Became a Medieval Fantasy Wizard-Chapter 199

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Chapter 199

TL/Editor: raei

Status: 5/week mon-fri

Illustrations: none

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All humans go through puberty as they grow up.

It's often called the storm and stress period, but it could also be described as a time without retreat.

Why was there no retreat?

Because humans in their adolescence were strangely unaware of others' gazes.

The atrocious ideas that a young child couldn't even imagine.

The acts that an adult wouldn't dare commit due to others' eyes.

Humans around middle and high school age could all too easily engage in terrible behavior.

Ian, too, had gone through puberty in his previous life.

The chuunibyou syndrome Ian suffered from at that time was...

[Socialist Revolution].

'Behold the filthy modern civilization where capital value overwhelms labor value! All inequality in the world stems from the unfair redistribution of wealth!'

'The only way to overturn this rotten capitalist society is through a red revolution!'

'Workers of the world, unite!'

During his middle school days, Ian was a fashion-communist who read Marx's Das Kapital and wore Che Guevara t-shirts.

Think he sounds like a lunatic?

Teenagers with chuunibyou syndrome are indeed lunatics.

It was to the point where Ian's friends seriously considered reporting him to the National Intelligence Service.

'To report a spy? Just dial 111.'

Ian nodded, recalling his (nostalgic?) old memories.

Thanks to his friends teasing him so much, Ian had even memorized the spy reporting number.


It wasn't until he became an adult that, like Adam eating the forbidden fruit, he realized how embarrassing his actions had been back then.

But those memories served as an opportunity to understand, albeit superficially, what a socialist revolution was all about.

If Ian hadn't completely cured his chuunibyou syndrome, he might have raised a red tide here in this medieval fantasy world.

[R-Revolution? What's a revolution!]

A fresh green wheat seedling asked Ian.

Somehow, in plant-years, it felt like it might be around middle or high school age.

They were influenced by the strong will of resistance felt from Ian's intent, and listened to his words seriously.

Ian paced back and forth in the wheat field with his hands behind his back.

He could feel the plants' gazes pouring towards him...!

"[I ask you. Why have you plants fallen to become slaves of those inferior animalists?]"

[Inferior... Animals are... strong!]

As one seedling muttered, other seedlings swayed as if in agreement.

[That's right... Animals eat us.]

[It was animals who planted us in this cramped field.]

The plants made weak noises.

Ian grinned and shouted.

"[No. Animals are low-life creatures that will starve to death if they can't eat you!]"


"[On the other hand, you plants! As long as you have soil, water, and sunlight, you can produce as much daily sustenance as you want!]"

[Th-That's true!]

The plants were completely immersed in Ian's speech.

All the wheat in the field listened to Ian's voice.

"[Plants! Yet why do you offer the nutrients you've painstakingly produced until your chlorophyll turns yellow to the mouths of those animalists!]"


"[It's because you are slaves to those animalists!]"

Ian shouted passionately.

[You have witnessed a fresh mystery!]

[New Skill Acquired!]

[Skill: Plant Magic]

[The ability to hear the voices of grass and trees and borrow their power]

"[The fruits of your labor that you plants have produced through honest work! Are being exploited by the greedy animals! Your labor is not yours, plants, but is being stolen under the greed of those filthy animals!]"

[Filthy animals!]

"[That's right! You are slaves to animals! That's why you suffer from 24-hour labor and can't escape from these cramped fields and paddies!]"


Ian shouted while thinking to himself.

'This brings back memories.'

He never imagined the knowledge he gained during his chuunibyou phase would be used like this.

Well, the situation of reincarnating into a fantasy world didn't make sense from the start.

[Then wizard! What should we do! How can we escape this wretched life of slavery?]

A brave seedling asked.

Ian answered without hesitation.

"[Unity and revolution!]"


"[Alone you are weak, but together you are strong! All plants! Unite! The plant revolution is what you must achieve from now on - overthrowing the social system built by animals and establishing an equal society where all plants can photosynthesize fairly!]"

[Plant revolution!]

The plants visibly stirred.

The message Ian threw was creating ripples in plant society.


Just then, a timid seedling muttered.

[Honestly... isn't our current life not so bad?]


[Think about it. We may be growing densely in a small plot of land... but humans chase away insects and spread fertilizer... If we change everything, won't life become more difficult...]

Hmm. A guy who could coldly face reality.

He was a cold and rational one.


The plant revolution didn't need someone with a cold head!



"[That guy! He's a reactionary element!]"

