Blood Assimilation-Chapter 343: Turning Point[I]

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The Myriad Species Transformation skill appears to offer a more streamlined approach, enabling one to directly morph into the target whose blood has been consumed and analyzed. This method offered a practical and straightforward approach compared to the two-step process of the first method, which requires using the innate ability, Blood Assimilation, and skill, Ancestral Regression, in succession.

There was only one downside to Myriad Species Transformation skill. Despite its practical application, it only offered the biological transformation, meaning one could only assume the physical form. Innate skills or abilities of the target couldn't be inherited like in the assimilated state.

However, the incarnation entertained a daring notion as it contemplated these two methods of impeccable transformation.

The incarnation sought to ensure that its disguise would be truly impeccable, possessing nearly flawless qualities with minimal discernible differences between the original and the fake. This would minimize the risks involved in its infiltration.

With this ambitious goal in mind, the incarnation conceived the idea of combining both the first and second methods simultaneously, hoping to achieve a magnificent outcome from this experiment.

Although uncertain whether executing multiple skill effects simultaneously would yield the desired result or introduce unforeseen variables, the incarnation recalled Randy's successful experimentation with simultaneous activation of two assimilated states when he faced the sunglasses man and his subordinates.

This recollection from Randy's past experience bolstered the confidence and resolve of the incarnation in its endeavor.

With determination fueled by this memory, the incarnation retrieved one of the arrows from the quiver belonging to the unconscious long-eared young man. Using the arrowhead, it carefully punctured a small wound on the long-eared young man's thumb, causing a drop of blood to well up on his skin.

The incarnation then utilized the Blood Authority skill, an imperceptible force penetrating through the punctured wound, manipulating the flow of blood inside the long-eared young man's body. This unseen force extracted the blood from the young man's body through the opened wound on his thumb, coalescing the blood into a small marble-sized ball.

Under the influence of the Blood Authority skill, the incarnation ensured there weren't any harming substance within the blood before manipulating it to hover in its direction.

With the blood suspended before its eyes, the incarnation wasted no time in opening its mouth, swallowing the ball of purified blood with an audible gulp.

To ensure precision and error-free execution of its experiment, the incarnation decided to utilize the guiding interface provided by the system from Randy's world. Randy had abstained from using this guiding interface for some time, having mastered the activation method of his innate abilities and skills.

Upon activating the Blood Assimilation ability, lines of text began to materialize before the incarnation's eyes.

[[Detected the blood of an otherworldly species: Long-eared human]]

[[Assimilation Mode Activated]]

[[Assimilation of Long-eared human's blood has commenced]]




[[Blood Assimilation Complete]]

[[Assimilation Completion: 100%]]

[[After assimilating the long-eared human's blood and acquiring their blood knowledge, you have gained the following ability in the form of a skill: Fixed Species Alteration skill (100%)]]

Despite receiving only one ability from the long-eared human race, the incarnation disregarded it and proceeded to activate another two skills simultaneously from different sources— one from Randy's home world system and the other from the Acruxia World system.

[[Ancestral Regression skill Activated]]

[Myriad Species Transformation skill Activated]

As the incarnation felt profound changes occurring within its body. The changes were noticeable in his appearance, but it also sensed a struggle between the two skills, vying for dominance to determine the most effective and superior transformation base.

Amidst this conflict of skills, the incarnation's vision suddenly blurred for a moment before it was covered by darkness. As if deprived of vitality, the incarnation collapsed lifelessly to the ground, unconscious.

Before the incarnation lapsed into unconsciousness, a mysterious phenomenon unfolded within its body. The incarnation felt its consciousness being pulled from its body by an irresistible force.

This occurrence wasn't exclusive to this particular incarnation as the same phenomenon affected all of Randy's incarnations, with Randy himself also succumbing to the enigmatic force.

This event marked a pivotal moment that would alter Randy's plans and those of his incarnations.


Elsewhere in the Western Region of the human territory…

Brawler Randy and Liena were en route after jointly completing a mission assigned by their respective Guilds. Engaged in a banter and bickering as they made their way to the Outpost City to utilize the teleportation station, they unexpectedly encountered a group of werewolf tribe members who aggressively confronted them with sinister intentions.

A few minutes earlier...

"Damn humans!" Cursed a humanoid creature with ears resembling those of a wolf, its frustration palpable in his husky voice. Crimson fur adorned its robust body, marking it as a member of the Fire Clan within the werewolf tribe. This Flame Werewolf was not alone; it had companions. Seven of them, to be precise.

