A Court of Lost Stars-Chapter 36: Battered Hearts and Shattered Dreams
Chapter 36: Battered Hearts and Shattered Dreams
It took Nova six miles to find a suitable spot for her meditation that morning, but the location was well worth the distance. It was a small grove of twisted peach trees overlooking a little pond. A boulder was settled against one of the trunks, and from her position on top, she could see the peaches that the water had claimed. She'd spent much of the early morning watching the peaches float and occasionally be nibbled on by passing wildlife.
Eventually, she climbed down from the boulder and settled her bare feet in the water, hands on her knees, and closed her eyes. Despite being in a new place, she couldn't risk losing her meditation habit. The sweet scent of peaches and flowers under the gentle breeze was enough to help her relax and slip into a peaceful state of mind. It wasn't until she felt the warm caress of the sun against her cheeks that she opened her eyes.
Standing, Nova sighed and dragged her feet against the grass before slipping her socks and shoes back on. She didn't particularly want to be late for the training session Cassian and Azriel had set up, but her meditation superseded their plans. Gazing up at the tree, she observed the peaches that looked ready to be picked. Slinging her bag over her shoulder, she placed one hand against the trunk, the other wrapped around the nearest branch, and she pulled herself up. Scaling the tree, careful not to snap a branch, she reached for the first peach and plucked it off. Putting it close to her nose, she breathed the sweet scent and smiled before dropping it into her bag. After collecting six more plump peaches, Nova dropped to the ground and tied off her bag. She slung it over her shoulder and began her brisk jog toward the townhouse.
She took more precautions on her return, not wanting the fruit to be mush by the time she arrived. From what she could tell, the townhouse was lively. Stepping through the doors that entered the dining room, everyone from the night before was around the table eating a breakfast of oats, eggs, and bacon.
"You're late." Cassian leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms, but he was fighting a smile.
Nodding, Nova replied with a simple. "Yes."
"We were supposed to begin fifteen minutes ago."
Nova shrugged and closed the distance between herself and Ana, offering her the bag. "Physical training and mental training are equal partners."
Nesta quipped a smirk as she sipped her tea, and Ana opened the bag. "Oh, thank you, Nova," Ana smiled, "I'll busy myself making some peach cobbler."
"Peaches?" Rhysand asked with a grin. "That grove is at least ten miles away."
"Twelve," Nova nodded.
Smiling, Feyre chewed a piece of bacon. "How was your night?"
Nova glanced at her and lied through her teeth. "Good."
Even though she'd woken with a red nose and chattering teeth, the only thing that had chased the chill away was a warm bath, but even that wasn't very relaxing as it brought back the memory of her last bath on the Island.
Nesta pushed a plate toward her. "You need to eat before you go anywhere else."
Without arguing, Nova sat next to her and ate without question when Mor asked, "Will you be joining us in the city tonight? We're all going to Rita's."
"Do you remember much about the Rainbow District?" Rhysand asked.
Nova shook her head, "No, but I don't mind going."
Grinning, Mor exclaimed, "Oh, good! We've been wanting to celebrate you."
Uncertainty slithered up Nova's spine before she could take another bite. She glanced at Mor before sliding her gaze to Nesta, who was silent yet slightly smirking as she sipped more tea.
Feyre watched them, pursing her lips into a thin line as she busied her mouth with her seventh strip of bacon.
"I have the perfect dress you can wear," Mor continued. "Or, of course, you can have your own. I've been eyeing one in the shops that I think would look wonderful on you."
"Oh..." Nova slowly shook her head. "Thank you, but I'd really rather not."
She wasn't against dresses in general, but trying to picture herself in one made her cringe. Looking at the dress that hugged Mor's breasts now was a reminder of the figure she didn't have. She knew of her past, and she could kick ass and look sexy while she did it. Nova was very aware that wasn't something she could pull off. She was too tall...too toned. The muscles she had from years of constant and consistent training and protein intake put her into a different weight bracket. Nova absently rubbed at the sleeved arms of the outfit she always wore.
Maybe Mor liked it when people looked at her, but Nova didn't.
Mor smiled tightly and nodded, "Well, if you ever change your mind, just let me know."
An almost awkward silence lingered as Nova wasn't sure how to respond but was grateful as Ana said, "I meant to ask yesterday. I, well, I imagine Edith..." She trailed off, glancing at Rhysand and Feyre.
