Chaos Devourer System-Chapter 341: Destroyed By The EIA In A Single Move

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Chapter 341: Destroyed By The EIA In A Single Move

Chapter 341: Destroyed By The EIA In A Single Move

The pale sucker beast experiment.

It was a joke of an experiment that the Mutant Organization developed back then and unleashed on an entire Earth city. It was created under the hypothesis of whether humanity can fuse with the ancient remnants of a once mythic race, called Vampires.

But the experiment was a failure in the end as those who were infused with the gene only grew pale and experienced severe itching in the sun. Apart from those, they were no longer any good in the experiment.

So, it was abandoned. But the Mutant Organization’s way of abandoning wasn’t to take care of it. They simply released the virus on an entire city and once they saw it didn’t produce the exact effect, they simply took their spaceship and left.

This automatically pushes the problem on the neck of the EIA, who had to create a remedy for an infection they had no clue about.

It took a crazy amount of resources reaching up to 300 million star coins before the EIA could find a cure for that virus, and even then, a total of about 15% of that city’s population was lost.

It was one of the burning hates that the EIA had against the Mutant Organization.

And now the Mutant Organization higher-ups all sat down dumbstruck as they all looked at the gigantic holographic where people were tearing each other apart.

“But, but this is impossible. The FR2 virus shouldn’t reach such a degree of mutation.” One of them roared out loud in disbelief.

“Tch, damn EIA, they have vastly improved on the virus. Do you forget we didn’t bother completing the virus due to our belief that it wouldn’t be worth it? It seems the EIA didn’t think so and continued wasting resources on it, but now can it really be called wasted.”

“Forget that shit, what should we do now…” Another Mutant Organization higher-up said as he slammed his hand on the gigantic table quickly reducing it to dust.

“The FR2 virus is a very troublesome virus that even we the Mutant Organization had no cure too.” A middle-aged man with curly dark hair and wearing a spectacle said.

“What the hell do you mean you don’t have a cure for it? Why did you release it in the first place?” The burly man shot back at him, just a simple second from pulling the middle-aged man into a wholesome hug.

“Why should we have the cure? It will just create wasted resources and since it doesn’t even affect us anyway. We simply packed our loads and left. The EIA solved the shit anyway.”

“Oh, great. Now it’s back to bite our assets. How long do you think your damn medicinal faculty can prepare the cure…” The burly man asked him as Jora re-arranged the spectacle on his face.

“Hmm, let me see. If we’re able to get all the resources, both here and on other planets which I don’t think we can do right now and we also have access to the legendary Professor Rootkit working together the create the KRO disinfectant, a necessary component on…”

“Are you kidding me, I asked a simple damn question! How long?”

“Ok, ok, tch, brute… It should take 3 months at maximum speed…”

“Great. Now how long till this entire city becomes completely runned by beasts and corpses…”

“Hmmm, judging by the micro infection size and the rate of speed growth and mutation growth co-efficient…”

“You piece of shit…”

“Ok, ok, it should take an hour from now…”

“Are you kidding me? An hour from now everyone will be dead and you talk of the cure which would take 3 months to make? Is this a joke?” The burly man asked as the others looked at him with a deadpan expression.

“HAHAHA, Now I get it you all have lost your mind. I’m getting out of here, now!” The burly man said as he walked towards the door close by.

“Hey flames, but we still have a war to win…”

“Oh really, a war huh? For who? The people who will all be dead in less than an hour from now?” Flames replied without even turning back as all the remaining higher-ups looked at each other and the same glint flashed in their eyes as they all came to the same conclusion.

The EIA has won this war, and they had done so by using their own weapon against them.

“So, we have already lost? And so easily too?” Another man asked fury in his voice as he clenched his teeth tightly in anger.

“Don’t be stupid, Bing-bang. Have we the Mutant Organization ever lost before? Do you forget we only started in a simple apartment and nothing more than a hundred-star coin, and now we were able to occupy an entire planet? If we can do that before, why can’t we simply start all over? With billions of Star coins under our armpits, we can simply go into hiding and once again begin from scratch.

In the entire Mutant Organization, so far, we are alive, we can always start again…” Flames said as he arrived before the door and pulled it open, revealing the gigantic green-colored portal from now.

“But what about the base head?”

“Adrian has no problem with this organization blowing up in smoke tomorrow. We have a deal and that is all. The mutant organization has nothing to do with Adrian. I’m even pretty sure he’s already out of this shit by now. So, we don’t have a problem with Adrian…”



The source of this c𝐨ntent is freeweɓnovēl.coɱ.


The sound of Flames rapidly clicking on different buttons in the teleporter room echoed out later and the AI voice soon rang out.

“Activating teleporter.”

“Connecting a stable wormhole. A wormhole has been successfully created. Teleportation to planet XXV had been secured…” freeweɓnovēl.coɱ

“So are you all gonna stay there or get your assess over here…” Flame asked as they all quickly walked towards him and the 7 higher-ups of the mutant organization all stood on the teleporter preparing to leave.

“Teleportation order has been created…”

“Teleportation will now begin in 3…2…”


“Deactivating teleporter…” The AI voice rang out as all the higher-ups’ faces changed as they watched the green light suddenly disperse and they all stood dumbly on the machine.

“Hey Zorda. Your damn teleporter is not in good condition., seriously?”

“It is not the teleporter. It is them!” The one named Zorda whispered.

“Who?” Flames asked as he raised his head and noticed his colleagues looking dead straight at their front.

And he also turned to look only to find three people standing in front of the teleporter room.

Two men and a pink-haired lady.