Blessed by Night-Chapter 224: Into The Light

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Malachi and Joanne went at the act like animals all night long.

They tried every position that they could think of without stopping for a single break. That is, unless it involved one of them going down on the other.

Joanne had never felt so physically exhausted and overwhelmed by pleasure in her entire life.

Several times last night she felt like she was going to black out during the deed and it was in those moments that Malachi would do something 'special' to shock her back into the present.

They started having sex at around 9:30 last night and did not end until 9:30 this morning.

Malachi wanted to go on for so, so much longer ,but with Joanne physically unable to keep up with him, he had to end things with one final attempt to impregnate her before he finally allowed her to pass out completely.

His weariness from before he came over eventually caught up with him too, and he fell asleep with her on top of him and two handfuls of her impressive ass.

Just like nature intended.

This beautiful scene normally would have marked a perfect end to the start of their relationship and a sexy, passionate, and desperate night together.

But then, the two of them were woken up by the horrified sound of a grown man screaming at the top of his lungs.



Joanne and Malachi woke up immediately, and found a horrified PG standing in the doorway, looking like he was about to diarrhea himself.

In his trembling hands was a standard issue white-high tech pistol that fired compressed beams of heat instead of bullets.

And judging by the fact that he was shaking like salt shaker, this was the first time he had ever attempted to use it.

"Pete, would you stop yelling and put that damn thing down…!" Joanne said in exhaustion.

To PG, his sister looked like she'd just been through hell.

Her voice was almost gone, her hair was a mess, her usual pale and slightly rosy skin was now covered in small bruises and bite marks, and to make matters even worse, there was a trail of some dried black liquid running down her chin into her covered cleavage.

"J-Jo, what the fuck is that!? Did you bang it!? I know we don't fuck with organized religion, but why the hell are you giving demons blowjobs!?"

"Would you stop yelling in my apartment so early in the morning! And he's not a demon, this is Malachi!!"

Mal waved in as friendly and non-threatening a manner as he could muster.

PG swiveled his head back and forth between Joanne and the supposed 'Malachi' that was in the bed, still pressed against his naked sister.

"M-Mal..? Is this some kind of new transformation, buddy...? Like the cat thing...?"

"Sure! It's just like that.... but permanent."

"O-Okay... cool... Do you want to tell me why you're pressed up against my sister while you're naked and why she looks like unholy hell..? Or why you both do for that matter.."

"Right... well-"

"We're together now, though it's not any of your business." Joanne interrupted possessively. "Can you please get out of my room?"

"Can I get- No!! What do you mean you two are together?! He's getting married to your daughter! They have a child together!"

Joanne shuffled within the bed so that she could face Malachi on her own as she responded.

"I know it's weird.. and we have a lot of things to figure out, but I want to be happy... no matter how many awkward conversations we have to have or weird looks we end up getting. I will not... lose this for anything. I won't lose him."

Even though Malachi and Joanne both looked like sticky bundles of hell, he still found her to be the most beautiful thing in the world.

He kissed her in a much softer manner than he had during the previous night they spent together, and Joanne melted in his grasp like butter.

"I'm still here!" PG reminded.

"Then can you get the fuck out!?" Joanne snapped. "You're killing the mood!"

"Well I'm sorry if I'm just having a hard time accepting all of this! How did you think I would take it!? What did AG say about all of this!??"


Suddenly, the group heard the familiar sound of the metallic front door sliding open and several footsteps streamed in one after the other.

One by one, the rest of Malachi's fiancés came waddling into the bedroom after exchanging short pleasantries with PG.

It was clear that they were all very tired, as they were completely lacking in energy.

Bianca: "Hey Mr. P..."

Luna: "Hello, Peter..."

Anna: "Morning, Unc..."

Sei: "Good morning, Peter..."

Nadine : "Grand rising, brother PG..."

One by one, all five sleepy and exhausted women came streaming into the bedroom and climbed into the bed without saying another word. ƒrēewebnoѵёl.cσm

"W-What's happening..?" Joanne asked in surprise.

