What It's Like Being a Vampire-Chapter 390 - The Chosen One (Part 1)

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Chapter 390: Chapter 390 The Chosen One (Part 1)

Yangcheng City, on a bustling pedestrian street outside a university.

A young man of average looks, slightly above 1.7 meters tall, with fair skin and a slender figure, strolled leisurely with a drink in his hand; just like most of the young students on the street, he attracted no attention and no one gave him a second glance.

His name was Fan Jiading, an ordinary junior majoring in marketing.

His academic performance was mediocre, only putting in a burst of effort at the library when exams were approaching, managing to barely pass his subjects.

He wasn’t particularly interested in his major; instead, his main interests lay in reading novels, taking videos, and gaming. He was working on a personal project on livestreams and videos, trying to figure out a way to stand out and make a fortune in this field; however, after two years, the total number of followers he gained across all platforms had not yet reached four-digit figures, and he had not earned even a penny from it.

As a young man in his twenties, it was natural for Fan Jiading to have a crush— and his was a senior in the graphic design department. She was almost as tall as him even without heels, was very attractive and had many suitors.

He only got the chance to talk to her when she needed to shoot some videos and borrow his equipment. At other times, he never initiated conversations or casual chats, let alone asked her out for meals or outings.

He was well aware of his ordinary status compared to her other suitors, those who were either exceptionally outstanding or hailed from wealthy families, and knew that she would never choose him.

So he was always thinking, waiting for the day his videos and livestreams would take off, waiting for when his advertisements, product placements, and sponsorships would net him tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, even when he could afford to buy his own car or house. Only then would he have the qualifications to join the ranks of her suitors, and the ability to make her happy.

But all of this took a turn a month ago. freewēbnoveℓ.com

He suddenly realized that he was not an ordinary university student; emotions, love, money, cars, houses, videos, livestreams— all of these became insignificant and trivial.

Because he had the “Systems,” a channel that gave him superhuman abilities, he was a chosen one favored by extraordinary beings.

His choices, his fate, were now intertwined with humanity, with the entire earth.

The so-called “Systems” was a user interface that appeared in his brain, issuing him tasks, and providing channels to exchange for extraordinary abilities.

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He had seen this sort of thing many times in novels and comics, but he never dreamed that it would appear in reality, and on him no less.

So when he first acquired this “Systems,” he didn’t believe it. His first reaction was even that he was hallucinating from reading too many novels, or maybe his mental state was the issue.

But when he completed a task as required by the Systems and his body underwent a very real transformation, he finally realized the truth… he really did possess a “Systems” that could grant him extraordinary abilities.

Once he confirmed this, Fan Jiading felt his worldview had been completely changed. It was time to leave his ordinary self behind and move towards extraordinariness!

He was willing to take on the task of protecting the world, protecting all of humanity!

The initial tasks were relatively simple. Fan Jiading was tasked by the “Systems” to hunt some “monsters” that had infiltrated Earth from other worlds. These included chickens, ducks, and geese lurking in rural areas, as well as small pigs.

Since these “monsters” had not yet grown up, they were easy to deal with. What was more challenging was avoiding the chasing villagers who discovered him attacking their livestock.

He was even once hit in the head by a hoe wielded by one of the villagers, causing a lot of blood to flow. Fortunately, his body had already been enhanced by that time and quickly recovered.

Despite the unjust treatment, he knew he was saving these villagers. According to the “Systems,” if these “monsters” were allowed to grow, none of the villagers would survive.

But due to the “System’s” requirements, he couldn’t explain this to the villagers. He couldn’t tell them that these chickens, ducks, and geese were nothing more than disguises for the “monsters,” so he could only swallow the injustice he felt.

After killing these monsters, he obtained some transparent “Crystal energy” from their bodies. After drinking it, he could convert it into points within the “Systems” and exchange them for abilities.

He currently channeled all his points into strength, vitality, and recovery.

Ever since getting the “Systems,” Fan Jiading had moved out of his school dormitory, rented a small self-built apartment in the city, and sold off his camera and computer that he used for videos at a low price.

For his current self, not only did attending classes and studying become meaningless, making videos, doing livestreams and such were also a waste of time.

Today, he received a high-level task from the “Systems.”

Upon completion of this task, he would not only obtain a large number of points but also earn the qualification to exchange for higher-level abilities, which gave him a great sense of excitement.

This task’s target was a “high-level monster” that had disguised itself as a human, a person that Fan Jiading had known from before— a wealthy and handsome freshman from his school who often shot vlogs with the senior he liked this semester. There were rumors swirling about a possible romance between them.

Who would have thought that the kid would be a “monster”!

No wonder he had always disliked him.

Fan Jiading felt a sense of relief. It was fortunate he had the “Systems” and had discovered the kid’s true identity in time. As long as he killed him promptly, his senior should be safe.

However, his infatuation with his senior had diminished. Emotions and love seemed trivial in the face of the extraordinary.

If it came down to a one-on-one fight, Fan Jiading knew that even unarmed, he could easily beat the “high-level monster” to death with his current strength.

But he also understood that even with the “Systems,” he was still a lonely extraordinary being. The “Systems” required him to keep it a secret from other humans. Therefore, he had to find a way to lure the “high-level monster” to a secluded place before making a move.

Currently, he was trailing this “high-level monster,” pinpointing his place of residence— he knew the “monster” was living off-campus too.

Today he would first select a suitable location and strategy for his attack, then choose the most appropriate time to strike. In order to complete the task, he needed not only strength but also brains.

As Fan Jiading stealthily followed the tall, handsome freshman in front of him, he was oblivious to the tall man wearing a duckbill cap and black jacket some ten meters away scrutinizing him from a distance; while it appeared the man was playing with his phone, he was actually observing Fan Jiading.

Even more, the man had directly “seen” the “Systems” on him with his naked eyes.

This man was, of course, Xiang Kun.

Today was February 18th, the third day since Xiang Kun’s awakening from his blood-drinking slumber.

Under his Infrared thermographic vision mode, a noticeably light blue spot stood out on the back left waist of the seemingly ordinary university student in front of him.

Xiang Kun knew that was a “mutated parasite,” and it had a 99% probability of being the same “mutated parasite” that had previously parasitized the “Vampire Patient” in Citong City.

As for how he was able to track down the “mutated parasite” so quickly in Yangcheng City, it was a long story.