A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale-Chapter 513: Return to the Icy Domain.
“My lady, you’re okay!”
The moment we entered through the gates of Nordor mansion, after I had to ignore the constant cheers the citizens were giving Mom and me after our return from Inferno Nest, a familiar elven woman rushed through the garden and jumped into my embrace. Unrestrained with her strength, she tightened her grip around me, as if she was afraid if she let go I would vanish into the thin air.
At least, that was what I suspected Tasianna was feeling.
“Sorry for getting into trouble without you,” I smiled awkwardly as I saw my fairy friend’s face covered in tears. Her cheeks and eyes were reddened and I could see her lips blistered, probably from biting them.
She raised her head, desperately holding back the waterworks. “You should be sorry! By the gods, when I heard everything that had happened… I-I, ah, I should’ve known. I should’ve; everywhere we go, trouble will come, and that applies even more to you, my lady.”
Oi, I don’t want to have that magnet either, I rolled my eyes, but I kept my comment to myself as I had to agree with my bad encounter luck.
“I just can’t believe it; attacking and attempting to imprison their own princess! Age not only degraded their souls, but also their minds from the sounds of it!” Tasianna spat out with derision, eyes filled with the same rage from how she used to look at humans.
Seeing her like this only reminded me of the trauma she suffered through with her previous mistress, cooling me down and making me want to apologize again for worrying her. I had ordered her to stay in Coral Beard to research a cure for Raffarson’s Debilitation, and that meant she had been multiple country-sizes away from Inferno Nest, not to mention Frozen Nest. She couldn’t help me in my time of need.
I didn’t blame her, of course, but Tasianna probably didn’t feel the same. That feeling of hopelessness shouldn’t be ignored. She watched her last mistress die in front of her, and she must have felt something similar to that once again, probably after she heard my rescue message from Vifi and the twins.
Haaaa, Grimnir, Ellaine, and Saori are gonna lecture me after I finally get to meet them again. Tasianna and Svena definitely won’t forget to report everything to them …
“Hear! Hear!”
Tasianna suddenly let go of me when the mansion door opened up to the loud applause of the people inside. Dragonewts run-walked in a diligent manner outside, lining up next to the entrance in a pair of orderly rows, with the butlers on the right and the maids on the left. The head butler and maid stood in front of all of them, before the seneschal, Skardrvo, walked up to us in the middle before giving us a deep bow, prompting everybody else to do the same.
“We welcome Her Majesty and Her Highness back to Frozen Nest from their campaign!” they all shouted in unison, so loud they drowned out the excited roars from outside. “We welcome Dragon Ruler of Ice, Alextraxus, Lord Guyulthanos, and Lord Karydrinos to Nordor Mansion. Allow us to grant you the rest you deserve!”
I see they got excited as well … Gosh, this doesn’t sit well with me at all.
Receiving fans and seeing the counter go up, I had to admit that receiving those 696 new dragonewt, dragon, and drake followers for what happened on Inferno Nest felt more hollow than fulfilling. It made me feel like the only reason they were fervently cheering for me—maybe only for Mom, actually—was due to my … incident with Dragon Ruler of Fire, Maustoovaka.
Not like I could call it an incident really. It was more a one-sided bullying act to intimidate me from doing what was right—trying to assure my new family wouldn’t splinter apart due to a succession crisis. Some strong-worded arguments to keep myself and Brother Ryra safe and, boom, big, ancient fire dragon decided to imprison me in an attempt to “educate” me on what not to do.
Unreasonable as heck and, when I tried to escape? H, he tried to kill my friends! Sure, I had Vifi call some dragons and drakes to help me out, not to mention, I lured the Dragon Ruler of Volcanoes out to fight Maustoovaka since the two were arguing how to handle me, but that wasn’t even the most egregious thing that happened that day. A miniature “civil war” due to an attempted coup on me, and that asshole dragon just had to kill some of the dragonkin who tried to help me out.
