6 Times a Day-Chapter 1222 - 1216 [3.5K words]
Chapter 1222 -1216 [3.5K words]
When Adrian woke up and opened his eyes, the first thing he heard was Brenda shouting, "He's up!"
Then he heard Anika say from much farther away, "Okay, ya. Got it."
His senses cleared and he felt his mother's hands running through his short hair. He felt he was lying back on two comfy pillows, but then it dawned on him, Those aren't pillows; they're Momma's tits!
With a start, he turned around and confirmed his guess. He was disappointed to see that his cum was all gone. (Had it not, much of it would have ended up in his hair already.) He also was sad to see that she was wearing clothes again. But that was more than made up for the fact that her breasts were hanging out of her top and that he was able to raise a hand and latch onto one of Brenda's enormous breasts.
Brenda laughed, and then shouted to Anika, "He's okay! I can tell he's getting better fast 'cos his hand just discovered my breasts!" She sat up and playfully tried to get away, but didn't try too hard. Adrian ended up reaching around her to keep fondling her boobs with both hands.
The sound of Anika's cackling laughter came from the kitchen. "How are you feeling, Pooh Bear?" Brenda asked, still stroking his hair.
At first, he felt bad about spanking his mother. But he was quickly distracted from negative thoughts because of where his hands were. He was nearly delirious with joy as he ran his hands all over her tits, like this would be the one and only time in his life he'd get to touch them and he had to live the experience to its fullest. Fondling her ass was great for him, but from his point of view it was just the appetizer and the breast groping he was doing now was the full course meal. The room practically spun around for him and his heartbeat pounded so loudly in his ears that he could barely hear his own thoughts.
Somehow, he managed to say, "Never better, Momma. Wow, what a day!" He was still so wiped out from his latest orgasm that he couldn't keep his hand up for tit fondling, but he loved it too much to stop. He was dimly aware that she was wearing some kind of maid outfit, but that fact hadn't really registered in his brain yet, especially since all of his attention was focused on her chest.
Brenda's eyes went wide. "Aidy! My Pooh Bear!" "What, Ma?"
"It's just that... your hands feel so... GOOD!" She thought, I can feel his sexual hunger and need, even in his exhausted state. He loves these boobs of mine so much! Maybe there's something extra special about pure incest that even my master can't match?
He just groaned with contentment as he groped.
However, Brenda could tell he was on sensory overload and weary, so she rather forcefully turned him back around and brought his head down into her chest. "Don't worry, Pooh Bear, you'll be playing with my tits a lot more often from now on. Big tits like these are there to be enjoyed, don't you think?" She almost launched into an explanation of the "Big Tits Theory," but decided that now wasn't the time.
Giving in to exhaustion, he resumed using her fluffy yet firm orbs as wonderful pillows.
After they cuddled for a minute or so, Brenda said, "You're right; today has been quite a day. A great day. However, it's a sad day for me too. I never knew about these bullies. That hurt me terribly to hear. Tell me. If they were beating you up, how is it I never noticed? Surely you would have a black eye or something like that?"
"No. After the first couple of times, they avoided my face so they wouldn't get in trouble. They'd hit me in the stomach and kick me. In fact, one of their other names for me is 'The Punching Bag.' But at least they're careful not to cause any permanent damage. Again, I guess they're staying on the safe side so they can always have me to punch again the next day."
"Oh God! How horrible!" Brenda realized this went beyond the usual bullying stories to a downright humiliating and nightmarish situation that probably made Adrian a pariah in his classes. "Why didn't you do something or say something?! I'm so proud you stood up for me; you were so brave! Brave, but foolish. They're bigger kids from the older classes, right?"
"They are," he admitted. "Some of them. You know Jack? Or Ryan? Or Van? The really big guys. Van's a good name 'cos he's the size of a van. Some of them are even on the varsity football team. Why do they even bother with a nobody like me? I don't get it. But most are from my classes and they're just meaner and stronger than me."
"Dear me! It sounds like a whole horde of thugs. I can't let that happen! You should have TOLD me! And you're not a nobody; you're my precious Pooh Bear!" She snuggled up to him and hugged him from behind.
"But what can you do, Ma? Expel like twenty guys? How could you do that? The thing is, a lot of 'losers' like me get picked on. There are fights after school every day and no one cares 'cos they take place just off school grounds. I figured if I just put up with it long enough, eventually they'd get bored of me and pick on some other guys. And that's kind of happened; they don't beat me up as much as they did a few months ago at the end of the last school year. Maybe they're growing out of it or something."
