Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy-Chapter 812 Return

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Chapter 812 Return

"It's a long story, Aubrey… It's really nice to see you after so long." Chad replied.

"I also missed you, Chad… We've been so worried about you. The others even thought that you were already caught by the Sentinels or eaten by the Demons… Anyway, can you at least let me know what happened to Lisa? Is she not with you?" Aubrey replied.

At this time, the Elementalists had already gathered but they decided to distance themselves from the two.

It seemed that Aubrey had used telepathy to inform them not to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Chad sighed as he decided to tell Aubrey about Lisa. In any case, Vale wasn't stopping them from meeting their family and friends. Lisa also didn't mind getting known by her friends as she wasn't hiding her identity in the first place.

"Lisa came across a chance to change her race just like I did. While I became a Half-Dragon, she became a True Vampire..." Chad started and as expected, Aubrey froze as her mind started racing about the implications of this revelation.

After all, she had just heard from the Sentinels that the living flesh was a remnant of a Vampire! Furthermore, she heard the Living Flesh utter the word Lisa!

Nonetheless, she remained silent and waited for Chad to finish.

"She's incredibly strong and even won against many Demonic Creatures and could handle herself against Demonic Saints. However, she fell in a battle against Time Manipulators… I'm actually searching for her remnants. That box you're holding might be the key… My Dragon's True Sight is telling me that it had Lisa's remnant energy…" Chad said as he nodded toward the object in Aubrey's grasp…

"I believe it's the key to bring her back." Chad muttered while looking at the box. It was as if he could see the living flesh that was sealed by Aubrey's Formation Arts.

Aubrey clutched the box tighter, its contents suddenly taking on new significance. She knew what to do now.

"Very well, let's examine this living flesh."

Aubrey said as she thought for a moment before she invited Chad to her office.

"You have an office?"

"Y-yes… I'm now a licensed Paranormal Investigator. The war is already over, and it had been very peaceful after the Demon Invasion…"

Chad was certainly happy for Aubrey and commended her… He also felt a bit intrigued about her office, so he decided to hide his Draconic Form. Soon, his skin and eyes returned to normal as his scales and draconic pupil subsided.

However, as they started walking to get to Aubrey's office, they were stopped by a familiar individual.

Garrick, the Branch Leader, stood on their path, his silver hair cascading over his shoulders.

His eyes, sharp and perceptive, locked onto Chad.

"Chad Bulmung… Welcome to our small town…" Garrick said, his voice carrying the weight of authority. He knew Chad for ties ties to the Shadow Immortal and his unique lineage.

Well, as a Branch Leader of the Arcanist Guild, it wasn't surprising that he had some information related to the Shadow Immortal and his people.

Chad inclined his head respectfully. "Branch Leader Garrick," he replied. "Your reputation precedes you."

Garrick gestured toward the nearby Guild House.

"I know you have important matters to discuss with your friends... Why not settle it in one of our rooms? The Sentinels wouldn't dare to get near this place, so you can rest assured that you will enjoy your stay here. We have a secure chamber for delicate matters."

Chad and Aubrey exchanged glances for a moment before Aubrey nodded.

"We'll take your offer then."

Chad then offered his hands to carry the box and Aubrey didn't mind handing it to him...

Soon, the two of them were able to enter a secured room while Garrick and the Elementalists stayed outside.

The room was dimly lit, its walls adorned with ancient runes. In the center stood a stone pedestal, upon which Aubrey gently placed the box containing Lisa's remnant.

Chad's Dragon's True Sight flared once again, examining the energy within now that it was fully exposed...

"Yes," he murmured, "this is her essence. But it's fragmented, torn."

Aubrey leaned forward, studying the box. "It's a good thing it wasn't hurt during the battle… I really thought I had to give this up." Aubrey weakly replied as she sat comfortably on the chair.

"Do you think that she can recover with this form?" She asked.

Chad clenched his fists as he was also unsure. "We need to unravel its secrets," he said. "To restore Lisa."

Chad then explained what he had originally planned…

"I've heard of a forbidden ritual," he said. "The Arcane Reconstitution. It requires a convergence of elemental forces."


On the same day, at the northern part of the Milton Kingdom, nestled amidst cobblestone streets and centuries-old architecture, stood the city of Veravale.

Veravale was home to the most remarkable museum in the land

—a repository of artifacts that spanned eras… Although Veravale City was almost turned into ruins in the previous war, the Formation Arts arranged in its museum managed to protect it from the Demon Saints that tried to destroy it.

Nonetheless, the museum's prized possession was the Dragon Scale—a relic so revered that it had its own chamber, bathed in soft azure light.

Many powerful people wanted to obtain this scale, but none of them were able to take hold of it.

The scale was colossal, its surface etched with iridescent patterns that seemed to shift like the tides. Visitors marveled at its size, wondering which mighty dragon had shed this irreplaceable treasure.

The curator, an elderly scholar named Rowena, spent her days tending to the scale.

On this fateful night, as the moon hung low and the stars aligned, Rowena sensed a change.

The air thickened, and the scale trembled. She watched in awe as it shimmered, its edges curling inward like parchment in a flame.

"This…" The azure hue intensified until it blazed white-hot, and then—impossibly—the scale disintegrated into ash.

Rowena gasped, her trembling hands reaching for the dissipating remnants.

But from the ashes emerged a figure—a humanoid silhouette with draconic features. His skin bore the texture of weathered scales, and his eyes glowed like molten gold.

"I… Aersus is back!"