The pack of Flame Werewolves strode along the forest's edge, near a pathway that led to the human settlement. For days, they had scoured the area in search of two humans— a young man and a young woman— who had thwarted their plans, but their efforts had yielded no results. The scent of their prey seemed to vanish at one of the outpost cities along the road.

"Calm yourself, Flame Claws." Another Flame Werewolf urged, his demeanor more composed as he addressed the pack's leader in an attempt to pacify their pack leader.

"How can I remain calm when our plans have been foiled by these city humans, Flame Legs? I hunger for their flesh and blood as retribution for their interference." Flame Claws protested, envisioning the consequences they would face upon returning home empty-handed.

The punishment awaiting them upon returning home with news of their failure to secure food was something Flame Claws didn't want to face, especially if the one delivering the punishment was their Clan Leader, the Werewolf King of Fire. As the leader of their pack, he would receive more punishment than his followers, which was why he was livid.

"Let it go. We should turn back. Those humans have left the Western Region. We've been pursuing them for days with no luck. It appears they've returned to their origins, as their scent vanished toward the nearby Outpost City. They may have used teleportation to escape a day ago." Flame Legs, the pack's strategist, reasoned, turning to depart with the other members following suit.

Even Flame Claws, the pack leader, acquiesced to his words.

"Damn it! Perhaps we should have slaughtered some humans in that village. It wouldn't have mattered, given the casualties caused by the demon's puppet. Maybe there's still time to do so now." Flame Claws suggested with a cruel grin.

"Go alone if you're not afraid of encountering Bounty Hunters or Assassins, who have likely learned of the demon's whereabouts in this region." Flame Legs calmly retorted, paying little heed to his leader. He was unconcerned with his pack leader's whims. they concealed their presence within the forest.

The members of the pack followed Flame Legs. Reluctantly, Flame Claws followed Flame Legs as they departed from human territory, heading back to their tribe. They concealed their presence within the forest as they continued to shadow the road constructed by humans, albeit their destination lay in the opposite direction.

Recent discord among the Werewolf Kings of Fire, Earth, Wind, and Water had led to the tribes' separation. The Werewolf Kings of Fire and Earth had aligned with the demon race, while the typically peaceful Werewolf King of Wind stood as the sole adversary, condemning the demons for bringing chaos to their world.

The Werewolf King of Water, on the other hand, had taken a neutral stance amidst the turmoil.

A few weeks earlier, the Werewolf King of Wind received word of a demon force encroaching into Meistic Forest and decided to confront them head-on. He urgently alerted his tribe about the Vampire Queen establishing a stronghold in the forest, mentioning that he was pursued by the Vampire Queen's general.

Despite the factional divisions within their tribe, the news sent shockwaves through their ranks. The fact that a mere general of the Vampire Queen, a subordinate of the Vampire Empress in the Demon Continent, overpowered one of their own— a Werewolf King— stirred a profound concern and shock within them.

This revelation bolstered the resolve of the Werewolf Kings of Fire and Earth, who vowed to join forces with the demons to confront the human race that had boldly expanded across the Central Continent, usurping vast territories.

At present, the pack of Flame Werewolves embarked on a mission assigned by their King, the Werewolf King of Fire, to exploit the chaos caused by the Demon Seed Bearer to procure human flesh. However, they were taken aback to discover that the Demon Seed Bearer had been prematurely subdued by a pair of humans.

Contrary to their King's expectations, there was no disorder. Anger flared within them upon learning from an elderly woman from the village the Demon Seed Bearer had struck repeatedly that two humans visited their village briefly before departing. As they were shown where the two humans had stayed briefly before departing, they recovered their scent.

Using their heightened senses, they track them down for days before realizing that their targets have already left the Western Region.

In the present moment, having abandoned their pursuit of the elusive humans and making their way back, they stumbled upon two individuals quarreling on the road, seemingly en route to Outpost City. Witnessing this scene, Flame Claws, vexed by their failed mission and the loss of their prey, sought to vent his frustration on the unsuspecting pair of humans.

Despite Flame Legs' disagreement, Flame Claws did not relent. Realizing that he couldn't dissuade their pack leader, Flame Legs helplessly decided to let him proceed, suggesting ambushing their targets instead of rushing in carelessly.

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