"Adrian! No! You can't just hope to wait it out. That's what the old Adrian would do. When one bully gets through with you another one will come along to prove himself on easy pickings. We're going to do something!"
"But what can you do? I didn't tell you because all you can do is pity me and think I'm a loser like everyone else."
"Oh! Aidy! My Pooh Bear." Brenda lifted his upper body and turned him around so they could sit up face to face. In the process she fully revealed to him that she was wearing a French maid outfit with her boobs hanging out. (He mentally acknowledged the uniform but still didn't really take any time to think about it.) It was clear she had cleaned up a bit as well while he was passed out.
Anika was standing by too, putting reheated food back on the table. But she stood by just watching.
Brenda said, "Aidy, I can see now why you've become so timid. Between Anika and me babying and spoiling you too much at home, and the bullies at school, it's no wonder... Oh! Is it okay if I still call you 'Pooh Bear' or is that part of the problem?"
Adrian thought about that. He felt conflicted, but he finally replied with a grin, "It's probably part of the problem, but I love it so please don't stop."
Brenda hugged him happily, making sure to rub her bare chest all over him as much as possible. But then she pulled away and said, "Anika and I were talking about this while you were asleep. We both feel confident that your problems will be over soon because we're putting Suzanne on the case."
"Suzanne? Is that one of the women in Alan's so-called harem that you mentioned?"
"Yes, and it's not a 'so-called' harem; it IS a harem! You'll see soon enough. Don't you remember her when she came over the other day and sat in the Jacuzzi with me?"
"Oh. THAT Suzanne." He thought, My God, she's almost as sexy as Ma is!
"Yes. I asked her to come over right away, and she was kind enough to agree to stop by later this afternoon. She's going to get to the bottom of this and make those bullies wish they'd never been born!"
"But how?"
"I don't know," Brenda admitted. "If it were up to me, I'd just yank you from that school tomorrow and put you in a nicer, private one. But the one I'm thinking of would be such a long commute: about an hour away. Suzanne though, she'll think of something better to do to fix things. She's like an unstoppable force of nature."
He furrowed his brow. "Oh. If you say so... But... if she's so unstoppable, then what's she doing in a harem?"
Brenda looked at him impatiently. "You have so much to learn, Aidy. She's not just in a harem; she's in ALAN'S harem. You still have no idea what that means. Any big-titted woman would
kill to be in that harem, if she knew anything about it."
"But why big-titted?"
Anika interrupted, saying, "Your foot is gettink cold."
Brenda pulled Adrian up. "Anika is right. We heated the turkey up one time; let's not do it again. We can talk about Alan and his harem some other time. Obviously I'm not doing a good job with that and I keep upsetting you, but perhaps Suzanne will be able to explain it better.
Come, let's eat!"
Adrian took a seat. But he was mindful that his pants were now down to his knees, and that his mother's maid outfit completely failed to cover her privates. "Um, what about our clothes?"
"If your Ma does something bad, don't you want quick access to spank her naughty butt? And Momma wants quick access to help you get relief too. You probably don't have Alan's recuperative powers, and you're just starting out. But I'll bet I'm gonna help you out quite a lot before the day is over." Brenda winked.
Adrian thought, This Alan guy is really starting to piss me off. What's his deal? Is he superhuman or something? I'm almost getting scared to meet him. But on the other hand, I can't get too mad when Ma is talking about helping me out so much. What a day!
Anika, Brenda, and Adrian all sat in the chairs they were sitting in before.
Brenda ostentatiously wiggled around in her chair, setting her twin mountains swinging. "Boy, it's so uncomfortable to sit after my strong and handsome man whacked my ass so hard. I'd better stroke his thing to a great big cummy explosion later so he won't get in the mood to spank me again."
He frowned as he thought back on the spanking he'd just given. He admitted, "Ma, to be
honest, I loved everything about the spanking except for the actual spanking part. I loved all the touching and fondling. But I don't know if I'm the kind of guy who could really do that to you a lot. I love you too much to hurt you, and it feels like I'm hurting you." Brenda was very disappointed to hear that, but she tried not to show it. Instead, she leaned forward and whispered, "That's sweet. But don't worry too much about that. Anything you do to me makes me hot and creamy!"
He was grateful he was flaccid at the moment because he knew that if he'd been hard he would have immediately cum on the spot. He wanted to say something sexy back, but just stood there staring. He still couldn't believe the remarkable turn of events in the last day or two.