Ridiculous … I was already at my wits’ end after we successfully escaped Maustoovaka and from how my rescue message prompted Mom to show Inferno Nest what not to do with the only daughter of the second strongest dragon in Kargryx, but then Father dearest just had to appear as well. Well, that little daughter-father interaction didn’t go as well as it could have, but at least it ended well enough. It reinforced how much I cherished Mom and Neill, and how I actually could rely on my lazy, sheepish older brother, Ryra, when push came to shove.
Just … I didn’t want that traumatic event to actually lead to followers. I didn’t want to cause internal strife within my nation to gain followers. At least, I didn’t want them to cheer for me due to the hostile relationship between Frozen Nest and Inferno Nest.
Haa … just deal with it. Let’s just not turn into a drama queen.
As Mom and her three top retainers went inside, I let out a deep sigh as a thought came to mind.
“How did you make it back to Frozen Nest in a day, Tasianna?” I asked.
She shouldn't have access to my fast travel method and she wasn’t a fast enough flier to arrive here from Coral Beard in time for my arrival. It has, after all, only been a day since my incident in Inferno Nest.
“Haha, probably not the easiest question for our dear faithful maid here to answer.” Approaching us, Skardrvo gave me a small bow as he spoke in Tasianna’s stead. “She intimidated a wind wyvern.”
I tilted my head. “Huh? She did what?”
Tasianna groaned for a moment as she lowered her head with an uneasy smile, looking a bit ashamed of herself. “W-well, you see, my lady. When I heard everything from Svena, it was already quite late on my end, and Miononbolax doesn’t have any griffon carriages like in Artorias. After all, most can fly in Kargryx, and those who can’t can usually run or swim very quickly. Most everyone in Kargryx can simply move faster than conventional carriages. So … I paid a wind wyvern to help me arrive here at dawn.”
“She forced the poor wyvern to do so. She had to travel through the night,” Skardrvo corrected.
“Pardon you, but I paid her well! Not to mention, wind dragonkin are the best long-range fliers around; unlike the other dragonkin sub-species, at least, they flourish in the sky with some even falling asleep while gliding!” Tasianna tried to excuse herself, but Skardrvo looked pretty unimpressed.
“… I see you read an ecology book on us. Superb Tasianna … but that still doesn’t include the fact most wyverns just don’t value Davi as much, especially those living in Loatryx since they possess stable jobs fit for dragonkin. The one you ‘persuaded’ was even a retainer for a true wind dragon.”
“I paid her and even gave her an apology! Not to mention, she wasn’t that furious with me.”
“She wasn’t because you explained that this was done for Princess Hestia.”
“I … I’ll treat her to some good food around Iceskale.”
“Thank you very much!”
Ahaha … Well, I guess that happened while I was gone.
Tasianna’s loyalty to me was always endearing, but this … well, it was how she was. As long as she took responsibility, I couldn’t fault her too much. although maybe it wouldn’t have happened in the first place if the universe wouldn’t send so many troublemakers after me.
“In any case, please, you must be exhausted; allow us clan members to help you recuperate, Young Mistress.”
Guided inside with Skardrvo, I noticed Vifi was suddenly stopped by some of our dragonewt clan’s dragoons. Looking over, I saw the latter giving her a thumbs up.
“Amazing work protecting Her Highness, Dame Vifi. Her Majesty’s trust in you has been proven.”
“We apologize for giving you … such a hard welcome when you first arrived. We dishonored you and your loyalty to Princess Hestia. How can we pay you back for your deeds?”
“Uh, nothing really?” Vifi shrugged, looking unperturbed. “Like I said back then, I don’t care how you thought of me. My job is to protect Hestia and that’s what I’m gonna do as her retainer and bodyguard. Nothing less, so drop that ‘dame’ part. Marsven’s shadow, I’m a soldier, not a knight.”
Yet, the dragonewts looked undeterred. “Clan Nordor treats their retainers, servants, and workers well, for without mutual respect, unity would be a hard concept to achieve. We admit, we had our apprehension about you, demonkin, but that’s a separate matter. Her Highness picked you personally; it was the minimum courtesy to trust her decision.”
