A Billion Dollar Exchange-Chapter 283: Youre a monster!

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283 You're a monster!

''Wait, you sacked everyone in the house? ''

Liling asked; her eyes wide opened.

''Yes, everyone ''

''Liu Wei, that house is so big, how do we stay there alone? Who would do all the cleaning? ''

Liling asked, chuckling. She wondered how they would keep everywhere neat, since they were both so busy.

''We'll move to a smaller home then, just the two of us.''

Liu Wei replied with a shrug and Liling slightly patted on his shoulders.

''Don't waste money, we'll stay there. Since you don't want anybody in the house again, we'll do the cleaning on Saturdays? ''

Liu Wei pouted; ''I don't know how to clean and we can't possible clean that whole house, we're moving out. ''

''You would have thought of that before sending everyone packing, '' Liling muffled her laughter as she watched his expression.

''But what if she isn't the only one against you, I can't put your life out there on the line. ''

Her heart warmed, she knew he did it because of her. ''Alright, I understand. We'll figure out what to do when the time comes, okay? ''

''Yan Ran, I told you not to get caught!? And why in hell did you call me? Am I your relation? Do you want to get me implicated? ''

Da Xia, who was putting on black shades and a hood, scolded Yan Ran, who was sitting with handcuffs in front of her.

''Oh stop shouting, I'm having a headache! '' 𝑓𝚛𝚎ℯ𝘸𝙚𝘣𝚗𝘰νeƖ.c𝒐𝐦

She rolled her eyes. She looked beaten. Da Xia couldn't tell if it was the police or her inmates that beat her up. Her eyes were already purple.

After some seconds of silence, Da Xia continued;

''Why did you send for me? ''

''I need you to bail me out.'' 𝘧r𝑒𝘦𝒘𝘦𝙗novel.𝐜o𝒎

Yan Ran said nonchalantly_ unperturbed, as though she was confident that she would get bailed out. Da Xia could not believe what she had just heard; it was the funniest joke of the century. An uncontrollable laughter escaped her lips, after sometime she asked;

''What makes you think that I would bail you out? Do you even know what you are talking about? You killed my fiancés' child and you expect me to bail you out, do you even hear yourself?''

Yan Ran raised her eyes to stare at Da Xia, after a few seconds, she chuckled sardonically; ''You needed to see your face when you said that__ You killed my fiancés' child… , wake up Da Xia, the child in question was in the belly of another woman and you, his 'fiancée' masterminded the killing, so why the innocent face?''

Da Xia's lips fell open;

''I masterminded the killing? Ha! You are insane, you were the one you called to tell me that she was pregnant and opted for the child to be killed! I just told you not to get caught, how is that …''

Yan Ran burst out laughing.

She concluded with a sarcastic laughter.

''You recorded the call? ''

Da Xia asked, a little scared.

''Come on, Da Xia, are you that dumb? How would I succeed in killing the child before Liling would realize that she was pregnant without being caught? I knew I would get caught that's why I planned ahead of time. You see, things are complicated right now, everyone knows you tried to harm her before, if the recording gets leaked, do you think that the Fa family would want to have anything to do with you? ''

Da Xia was already shaking on her spot, she clutched her handbag tightly.

''You… you are a monster! '' She said, a little tremble in her voice.

Yan Ran laughed harder. ''You need to be wise Da Xia; you're in a tight corner right now but it's a pity that the only choice you have is to get me out of here, and be quick, this place is really uncomfortable.

Da Xia dragged a breath; ''How do I know that you have a recording? ''

''Oh, about that, you can wait; you have five days to get me out of here or Mr. Fang Ru would get the recording first, maybe you can hear it then. ''

Da Xia forced herself up from the seat.

''You'll pay dearly for this! ''

''I know, just get me out of here first and be quick, I lose my patience easily.''

Da Xia glared at her angrily before turning around and stomping out.

After two days Liling couldn't bear to stay in the hospital anymore. Liu Wei practically did everything for her. He bath her, fed her, watched her sleep to name a few. She was getting tired of being looked after as though she was a child, and besides Liu Wei hadn't been to the company since he returned, sometimes when she woke up, she would find him working on his laptop or having a conference call. When she couldn't take it any longer, she troubled Liu Wei to get her discharged.

After getting her medications, they left the hospital.

After about fifteen minutes, Liling noticed that they weren't going to their home. She creased her brows as she turned to stare at Liu Wei.

''Where are we going to? ''

''Home, we've moved. ''

Liu Wei replied, his eyes still on the road.

''Liu Wei, I thought we agreed not to waste money. ''

''I didn't, it's a penthouse and we can have our privacy. ''

Liling couldn't reply; he practically always had his way.

It was one of Liu Wei's hotels in Beijing, so naturally, the penthouse belonged to him, and so he didn't have to spend a dime.

''When do we get our stuff? ''

''I've moved them already. '' Liu Wei replied.

''Wow, this place is nice… and comfy. ''

Liling exclaimed when they arrived at the penthouse. A happy smile spread across her lips as she looked around the whole place. There was a staircase leading upstairs, to the bedroom; on the first floor was the spacious parlor and kitchen and there was a beautiful balcony. For a moment, Liling loved the idea of moving.

''So, we have this place all to ourselves? ''

She said, turning around to look at Liu Wei, who just closed the door and came to hug her around the waist. Liling placed her hands around his neck as a grin spread across her lips;

''Do you like it?''

''No, I love it! ''

Liu Wei smiled; he knew she would like it.

''Yeah, we would stay here for now until everything dies down. At least my father doesn't know where you are anymore. ''

Liling chuckled and pulled him closer, covering his lips.

''I missed you. ''

Liling said deepening the kiss, just when the kiss was about to get heated, Liu Wei pulled away.

''No, Liling, the doctor said no sex till after a month.''

He had a hard time controlling himself, but he had to. He wasn't about to hurt her again.

Liling's eyes widened as her lips fell open;

Read Kill the Sun