Brenda leaned over even more, and said, "Speaking of hot and creamy, you know where I'd just love for you to stick your thing?" She pressed her arms in to squeeze her tits together and looked down significantly at her cavernous cleavage.
Anika cut in. "Okay, already. Enuff, you two luffbirds. Now de foot is definitely gettink cold. Eat!" She paused, then joked, "And by de vay, it's not a tink; it's a dorkus."
The other two had a good laugh over that, and the joke brought Adrian a little bit more down
to Earth. They resumed the meal where they'd left off. Since all three were quite hungry, Brenda put off any sexy teasing for a while.
As the meal started to wind down though, curiosity finally got the best of Adrian, and he
asked, "Momma, can I ask why you're wearing that silly outfit?" He remembered that he'd seen thirty or more French maid outfits in her bedroom but still didn't understand why.
"Sure you can, Pooh Bear. You can ask me anything you want. This uniform is symbolic. I'm wearing this to show you that even though I'm serving my master Alan, from now on I'm also going to serve you. I have all the money in the world and can do anything I like, I know. But I'm a natural submissive and this is what I like best, serving the two men in my life and keeping their balls well-drained at all times. You know the greatest thing about the French
maid outfit?"
Adrian gulped. "What's that?"
"The feather duster! Just think of all the fun we could have with that!"
He nearly fell out of his chair. He fully expected that everything that had happened to him was just one extremely prolonged wet dream and that he'd be waking up at any moment. His pants were still around his knees, but he didn't care anymore if Anika saw or if anyone else saw. Eventually, they ran out of milk and Anika automatically started to get up to get it. But Brenda put a hand on her shoulder and said, "Allow me." She stood up, but kept her legs
stiff as boards and bent over her chair like she'd lost a contact lens in the seat and was taking a long time to find it. In fact, she just wanted him to get a long look at her red ass and juicy pussy. She didn't even really need to bend over so much, as the French maid outfit made very little attempt to cover her ass cheeks from view even if she were standing straight.
As she remained bent at a ninety-degree angle, she thought, It's so true what I just said about
money. What could I possibly do with my money that would make me happier than I am right now? Good God, I think I'm gonna cum; if only Aidy would touch my clit!
Adrian enjoyed the ass show but he didn't really go completely ga-ga until Brenda got the milk from the kitchen and began sashaying her way back to the table. He was a breast man through and through, even more so than Alan (which was saying quite a lot), and the sight of her wobbling melons was what finally got him hard again.
As Brenda sat back down, still high on lust and flirting with an orgasm, Anika joked, "Aidy, you vant me to vear dat kind of outfit now too?"
He laughed. "Anika, I love you, but please! No offense, but that idea is just... eww!" Anika laughed with the others, but wistfully wished she could be nearly fifty years younger
and really wear something like that. She consoled herself that at least she could live vicariously through Brenda.
However, the conversation soon turned serious, as Anika's and Brenda's concern for him couldn't be contained.
Adrian began telling them details about his school life that he'd been too ashamed to share
before. They generally stayed away from discussing his beatings, since Brenda made it clear that that topic should wait until Suzanne arrived, but it turned out that that wasn't Adrian's only problem at school. Bullies shook him down for money, teachers ignored him, girls avoided him like the plague, and everyone generally considered him uncool and unworthy of talking to. He didn't get good enough grades to be considered a nerd, but being labeled "loser" made being called a nerd almost an attractive step up on the social ladder. He
admitted that just about the only positive thing in his life were his fantasies about his mother, plus his passion for music.
Both Brenda and Anika were shaken by the revelations, which put a big damper on what would have otherwise been a gloriously arousing and liberating day for both mother and son. During a quiet moment, Brenda thought to herself, I've been a horrible, horrible mother! How
could I be so blind about my son's life? I thought he was happy and that I was an involved parent. But the reality is, especially with this divorce in the last year, I've been completely self-absorbed. Heck, even at the best of times I'm so spoiled that I wouldn't be able to last a day without Anika helping me in everything. Things are going to have to change around here, big time! Serving Master Alan and my mistresses at the Plummer house is all well and good, but it can't come at the expense of my poor Pooh Bear!
This chapt𝓮r is updat𝒆d by ƒreeωebnovel.ƈom.
And as if that isn't bad enough, I've got him terribly confused about Alan. I really should tone it down about my master for a while. But then again, I can see why he's confused because I'm confused too. I feel I'd give my heart and soul to each of them, but how can that be?