“Nah, it makes sense. Wouldn’t trust myself either … So, treat me to something meaty, yeah? At least, something more tastier than walrus or whale meat. And, no; give me fish and I will punch you. Got it?”
“Sure! We’ll get the Captain!”
Ensure your favorite authors get the support they deserve. Read this novel on Royal Road.
“Hol—You fuckers, that old man got you to do this, right? Come back here!”
… I guess I didn’t get to see that happen, either.
Even after acclimating into the fact I was in a coma for an entire year, I was still learning new things about my friends and how they spent their time while I was asleep. I didn’t even think Vifi had such issues when she first came, nor that it was ‘cause of her race.
Aside from Eltharion, who just admitted to me he was wary of the demonkin due to their heritage, I didn’t realize that Kargryxians and Loatryxians had prejudices against them in the first place. Maybe they did and just hid it well, or maybe it was just some of them.
“Did it happen often?” I asked.
Seeing me worried, Vifi shook her hand. “They never harassed me about it, if you’re asking about that. They did tell me outright how they thought of me during my third visit here, since I’ve been, you know, acting how I wanted. I wasn’t showing very much ‘respect as a retainer.’”
“So they blew up on you?”
“Understandable, don’t you think? What would you do if a stranger comes into your abode and starts lounging around, scratching her stomach as she stuffs herself full with your food, all while doing nothing while you work?” Vifi stated, prompting me to nod. “Right? That’s how it happened.”
“You’re not angry about the demonkin comment?”
“Have I ever disregarded how much animosity surrounds my race?”
“Right … Sorry, for bringing that up.”
Vifi never blamed humans for hating demonkin, nor did she ever condemn other members of Aurora for fearing a potential betrayal from her. She understood her standing and the prejudices around her, fully accepting the actions Bole’Taria had done and was now even embracing what the archdemons did during the Demon War.
At first, it did weird me out with how nonchalant she was, as I wouldn’t be able to endure people giving me the look for being a dragon, or just treating me differently in general due to something else associated with my birth. I wanted to be treated as “Hestia.” Vifi, though, didn’t care. She embodied the “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words shall never hurt me” saying quite a lot.
“My lady, I would suggest we hurry up and catch up with your mother. Also, do not forget to release Shay and Beth from your subspace,” Tasianna reminded me.
Once inside the mansion, I took my shoes off as two maids came forward with some towels for me to wipe my face and hands clean. To be honest, I felt filthy. My clothes were covered in soot and dirt, while my nails had dried blood and remains of scales under them, and not to mention how much I reeked of sulfur.
“Hestia, clean yourself up and get some fresh clothes. We’ll be having some visitors,” Mom ordered as she turned her scale dress into a scale kimono before she adjusted her red-scaled necklace, the one she made from my shed scales.
I raised a brow. “Visitors? There will be more than just the uncles?”
“The repercussions from today’s and yesterday’s events are a bit more impactful than just Eltharion and I dealing some major wounds to each other, dear. Alextraxus is already talking about retaliation and isolation, and we will have other dragons interested in doing just that,” she explained.
Also dressed in a scale kimono, Uncle Alextraxus continued the explanation. “While I might presume how you wished this situation to resolve, there has to be something more substantial. As Emperor Eltharion stated, he will not punish Maustoovaka. As a fellow dragon ruler, I cannot accept this. Your mother is your mother; to ask her to lower her claws now would be a disrespect to not just her title and reputation but to every mother protecting their children everywhere; not to mention, she needs to gain something for having her daughter, and our princess, endangered.”
“The negotiations will begin in our home, my whelpling,” Mom stated firmly, meaning, I couldn’t talk her down from this. “Wear something that will cover up your lacking solar core.”
I nodded and obeyed. Once again, this wasn’t the time to be “Hestia,” but “Princess Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor.” It did make me wonder if I should allow Hikari out to handle things.
‘Uh, sorry, but that right is yours alone, your highness.’
… Thanks for the support, partner.
