A Journey That Changed The World.-Chapter 872: The Ghost Leviathan Heart

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[Kassandra, Demetra, Teuila and Hemera's POV]

Once the plan was in motion, Demetra and Kassandra rushed into the darkness below as the Demon Shark girl uttered an enraged roar. Hemera and Teuila followed behind while readying their spells.

The two Titans descended lower, but that's when something rushed out of the darkness and slammed into Kassandra, who quickly tangled the Leviathan in her tentacles and used her abyssal maw to attack the monster's face.

When Demetra saw this, she sped up and opened her massive jaws before clamping down on the Leviathan's body. The two Titan girls battled with the monster, who was giving them a good fight.

They all noticed the monster, which had black scales dotted with silver spots, looked like a massive eel. Its glowing red eyes narrowed on Kassandra, who attacked it without giving the Leviathan a break.

Hemera and Teuila wasted no more time before launching their spells whenever the creature got close to their position. When the Deep Sea Blasts connected with its body, it blew away chunks of scales.

While casting their spells, Teuila sensed a looming presence to their left. With lightning reflexes, she pivoted just as a Trench Shark lunged, its cavernous jaws agape. Without thinking, she shoved Hemera aside and seized the monstrous maw before it could snap shut on her.

The shark's razor-sharp teeth pierced Teuila's grasp, her hands gripping desperately against the crushing force. A primal scream escaped her lips, muscles straining under the relentless pressure.

Yet, in that desperate moment. A mighty Sun Blast collided with the shark with a thunderous impact, cleaving it apart. Fueled by adrenaline and resolve, the Aquarian Princess hurled the writhing top half of the monster away.

After being thrown from the Ghost Leviathan, Demetra and Kassandra collided with the side of an underwater trench. Swiftly recovering, the Kraken girl steadied herself and launched another assault.

The Leviathan lunged at her, but her agility allowed her to evade to the right, striking back with her powerful tentacles. The creature roared in frustration as it became ensnared again, allowing Demetra to deliver devastating blows as she rejoined the fight.

She thrashed her colossal head in a wild frenzy, tearing away massive chunks of flesh from the Leviathan. The monster swatted Demetra away as it bit down on one of Kassandra's tentacles and tore it off.

Kassandra roared in pain before lashing out with a slap and swimming away. Hemera and Teuila bombarded the Leviathan with spells, annoying the creature enough that it lunged at them.

They quickly split up, zooming through the water as the Ghost Leviathan pursued, giving Demetra and Kassandra time to recover. Once ready, they joined the chase, targeting the monster as it pursued Teuila.

Teuila bobbed and weaved around rocks and boulders, finally reaching a cave. She dived in just as the Leviathan slammed into the entrance, unable to follow her. That's when the monster turned on Hemera, who yelped when it saw its evil red eyes.

The Leviathan lunged at her, but she used her sun magic to dodge by shooting flames from her feet, propelling herself out of its path. As she flew through the water, she cast Sun Blast, striking the creature's face with a powerful burst of light.

It reared back, but Demetra and Kassandra jumped it. The two Titan girls gave the poop Leviathan a much-needed beating causing its scales to fall off due to all the damage it was sustaining.

The battle continued for hours, forcing Hemera and Teuila to back off because they used most of their mana. Demetra managed to get one over the Leviathan and bit straight through its weakened exterior.

She tore the creature's tail off, and Kassandra smothered its face with her body while biting down on anything. As this happened, the Ghost Leviathan was growing weaker, but that was when something slammed straight into them.

Hemera and Teuila looked at the newcomer only to realize it was another Leviathan. Following that, a massive fight erupted between Demetra and Kassandra, and they went wild. While watching this, the Aquarian Princess felt something inside reacting to the scene.

She fell to her knees, causing Hemera to panic. Teuila, sensing the imminent transformation, pushed Hemera away just as a pain-filled scream tore from her throat. Her body began to glow intensely before rapidly transforming, growing, and elongating.

Hemera stopped in her tracks, her eyes wide with shock, as the battle raged in the background. Teuila's body elongated, taking on a fearsome shape similar to Lucrezia's but much larger.

The sheer size of her transformation forced the sun elf to scramble out of the way. Her skin was the same color as her light blue hair, and she resembled a thesaurus but was way bigger and more vicious-looking.

