Became a Medieval Fantasy Wizard-Chapter 3:

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Chapter 3:

TL/Editor: Raei


Illustrations: None.

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Fake wizard...

Eredith felt dizzy.

Ian and his sister's words were scampering around in her head like mischievous children.


'Fake wizard~'

'Auntie, the fake wizard~'

The children's taunts were relentless, spewing insulting remarks without pause.

Eredith, her face flushed red, shouted.

"I am neither an auntie nor a fake wizard!"


She immediately regretted it.

Ian was stepping back with a frightened look.

Wondering whether to comfort him, she decided it was time to show the dignity of a wizard.

"Alright! Follow me. Let's talk seriously at your house."



First, Eredith took the cheeky kids to their house.

But the house was empty.

"Where are your parents?"

"They're at work."

Though she might normally wait, Eredith, being a proactive wizard, stood up abruptly.

"Ian! What's your father's name?"

"It's Ian."

"Huh. Not much thought in that name. Are you a picked-up child or something?"

Ian just shrugged his shoulders.

It was obvious she was trying to get revenge, and he found it bothersome to respond to every taunt.

Feeling awkward, Eredith focused on finding Ian's father.

"Ian! Let's talk!"

Ian's parents were summoned from their fieldwork.

The rest of the family followed, and suddenly it turned into a family meeting.

"Ian. I would like to take your son as my disciple."

"Which son...?"


He had three sons.

Eredith immediately pointed to Ian the Raven.

"This boy!"

"Ah... I see."

Father Ian's reaction surprised Eredith.

Even for a wizard, it was strange how easily he accepted the idea of his son being taken away.

But there was a reason for it.

I always thought he was different from birth.


"He was destined to be a wizard."

Observing the family, Eredith reluctantly accepted this.

The entire family had either yellow or red hair, but Ian alone had hair as black as a raven.

It wasn't strange to think he was born with magical talent.

Although hair color can't determine magical ability...

At least, it confirmed the source of unease that had long troubled the couple.

"Ian. I always knew you were an extraordinary child."

"Yes, Father."

Ian responded without much thought.

But Father Ian felt guilt in the pure, untainted voice of his son.

He realized.

Now was the time to reveal the long-hidden secret.

"No. I'm sorry for lying. Son. I actually didn't know. I thought you were a child your mother had with another man.


"So, I named you Ian. To assert you're not another man's child, but mine. Ian's son, Ian."


"To think you would become a wizard. I am truly proud."

Father Ian bowed deeply to Eredith.

"I entrust my unworthy son to your care."

Something felt odd, but Eredith responded with a smile in the heartwarming atmosphere.

"Of course."



Having obtained the parents' permission, she immediately headed to the lord's mansion.

Ian's parents were in debt and couldn't leave the village without the lord's permission.

Naturally, Ian couldn't leave the village until his parents paid off the debt.

So, Eredith took action.

She was set for a showdown with the lord.

"Who is it?"

"A wizard. Eredith."

She had spoken only two sentences.

Yet, the gatekeeper bent like a bow.

"The wizard has arrived!"

Ian found this scene astonishing.

Here were the lord's soldiers, whom all the villagers feared and trembled before, but at Eredith's single word, they flipped over like a dog meeting its master.

"This is my proof of identity..."

"Oh, why bring out such a heavy thing... Please wait inside for a moment!"

Eredith looked at Ian triumphantly.

Wondering why she was looking at him, Ian realized a bit late.


She's boasting...

As if to say, 'The person you dismissed as a fake wizard is actually someone like this,' Ian played along appropriately.

"Wow. You really are a great wizard, aren't you?"

He hadn't seen any magic yet.

"Heh. Of course!"

Eredith, feeling pleased, whistled merrily and walked lightly.

Ian followed her, thinking she might be simpler than he thought.



The Kolbrun region is not the property of the Feldenberg family.

The Feldenbergs are merely the rulers of Hayhill village.

The head of the Feldenberg family, Felix Feldenberg, was a knight who made his name in his youth.

He had fought fiercely under the banner of Count Edward.

For his bravery, he was granted a small manor with a village.

Felix responded to Count Edward's call several times thereafter.

He didn't need to struggle since he had his own land, but he thought it wise to strengthen his relationship with the Count.

Thanks to his solid reputation under Count Edward, Hayhill village firmly became Felix's.

Once a valiant knight, Felix now spent his days in leisure at his mansion, a successful middle-aged man.

Some criticized his indulgence in pleasures.

But what's the point of struggling in youth?

It's all for living well in old age.

Felix thought he was merely enjoying the rewards of his youthful blood and sweat.

After all, he was the ruler of Hayhill.

A little decadence wouldn't harm anything.

"My lord."

After a night of fun with courtesans, Felix was deep in sleep.

