A Journey That Changed The World.-Chapter 859: A Friend

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Soon, the sudden battle ended, and Archer breathed heavily as Brooke and Mary dealt with the remaining Giants. He rested while watching the women inspect the monsters and talk among themselves.

He didn't bother getting involved as he examined his body, which was slowly healing. This concerned him as some weren't healing at all, and it caused sharp pains to shoot through his whole being.

Archer lifted his shirt, revealing three black, festering wounds that seemed to pulse with evil energy. 'Have they come up with a new poison already? I can feel the Anti-Venom Skill kick in, but it's doing nothing.'

Just after thinking that, Archer had to cough, which caused blood and chunks of flesh to cover his hand. Panic set in, causing him to send Lucrezia a message. [Luce. They have a new poison, and it's destroying me from the inside out. Please help me]

After sending it, he started coughing even more, catching the other's attention.


[The women's POV]

Hecate heard Archer coughing his lungs up, causing her to turn around only to see him collapse while covered in blood. Sia rushed over and tried to give him a health potion, but it worsened things, causing the moon elf to slap it out of her hand.

"Stop! It's making things worse for him. Only Lucrezia knows about the Swarms' Poison, as she healed him before," Hecate declared while trying to cast her healing magic on him, but it only seemed to slow the poison.

"We need to get him somewhere safe so he can rest and wait for the other," Brooke commented in a concerned tone.

The women looked around, but soon, Leira's ears twitched, and her tail straightened. She sniffed the air and paled, "More monsters are coming! We need to move now."

They all agreed, but Brooke stopped running and looked back as a daunting feeling overwhelmed her. The others noticed this and stopped, but that's when Mary finally spoke, "The Terravians are coming. You girls need to escape. These foes aren't to be dismissed; they are all stronger than each of you. Only Miss Brooke and I stand a chance."

Everyone paled, but Hemera retorted, "We can help fight! Don't think we are weak."

"I agree, but you don't know how to fight against a foe this strong," the brown-haired woman replied, this time with a smile as she looked at Archer, "Make sure my Little Light glows so bright that the world will see him, he will unite the world against these vile creatures."

"You're talking like you won't return? Flee with us; there's no need to be stubborn," Sia said while stepping forward.

Brooke shook her head, "They are after Archer, little Sia, and will do anything to capture him."

She approached Archer, who was now unconscious, and cupped his cheek, "I failed him when he was little; I will die before letting the Terravians turn him into a monster who will be used to destroy the surface world."

Mary nodded in agreement, "I will be staying with Miss Brooke. Only the two of us can guarantee your escape."

The grey-haired woman crouched down and kissed Archer's forehead, "We will flee into the Underrealm and return to Draconia when we can."'

Everyone nodded, causing Talila to scoop Archer into her arms and hold him protectively while Hemera and Hecate got ready to flee. Still, Sia stopped as she held the hilt of her sword with a determined expression.

Everyone turned to her, but she made her decision. "I will be staying with these two girls," she said with a smile. "He has saved me more times than I'd like to admit, but it's now my time to save him."

"You don't have to Silverthrone," Brooke commented. "You're strong but not strong enough."

Sia grinned while pulling out a tablet, causing Mary's eyes to widen. "A Dragon Tablet! You would risk everything?"

The black-haired dragonkin nodded with a smile, "I've loved the stupid boy since he was young. I won't let anything happen to him. Now run you four and make sure our husband is safe."

Hemera, Hecate, Talila, and Leira nodded before fleeing, while the four fled toward the forest and blocked the way.


[Sia, Mary and Brooke's POV]

'I need to do this for Archer,' Sia thought while steeling her resolve for the impending fight that was due.

While thinking, she heard a voice, "Take out your sword, Little Silverthrone."

Sia turned to the brown-haired woman she had known for many years and was one of her mother's closest friends. She shook her head and handed Brooke her sword before mumbling an unknown language, causing the blade to glow green.

After finishing, Brooke returned it with a proud smile, "I still got it. I just used an Eastern Technique I learned during my journey to Orientia. It's used to deal extra damage to Demi-

God-ranked beings."

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"Thank you," she replied.

"Are you ready, ladies? They will be here shortly," Mary said while straightening her dress.

