Catastrophe Card King-Chapter 33 - 28 [Spades 4 - Beast Walker]

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This content is taken from 𝙛𝙧𝓮𝓮𝙬𝓮𝒃𝒏𝓸𝒗𝓮𝙡.𝓬𝓸𝓶

Chapter 33: Chapter 28 [Spades 4 – Beast Walker]

Translator: 549690339

With Leonard Churchill making such a big commotion, there’s no way the man m seat 11 at the rear of the car could continue to feign sleep.

Especially after the gunshot, several curse card masters rushed towards him. Any one would naturally believe that these guys were coming for him.

The gunshot just now was clearly a signal from the enemy to initiate attack! Strike first to gain the advantage!

The middle-aged man was also very decisive, seeing the enemy attack, he suddenly burst out, lightning-fast grabbed the first approaching assassin. In that instant, his once-dried up arm suddenly bulged powerfully, his muscles bursting his clothes, and with a terrifying power, he smashed the assassin’s bones into pieces.


The cracking sound of breaking bones rang out, the assassin, Little Five let out a miserable scream, his forehead instantly covered in cold sweat.

He couldn’t understand why the attacker’s speed and strength were so terrifying?

Rose, who arrived a bit late for backup, watched as her teammate was badly injured in the first encounter, her face turned drastically and surprise filled her heart: Does this guy have such a strong accomplice?

She didn’t bother about the gunman who had lost her target, saving people mattered more!

Since there is an accomplice, the thing their group was looking for must be with this stronger person.

She pulled out a card and aimed it at the middle-aged man who had suddenly risen violently, and softly shouted in her heart: “Dream Interpreter!”

The white six-pointed star behind the card lit up, and the card disintegrated into specks of white light, a mental shockwave covered over the middle-aged man.

This “Dream Interpreter card” is a common strategy used by mental curse card masters, an area attack that can make the target drowsy.

Even if it can’t control the enemy, it can slow their thinking.

There was nowhere to escape in the carriage, this strike precisely hit the middle-aged man!

However, before Rose could make another move, she was surprised and horrified.

What she never expected was that instead of saving people with this move, she had unleashed an even more terrifying demon!

In the dark, she saw the middle-aged man hit by the spiritual techniques his eyes suddenly lighting up with beast-like crimson brightness, a terrifying aura swept through the entire carriage.

She did not know, the middle-aged man was initially struggling with sanity to control his curse power at the brink of chaos.

At this moment, because his spirit was hypnotized, his curse power completely lost control!

At the moment when the curse power lost control, the middle-aged man’s body bones made a crackling sound, his muscles bulged and swelled visibly, and at the same time, his exposed skin had long black hair, fangs grew from his mouth, even his face quickly transformed into a beast’s.

In the blink of an eye, this middle-aged man had transformed from a human into an almost three-meter-tall Vajra Black Ape!

His body was enveloped by dark elements, like raging flames, and his aura suddenly increased several times.

The Black Ape was already out of control, there was absolutely no reason to be mentioned, the arm holding Little Five was crushed, the smell of blood stimulated its ferocity even more.

It grabbed his thigh with another hand, roared and tore it apart, “swish” blood splattered all over, it had actually torn the assassin into two halves alive!

At this point, the hunters who had just been caught off guard by the explosion in the carriage also reacted and turned on various emergency lighting devices to illuminate the entire carriage.

In an instant, hundreds of eyes saw the horrifying scene of the Black Ape’s murder.

Luckily someone attracted the monster’s hatred, the hunters fled en masse to carriage 15.

In front of the Black Ape, Rose’s face was splattered with scalding blood, and also frightened into losing her color.

She never imagined it would turn out like this, a face-off… her teammate died?

But after all, they were professional mercenaries who had tasted the blade’s blood, she also reacted in an instant, with a single hand rub, five cards appeared in her hand: “Arcane-Nightmare Devour.”

Now there is no need to hide anything.

She was very clear, if she did not control this monster, she would undoubtedly die!

In an instant, a prickling mental attack flew towards the Vajra Black Ape in the large carriage.

The Black Ape roared like thunder as if its spirit had been hit by a heavy hammer.

The fragments of the corpse were flung around, splattering blood all over the carriage.

If it were a normal person, this spiritual technique would have severely injured them, if not killed them.

But this was already a runaway mutated monster!

The attack did not kill the Black Ape,

At this moment, there was only terrifying brutality like prickling in its eyes!

Boom, boom, boom…

The Black Ape violently pounded its arms, the surrounding tables and chairs shattered into countless sawdust spraying out, like a rainstorm pattering all over the carriage.

Mental occupation practitioners tend to have weaker bodies, Rose wanted to escape but it was already too late.

She was on the brink of dying on the spot!

However, at this point, sudden “thump”, “thump”, “thump”… a series of footsteps thudding on the floor rang out, a tall figure clad in Snake Scale Heavy Armor violently rushed into the battlefield. He was holding a sword in both hands and slashed it at the chimpanzee.

The power of this sword was so great that it crossed the air, visually forming ripples around the blade.

But the effect was not as expected.

With a sharp sound, as if hacking on hard granite, cutting a shallow wound on the ape’s waist.

The heavy armor warrior was also taken aback.

He had no time to think about why the target was so strong, the Black Ape’s heavy fist attacked, he could only hurriedly parry the sword.

With a “thud”, he was sent flying backward like a cannonball.

The strength of the Black Ape was astonishing to those around. (f)reenovelkiss

The Heavy Armor Warrior slammed against the wall, without time to catch his breath, charged again..

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