Feyre offered a small, sad smile. "She passed peacefully in her sleep six years ago."
Ana nodded, moisture reaching her eyes as she smoothed the light blue pleats of her frock and forced a small, quivering smile. "Yes, I imagined so. The best scenario, I suppose."
Frowning, Nova swallowed, staring at Ana. She hated to see her so upset; someone as kind as Ana never deserved to cry from sorrow.
"You remember, Edith, don't you, Nova?" Ana asked with a small smile.
Nova slowly shook her head as Ana continued, "It was at her home that we first met. So many fond memories there. She taught you to play the lute."
The image of the instrument leaning untouched against the wall in her room surfaced, and she nodded slowly. A subtle image of berries doused generously in sugar inside a crystal bowl came to mind. "I remember a little, I think."
Nova caught the expression on Azriel's face, his brow warping as he watched her, but Ana was none the wiser as she clutched the bag of peaches. "I'll get started on these so it can be ready and cooled in time for tonight." She smiled as she stood, leaving the dining area.
Nudging her, Nova turned to look at Cassian, who offered a small smile. "Ready?"
With a nod, she stood and pushed in her chair.
"We're not going to go easy on you, you know?" Cassian grinned, and Azriel smirked.
Nova snorted, "I'd expect nothing less."
The blade Nova threw whistled through the air and sank deeply into the plank of wood, which stood thirty feet from where she stood. Narrowing her eyes at the blade at least three inches from the center target, she picked up another and balanced it in her hand, noticing the weight was different than the ones she'd used on the Island. Nesta made most of the blades she'd used, but it didn't mean she couldn't master them. Her next throw gave her another inch closer to the center.
"Nice," Cassian nodded, "The blades we make here have a thicker handle. Make sure you account for it. Hold it by the blade rather than the handle, between your thumb and index, and loosen your grip."
It wasn't just Cassian and Azriel watching; everyone joined to see how much Nova had improved her skills, aside from Nesta, who sat off to the side reading her book. Nova took the information and did as Cassian suggested. Keeping her stance the same, she adjusted her grip and let the blade fly. It sank into the target center, and Nova sighed with satisfaction.
Since they came outside, Nova had already demonstrated her swordplay and knife-throwing abilities. Azriel had mentioned they only wanted to know her strengths and weaknesses so they could know how best to help if necessary.
"You trained her well," Cassian called over to Nesta, but she glanced up and rolled her eyes, returning to her page.
"You mean Emerie did," Nova countered, watching Nesta's expression morph from disinterest to annoyance as she looked up again. "Oh, sorry," Nova smirked, "Did I offend you?"
Cassian chortled and shook his head, "Come on. Let's see your hand-to-hand."
Before Nova could make it to the fighting ring, Azriel had dipped behind her to encase her in his wings, but Nova instinctually ducked away and slammed her heel against the back of his knee.
Azriel ate gravel.
Grinning, he climbed to his knees and rubbed the blood off his lower lip as Rhysand howled with laughter.
"Alright," Cassian smirked, "Don't get too cocky, poor Az has been distracted."
Azriel glared at him as he rose to his knees just as Cassian put his hands up, his palms facing Nova. "Keep your stance. Don't stop until I say."
The first punch was an audible smack against Cassian's hand, and he gritted his teeth.
"Need the gloves, Cas?" Azriel asked with a sly smirk.
Cassian grunted, keeping his hands up as Nova drilled. Left, right, left, right, left. Her powerful blows were connected through her whole body, but after the second round, Cassian nodded and lowered his hands. "Alright, good."
Unfortunately, Cassian had lowered his hands before he finished speaking, and Nova, with a scowl of concentration, slammed a crushing blow against his chest. Staggering back, Cassian sucked in a harsh breath and pressed his hand against his chest. Nova's eyes widened, but he let out a guffaw as he rubbed the spot against his chest.
"Damn," he breathed and shook his head, "I'd say hand-to-hand is your greatest strength. We can work more on your sword work. The technique you're using wielding the blade is fine, but you're too still on your feet. Enemies in battle won't remain in one place. Let's go again."
Nova nodded as Mor approached. "I'll spar so you can see from an outsider's perspective."
In agreement, Cassian and Azriel stepped out of the ring to give them space. Feyre bit her lip and squeezed Rhys' hand tighter, watching Nova and Mor slowly circle each other in the ring. It was almost unnerving seeing her daughter like this. She wasn't the innocent, bright-eyed fifteen-year-old they'd first been introduced to. Yes, Nova had always had a serious side, but watching her in this moment was like watching a soldier sizing up the enemy. Even Nesta was watching now, eyes trained on their dance before Mor snagged Nova by the wrist with a tight grip.