'She's as big as a mountain! What's happened to her,' as she thought, a familiar mana struck her. "Was this Archers doing?" Hemera spoke to herself.

After her transformation, Teuila lunged forward and joined the Titan girls. She tore into the new monster, who was shocked. With the new addition, Demetra and Kassandra were able to overwhelm the two Ghost Leviathans.

Teuila used her massive jaws to tear into the monsters with savage fury. Blood mixed with the water causes the Titan girls to back off as the Aquarian Primal tore the enemies apart like garden snakes.

After the tumultuous battle, Teuila circled like a predator awaiting its prey, indicating the imminent calm. Kassandra and Demetra reverted to their humanoid forms beside Hemera, who observed their injuries with concern.

Demetra nursed bruises, cradling one arm tenderly, while Kassandra bore severe wounds, half of her arm missing amid numerous cuts and gashes.

"They're real! How is she a Primal," the Kraken girl mumbled.

Hemera's ears perked, causing her to ask, "What is a Primal?"

"Ancient beings that gave birth to all the races that live today," Demetra explained. "It is

told that each race carries the bloodlines of the Primals who fought back the World Eaters in a titanic battle that shook the world."

"And Teuila's one of them?" Hemera questioned.

Kassandra nodded, "It seems so, but why did they activate now? What's different?" she said in a curious tone.

"'She's had sex with Archer and has soaked in his mana?" Demetra said with a jealous tone.

When the Demon Shark said that, Hemera's eyes widened in shock, "Is him activating the bloodlines due to being the Whtie Dragon?"

Kassandra agreed with a nod as Teuila approached them before transforming into her humanoid form. She shook her head while speaking, "Ahh, my head hurts. Why did I


The girls just looked at her before Hemera explained everything, which shocked Teuila, "So

Archer filling me up turned me into a Titan?"

"You're not a Titan! You're a Primal," Demetra responded.

Hemera looked confused and questioned, "So whats the difference?"

"Titans grow as they age, but Primals grow as they eat," Kassandra explained while putting

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her arm around Teuila's shoulders. "Well, now we have a Primal; getting the Blue Grass will

be easy."

"How?" the blue-haired girl asked.

"Now you've unlocked your Primal Bloodline, you've grown stronger," Kassandra responded

with a smile. "You're aura gives me the goosebumps."

Teuila's blue eyes glowed, "How much stronger?"

"I'm not sure. We'd have to ask Brooke or Lucrezia when we return to the kingdom," the

Kraken girl answered.

While they were talking, Demetra spoke over everything, "Teuila! You ate the heart, you frёewebnoѵel.ƈo๓


Teuila's cheeks went darker than they were, but she quickly scampered into the trench and transformed into her Primal form with a thought. Once in her new form, she dived into the darkness to hunt another Ghost Leviathan.

Hemera giggled, "We can't blame her; she did to help you two during the fight and butchered

the Leviathans."'

Following that, the three girls heard roars and several battles going on, which caught their interest, but Kassandra stopped them going, "She's fighting a Leviathan and Trench Sharks;

let her eat."

They nodded, and twenty minutes later, Teuila emerged from the darkness, a heart the size of a carriage in her grasp. She dropped it before them, then reverted to her humanoid form, beaming with pride. Kassandra quickly stored the massive heart in her storage ring. "Ready to head to Avidia? It's a long swim, but we can rest in underwater caves along the way," Kassandra, the Kraken girl, suggested to the other three, who agreed. After that, everyone continued their journey, and Teuila transformed into her primal form, which annoyed Hemera as she had to sit on Demetra's head. They passed by a pod of Trench Whales, causing the Aquarian Princess to attack and eat a few.

It took them three days to reach the shore of a massive desert that stretched as far as the eyes could see. The four girls jumped out of the water and landed with a thud, but Teuila and Demetra yelped as the sand was hot.

This made Hemera giggle, "Put on some sandals, ladies. We don't want your little toes to get


Everyone followed the sun elf's advice, putting on footwear and feeling much better. Once ready, they began to walk deeper into the desert. Suddenly, Hemera halted and said, "You

girls stay here. I'll use my fire to scout the surrounding area."

"Okay, but be careful, Hemi," Kassandra warned.

Hemera smiled reassuringly before leaping into the air. She cast a spell, and flames shot out from her hands and feet, propelling her as she flew over the Avidia Desert to see herds of