The butler entered the lord's bedroom, a place one should avoid if they had any sense.

"What is it?"

Felix opened his eyes groggily.

He didn't seem in the best of moods.

"A sudden important guest has arrived."

"A guest?"

There was a contradiction in the butler's words.

Important guests don't arrive unannounced.

At least, not those who the lord himself should meet in person.

"A wizard named Eredith."


However, the moment Felix heard the word 'wizard,' he completely changed his thoughts.

A wizard is always an important guest.

Just being associated with one can elevate one's reputation in noble society, and if one can secure their help, VIP treatment is assured.

A wizard's heart is like a reed, swaying this way and that with the wind.

The only way to secure a wizard's favor is through sincere friendship and generous gifts.

"I'll get ready immediately."

Felix quickly finished dressing and went to greet his guest.

As her name suggested, Eredith was a female wizard.

Her face and figure were decent, better than the courtesans he had summoned the day before.

Felix indulged in unnecessary thoughts.

But let's be understanding; such fantasies are a reflexive reaction for middle-aged men upon seeing a pretty woman.

"Welcome. Wizard."

"Thank you for your hospitality."

Eredith sat down gracefully.

Her posture was neither rude nor particularly elegant.

There was no sign she had been trained in manners.

This indicated she had no interactions with court nobles.

'A wandering wizard, probably.'

Felix, with his experience among nobility, successfully guessed the identity of the wizard before him.

Secular wizards who mingle with nobles have a different demeanor.

Many of them are trained in etiquette, rivaling even the major nobles.

There was no trace of such training in the woman before him.

Felix felt somewhat relieved.

There are rumors that major nobles send wizards to intimidate lesser nobles they dislike.

Such an act requires a significant grudge and justification.

But who can guarantee that the world always operates within the bounds of reason?

The mere fact that she wasn't a wizard sent to burn down his land was reassuring.

"Why has such a distinguished wizard come to this humble village?"

"Humble village? It's quite fine. Yes."

Eredith awkwardly spilled clumsy words.

In truth, she was not accustomed to interacting with nobility.

She had devoted her life to magic.

"I was planning to take this boy as my disciple... but there seems to be a problem."


Felix shifted his gaze to the boy standing beside Eredith.

He had assumed the boy was her attendant.

But taking him as a disciple?

That would mean he's a resident of Hayhill?


Felix knew the caliber of this village very well.

It's a gathering of utter fools.

If there were someone smart enough to be a wizard's disciple, he would have known about it beforehand.

The fact that she was looking for a disciple in a rural village seemed suspicious.

In the cities, there are smart, well-educated kids lying around like stones.

Why not pick one of them?

Felix carefully observed Ian.

Upon closer inspection, he realized that the boy was indeed a resident of Hayhill.

"Isn't that Raven?"


Felix recollected.

There had been a couple with a black-haired son who had come to him, arguing about whether the wife had been unfaithful.

It was a memorable case, with black hair standing out amidst yellow and red.

Yes, Ian.

Ian Raven.

"Ian Raven, right?"

"Yes, Lord."

Memories surfaced in Felix's mind like potatoes being unearthed from a field (though Felix had never actually worked in a field).

Ian's father, also named Ian, was a farmer working on the lord's land and had some debt.

The pieces of the puzzle fit together.

"To take the boy, you'll need my permission."

A son of a serf is a serf himself.

Ian was destined to grow into a fine debt slave.

"Yes, I heard about the debt..."

Eredith placed a small pouch on the table.

"How about this? Can I take him now?"

Felix laughed happily.

"Of course!"

The butler discreetly took the pouch.

Felix didn't know the amount, but even if it were just filled with pebbles, he had already decided to hand over Ian.

One must not be stingy in showing kindness to a wizard.

"Thank you for your mercy."

"Haha. Since you're here, why not stay for a meal?"

"Would that be alright?"

They finished their meal in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

Felix felt proud, as if he had done something nobly dignified for the first time in a while.

It may seem trivial (and it is).

But such an act... is a wonderful boast.

A noble who kindly hosts a wizard and enjoys a meal together!

Each of these tales contributes to one's reputation in noble society.

Especially the title 'A Noble Friendly with Wizards' is an achievement every noble strives for.

Imagine meeting Count Edward later.

'You hosted a meal for a wizard, I hear?'

'Nothing much. It was a wizard named Eredith...'

'The Rising Star of Drawald, Eredith! What did she say?'

'Haha. Well...'

Just the thought was exhilarating.

Who am I?

The man who dined with the wizard Eredith.

With his mood greatly uplifted, Felix bid farewell to Eredith and Raven with a smile.

In just half a day, Ian's status had risen from a serf to a disciple of a wizard.

All because of one meal.

Read Became a Medieval Fantasy Wizard