Nova moved closer to Mor rather than stepping away, pushing into her, forcing away her balance before her hand encompassed hers and squeezed, keeping her attached to her body. It was a technique Gwyn had taught her and one she'd become accustomed to. Placing her knee between Mor's legs, Nova forced her backward, but she didn't account for Mor's counter of releasing her grip and using the proximity to wrap around her neck.
Nova dropped to a squat, stuck her head between her legs, and plowed through so Mor was suddenly stationed on her shoulders. Using the thick muscles of her thighs, she lifted and slammed her backward, but with that, Mor wrapped her legs around and rolled them. It took a moment for Nova to grab her hips and use her thumbs to press into deep pressure points that forced her legs to loosen. Using the sudden freedom, she scrambled up and pushed her knee into her abdomen, careful not to actually bruise any organs. While pressed against her diaphragm, Mor released a breathy laugh before a sudden surge of strength forced Nova to her back, forcing the air from her lungs as Mor put her into the same position she'd just had her into.
"I'm impressed," Mor smiled, "But it will be a while before you can claim a victory on me."
Nova sucked in a breath, returning her darkening vision to bright clarity as she sat up. She didn't entirely mind losing, though she could feel the bruising to her ego if she prodded it enough. Looking up, she stared at Mor's outstretched hand and took it, getting to her feet.
Narrowing her eyes, Nesta watched them and slowly shook her head before returning to her book. "She was holding back." She muttered.
Cassian nodded, watching Nova from where he stood next to Nesta's seat. "I know."
The truth was, just as with anything in life, a person never knew their ultimate potential until faced with the direst of circumstances. While Nova might hold back a punch with her family, Cas and Az knew the reality. If she were to be placed in a life-or-death situation, an actual battle of power, Nova would surprise herself and everyone around her. They weren't worried about her.
Not anymore.
Nova glanced at the obstacle course on the far left of the training arena. She stared at the pole at the end of it, and the distant memory of something glistening at the top, beckoning her to reveal what it was, called to her. Instead, she turned and followed her family inside.
"You know," Rhysand smiled, giving her a sideways glance as they entered the townhouse, "I imagine you and Kyra will still get along very well."
Kyra...she knew that name but couldn't picture her face.
"I don't need distractions," Nova replied as she left to wash up after the training, one of Nesta's basic rules.
Stopping in the doorway, Rhysand raised his brows as he watched his daughter climb the stairs and disappear down the hall. Feyre frowned next to him and slowly shook her head, "Nesta...Nova did have friends on the Island, didn't she?"
Pursing her lips, Nesta held her book in a clenched fist by her side. "She's not exactly a socialite," she paused in the doorway to the kitchens to get herself more tea, "And a word of advice, don't push it."
Feyre met her eyes as she continued, "If you try to control her, I promise you will lose her."
With that, Nesta retreated into the kitchens. Cassian was followed behind her as Feyre and Rhys exchanged a worried glance.
"We simply tread carefully," Rhys smiled softly as he raised Feyre's hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss against her knuckles.
Nodding in agreement, Feyre couldn't shake the feeling something catastrophic was on the horizon.
One steaming shower later, Nova ventured into her bedroom wearing only a towel but stopped in her tracks as she passed a floor-to-ceiling length mirror. Swallowing, she glanced down at herself, peeked beneath the towel at her body, and quickly covered herself again. Shaking her head at her reflection, she sighed and walked to the closet where she'd stored away all of her clothes.
Soon, she was dressed in her usual attire and braiding her still damp hair while staring absently at the wall. From the corner of her eye however, she couldn't stop her eyes from lingering on the lute against the wall. Pursing her lips, she didn't dare touch it as she crept closer toward the window seat. Slinging her hair over the back of her shoulder, Nova picked up the stuffed fox and squirrel. She had seen them the night before, but now, holding them, she was met with another memory.
Coins. It had something to do with coins.
If only she could remember more, she might feel more connected to this place. Happier, even. Right now, she felt more like a shell of her old self. Missing Adira and her tree...there was a part of her that desperately wanted to go home.
Did the High Lords need her in attendance after all?
