A Journey That Changed The World.-Chapter 871: Apartments & Loving

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[Aisha Ashcroft's POV]

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Aisha stood on the eastern seawall while watching the 1st and 2nd fleets annihilate the invaders with a barrage of mana shells that hit the ships. When the dragonkin woman saw this, she thought, 'I wonder how many times they will try. Does the central continent realize they're poking a bear? Archer will go crazy when he wakes up.'

She wasn't wrong, as Aisha was proved right. Over the coming days, her spies on the other continents informed her that Novgorod, Nightshade, and many other realms were allying against Draconia.

This concerned her because if the central continent gathered more allies, they could lose by an overwhelming number, but she decided to ramp up recruiting for the army and navy. Following the battle, Lucrezia and Agrippina appeared on the wall.

The white-haired woman smiled at her before speaking, "My Queen, the enemies have been destroyed, but they will be back, I'm sure."

''I know Agrippina," Aisha replied with a smile. "Thanks for your help."

The Fireheart Faith leader bowed before disappearing, leaving Lucrezia confused. Aisha laughed at the blonde's expression. "Haven't you met her yet?" she asked with a smile.

Lucrezia shook her head, "No. She just appeared when I was fighting and destroyed it; how did Archer get someone so powerful on his side?"

Aisha shrugged, "She just appeared in Draconia one day and approached me to ask if she could start a religion devoted to Tiamat and Archer. I was going to decline, but something told me not to, so I said yes."

"Has she caused any trouble?" Lucrezia asked.

"No. Agrippina is completely loyal to our husband," she revealed. "The woman became his bonded Elemental, but he asked her to stay here and protect the kingdom instead of being with him."

Lucrezia frowned before Aisha continued, "She's been holding it against herself and visits Archer all the time."

"Is she his woman?"

Aisha giggled, "'She is, but they haven't made it official; he still needs to talk to Fianna as she's helping the government organize the farms and Frostwinter Storage," she answered. The two left the seawall behind once they saw the fleets returning to their bases while towing the damaged ones behind them. The duo took a few seconds to reach the ground below, where the White Dragon Knights surrounded a carriage.

Their commander, Eldric, ushered them inside under the guise of protection. The two women didn't resist, knowing he had their best interests at heart. He often reminded them that Archer would have his head if anything happened to any of the girls.

'Where does he find such loyal people? Most rulers would love that,' she thought.

Once inside, the carriage began its journey toward Dragonheart City. Aisha noticed Lucrezia putting her feet up and getting comfortable before falling asleep, as the blonde must have been tired.

Smiling, she removed a blanket from her storage ring and gently covered the mosasaur woman before gazing at the outside world where the carriage was passing by a newly formed farming village.

Aisha noticed that there was just one race, but they were all different and looked like they were enjoying their lives even if they lived in a small village. 'Archer's truly done it; he built a multi-race kingdom with no shimmering tensions like the Avalon Empire on Pluoria,' she thought.

Soldiers patrolled the roads while Outriders traveled down them, carrying messages between the massive stone forts all over Draconia. Aisha thought it was a waste of gold, but now she sees its benefits.

Any traveler wouldn't be traveling from any fort for more than a day, which also didn't include the guarded Waystations that the Homeguard secured. While they protected the kingdom, the legions were always on hand to help.

While approaching Dragonheart City, she saw many roads getting built the way Archer wanted, which she found confusing, but once he explained that they would last for years with minimal maintenance from the Engineer Core.

Archer opened Aisha's eyes to many things, and the one thing she loved was the idea of an apartment. Thanks to their unique design, they could house hundreds of families, impressing everyone who saw them.

She wanted to look at something as they passed through a newly founded city called Arkenvale, so she stopped the driver by hitting the roof, and he instantly stopped the carriage.

Aisha then heard a yawn, causing her to glance at the waking Lucrezia, who spoke, "Why are we stopping?"

"I want to check on something quickly," she answered with a smile. "Come with me, Luce."' The dragonkin woman led Lucrezia down one street until they stood out in a luxury-looking building. Aisha examined the ten-story building, which looked out of place in the city, as nothing like it had ever been built.

