blood, like serpentine dragons coiling around the mountain, with a gloom that seemed impossible to dispel.

Gazing through the demonic Qi and mist, one could faintly make out pavilions, terraces, buildings with carved beams and painted rafters, and even palaces and temples, all relics of the old Mysterious Heaven Sect.

Next to him, Meng Fuyao introduced, “The Mysterious Heaven Sect was one of the ten great Ancient Immortal Sects, consisting of a main peak and eight auxiliary peaks. The Demon-locking Tower is located on the main peak, and it is the most perilous place.”

“Aside from the main peak, there are eight other peaks. Although they do not hold an Immortal Artifact like the Demon-locking Tower, they still house numerous treasured relics. Sadly, they are all shrouded in formations and sealed off with restrictions. Despite previous explorations, only the outlying areas were accessible.”

As she spoke, she led Xu Yang to the front of one of the peaks.

“This is Mount Taibai, where the Eight Treasure Pavilion is located, specializing in the Path of Artifact Refining. It is said to house eight great Spiritual Treasures, and even the Immortal Artifact, the Demon-locking Tower, was forged by this very peak.”

Xu Yang smiled, “You’ve taken great trouble, my friend.”

Such meticulous detail, needless to say, meant his preparation was well in advance.

Meng Fuyao replied, “The nine peaks of the Mysterious Heaven each have their own duties. The Mysterious Heavenly Main Peak is renowned for formations, while Mount Taibai is known for its expertise in artifacts. It is the place most explored by Corpse Resolution Cultivators, but there are still many evil demons and restrictive formations within, so one must proceed carefully and prudently.”


Xu Yang nodded, and turning to look back, he saw that beneath the veiled demonic clouds, the void formed prohibitions that created patterns. Although there were a few damaged gaps, the main body was not broken and still protected Mount Taibai from within.

“Fifth Order Great Array!”

“Immortal Spirit Technique!”

“Truly worthy of an Ancient Immortal Gate.”

Merely with a glance, Xu Yang discerned the foundation of this array – it was a lower-grade Immortal Array ranked at the fifth order.

Ranking is a unique classification for skills like Pills, Talismans, Tools, Formations, and others.

Take artifacts for example. First-tier are Magic Artifacts, second-tier are Spiritual Artifacts, third-tier are Magical Treasures, fourth-tier are Spiritual Treasures, and fifth-tier are classified as Immortal Spirit Artifacts, but those are just lower-grade Immortal Artifacts. It is only at the sixth tier that one finds middle-grade Immortal Artifacts, while the seventh tier refers to high-grade.

The same principle applies to formations; to be fifth order is to be called an Immortal Spirit Formation.

Although it is a lower-grade Immortal Spirit, it holds boundless power. Even a Soul-transforming Cultivator who knows nothing of Array Formation would struggle to survive within it.

Thanks to the support of the Wandao School, Xu Yang’s mastery of Array Formation had reached the peak of the fourth order. It was only due to the lack of the right methods that he had not yet stepped into the fifth-order realm.

Although he obtained relics from the Blood Demon, most of them were inheritances of Cultivation Techniques and Elixir Skills without any lineage of Array Formation from the Hundred Arts. This caused Xu Yang a bit of disappointment.

But now, the tide had turned.

This Mysterious Heaven Sect was actually founded on Array Formation?

One wonders how high they reached? Were they lower-grade Immortal Spirit, or perhaps middle-grade?

“Each of the eight peaks has a formation of the fifth order.”

“The formation at the main peak is of the sixth order.”

“It is said that when the nine peaks unite, merging with the mountain’s form, connecting heaven and earth, they can form a high-grade Immortal Spirit.”

“That would be the seventh order—Mysterious Heaven Great Array!”

Although his face was masked, Meng Fuyao still detected Xu Yang’s look of keen interest, and she struck while the iron was hot to introduce further, “Although it’s said that this Mysterious Heaven Great Array has been lost, the techniques for fifth and sixth order formations should still have successors. If fellow Daoist can break them, the effort will surely not be in vain.”

