A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!-Chapter 277 - Gullible Lily
277 Gullible Lily
If there was ever a time Lily wished that she could go back in time and correct an erroneous statement, it was at this very moment.
She felt her pulse quicken by the second as blood rose to her face making it turn red. Her heart was slamming against her chest as she imagined the many ways her boss would asphyxiate her for trying to ruin his marriage.
‘How am I going to get myself out of this mess?’ Lily lamented as she gulped down the glass of water offered to her.
“Do you feel better?” Ella asked in a concerned tone. Although, she knew that Lily was exaggerating the cough in other to avoid talking about the current subject of discussion. Hence, this increased her curiosity to learn about the said lady.
Lily nodded her head in reply but adverted Ella’s unwavering gaze. She knew her behavior had worsened her case and this made her mentally stroke herself even more.
“You said this Miss...” Denise emphasized the word, miss, “...Chu is a new member of the board of directors right?”
“Yes ma’am,” Lily answered slowly.
“Hmm... That makes me wonder what her crime would be for your boss to humiliate her and throw her out of his office like a cheap...” Denise” paused and looked in Ella’s direction, “...maybe beggar or...”
Ella felt her heart miss a beat as she filled in the blank, thinking exactly the same thing on Denise’s mind.
“Ella, don’t jump to conclusions yet,” she mumbled to herself, while perfectly disguising her fears. “You need more evidence to back up your claim.”
“Lily, what is the full name of this Miss Chu?” Ella asked softly.
“Mrs. Treshvire, I don’t feel comfortable talking about our senior personnel,” Lily said pleadingly.
“All she’s asking for is Miss Chu’s complete name because we would like to invite her...” Denise signaled Ella for approval. When Ella nodded her head in response, she continued with her skimming request”... as one of the participants in the surprise party.”
An image of Xia’s torn red panty on the floor and her conspicuous nudity in her ripped black dress flashed across Lily’s mind. Hence, without properly weighing her response, her blabber mouth shot a high-pitched, “no.”
“No! What do you mean by, no?” Ella’s face scrunched into a frown. “Do you mean no, you wouldn’t give me her full name or no, you don’t want her at my surprise party?”
“That was a very rude answer,” Denise drawled while pretending to admire her beautifully polished nails.
“I’m so sorry ma’am,” Lily clasped her hand together pleadingly. “I don’t know what is wrong with me today. I never meant any form of disrespect.”
“Then answer my simple question,” Ella’s voice was slightly raised as she began to get impatient with Lily’s theatrics. “What do you mean by, no?”
“I... I meant it wasn’t a g...g...good idea to invite Miss Chu. She is v...very arrogant and c...could ruin the surprise.” Lily stuttered.
“Is that so?” Ella slowly nodded her head.
Lily kept blinking her eyes to force back the tears that were threatening to be released. Even though the room was well-ventilated, she could feel sweat dripping from her forehead. Her bladder instantly got filled and threatened to spill if she didn’t visit the convenience immediately.
“You know what, allow us to be the judge of that,” Denise said subtly. She could see that Lily was a nervous wreck and didn’t want the poor lady to pass out in her office. “Just give us her full name and we would be grateful.”
Lily blew out forced air and quickly said, “Miss Xia Chu.”
“Miss Xia Chu,” Ella echoed the name to herself.
“Ma’am, may I be excused to use to convenience?” Lily whispered, causing Denise to chuckle.
“Sure,” Ella pointed to Denise’s private ladies’ room.
Without sparing a second, Lily sprang up to her feet and dashed to the ladies’ room as though her bladder were about to rupture.
Immediately Lily entered the ladies’ room and shut the door behind her, the tears she had been holding back started to pour out like an unforgiving torrent.
She quickly eased herself and tried to dab her face dry but the tears refused to stop. They continued to flow freely as different frightening thoughts consumed her.
“What have I done? Why did I allow myself to be so gullible? Why didn’t I just keep my mouth shut? Who is going to rescue me from this mess I’ve put myself in?” Lily lamented.
“I shouldn’t have come here in the first place. I should have given Mr. Tom a good excuse if I knew things will turn out this way. I should have listened to my warning instinct. What would happen to me if Mr. Leon finds out that I just betrayed his trust? Oh, I’m finished! He would definitely chop my head off.”
Lily remained sitting on the toilet seat for a while crying her eyes out until she heard a gentle tap on the door.
When Lily left their presence for the ladies’ room, Ella blew out a gush of warm air through her mouth. She stared helplessly at Denise, who had her gaze fixed on her and was already holding her hand.
“I’m scared, Denise,” Ella whispered. “I’m so scared because I have this unwavering feeling that something terrible is about to happen to me.”
“Calm down, dear,” Denise move closer to Ella and gently stroked her back. “Everything is going to be alright.”
“But you know that’s not true,” Ella pulled back from Denise’s hold. “You saw how Lily has been disoriented by this Chu lady. I have a strong feeling that something is going on between Leon and this lady.”
“We have no proof yet, so we can’t just draw conclusions. Maybe this lady flirted with your husband and he threw her out. Maybe she said something that provoked him, making him lose his temper.”
Although Denise wanted to sound reasonable, she didn’t believe any word that came out of her own mouth. She also had a strong feeling that Leon could be messing with Miss Chu.