Ignoring the incoming serious talk, Tasianna pushed me into my room where the dragonewt maids had already prepared everything for my impending bath. I also allowed Shay and Beth out of the subspace, prompting them to go outside and rejoin Mom to act on their duty as her retainers.
Inside the bath, Tasianna and the maids rinsed me up, scrubbing my skin, scales, and nails to the point I feared [White Flames] would activate! Swimming through a magma ocean and getting toad gas under my scales made it especially hard to get the odor off me with only a single bottle of shampoo, but they eventually managed to do so.
Meanwhile, as they cleaned me, I took the time to do my daily molting session and also remove my broken solar core to allow it to regrow. I thought some of the rank A dragon venoms might have gotten stuck inside, but I guess it didn’t get the chance to crystallize like my first broken core. My white flames got rid of it before it became a problem.
Once done, my maids prettied me up with some perfume and cosmetics before handing me a kimono to wear for the meeting. They also stated they did have a dress available if I preferred it, but since Mom was wearing a kimono, I decided that I should do the same.
With my long hair styled and braided, I left my room in a blue-white kimono and entered the meeting room of the mansion, where I saw Mom sitting and discussing something about the fire dragons with Uncle Alextraxus, Uncle Kary, and Uncle Guyul. Once they saw me, they pointed at the chair on the left of Mom, which I chose to sit on.
With Mom sitting on one end of the large rectangular table and my uncles and I on the right and left side respectively, my uncles wanted to continue their discussion, but Mom raised her hand, stopping them. She then turned to me, looking me up and down with a fat smile.
“You look better, and that sulfur smell is finally gone. How are you feeling?”
“Refreshed and as if I didn’t just experience the worst thing possible in Inferno Nest. Thank you for asking.” I grinned. “Peckish, a bit, but I can hold on.”
“Why not order something? Some jerky, water, and bread would be a good way to help you get ready for later. After all, the discussion will be quite lengthy, and I think it would be good for all of us to eat after what happened. I, too, would love a steak after having my calories burned to heal up my wounds.”—she turned to her retainers—“You three also fought to protect me from Maustoovaka’s and Arkanator’s vassals, so I suggest you eat as well.”
“We can talk things through casually, yes,” Uncle Kary agreed. “Let us eat; I think I can hear the kitchen already preparing something for us, so let us feast.”
“Very well. I’ve been rambling too much, either way.” Uncle Alextraxus sighed before clapping his hands, prompting Tasianna and my maids to bow before leaving us. “Princess Hestia, to warn you, we will be meeting with the first and fourth empresses, including their children.”
I frowned but I was expecting something like that after what Mom did. Personally, I wasn’t too interested in meeting Gyadiosa and Virrflax, but I did have something to say to Kahalameet, Wendriosa, and Nong who accompanied them, especially my two brothers. This expedited the process.
Following the warning, my uncles told me I didn’t have to say much during this discussion, as it will mostly involve the adults in the room. In particular, they suspected, there would be a clash between Mom and Gyadiosa about today’s events and about what Mom did to Eltharion. They stated that while it was normal for husband and wife to fight, even to the point of wounds, it was a different matter when an empress was demeaning an emperor’s authority.
“I disobeyed his order to cease my attack on Maustoovaka and Arkanator and proceeded to turn portions of Inferno Nest into a desolate ice desert. This culminated in me insulting and outright demeaning Eltharion in public, not to mention how I fanned the fires of a potential civil war between Frozen Nest and Inferno Nest.”
“You came to protect me, though. Shouldn’t the empress-mothers understand this?” I asked.
“They do. Oh, so well, in fact, but they are still representatives of Kargryx. As am I, yet, as a representative of the emperor’s authority, I incited conflict and disregarded his command. It is obvious I will have to answer for it, right?” Mom smiled, self-mockingly. “Therefore, we will have to talk it through. They will also question you on what happened after you escaped; you didn’t get to say that in front of Eltharion, but I am sure they are quite interested in that.”