“Then let’s give it a try.”

Xu Yang didn’t conceal his desire for this, stepped forward to start breaking the array.

Meng Fuyao and Li Qiankun stood by, ready for anything that might ensue.

Ancient ruins are fraught with peril, and lethal formations are just a part of it.

There are also hidden demonic catastrophes, even more dangerous than the formations themselves.

The two were cautiously on guard.

Yet Xu Yang remained unconcerned, gazing at Mount Taibai cloaked by formations, with luminosity shining behind him, casting out five-colored radiance.

Five Colors Divine Light!

Even though it was an acquired skill, in the mortal realm it was still a top-tier Divine Skill, extremely effective in both combat and breaking arrays.

The array on Mount Taibai, placed at the fifth tier, had withstood the erosion of thousands of years. Supported by the Taibai Spirit Vein, its core remained intact. It had even merged with Demonic Qi, evolving into an even more terrifying Demon Spirit Array, which till this day remained unsolved.

But today, it had met its match.

With the appearance of the five colors, divine light shone forth.

Blue, yellow, red, white, black – irradiating and shimmering in five hues and five phases; five qi forming five swords, flickering and striking, slicing and washing away.

Such Divine Light, layer upon layer, each one following the logic of the Five Elements, manipulating formations with their essence.

Fifth Order Great Array, ranked among Immortal Spirits.

If it was just a fourth-tier Formation Master, or the Five Colors Divine Light alone, it would be hard to decipher.

However, when the two combined, the quantity changed the quality, and they were already able to cross the boundary’s gate.

Under the illumination of the Five Colors, in just a brief moment, layers upon layers of the formation began to dissipate, being peeled away and unraveled.

“Three years apart, this person’s Divine Skills have progressed even further!”

“A Fifth Order Great Array, even with no one operating it, is not something ordinary that can be broken.”

“Even if I were to enter with a Haoqi Long breath, I would barely manage to protect myself.”

“When this person shines the Heavenly Light, sweeping it open, even the Fifth Order Great Array is broken layer by layer.”

“The Five Elements cultivation method, Divine Skills are not easy to come by, and combined with Array Formation, achieving Grandmaster level, this person’s talent is truly terrifying!”

Meng Fuyao and Li Qiankun, who were behind, watched as the formation on Mount Taibai crumbled under the Five Elements Illumination, disintegrating into pieces, their hearts trembling with shock.

In their astonishment, the Divine Light shone, washing away the final layer of formation.


No sooner had the formation been unlocked than a surge of Demonic Qi burst forth, with several Demon Objects flying out, resembling Yasha Asuras.

Utterly ugly and vicious, all of them were beyond the strength of a Golden Core, with one even surpassing the Nascent Soul tier.

Upon seeing this, Meng Fuyao immediately formed a sword with her Haoqi, sweeping it towards the group of Demon Objects.

Although these Demon Objects were fierce, the strongest was merely Nascent Soul level; how could they contend against a Soul-transforming Corpse Resolution and the edge of an Immortal Sword?

“Puff puff puff!”

Amidst muffled sounds, demonic blood scattered and fell like rain.

Xu Yang remained unfazed, stepping forward towards the interior of Mount Taibai.


More Demon Objects flew out, screeching as they approached.

Yet before they could get close, a sweep of the Divine Light obliterated them—all reduced to ashes.

The Spirit-Treasure Mech Armor, the Five Elements Divine Skills, not weaker than the edge of an Immortal Sword, were even superior.

In a blink of an eye, all Demon Objects were wiped out.

The three stepped into the formation, reached the summit, and saw a pavilion, glowing with Spiritual Light.

Eight Treasures Tower!

The pavilion also had its defensive formations, but blocking them was like using a mantis arm as a vehicle to stop the chariot.

