Catastrophe Card King-Chapter 34 - 28 [Spades 4 - Beast Walker]_2

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This chapter is updated by 𝒇𝒓𝙚𝙚𝒘𝙚𝒃𝙣𝓸𝓿𝙚𝒍.𝙘𝓸𝓶

Chapter 34: Chapter 28 [Spades 4 – Beast Walker]_2

Translator: 549690339

Both the man and the ape possessed tremendous strength, the metal frames of the chairs inside the carriage shattering at the slightest touch, as if made of paper.

One after another, the Blackwater mercenaries charged in.

In the blink of an eye, the fighting between these members of the Blackwater Mercenary Group and the black ape escalated, becoming more and more intense.

The battle in the last carriage erupted like a flaming barrel, escalating to full throttle within moments.

The sudden shock left the hunters momentarily stunned.

However, since the trouble didn’t involve them, they quickly recovered their composure and sat back to observe from a safe distance.

“Spade A-Black Knight, and the Iron Scale Snake Armor. So it’s the Blackwater Mercenary Group’s squad leader, Iron Fist Rocky.”

“Who would be so brazen to start a fight on a train? So it’s those Blackwater fellows. Those mercenaries seem to think becoming the cronies of some upper-class nobles, they can do whatever they please in Sinless City.”

“No kidding. I overheard the Blackwater folks earlier wanting to put a halt to the train’s operation, claiming they had orders from some big shot. Damn it! To hell with the big shot!”

The hunters had no sympathy for the money-hungry mercenaries, especially since they had recently been seen in the company of the upper-class nobles, causing the hunters to look down on them even more.

As the few mercenaries were being beaten up, not only did the hunters not intend to lend a hand, they even took the opportunity to gossip about the spectacle.

In an inconspicuous corner of the crowd, Leonard Churchill, who had blended in among the spectators, put away the artifact card “Clown Mask”, and also watched the pandemonium with interest.

It seemed that his plan of diverting trouble had succeeded.

When the carriage plunged into darkness earlier, he used the “Shadow Submarine” skill to disappear into the shadow, evading all sense of being tracked.

Initially, he planned to take advantage of the chaos to jump off the train, but it seemed unnecessary considering the current situation.

This probing confirmed that the guy was indeed the wanted criminal from the Cross Camp.

And his combat power exceeded all expectations.

Killing the assassin with just two blows?

That was a bona fide card master who had completed his professional transfer.

With his level of combat power, it didn’t seem like the Blackwater Mercenary Group’s men would gain any advantage.


They might end up being decimated!

If he could avoid jumping off the train, then that’s what he would do.

Leonard Churchil gazed at the heavily armored knight who was fiercely battling in the 16th carriage, witnessing for the first time the combat power of an actual card master.

“He’s so powerful… Is this a power a human can possess?”

He found the situation fascinating. Could the strength of this Rocky be over 10?

However, the black ape clearly has stronger strength, at least double as much as Rocky’s!

And after hearing what some others said, Leonard was equally curious: Why was the black ape so powerful?

In an instant, the enraged black ape had murdered several Blackwater mercenaries with fierce blows.

Each blow could be considered a severe injury.

Although the heavily armored knight could hang on with his thick armor, he was continuously beaten and thrown around the carriage.

The battle didn’t last long, but the outcome was already decided.

The Blackwater Mercenary Group did not have a good reputation among hunters, hence, no one offered to help from the beginning.

This meant that as soon as these few people died, there’d be no more threat on the train.

Leonard settled down to continue watching the spectacle after this realization.

You only would have believed that this Vajra Black Ape was transformed from a human if you saw it with your own eyes. He marveled at how strong the ape was.

The hunters obviously knew more.

Watching this fierce battle, they started discussing about it.

“What’s the story behind this transformed black ape, isn’t he from the sequence of Spades 4 – Beast Walker? Although he is clearly a first-tier card master, how can his combat power be so terrifying that even ‘Iron Fist’ Rocky can’t put up a fight?”

“A physical anomaly caused by losing control of one’s body can naturally shatter human limits, it makes sense that he’s a bit stronger.”

“Isn’t this more than just a bit stronger?”

“If my guess is correct, this is the ‘Lone Wolf’ Baron, who was wanted for murder and looting by the camp. I didn’t believe before that a first-tier card master could single handedly wipe out a small camp. Now that I see it, shush…it’s indeed brutal.”

“Considering this curse power out of control, it could be no one else. But why is he so abnormally strong, could it be due to that ancient artifact?”

“Oh~ So, the Blackwater Mercenary Group is also interested in that ancient artifact? Guess they’re biting off more than they can chew now, hahaha…”

The topic of conversation shifted between the crowd.

In hunters’ view, the Blackwater Mercenary Group probably started the conflict because of that artifact. 𝘧𝑟𝑒𝑒𝓌𝑒𝒷𝘯𝑜𝘷𝑒𝓁.𝘤𝑜𝓂

Since mercenaries already had a bad reputation, and now they had broken the rules by starting a fight on the train for personal gain, no one wanted to help.

Even the expert hunters who hurried over from the Hunters Association didn’t get involved.

It was clear that they were waiting for a winner before stepping in to take control.

Starting a fight on the train, regardless of reasons, was a violation of the rules, and the consequences could be severe.

They deserved whatever happened to them!

The commotion in the carriage was only contained due to the thick armor around it, preventing the whole train from collapsing.

The black ape was indeed brutal, each punch killing a regular mercenary.

The battle quickly reached its end.

For fear the battle would spread to other carriages, the train attendant set up an armor panel at carriage 14.

Leonard did not see the later part of the fight.

After listening to a loud noise within the carriage, the commotion died down..freewebnov(e)l

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