Her gaze drifted to the latch on the window seat. She instinctually reached down and pulled up, revealing a treasure trove inside: shells and coins, stacks of warped glass bottles, papers covered in incoherent scribbling. Bending to sit on her knees, she picked up one of the papers.
"Hm..." She murmured, then gingerly set it back into its place before standing to her feet again. The finding corroborated her family's stories, and she couldn't help but smile.
With one last glance at the lute, Nova turned and made her way downstairs, where she was greeted by the warm scent of peach cobbler. It was in the midst of baking, but Nova wouldn't mind taking a massive bite of it right then from how her mouth watered.
"Are you ready to explore the city?" Feyre asked, standing from her position on the chaise. "We'll walk around a little and then go to Rita's for dinner. How do you feel about dancing?"
Nova grimaced, and Rhysand snorted, "You know, you were quite lively on the dance floor the last time you were here."
Nodding, Nova pursed her lips, "I'm suddenly very grateful I don't remember that."
With a wide grin, he shook his head and chuckled, "Mor and Amren already left. We'll catch up with them eventually."
The rest of the group started the walk from the townhouse toward the city, making idle chit-chat as they walked. Az and Ana were quite close; Nova noticed but said nothing.
"Any word from Elain?" Nesta asked Feyre, her arm hooked with Cassian's.
Feyre frowned and shook her head, "I'm afraid not. She and Lucien want to visit but fear leaving will cause panic in the Spring Court."
"They'll be at the meeting, won't they?" Nova asked, and Rhysand nodded.
"They should be. I hope." He said, glancing at his daughter as they walked alongside each other on the path and smirked. "Cassian had a question for you."
Cassian furrowed his brow with confusion. "I did?"
"Hm, what did you do with his shoelaces?"
Tilting her head to the side, Nova looked over her shoulder at Cassian. "Shoelaces?"
He shook his head and laughed, "When we first found you in the forest, many of our items disappeared. Mostly our water jugs and my shoelaces. I always wondered what happened to them."
Nova reached into her mind's deep, long-forgotten crevices and tried to imagine the items being valuable to her. A familiar memory surfaced: warm moss and a misty morning—watching guppies swim in shallow waters only to be gobbled by a fish that leered nearby.
"I submerged a container with rocks and used the laces as a pulley on a branch. The guppies I caught helped me catch bigger fish."
All eyes landed on her, and Nova realized this wasn't a memory she had with them. If that were the case, and this was a memory from years before they found her, maybe her other memories would resurface with time.
Like remembering what happened to her wings.
"You know," Feyre murmured with a small smile, "Growing up, I hunted. I learned to track very well from it. That might be a skill worth exploring."
"She's an excellent tracker," Nesta said with a slight, proud smirk.
Feyre frowned a little as Nova looked over at Nesta and rolled her eyes with a smile. "You dropped me off in the forest, told me 'good luck,' and left."
Laughing, Nesta shook her head. "You found your way back, though, didn't you?"
"A skunk sprayed me."
"And you learned a lesson."
"Yeah, don't piss off Queen Bitch."
Nesta shoved Nova forward, but Nova only snickered, and soon, they entered the Rainbow District. Raising her brows, she paused to take it all in. She remembered nothing of the city the last time she was here, and after years of living in the camp, it was like seeing a city for the first time. Her window view from her bedroom was spectacular, but being on the streets was different.
They walked for a while, letting Nova take it in, but after turning a few corners, she began to notice strange behavior from the citizens.
"She's back." One woman whispered to another with a grin.
"It's her!" Another shouted not so discreetly.
Nova froze as a group of children ran past her on the street, giggling as they played a game of tag. Had she ever played a game like that when she was little? When she thought they were gone, the smallest girl in the group rushed up to her, standing directly in front of her. With red pigtails and a pale yellow dress, she extended her hand to Nova. In her clenched fist was a small, crushed daisy. Nova hesitated before letting her drop it into her palm, grinned through her freckles, and took off after the other children.
"They tell stories about the girl who returned home," Rhysand said gently, "You're as much of a household name here as we are."
Nova glanced at him. She didn't want to be a household name- what was she supposed to say to that? Nodding slowly, she didn't want to drop the flower to the ground, so she tucked it into her pocket, earning another grin from Rhysand.
"What?" Nova asked, arching a brow.
Rhysand shook his head as he smiled, "Nothing."