With a sweep of the Divine Light, all barriers broke, flinging the doors of the pavilion wide open.

Xu Yang stepped inside; before he even began to search, an object triggered and flew towards him, piercing through the air.

It was a Flying Sword.

An Ancient Spiritual Treasure, ranked as middle-grade!

Xu Yang’s expression did not change; a white light shone, and immediately the energy of Xin Metal captured the Flying Sword. With another sweep, it was subdued and vanished from sight.

Effortless and pleasurable, without any challenge.

Having collected the Flying Sword and looking at the rest, all he saw was a mess and numerous skeletons, but no other Spiritual Treasures were in sight.

Xu Yang did not bother searching further; he took out the newly obtained Flying Sword and probed it with his divine sense, and as expected, obtained a legacy.

Mysterious Heaven True Skills

Taibai Sword Jue

Taibai’s Gold Travel Treasure Jue

A single legacy, three chapters of teachings: Cultivation Technique, Swordsmanship, Artifact Skills.

Meng Fuyao followed and, upon seeing this, sighed, “Mount Taibai’s Eight Treasures Tower held eight top-notch Spiritual Treasures, powerful enough to rival Immortal Artifacts. However, many were lost in the ancient battle, and some were taken away during the Ascension of the Mysterious Heaven Ancient Immortal, leaving behind only this Flying Sword, which had declined greatly in grade over time.”

“It is still serviceable.”

Xu Yang smiled and put away the Flying Sword, “I need the legacy within it; after I meditate on it, I will gift this treasure.” freeweɓnø

Meng Fuyao nodded, “It is for you to decide, my friend. We have waited for a thousand years; a moment more or less makes no difference.”

“Let’s look at the rest.”

Hearing that, Xu Yang said no more and turned to leave.

With such a treasure mountain, he aimed to sweep it clean, taking everything for himself.

The three left Mount Taibai and moved towards the other Immortal Peaks using the Five Colors Divine Light to break through layers of Formations, collecting treasures and cultivation techniques.

Soon, all Eight Peaks were conquered, securing three Spiritual Treasures, seven legacies, over ten cultivation manuals, and an array of Pills, Talismans, Tools, and Formations; Deity Transformation Skills, and Fifth Tier techniques, brought immense satisfaction to Xu Yang.

No, he could not be completely satisfied yet.

The Profound Heaven Sect was one of the top ten Immortal Sects. Deity Transformation Skills and Fifth Tier techniques, though precious, were not the supreme.

For knowledge, for power, Xu Yang had always been insatiable, like a snake wishing to swallow an elephant.


“Mysterious Heaven’s main lineage, the fundamental legacy!”

His gaze shifted, turning towards the center, falling upon the towering, jade-pillar-like Mysterious Heavenly Main Peak.

This move made Meng Fuyao’s heart jump. She was about to speak out to dissuade, only to see…


Xu Yang’s brow furrowed, and on the forehead of his mask, right above the brows, lights suddenly converged, opening an eye.

Five Elements Spiritual Body, Admiring Eye of Heaven!

The former is the body forged by cultivation, the latter, a Cultivation Skills Divine Magic.

When combined, the cultivation aids the magic, and the body enhances the divine skills, known as “Five Elements Mysterious Spirit Admiring Eye of Heaven.”

Compared to the Admiring Eye of Heaven, the effect is stronger, the might greater. When fully cultivated in Mahayana, it can pierce through the nine skies above, view the Underwood below, and within the Three Realms, amidst the Five Elements, all Ghost Gods, Immortals, and Demons have nowhere to hide.

Although Xu Yang did not possess the Mahayana cultivation yet, relying on the effects of his attainments and the Five Elements Divine Light, the Admiring Eye revealed the heavenly secrets.

And at this moment, with just one look, with just one glance, he saw… a person!

Inside Mysterious Heavenly Main Peak, within the Spirit Mountain jade pillar, sat a person!