It was painted white, and if Archer saw it, he would think it came straight from Earth because it looked so much like them. Lucrezia was confused and questioned, "What is this place? Why does it have so many windows and balconies?"

Aisha smiled, "Archer calls these apartments. They allow us to house countless citizens in every town and city across Draconia. By building these, we can significantly reduce costs compared to traditional homes and save space," she explained.

The mosasaur woman nodded, "Why can I feel mana radiating off the building? It's unusual."

"That's could heating and other things Archer wanted us to install," Aisha spoke. "It keeps people cool in the Solaris and warm in Frostwinter."'

Following that, she led the blonde woman into one of the nearby apartments, which seemed fancier than any of the buildings. While walking there, Aisha revealed, "I bought one of them when completed. It's a good place to rest."

When they entered the foyer, Aisha watched Lucrezia's jaw drop in shock as she took in the sight. The dragonkin woman giggled, "Wait until you see our place, Luce."'

"Our place? What do you mean?"

Aisha's smile grew, "I bought the place for myself and the harem. The builders gave me a good price on the penthouse apartment."

Lucrezia looked bewildered, "Why did you buy it for us?"

She shrugged, "I liked the look of it, and we all will need a place to chill out if we want any time for ourselves."


[Sia's POV]

Sia soon finished monster hunting with the spider people as she slaughtered the Spider Queen, who was weaker than she expected. Now, she was walking back to their lair. Shila was excited, "My Lady. That was amazing, and I can't believe we cleared out so many creatures." She nodded, "I thought that spider queen would have been stronger, but I did level up once

after killing it."

"The Cave Spiders are one of our weaker cousins; they usually hunt Wild Goblin and other small monsters," Shila answered.

Following that, they returned to the spider people's home, and when they did, Sia asked Shila, "What is your race called?"

"We are known as the Arachne. We were once feared on the surface world, but a group of men spouting nonsense about the sun before they chased us underground many decades ago," the spider woman revealed.

Sia nodded as she checked on Mary, who was still sleeping peacefully. Afterward, she sat down and relaxed as the days passed by quickly. All she did was hunt monsters that crept up

on them.

While she was sleeping, Tiamat visited her. Sia awoke on a balcony overlooking beautiful, lush grasslands stretching into the distance. She looked around only to spot the Dragon

Goddess sitting there, smiling at her.

"Hello, little Sia. It's been a while since I've seen you," the white-haired woman.

"Yes, My Lady. I was twelve when you came to me to tell me about Archer; how did you know

he would come?"

Tiamat smiled. "Archer's soul has been on a journey through time as he bounced from Earth

to Thrylos but it was needed to make him the person we know. Considering his hardships, it's surprising he's not more unstable. But I'm glad he's finally living a life he loves," she said. "That explains why he's an oddball compared to other powerful people," Sia mused to freёwebnoѵel.com


That's when Tiamat giggled, "Yes, our husband is strange, but that's why we love him?"

Sia's eyes widened, her jaw dropping in astonishment. The dragon goddess laughed, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Do you think I'm helping him for nothing? No, Archer was the first White Dragon to accept me without feeling threatened."

Tiamat stood, gazing out over the lush grasslands. "All the others have either rejected me or

behaved like fanboys, but Archer is different. He's cheeky, flirty, and, most importantly, he is very loving which is a refreshing change for us dragons."

"Archer's love can be overwhelming at times," Sia admitted, "but it's better than being in a loveless relationship like Larka and the others. We don't get to spend much time together, but he's promised to make it up to us."

The goddess smiled gently. "Oh, he will, little Sia. But the main reason I brought you here is that you need to take the Arachne to Verdantia as quickly as possible. The girls will be in trouble, and only you can help them."

Sia's eyes widened in shock when hearing that. Still, Tiamat continued talking, "All the girls apart from Lucrezia, Aisha, you, and Mary are hunting for ingredients for a poison the Dark Gods help make; even I can't help him."

"What about that high elf, Aryenn? The girls told me about her," Sia questioned, her worry


Tiamat sighed softly, "She's having troubles in the Nightshade Empire. They have Archer in their sights. Aryenn leads a group trying to convince her father that he would be a better ally

than the Novgorodians."