Building an Empire in Game of Thrones (REWORKED VERSION)-Chapter 77: A Surprise Proposal from The Vale

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Chapter 77 - A Surprise Proposal from The Vale

Sitting at his desk, Maximus had in his hand a letter sent from The Eyrie by House Arryn. The letter was from Lysa Arryn, the lady regent of the Vale. The letter said:

Emperor Maximus,

'It is with hope and goodwill that I write to you from the heights of the Eyrie. In these troubled times, friendship and loyalty are more precious than ever. As Lady Regent of the Vale, it is my responsibility to safeguard the future of my sons and daughter and House Arryn itself.

To strengthen ties with the Imperial Union and bind our futures together, I humbly propose a betrothal with my late husband Jon Arryn's beloved daughter, Lady Artys Arryn. She is fair of heart and strong of spirit, trained in courtesy and honor, worthy of any lord's respect and affection.

I invite you to The Eyrie to discuss this proposal in person, hopeful that our houses may soon stand united through bonds of family, strength, and honor'

Lysa Arryn

Lady Regent of the Vale

Placing the letter on his desk, he thought about the potential benefits of this proposal. Naturally, he didn't have anybody to marry House Arryn, but with Dorne becoming part of the Imperial Union, House Martell did have viable options for uniting both the houses under the Imperial Union.

If Artys Arryn married Aegon Targaryen, then that would unite House Martell and House Arryn. But such a proposal would be the first of its kind in a long time. The Vale and Dorne were separated by over a thousand miles, however both still had coastal cities that they could use to stage fleets of ships to reach each other.

Then there was the protection that the Imperial fleet would provide for both regions. The benefits outweighed the negatives, the only problem was the nobles. Unlike Dorne, the nobles of the Vale were notoriously narrow-minded. They prized tradition, and many looked down on Dorne's customs, especially their equal treatment of women and their looser attitudes toward succession and marriage.

Convincing the lords of the Vale to accept a match with a Dornish prince, especially a Targaryen raised under the Martells, would take more than politics.

He sent a wyvern rider to the Eyrie and to Dorne explaining to them the situation and inviting Prince Doran to join him who immediately accepted. He was tired of being pestered by his wife, Lady Mellario who kept talking about war all the time. She claimed that this was their chance to claim the Iron Throne, by using the Imperial Union power to subjugate the entire continent.

This content is taken from fгee𝑤ebɳoveɭ.cøm.

He obviously had no intention of doing such a thing as he was already secretly told Maximus's plan which involved returning the Targaryen's to power on the Iron Throne under the Imperial Union. This route was better not only for Dorne, but also for House Martell as well. As the first Great House to support them, they would gain a lot of influence and other advantages.

Prince Doran was picked by an Imperial airship which landed somewhere near the Palace Gardens. The airship had caused a stir within the Sunspear's population as this was their first time seeing such a thing. A ship that flew through the air was something they had only heard stories about from traveling merchants and other people who went to Imperial lands.

Escorting the airship were 10 Griffon riders, which also grabbed the attention of the local population. People started to refer to them as flying lions as that was the closest comparison that they had.

Onboard the airship, Prince Doran was accompanied by Elia and her children alongside Prince Oberyn and his Sand Snakes. The airship flew from Sunspear, all the way to the Eyrie, flying over the lands belonging to Stormlands and Crownlands.

Lysa had come outside to greet them, a welcoming smile on her face as she expected to see the emperor. But once she saw Prince Doran, she became confused about what was going on.

Lysa looked at the figures disembarking the airship, Prince Doran, and beside him Prince Oberyn. The Sand Snakes followed, each carrying themselves as the daughters of Oberyn. Elia Martell stood with her children just behind them.

"Prince Doran," she said, descending the Eyrie's steps with her guards behind her. "You honor us with your presence."

"Lady Regent." Doran bowed slightly. "The honor is mine. The Vale is as majestic as the songs say."

She nodded, accepting his flattery "I must admit, I had expected Emperor Maximus. His absence... surprises me."

Doran smiled at her statement. "His excellency felt it more fitting for those directly involved in the proposal to arrive first. After all, it is House Martell that stands to be joined with House Arryn, should you still be so inclined."

Lysa's expression didn't change, "Of course. You must be tired from your journey. Accommodations have been prepared."