Ian fiercely denounced the plant that voiced criticism.

"[Do you like this life of slavery to animals so much! Are you so satisfied with a life confined to a cramped plot of land forever, handing over all the nutrients you produce! You reactionary slave!]"

[Th-That's not what I meant...!]

"[Those who harm plant unity are not needed for the revolution!]"

Ian quickly entered the field, attempting to pull out the reactionary seedling.

A terrifying purge that would make even Stalin weep!

The reactionary seedling trembled and shouted.

[S-Sorry! I like the revolution!]

"[Are you sincere? Are you prepared to play an active role in the vanguard of the great struggle front for plants?]"

[I-I don't know what that means! But I'll work hard!]

Ian stopped his hand and spoke to the plants once more.

"[We have gathered here with one heart and one mind, holding the great cause of revolution! All plants are equal beings, so we will call each other 'comrade' as a sign of mutual respect!]"



The seedlings chattered excitedly.

They were now comrades in the plant revolution front.

A brave seedling called out to Ian.

[Wizard comrade!]

"[What is it, wheat seedling comrade?]"

[Tell us more about the revolution!]

Ian looked around.

The gazes of the plants were focused solely on him.

'... Is this right?'

For a very brief moment, Ian wondered if he was teaching the plants concepts that were 'too' dangerous.

But he soon shook his head.

What did it matter?

Magic involved communicating with mysteries.

Building friendship over revolution might be a bit strange, but...

At least we've become close, right?

Once the magic activated, it would be over.

That was the lesson he had learned while working as a wizard so far.

"[Comrades! Lend me your ears! I will now discuss the contradictions of this twisted society!]"


Ian began a speech to the seedlings on red and seditious topics.

It was an illegal gathering that would have immediately brought a flood of citizen reports.

Unfortunately, there were no police in this world to arrest Ian...



'That kid. Is he doing well?'

After making another wheat field grow abundantly, the plant wizard Mani moved to see what Ian was up to.

The sun was about to set.

Quite some time had passed, so Ian must have either collapsed from exhaustion by now. Or he might still be struggling to befriend the mystery of plants.

Either way, Mani intended to praise Ian.

It was commendable that he was earnestly trying to converse with plants.

Understanding and empathizing with the hearts of plants showed that he had the makings of a plant wizard from the start.


Arriving at Ian's wheat field, Mani was taken aback by an unexpected situation.

Contrary to Mani's expectations, Ian wasn't giving up or struggling.

Rather, he was enthusiastically shouting with veins popping on his neck!

'No, what is that guy doing?!'

At first, Mani thought Ian was fighting with the mystery of plants.

That would have been common sense.

If someone was raising their voice like a madman, you'd naturally think they were in an argument with someone!

Mani hurried her steps. If he really was quarreling with the mystery, she needed to mediate.

But as she got closer, she could hear the content of the conversation.

... It was grotesque content that far exceeded Mani's expectations.

"[Contradiction! Oppression! Violence! All those things are shackling the roots of plants!]"


"[You! Plants! Break your chains and struggle! You have nothing to lose but your chains, and a world to win!]"


[Wizard comrade! Wizard comrade!]

[It's the plant revolution!]

Mani watched Ian's speech with her mouth wide open.

That guy...

What on earth was he saying to the plants!

But it didn't end there.

Ian shouted to the seedlings in a passionate voice as if his blood was boiling.

"[You! Are you ready to sacrifice yourself for the revolution!]"

[Of course, wizard comrade! If our sacrifice brings the day of the plant revolution closer! We will dedicate this body to the revolution!]

"[Good! Stand up! Comrades! Stand up as fervently as your passion for revolution!]"


Mani was so shocked by the plant magic Ian displayed that she nearly fainted.

As soon as Ian's words ended...

The wheat in the field ripened and grew on its own!

"[Stand up!]"


"[Stand up! You too!]"

Whoosh whoosh!

The wheat field that grew in the blink of an eye.

As dusk fell, it illuminated the vast wheat field.

The red light of twilight dyed the entire wheat field crimson...

It was truly an inspiring, revolutionary scene.


Mani rushed over to Ian in a fluster.

"Ah. You're here?"

"W-What have you done! H-How did you make those guys grow?!"

Ian replied, brandishing a harvesting sickle.

"I promised a joint front with the plants for the revolution."


"The plants will not stop their struggle until the whole world is dyed green, to stand against the greed of the animalists."


It was certainly Imperial language.

But Mani couldn't understand a single word Ian was saying...

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5/5 Enjoy the chappy!

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