They turned the corner onto a street where rows of artwork lined the road. People walked up and down the strip, observing and making occasional offers. Nova had never seen so much color; it was almost too vibrant, yet she couldn't look away.
"Velaris is a city of art and beauty," Rhysand smiled fondly, "And it belongs to you, too."
Nova met his eyes and managed a small smile- maybe she'd have to visit after returning to the Island. She could bring Adira, she'd love to see a place like this. Before long, they entered the center of the Rainbow District, where she spotted more shops and the warm smell of cinnamon and vanilla infiltrated Nova's mind. It was the most comfortingly familiar thing she'd ever smelled, and her gaze drifted to its source. She paused to stare at a tall man with handsome features standing a little over ten feet away. He held a tray of steaming, warm, sticky buns drizzled in honey and smiled at her with warm eyes and deep dimples.
"Hi, Nova," Peter said, his voice as warm and soft as the pastries on his tray. He was a large, broad man, likely from running a bakery, given his apron.
Stealing an uneasy glance at Nesta, she pursed her lips. "How are you, Peter?" She asked, supplying the name for her.
Peter smiled and nodded, "Doing well. A lot of business today."
"I imagine," Feyre said, "We'll take a few of those buns if you have any left."
"Always," Peter replied with a smile, set the tray on its designated table of customers, and retreated inside to retrieve more.
Together, they sat around one of the larger tables when Ana said, "You and Peter were quite close before we left."
"He seems familiar." Nova nodded, though she kept her eyes on the table. She didn't like the strange stirring sensation deep within her belly. Enough of that, she scolded herself.
When Peter returned, Nova forced herself to focus on one of the buildings in the distance and the snowy mountain peaks beyond that. How long would it take to climb to the top, she wondered.
"I'm glad you're back," Peter said, forcing Nova to look at him as he set down the tray of sticky buns, "If you're not busy later, I'd love to catch up."
Nova glanced at Nesta, who shrugged, "It might be good for you. Maybe even help bring back your memories."
Peter frowned but didn't pry.
Swallowing, Nova slowly nodded and looked up at him. "I think that would be alright..." She nodded. It wasn't like it meant anything. They'd talk for a bit, and she'd see if being around someone she used to spend time with would bring back other lost echoes—no big deal.
Peter smiled and nodded. "I look forward to it." He left to greet another customer who entered the shop, and Nova turned to see Rhysand grinding his jaw as Feyre stared at the buns in the center of the table.
"You don't like Peter?" Nova asked, venturing a guess.
Az and Cassian exchanged a glance as Feyre quickly forced a smile and shook her head. "Peter is lovely. I'm glad you'll get to rekindle the time you had together."
It was an answer, and it was genuine enough, Nova thought. But something in her eyes told her there was more. Deciding not to delve further, Nova used her fork and took a bite. Her mouth flooded.
Was it possible to be turned on by a pastry?
"Still like them?" Cassian asked with a grin.
"Not to be dramatic, but I think I'd die for it."
Laughter erupted as Nova took another bite, smiling as she listened to the continued conversations. Before long, it was time to meet Mor and Amren at Rita's. The day was waning—how could the sun disappear so quickly? It felt as though they'd only just arrived, and Nova had no intentions of leaving yet, especially as they walked through the city, alight with new sights and smells.
Music floated down the street and greeted her—the sound of a lute that made her pause, but it wasn't an old woman with graying hair and wrinkled fingers creating the tune.
"Where was Edith buried?" Nova asked.
Rhysand smiled softly, "Not far in the forest. Az and Ana visited earlier today; we can go too if you'd like."
"No..." She trailed off. "I just wondered." Why was it something she wanted to know if she had no intention of visiting the site? Nova had no idea, but luckily, she didn't have to answer as they entered the restaurant and found Amren and Mor sitting at one of the massive round tables, waiting for them.
"Come on!" Mor grinned. "I'm already three drinks in."
Plates were passed around, and wine was poured. When the sloshing red liquid was placed in front of Nova, she reached for a glass of water instead.
"I'd go easy on the wine," Mor giggled and leaned against Azriel, to Ana's silent chagrin, "It's a bit strong tonight."
Nodding, Nova swallowed a bit more water. "Oh, I don't drink."
It wasn't that she didn't want to. There were times she was sure she'd enjoy it, but the horrible fear that came with the possibility of something going wrong forced her into a corner. Nova needed control over herself at all times, and if that were compromised...if she didn't have complete control, she wasn't sure what she'd do.