Brooke prepared her spells while sia took out her glowing sword, ready for the fight. Seconds passed as twenty Terravians appeared, their eyes locked onto them as the leader spoke, "Bring me the lizard, and you are free to go."

Mary didn't even wait. She launched her attack by releasing a dangerous Mana Blast that killed two of them outright, forcing Brooke and Sia to move. The brown-haired woman vanished from the spot and appeared before the leader.

She raised her hand and cast one of her strongest spells, 'Flames of Ragnarok.'

Green flames swept over a dozen Terravians as she fought with the Pseudo-God. While this was happening, Sia rushed in to help Mary. She dodged a punch that a foe sent toward her by ducking and retaliated by slicing through the humanoid arms.

It sliced through easily, allowing Sia to fight the stronger enemy while Mary and Brooke took the brunt. The battle was ruthless as the three women tore the Terravians apart. When one died, they detonated their cores, causing the three to dodge the explosions.

Sia was overwhelmed as injuries piled up, realizing that Mary was doing everything she could to protect them both. The situation worsened as more enemies joined the fray. Sia managed to cut down one adversary, but Brooke's urgent command rang out, "You two flee now! I will

catch up."

Hesitant, Sia's decision was made for her when Mary transformed into her Primordial form, leaving Sia stunned. A colossal snake emerged, thrashing the Terravians away and giving Brooke a fighting chance.

In the next moment, Sia felt a massive maw scoop her up as Mary, in her snake form, carried her away from the battle. They raced across the landscape, reaching the sea, where Mary dove deep, heading towards the Underrealm with enemies in pursuit.

Now Brooke was alone; she turned back to the leader, who was just as injured as her. The creepy grey-skinned humanoid spoke, "You're a strong warrior human woman, but now you

will die."

She laughed in response before casting another spell that left her drained and injured,

'Lightning Annihilation.'

Storm clouds gathered above them, and green lightning started slamming into their surroundings. She rushed forward and punched the leader in the face, sending him flying, before engaging with the others.

She mixed fire and lightning into her attacks. A burning explosion rang out whenever one of her punches landed, removing the Terravian's limbs. The battle lasted another hour, but Brooke knew she had to escape.

More of them appeared like a stream, and she wondered where they came from. Her magic reserves were nearly depleted, and every movement sent waves of pain through her body as the wounds were poisoned.

The older woman staggered as a Terravian struck her hard, sending her sprawling to the ground. She struggled to rise, her body screaming in pain, but another blow knocked her back down. The Terravian leader approached, a cruel smile twisting its grotesque features.

She tried to muster the energy for one last spell, but her hands trembled, and her vision darkened. Just as the Terravian leader raised its weapon for the final blow, a brilliant light illuminated the battlefield.

A beautiful woman stepped forward. Her presence was commanding, and an aura of immense

power radiated. Brooke blinked, her mind struggling to comprehend the sudden appearance.

The woman smiled at her before letting out a roar-not just any roar, but a dragon's roar that reverberated through the air, shaking the ground beneath them. The Terravians froze, their

eyes wide with fear. freeweɓnovel.cѳm

A portal tore open in the sky seconds later, swirling with dark energy. A massive black eastern dragon emerged from the portal, its scales shimmering like obsidian. It let out a deafening roar before diving into the fray, unleashing torrents of flame and lightning upon the


The battlefield erupted in chaos as the dragon annihilated the enemies with devastating efficiency. The woman moved with graceful speed, reaching Brooke's side instantly. She knelt, her violet eyes filled with concern.

"Hold on," she said softly, her voice soothing despite the turmoil around them. With surprising strength, she scooped Brooke into her arms. She felt a comforting warmth spread through her, easing the pain. As the dragon continued its relentless assault on the Terravians, the woman carried her away from the danger.

The dragon's roars and the Terravians' screams faded into the distance as the woman moved swiftly, smoothly, and effortlessly. Brooke's head lolled against her rescuer's shoulder, her energy fading fast. She managed to whisper, "Who... are you?"

"A friend, you will be going to the East to recover; the Swarm's new poison has damaged

every part of your being, and the Black Dragons know how to heal you," the woman said before approaching a portal.

That's when she heard a woman with a strange accent say, "My Lady, I hope I could help


"You did a great job, Mei," the woman replied as she blacked out. "Now, let's get her to the