"We waited all night for you guys to finish, but you guys took forever. We're tired, Mom." Anna explained.

"...Well why didn't you just-"

"We don't sleep that well at night without Malachi ever since the incident happened." Luna explained with a yawn.

"We thought you two were going to come down and join us in bed at some point but you never did." Sei said.

"Bianca, do you mind?" Nadine asked.

Bianca placed a single finger on the bed and sent a small pulse of heat throughout the damp bedsheets, drying them in seconds.

"Thank you, darling..." Nadine clearly had to have been exhausted, as it didn't take her ten seconds after her head hit the pillow to start snoring.

Anna nestled right underneath Malachi's free arm while being careful to avoid lying on top of Manda and Vritra.

The rest of the girls fit in wherever they could, while ensuring they were touching Malachi in some sort of way.

Joanne looked slightly flustered by the fact that she was naked while surrounded by so many women but she started to feel more comfortable the longer she stayed in their presence.

It was like there was this invisible bond between them that made her feel like she had nothing to be ashamed of or uncomfortable with.

Besides, everyone's eyes were already starting to close anyway.

And with the combination of these heated sheets and a cold blanket, Jonne wasn't far behind them.

"Where's munchkin..?" Malachi asked with a yawn of his own.


Malachi chuckled before looking up in the doorway at the still-stunned PG.

Normally Mal wasn't shy about PDA in the slightest, but this time he did feel a little bad.

"Sorry.. do you mind if we pick this up later..?"

Those seemed to be the words that PG needed to snap himself back to his senses. "I.. sure. You guys just, uh... rest up."

Afterwards, he hurriedly closed the door and rushed out of his sister's apartment as fast as he could.

Along the way, he ran smack into Melanie's mother Celeste who was coming over with a dozen baked muffins in Tupperware.

"Oh, it's you Peter! How are you?"

"O-Oh, I.. I honestly don't know anymore."

"Umm... alright then... Is your sister awake? I was coming to talk to her about some weird noises I was hearing last night and I just wanted to-"

"S-She's asleep... definitely asleep... I wouldn't recommend barging at all."

"Oh... okay?" Celeste turned around and walked back to her shared quarters, not understanding why her neighbors were quite so weird today.


Like all of his women, Malachi fell asleep relatively quickly.

This time he slept even better because he was surrounded by the women he loved most in the world and wanted to spend the rest of eternity with.

His sleep would have been the most relaxing and blissful that he had ever had in his entire life were it not for the annoying nagging sensation he felt burrowing into his brain.

Strangely enough, he could feel that he could easily dismiss this annoyance, but he wondered if it would have been the right thing to do.

This sensation felt slightly familiar to him... so he decided to step through the doorway and let himself be pulled through.

And he immediately wished he hadn't.

"My word..."

"He's not even hiding it anymore.."

"He's really become one of those accursed things...!"

"Why is he always coming here naked?!"

"I don't know... but I ain't mad at it."

Malachi let out an exhausted growl as he pushed his hair out of his eyes.

Somehow, he had ended up right back in the colosseum of the gods of his own volition.

With all of his business hanging out.

"I was so hoping that I wouldn't have to see any of you again." Malachi sighed as he waved a hand over his boy and fabricated a set of clothes made from shadow.

"Even me, brother?"

Malachi's eyes found Keres sitting not too far away from Hades and wearing a slightly dejected look.

"Of corse not. You know my family is forever to me."

"... Good."

"It is funny that you mentioned that, Saint boy."

Malachi looked over his shoulder at the mayan pantheon, where the head god Itzamna was staring at him with a sort of suspicious look.

"Why have all of the nightmares left this world so suddenly!? What are they planning that could warrant-"



"Calling them nightmares and shit like that... feels a little insulting. I don't like that."

The pure, unsullied silence after Malachi's bold correction was so loud that it was almost deafening.

However, he seemed to be largely unbothered by the stunned looks that he was receiving as he folded his arms behind his head lazily.

"And you're asking me why they left all of a sudden... Do I even need to tell you something like that?"