In her eyes, it was better not to risk it.
"Okay," Mor grinned, "Last night, you heard about stories the last time you were here. Now, what about stories from while on the Island? Surely there's something to tell?"
"She was an utter nightmare," Nesta answered, smirking as she side-eyed her.
Nova turned and playfully glared at her, "What the hell? I was delightful."
Nesta snorted in response, "Yes, when you were asleep."
"You exaggerate," Nova waved her hand and took a bite of hearty soup, brushing away her tall tales.
"You threw forks at people."
"They tried to take my cookie," Nova said, raising her hands in exasperation.
Rolling her eyes, Nesta grinned and shook her head. "You're full of shit."
Together, she and Nesta reminisced while Ana occasionally gave her account when they couldn't agree on the details, like when Nova stole Nesta's clothes, thinking she was helping by cleaning them in the river, only to scrub a hole in them.
"I'll never forget or forgive the time you inadvertently led those chickens into my cabin," Nesta said, narrowing a gaze on her.
Cackling, Nova shook her head, "Oh, I did that on purpose."
Nesta's jaw dropped, and her eyes widened as Cassian covered his mouth with his arm to keep himself from laughing. "You what?"
"You told me I wasn't collecting eggs the 'right way,'" she said, using air quotes, "So I said, fuck it, here's special delivery of poultry and feathers."
Rhysand snorted, shaking his head with a growing grin, a delighted twinkle in his eyes as he watched his daughter. He could hear her stories all night—listening to her perspective was everything he'd ever wanted. When they'd lost her the first time, he hadn't known if he'd ever hear her voice. Yet, here she was, talking and laughing with her family.
The warmth that filled his chest was almost overwhelming. He glanced at Feyre, and his expression dropped a little. She was watching Nesta and Nova intently with a tight, forced smile.
Is everything alright? He brushed against her mind.
Feyre met his gaze and smiled softly, nodding before moving her focus to her uneaten dinner. She had no right to feel this way, but since they'd arrived, a sickening sensation warped something inside her chest, threatening to bubble out at any moment.
"What time is it?" Nova asked.
Feyre spoke, it was the first thing she'd said since arriving at Rita's, "I imagine Peter is waiting for you."
"You don't mind, do you?" Nova asked, and Feyre parted her lips to answer. However, Nova had turned her attention back to Nesta, and Feyre's heart sank like a stone in her chest.
"Of course not," Nesta shook her head. "We plan to go to the House of Wind after we leave here. Do you remember the directions I gave? ""
Smiling, Nova nodded, "I remember. I'll see you then." She said goodbye to the table and left Rita's unaware of the ice-filled scowl Feyre wore against, glowering at Nesta.
Retracing her steps from the Sidra to the bakery, Nova saw Peter leaning against the wall. His apron was gone, leaving him in a gray shirt and black slacks. His smile broadened as she approached and Nova couldn't help but smile in return.
"Hey..." She said, stopping a few feet in front of him.
"Hey..." Peter echoed. He laughed and awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck before biting his lower lip. "I couldn't help but overhear earlier. You lost your memories?"
Nova swallowed and wondered if this was a conversation he wanted to have. It couldn't be easy being told someone you cared about forgot you. "I have memories," he assured him, "They're just sort of...dormant."
Nodding slowly, Peter took in the information with a small smile, "I suppose we'll just have to make new ones, won't we?"
She blinked with surprise, unable to stop the strange flutter in her belly, and nodded, "I...suppose so."
"We can walk around if you'd like. Go to the beach? We used to collect shells."
"Shells?" Nova asked, thinking back to the collection she saw inside the window seat earlier.
Peter grinned, "Yeah. We collected jars of them. You said you wanted to make them into art."
Trying to scrounge up the memory, Nova couldn't pull it, but she nodded with a smile, "Let's go to the beach."
It wasn't a long walk, but it was a nice one. Peter was easy to talk to, leaving little room for Nova to feel out of place.
"You own the bakery then?" She asked as they stepped onto the first patch of sand. Taking a moment to remove her socks and shoes, she let her feet sink into it. She'd loved the beach on the island. It was a day's trip, but it had always been worth it.
Nodding, Peter smiled solemnly, "My mother had been wounded the night of the attack. We never knew an infection had set in, so Madja treated it, but it returned continuously. It was a never-ending cycle. She lived much longer than we expected, but eventually, it was too much."
"I'm so sorry," Nova whispered, turning to look up at him.
