A Journey That Changed The World.-Chapter 1042: Give Me A Break

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Chapter 1042: Give Me A Break

Archer ignored the taunting as he shot across the sky when spotting the cocky Terravian, but there were over a dozen of them waiting for him. He smiled as he barreled into them before using Mana Manipulation to create a deadly explosion.

The sudden attack sent the creatures flying all over the place due to the force, but Archer chased after them before using his claws to tear the Terravians apart easily. While fighting, he thought, 'They are using the storm as a cover to attack me.'

Following that, Archer continued fighting the group, who managed to land several blows that he felt rattle all over his body. The Terravians soon swarmed him, and thanks to being close in strength, it wasn't as easy as his usual fights.

Archer defended himself as weapons and spells bounced off. He started casting Eldritch Blasts and Plasma Missiles that slammed into the creature's torsos and sent them flying across the air.

Soon after that, he was caught off guard and punched by one of the creatures, which sent him crashing into a nearby building, crashing through the walls before coming to a stop with ringing in his ears and a raging headache.

'Who hit me!' he thought while getting to his feet while an excited smile appeared. 'Someone as strong as me is here.'

Once Archer was on his feet, he shook his head to clear the ringing. Then, he launched himself into the air with such force that a loud sonic boom echoed in his wake, shattering nearby glass.

Thanks to Mana Manipulation, he shot toward the newcomer like a missile, his fist impacting against a random Terravain as the one who attacked him vanished. The being barely blocked the first punch, but Archer was relentless.

He unleashed a flurry of a hundred strikes in a blur, each blow cracking the air with shock waves that rippled through the battlefield. Archer let out an anger-filled roar before he started killing more Terravians, causing them to fall from the sky until the leader appeared. Archer noticed the creature was wearing mage robes and looked eerie, which caused him to think while taking in the new challenge, 'Is this the one in charge here?'

Its skin wasn't as sickly looking as the others of its kind and had more life, while its eerie red eyes stared at him like he was an annoyance. The Terravian Leader moved forward as Archer killed a few more and spoke in a strange accent, "Why are you interrupting our plans yet again, White Demon?"

He stopped moving and stared at the creature with a confused expression before responding, "You idiots keep attacking me, so all I'm doing is returning the favor, which is fair."

The leader chuckled darkly and replied in a voice laced with excitement, "None of that matters now. I can finally deal with you, make the king happy, and be rewarded for ridding our race of its greatest curse."

As the two locked eyes, the battlefield fell into a tense silence, the storm raging around them. Lightning streaked across the darkened sky, illuminating the eerie eyes of the Terravian Leader.

"This is going to be hard,' he thought while readying himself.

Archer's muscles tensed, his fists crackling with energy, ready to meet the leader head-on. Without a word, the Terravian launched forward, its robes billowing like dark smoke, moving faster than he expected.

The first strike was a blur-Archer barely raised his arm in time to block a blow that sent a shockwave across the sky. The impact jarred his bones but caused him to grin. "Not bad," he muttered in frustration before vanishing, reappearing inches from the Terravian's face.

His fist was already swinging forward, crackling with raw Mana, aimed straight at the leader's skull. But the creature was faster, and a translucent, green shield materialized in the blink of an eye, deflecting his punch and sending sparks flying.

"You may be strong for your age, demon, but you've finally met your match," the Terravian Leader commented with amusement in his voice.

Archer looked at the creature and replied, backing off, "Oh, shut up, will you? The fight isn't over yet."

Following that, he quickly launched a barrage of Plasma Missiles, each projectile so fast that the air vibrated with its force. The leader dodged, deflected, and parried with near-perfect precision, his glowing eyes never blinking, never leaving him.

He moved in close and started throwing powerful punches at the Terravian. For every blow he landed, the opponent returned it with one of equal power. Their strikes collided like thunder, sending rippling shockwaves through the battlefield.

'I can feel every punch, this is exciting!' Archer thought as the adrenaline soared.