Oberyn stepped forward showing a smile. "We Dornish don't mind a bit of wind, Lady Arryn. But I confess, I've never seen a castle quite so intent on hiding in the clouds."

Lysa raised a brow but said nothing as she turned around. "Come. We'll speak more inside."

The hall was filled with light filtering through high arched windows. Fires glowed in the hearths but couldn't quite drive the chill from the stones of the castle. Seated beside her son Robert, Lysa observed the Dornish delegation now seated across from her. Artys Arryn sat to her right, silent as she kept gazing at Robert who played with his toys.

Doran Martell folded his hands over his chest as he thought about how interesting this proposal was. He had allowed Oberyn to speak for much of the meal, casual, probing, and always watching. The Sand Snakes whispered among themselves, their presence silent.

Suddenly once nightfall came around, the cry of a horn could be heard from the watchtower. A few moments later, a second airship, larger than the first, appeared above the mountain pass, descending slowly toward one of the stone terraces. Its hull bore the banner of the Imperial Union. Behind it, three Imperial Wyvern riders circled as escorts, one of them carrying the banner of the Imperial Union.

Maximus had finally arrived, and they could get this meeting started after hours of waiting.

The chamber was quiet when he entered. Maximus, cloaked in black and silver with the Imperial crest etched in the armor over his shoulders, walked into the room with his presence immediately grabbing everyone's attention. He removed his gloves slowly as he greeted the gathering.

"Lady Regent," he said with a nod. "I apologize for the delay. Matters of state demanded I attend to them before I could leave the capital."

Lysa rose, bowing her head as Maximus was of a much higher standing than her. "Your Excellency. We are honored."

Maximus turned toward Doran. "Prince Doran, thank you for coming. And Prince Oberyn, it's nice to see you again along with your daughters."

Oberyn smirked. "It's good to see you again, your excellency. I hope my niece is treating you well."

"She is," replied Maximus. "I am glad that our two houses could come together."

With everyone present, the formal meeting began. The chamber was sealed. Only trusted advisors remained and the Vale lords including Bronze Yohn Royce, who had voiced reservations from the start.

Lysa opened the floor. "I believe the subject of this meeting is the proposed betrothal between my late husband's daughter Artys and... Prince Aegon Targaryen?"

Maximus nodded. "Correct. Aegon, as you know, is the son of Rhaegar Targaryen. Raised in Dorne, he embodies the fire of his father. It is our hope that this union could bind Dorne, the Vale, and the Imperial Union together, that we might work towards a stable future for Westeros."

Lysa cut in as she turned towards her 6-year-old son. "Yet not even a lord of the Vale was consulted before such a proposal was suggested to me. The Targaryens are a name most here still associate with civil war, and Dorne—"

"Is your ally now," Doran interrupted. "As part of the Imperial Union. As will be the Vale."

Royce leaned forward. "You presume much, Prince."

"No," Maximus interrupted in a serious tone. "We offer much." He stood up and walked to the edge of the table.

"The Imperial Union has secured peace across half the Continent of Essos. Trade flows, pirates have been crushed, and famine is non-existent. But none of that reaches the Vale, not yet. Your mountains protect you, but they also isolate you. This alliance opens your gates even more, establishing stronger military and economic ties."

Oberyn added, "With your daughter as a Princess beside Aegon, your House stands not behind a crown, but beside it."

Lysa looked at her daughter. Artys met her gaze, understanding what her mother was asking.

"I have no objections," Artys said clearly. "Let the past die with the men who waged war over it. If this future is ours to shape, then let's shape it."

Maximus stood. "I didn't come here to demand. I came to offer a hand. A throne will rise, and you can help shape the world it rules, or be ruled by it." He let the words hang as the lords looked around at each other.

After a long pause, Lysa slowly exhaled. "If Artys consents... and the lords of the Vale agree... then we will join you."

Royce grumbled, but the other lords murmured in support. They had long been on the receiving end of merchandise from the Imperial Union. Some of which they had integrated with their personal lives. If they were to refuse this proposal, then who knows what would happen once Maximus eventually takes over.

Maximus extended his hand across the table as Lysa took it. "Welcome to a prosperous new future, My Lady." It was at this moment that Lysa blushed as she realized how handsome Maximus was. 'If only' she thought her head.

The meeting ended and Artys and Aegon were soon to be wed a month from now.