Peter nodded, "I don't mean to bring the mood down," he smiled sheepishly, "But yes, I own and run the bakery full-time."
"You do nice work with it," Nova said, picking her way with him toward the water, happy to let the breaking waves lap against her toes. "Ana tried to teach me how to bake," she admitted, "But it's not really where my strengths lie."
"Oh?" Peter grinned and raised a brow. "And where do your strengths lie?"
Nova stepped further into the sea, embracing the crashing foam against her ankles.
"Let me guess," Peter continued, and Nova glanced at him with a slight smirk, the moon the only light she could use to watch his expression. "You know how to put people on their ass?"
Barking a laugh, Nova grinned. "You're not wrong..."
"I had a feeling," Peter chuckled, joining her in the water, "You always were spirited in that regard."
Nova scoffed. "I did not kick put people on their ass while I was here."
"Tell that to Bran."
The name, again, was familiar, but she couldn't place a face.
"You bit him on the obstacle course and sent him on his back."
Nova's brows raised, "Oh, Cassian told me about that last night. Something about a key."
"He gave you the key for Solstice."
"He did?"
"Mmhm," Peter smiled crookedly and shifted his body to face her, "Believe it or not, you had everyone here wrapped around your finger."
Nova rolled her eyes and snorted, "I'm so sure."
"You did," Peter said a little more earnestly.
This time, Nova met his gaze only to realize he was telling the truth. Unsure of what prompted her to say it, she asked, "I had you wrapped around my finger?"
The corner of his lips turned up, "Guilty..."
Certainly, he was just being polite. She was an absolute menace to society from the stories she'd been told. How could anyone have willingly wanted her around? Finally, she said, "I don't know if I believe that. I caused havoc according to everyone else."
Laughing, Peter nodded as he stuffed his hands into his pants pocket. "I know."
Nova sighed and shook her head, biting her lip as she looked down at her hidden feet. "You said shells?" She asked, glancing up to find him watching her—a fond twinkle in his eyes.
"Yes, we searched all day for them."
"Alright, then start searching."
Laughing, they fell to the wet sand, ignoring the stains that marked their clothing as they began combing through with their fingers. Each shell they found was set into a pile, and broken shells were tossed back into the waves.
"So, do we make art with it?" Nova asked.
"How?" Peter countered, raising a single brow.
Observing the pile of shells they'd already collected, Nova contemplated while searching her memory of past oceanic teachings from Ana. The science books had always fascinated her, but there was one page in particular she'd always loved reading, over and over.
"I love whales," she said, "We can make a whale."
"Okay." Peter nodded, not questioning, and together, they created an outline of a large whale. From tip to tail, it was a sizeable creation. "Out of curiosity," he smiled as he placed light-colored shells along the whale's belly, stealing glances at her every so often as she constructed the water spurting from the blow hole, "Why do you like whales?"
"Hm," Nova collected her thoughts. "I learned about them from Ana's book. I remember I kept talking about them. I asked so many questions—I was probably annoying." She smiled fondly at the memory. Well, one day, Nesta woke me up in the middle of the night and took me to the beach. We stayed there for days. We cooked our fish on the fire and slept under the stars."
Peter smiled, sitting back on the sand and listening, "And you got to see a whale?"
"No, I never did," Nova smiled softly, "That sounds a little sad, I know, but it's one of my favorite memories."
"Because she was there for you." Peter rested his chin on his knees, studying her. "She knew it was important to you, so she did what she could to give it to you."
Nova met his eyes as she placed the last shell into its spot.
"It's what you do for the people you love."
Pursing her lips, she nodded, "I suppose so."
They exchanged a small smile and relished in the sound of crashing waves.
Having parted ways from Peter at the bottom of the stairs, Nova trekked her way up, wondering if Ana had brought the peach cobbler. After her excursion with Peter on the beach, that sounded like a wonderful treat. While she was excited to see the House of Wind for the first time, she had also trained her brain to avoid questions. Nothing had happened, of course, but she didn't want to go into what they'd discussed.
How had it been so easy to be around him?
The story she'd told him tonight was one she'd only ever told Adira, and that was once when she was exhausted post orgasm. It was a little alarming if she were honest. To be so open with him, but how he looked at her felt so inviting, as if she could trust him with all her secrets. She couldn't, of course. No matter how kind someone seemed, some things were better kept to herself.