The wind howled as he ducked under a sweeping kick from the leader, countering with a sharp elbow to the ribs. Still, the Terravian's body twisted unnaturally, avoiding the blow by mere inches.

Following that, Archer was caught off guard, and the creature hammer-punched him. He was sent crashing into the city below; while crashing through the buildings, he noticed police and soldiers were evacuating the public.

He came to a sudden stop when hitting a wall. His head rang, but he stood up while spotting the Terravian, watching him excitedly before speaking, "This is fun demon. Not many of my kind can take those punches. I must commend you for your strength."

''I'm glad you're enjoying yourself," Archer replied as he watched a dozen missiles slam into the Terravian.

More irritated than injured, the creature responded by casting a flurry of spells that relentlessly pursued the fighter jets overhead. Explosions lit up the dark sky, causing Archer to shake his head.

Thanks to his wings, he launched into the air before tackling the Terravian, sinking his dragon teeth deep into its flesh. The leader laughed coldly and retaliated with a solid punch to his ribs, cracking a few, causing him to think, 'Ouch! I forgot what it's like to receive a blow from someone as strong as me.'

Wincing in pain, Archer refused to let go before ripping a chunk of flesh from his enemy and exposing the bone beneath. The sight of it only enraged the Terravian further as it started laying into him.

'Hopefully, he gets sloppy now,' he thought with a grin. 'I'll use this opportunity to get the upper hand in this fight to stop the Swarm's plans on Earth once and for all.'

Archer ignored the blows and retaliated by punching the leader in the chest, sending it flying backward with a loud clap. He took a deep breath before letting out a stream of violet fire that slammed into the Terravian, causing it to crash down the road.

Thanks to all the blows he received, he struggled to regain his footing, pain surging through his body-a sensation he hadn't felt in years. His regeneration was struggling to keep pace

with the injuries.

'Its the poison which can't affect me anymore,' Archer thought as the leader reappeared while preparing to attack again, 'For fuck sake! Give me a break.'

Seeing this, he braced himself like the enemy had unleashed a spell. Thanks to his Anti- Magic, the attack deflected, but the sheer force hurled him down the street, crashing into a


Dizzy and disoriented, he pushed through the pain and forced himself to stand. He cast an Eldritch Blast in a swift counterattack, but the Terravian effortlessly blocked it, hardly


Archer had only a moment to react before the creature lunged and hit him with a vicious headbutt. Stars burst across his vision from the impact; he was reeling and fighting to keep his


The leader pressed his advantage, raining down punches on Archer's body. With each blow, Archer felt his bones crack and splinter under the relentless assault. But in a moment of desperation, he seized the creature's arm, sinking his teeth into its flesh and tearing it apart

like a wild monster.

Archer delivered a powerful kick to the Terravian's chest, sending it crashing into the ground nearby. Gasping for breath, he shook his head to clear the lingering confusion before rushing


Gripping the leader by the neck, Archer unleashed a barrage of punches, each infused with explosive mana, sending shockwaves through the air. The impact reverberated with a

thunderous roar, but he didn't let up.

Orange and black flames suddenly engulfed them both, but Archer pressed forward, driving his fist into the side of the Terravian's head, sending it flying through the air. Maeve appeared as the creature hurtled away, striking it mid-flight with a mighty swing of her tail. Before the Terravian could fully recover, Nyx swooped in again, her razor-sharp claws tearing deep gashes into its already battered form. But the creature, despite its injuries, reacted


As Maeve attacked again, the Terravian caught her by the tail, spinning her violently before hurling her through a nearby office building. Without hesitation, it turned and delivered a crushing punch to Nyx, sending her crashing into the ground with a bone-rattling impact.

Enraged, Archer summoned his Azur Cannon, a violet beam of energy erupting from his outstretched hand. It collided with the Terravian's shield, cracking it under the force. Seizing the moment, he dashed forward with lightning speed.

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