“On the other hand, we will seek recompense for damages,” Uncle Guyul stated. “From Inferno Nest, of course, but since they won’t send somebody from there, we will be talking about it to your eldest brother, Kahalameet. Since Maustoovaka supports him, we will go through him to affect the Dragon Ruler of Fire. In this case, you have to speak up and, preferably, be harsh on him.”
“How so, though? It isn’t like you are lacking in funds or money, right?” I tilted my head. “Mom already told me you ancient dragons do not put any value on money or treasures, only special experiences and something you don’t have. Surely, there shouldn’t be anything of that sort, right?”
“Wrong!” Uncle Guyul shouted to my shock. “Where are the hot rocks, Princess Hestia?”
“I, well, I didn’t bring any, but it isn’t like we should be lacking them. Right, Mom?” I gave her the stink eye, causing her to laugh awkwardly.
“Well, yes, I apologize. I thought you would have preferred exploring to gain them … A clear failure on my part that led you to that blasted nest,” Mom snorted. “Regardless, that isn’t what Guyulthanos is talking about. In this case, we are seeking recompense for you, Hestia.”
“I guessed, but what does that—”
“You are allowed to demand something from them,” Uncle Alextraxus interjected. “This is an opportunity for you, or Frozen Nest, to receive something of importance for Inferno Nest. Some material or ingredient useful for alchemy, or some sort of service, or anything you can think about. If you are willing to listen, you must know I have sons, correct?”
I nodded, prompting him to continue.
“Siegragxus dots on Rhekkraxus, even if the former does have a tendency to use the latter in his plots, almost like decoy to avoid attention on him. My younger son, sadly, adores his older brother a bit too much and rarely sees that he is being manipulated, but that doesn’t mean he is a complete fool. Regardless, both rely on each other and both of them would give up their lives to protect each other. Kahalameet, from the limited times I’ve managed to speak with him, believes something similar.”
“… You’re asking me to use the little sister card?”
“… I do not understand what you mean by card. What I meant is that he will listen to you, as from what you and Prince Ryranakus have stated, I presume he must feel guilty for letting you wander around the nest, only for his most ardent supporter to endanger your life and seriously wound Prince Ryranakus. He is the type to feel a sense of responsibility, similar to Emperor Eltharion. He inherited that trait well, and unless he wishes to sully that image I have of him, he will listen to his little sister’s demands and fulfill them.”
Dude, I don’t even know how to respond to that … but if I get to act like a little sister, then … No, wait, this just feels awkward. I’m blackmailing my own brother!
Regardless of my feelings on this, I nodded along and decided to think of something. Before long, our food arrived and we all had a modest feast in dragon terms, letting time pass until the arrival of our guests. We all stood up from our seats and went outside to welcome them.
“Presenting!” The leader of a group of dragoons saluted the moment he saw us. “First Empress Gyadiosa Bellamsa Jormangra, and her children, Kahalameet Seathfus Kargryxmor and Wendriosa Tialotrus Kargryxmor. In addition, accompanying her, Fourth Empress Virrflax Kainena Arviosa and her son, Nongramos Eluccierra Kargryxmor. Salutations!”
Mom approached the blue-haired woman wearing a long, azure-green qipao—or something similar to a Chinese dress—and eyed her as if she was wary of her. The blue-scaled woman, in exchange, smirked and wryly laughed at the cold reception, causing everybody but the imperial members accompanying Empress Gyadiosa to stiffen up.
The atmosphere suddenly felt so tense, as the two of them stayed relatively still and silent aside from their tails slamming into the ground. It took until Empress Virrflax sighing for the two to finally burst in laughter.
“You’re hungry, I can tell. The usual, dear?” Mom stated, but with a friendly smile this time.
“After all that you did, yes! Extra portions to pay back for the stress I’ve accumulated on this day, so have your chefs bring it up in a timely manner. I wish to get this peace talk out of the way so I can deal with the situation in Inferno Nest and the lack of imperial protection!”
… Ah, for a moment, I forgot the two of them considered themselves blood sisters.
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