Nova already had a dismissive response armed and ready in case anyone tried to pry, but as she entered the house, she was met with two familiar voices caught in a heated argument.
"I am her mother, Nesta. Not you." Feyre practically snarled.
"Do you think I'm ignorant of that?" Nesta bit back. "What did you think would happen by sending us away together? That I'd treat her poorly so you could be the hero when we returned?"
"Of course not..."
"You and Rhysand asked me to take care of her, yet you're upset that I have?"
"I wanted you to be her aunt, not her mother. I wanted you to take care of her as your niece."
"Nova is my niece, but I don't get to decide how she views me. It is not my fault you are not a mother in her eyes. You had the choice, Feyre. You could have followed Kallias and Viviane's footsteps and kept her here."
"So she could be a prisoner in her own Court? That wasn't an option."
"Then don't bitch to me because you didn't get your way."
Cassian suddenly coughed, "Uhm...you might want to lower your voice..."
Turning to glare at him, Nesta and Feyre caught sight of Nova, standing wide-eyed in the open doorway. Feyre's jaw dropped as Rhysand's eyes slowly closed, awaiting the moment to ensue. He'd kept his mouth shut as Feyre relieved her frustrations, but now he wasn't sure that was the best idea.
"Nova..." Feyre began.
Nova took a slow, deep breath as she tried to reel in the shock of their argument. It hadn't occurred to her that she treated Nesta more like a mother than an aunt, but it made sense now that she thought back. A heavy weight of guilt filled her chest as she pursed her lips into a thin line, avoiding the concerned gazes of everyone in the room.
"I'm sorry," Nova said directly to Feyre, "It was never my intention to make you feel that way..."
"No, Nova," Feyre shook her head, "I was wrong to speak like that."
Nova didn't respond.
The guilt that crushed her chest wasn't something she was at fault for. She couldn't control how she'd been raised, but how was she supposed to suddenly see Nesta differently? Was she supposed to speak with her less? Was she to ask Feyre the questions she usually asked Nesta? It was a sudden and confusing twist she hadn't expected, let alone on her second night here.
If she were to be honest, Nova had no intention of entertaining their dispute. Not openly, at least. This would have to be something they worked out themselves because to get involved would shine lights Nova wasn't ready to see.
"I think I'm going to turn in for the night..." Nova finally said to the quiet room, and despite having just climbed the stairs up, she was more than ready to descend them if it meant she could leave the awkward space behind.
With Nova gone, Rhys wrapped a comforting arm around his mate's waist and pulled her close to his chest.
"Nova is your daughter, Feyre," Nesta said, her voice gentler than it had been moments before, "But I am not at fault for caring about her. I took care of her those years, not you. I helped her go to sleep through the nightmares, and I trained her and taught her self-worth. I did that. And you don't get to take it away because you wish it had been you."
Tears rolled down Feyre's reddened cheeks, but she said nothing as Nesta turned and departed to her rooms. When she was gone, Feyre slowly sank into her chair and shook her head.
"I can't believe I said those things..." She massaged her temples as Rhys slid next to her.
"You can't believe you said it, or you can't believe Nova heard it?"
Feyre's eyes flitted toward him.
"It's partially our fault," Ana said gently as she sat on another couch beside Azriel, and they all looked at her for answers. "Of course, she'd been told about you. About everyone, but the more we told her, the more violent she became. We..." Ana swallowed. "We thought it best to let her mind heal before bringing up the topic again, but when we did...she had a minimal reaction—almost none. We didn't know what to do at first, but the nightmares were becoming less frequent. The more she forgot, the happier she seemed. I know it sounds like a terrible thing, and perhaps it is. I watched her latch onto Nesta like an anchor. A pillar of strength in the constant storm inside of her and...I let it. I'm so sorry. I know it wasn't ideal, but it was the only thing that seemed to help."
Feyre wiped a stray tear from her cheek and nodded slowly, "I...understand." She said, fighting the quiver in the voice. "If it was best for Nova, then I accept it."
"You were not forgotten in the first days," Ana murmured. "She cried every moment of the day. She asked for you. All of you."
Fresh tears welled in her eyes as well as Rhysands.
"She didn't understand where everyone had gone, but those past relationships can be rekindled now that she's returned. You both need more time."
The sourc𝗲 of this content is freēwēbηovel.c૦m.
Feyre nodded slowly, rubbing her brows before resting her lips against her fingers. "The problem is, time is something we don't have."