Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic-Chapter 68Book 6:

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Book 6: Chapter 68


I spend several more minutes considering the subject before Gramps pats me on the head and says I should go join the others and enjoy the reception instead of getting stuck in my head. So I do just that. I spend the rest of the reception laughing and talking with Belle, Arthur, and everyone else.

Then the first day of their little wedding ceremony comes to a close and the second day starts.

Leaving me just kinda sitting on a foldable beach chair sipping a tropical smoothie in a two-piece swimsuit. Albeit with my jacket still on partially covering me even if it’s not zipped. Just watching everyone else play in the water. Especially the kids, since there are more than just Ryan here in terms of kids.

After all, some of the other demons and Knights had kids too.

I glance at the kitsune girl playing with Ryan. The daughter of the Black Knight of Humanity and the leader of the Kitsune Clan.

And other than her, there’s also Allen and Cynthia’s kid. Since they had one too, although I wasn’t introduced to her until recently. Something about the young girl being nervous about meeting me.

All of them are just playing in the water, with some of their parents alongside them. Except Amaterasu, who is playing around with Will further away. Leaving their kid to Father to take care of.

And I have to say, the kid definitely takes after her parents.

Although more after the mother than the father in terms of appearance.

I continue lying here under the shade of a palm tree for a while before Belle leaves the kids and her husband to walk over towards me with a smile on her face.

“I’ve noticed something in all the years I’ve known you, Scarlet,” Belle says while stopping right in front of me and kneeling down, the girl wearing a two piece swimsuit herself that matches mine in everything but the color. With mine being my usual black and red.

“What?” I ask with a slight tilt of my head.

She reaches forwards and flicks me in the forehead. Only to flinch slightly herself and pull her hand back, holding it to her chest as if she hurt it. Which she likely did, seeing as she flicked me. And someone of her Class flicking me is probably like someone flicking a block of concrete.

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“You overthink everything and get lost in your own head,” she says, apparently deciding to act like she didn’t just fail miserably at flicking me. “Stop that.”

I blink at her before raising a brow and asking, “And how should I do that?”

Belle sits down on a folded beach chair that is right next to the one I’m on before turning to her side to look at me as she says, “Simple. What is your current problem?”

I frown for a second, only to give a mental shrug and answer, “I don’t have any goal or thing to work for. Nothing that I can see myself doing over the years. Nothing I can strive for, and nothing to hunt.”

She claps her hands with a smile and says, “Well then, why don’t you think outside of the box, then? Figure out how to solve that problem. To make a goal for yourself that you can strive for that’ll fix all of your issues. And if you can’t do that, then just do what you want.” A sly smirk stretches across her face. “But I’m sure if anyone can do something like that, it’s you.”

That has me frowning even more.

“Make a goal? Like what?” I ask while crossing my arms and sitting up a bit on the chair.

“Easy!” Belle exclaims with a wide grin on her face. “Make a place you can hunt in! It’s as simple as that, miss Goddess!”

Her words make me blink in surprise before she jumps to her feet off of the chair and begins running off in Arthur’s direction while shouting at me, “Just think it over!”

I watch her run back to her husband for a few seconds, then I look down at my hand in my lap as her words run through my head over and over again.

Create a place I can hunt in… create a place… goddess…

Is that even… possible?

One possibility after another floods my mind at the question. Whether it’s me grabbing non-sapient demons and bringing them to some secluded world before training them, or me creating a world made of metallicized blood to train monsters.

Or maybe I could use the magical realities to do it.

But the problem is that if a demon, even a non-sapient one, grow strong enough, they’ll develop sapience. They’ll start to actually think and become a person.

And while I want to hunt, I’d rather not just slaughter a civilization or something stupid like that.

Even if I could probably bring them all back to life again.

Also, if I remember correctly, my Red Plague is too strong for artificial realities. It would just shatter the reality.

I frown even harder as I stare down at my hand, letting the glowing red veins appear and fade again for a second in my thought. Then I raise my head to look at the others who are all splashing around having fun.


Well, I have all the time in the universe to figure this out.

I give off a slight chuckle as I dissipate my jacket and get up from the chair, stretching a little.

Maybe I could just make trying to figure out what my next goal should be my goal. That would be amusing.

The others all look at me in surprise when I join them in the water. But then they all quickly get into it.

All while everyone at the show who isn’t in my normal group and are just friends of the bride and groom look on in shock and whisper about the ‘Goddess of Blood’ joining in playing in the water and stuff.

But I ignore it.

It’s not happening. ƒreewebηoveℓ.com

I smile widely as I play with them, happy that I at least have a bit of a direction for what’s next.