Vampire: World of Blood-Chapter 102: High on Schizophrenia I
His conscious mind began to travel through the aether line until it ended back in his physical body, his hand still firmly gripping Anastasia’s horn, which was releasing a powerful blue energy.
Merciless slowly began to take his grip off of them, as his eyes met Anastasia’s, his mind still slightly on the encounter prior to now. Of course, he began to shift his attention back to her and replied as such.
"That was quite the experience. To think you have come this far in such a short period of time. However, I’d like to know if you have any suggestions. If that woman is really making it impossible to jump this Azamite, what choice can you suggest, space girl, given your immense knowledge of space and time?"
Merciless asked, seeking advice from Anastasia. To beat an enemy, one must know the enemy, and in this case, it was Anastasia. If there was anyone who could formulate a plan when it comes to dealing with beings with spatial manipulation, he could look no further than Anastasia for tasks like these.
Anastasia, of course, replied as such.
"All you have to do is take possession of the Azamite space by releasing your own, and if you are stronger, you will be able to effortlessly replace it. However, if you are as powerful as the Azamite in question, two imaginary spaces of equal strength will simply cancel each other out and separate."
"This would allow you to leave this area, but you are not an Azamite, and even if you were, that man has power to that of your standard level 5 vampire, which is a whole level higher than you. So, from my perspective, you have no alternative but to confront him in his own space."
Anastasia said bluntly. The memories Kali left behind were very useful in this regard; however, there was one unanswered question, and Merciless asked it.
"But the question is how. Do you know of another way I can escape this realm? I’m quite hopeless in this domain as I am now."
"Even if I employed my Nosferatu metamorphosis in its full state, the timeframe would run out quickly. That will be the end of my life. I also have to remember that I can’t simply shove him into the Aχλύς gate, considering that he can teleport at a whim in this dimension. There are several variables that make this tough for me. After all, a horse may be led to water, but it cannot be made to drink if it does not desire to."
This was Merciless’ reaction to Anastasia, who just responded, but this time caught Merciless off guard.
"Oi, master, I said there was little I could do, but I didn’t say there was no chance; you’ll have to face him front on to get out of here. But there is always a way; fortunately for you, Kali Memories is a massive archive of information; even I am having difficulty processing them all, so some memories are hazy, while others are vivid; at the rate I am analyzing them, I should be able to digest all of the knowledge I receive in about a year or two. But I do have a means to help, however it is rather indirect."
Anastasia said. On the other hand, Merciless looked at her, grabbing her by the shoulder as he spoke.
"Well do tell."
Merciless said, clearly desperate to win this battle. On the other hand, Ana just grabbed a whole of his hand and replied as such.
"You don’t have to hurry; I’m here for you. However, I need to be honest: what I’m about to show you is something I can only use once a day. After using it, things will shift in ways that create a new set of possibilities, while some things may be erased. You’ll be moving away from the greater will, but remember, just because you see it doesn’t mean you can always replicate it. Still, it should provide useful information about the enemy."
"Hmm...what are you talking about Ana."
Merciless inquired, his uncertainty spreading, and Anastasia proceeded to grab his hands, firmly reattaching their grips to her horn as she replied.
"I can’t describe it, and I haven’t perfected it either, but you ought to experience it rather than hear about it from me. What you get out of this will determine whether you win or lose; this is all I can do for you, master; consider this my present to you, my appreciation, whatever you want to call it; you have given me what I crave for, and while it isn’t much, please accept it anyway."
"I am neither a blade that can kill and harm foes from close range, nor am I a bow that can kill and hurt from afar; nevertheless, I am an experience, and what I can provide with the abilities you have bestowed upon me is a huge universe of these experiences, as well as much more. This mind, body, soul, or sense of self-being are all yours; it is the only thing of comparable value that I can truly return."
Anastasia announced as she closed her eyes and gestured for Merciless to do the same, preparing to activate her new ability. Before she did, she left Merciless with one final piece of important information.
"This will be intense, but since you already have some experience with being multiple people at once, it should help, even if minimally. The connection will last about three minutes. When the clarity returns, you’ll have your answer. Is that clear, or do you need more information?"
Naturally Merciless response to this was as follows.
"Of course, I need more information. I don’t even know what you’re going to do to me. Please don’t send me in blind, especially since you mentioned my clarity will be at risk."
Merciless said in a commanding tone, fully aware of Anastasia’s formidable strength, especially after her assimilation with Kali. He wasn’t surprised if what Ana said was true, given her current power. He needed to know her intentions, so he asked for clarification. Anastasia responded, explaining her plan in detail. Once it was over, Merciless’s eyes opened wide in shock as he asked Ana for further clarification.
"Holy shit...is that true, ca...can you really do something as insane as that."
"I wouldn’t call it insane, since nothing is set in stone; everything after that will seem like a disconnected dream; if you absorb those worldviews into yourself, Darwinism should be able to pick up on those experiences. In the end, it’s all up to you; all I’m doing is opening a door to what is beyond yourself, what you see and learn once inside, will be totally up to you, however before I start I want your permission to do it, trust is essential for this to work."
Anastasia asked Merciless for his permission, as it would make things easier for both of them. Now fully aware of her intentions, Merciless agreed and responded accordingly.
"Meh! I’m already insane as it is. If I had to guess, what’s one more layer of brain damage?"
Anastasia smiled behind her helmet, as she replied back as such.
"Thanks, this makes things a lot simpler. While I do this, begin your nosferatu transformation; we can’t waste time, and you don’t have much of it to boot either. Kali herself did not use this much since she was a loner, and her pride led her to believe she could accomplish everything on her own, but if it is you, I am confident Kali’s Existence Crisis technique will be the solution to your Azamite problem."
"Well, let’s get this over with; as soon as you activate the technique and I finish my transformation to my second form, return me to the battlefield. And I’ll manage from there while I’m still under the influence of the Existence Crisis Technique."
Merciless ordered Anastasia, and she replied with.
"As you master, close your eyes and we shall begin."
Anastasia closed her eyes, as did Merciless, and her horn began to flare with power as an enormous amount of her aether was spent as a consequence. Merciless vision faded as his eyes closed, and a blinding white flash overtook him the minute the technique was employed.
The battlefield, once lonely and silent, now reverberated with the strain of impending war. The purple mist around Merciless deepened, making the air deadly cold, while the sky above swirled with dark, foreboding clouds. Zakcry stood, bruised yet determined, his one surviving arm clutching Oblivion fiercely.
Merciless, his new form radiating a dark, intense power, stared at Zakcry with a predatory grin. His wings, large and menacing, unfurled behind him, casting a massive shadow.
He looked at Zakcry, finally damaged, a sign of his hard work paying off; to the right, he saw frost; to the left, the same thing; and up, he saw purple snow decaying the space of the domain around him, weakening it to the point where his aether ice field could freeze the boundaries of reality and fiction.
He then stared at his hands, which were covered in a black and sturdy exo armor; he could feel himself bursting with strength that he had never imagined conceivable so early in his short vampire life, but such were the great benefits of clan traits that distinguished them from one another. The Nosferatu clan trait was such a cheat that it allowed a vampire from this clan to skip an entire level for a brief period of time.
Merciless then turned to look at a dumbfounded but equally cautious Zakcry; in one scene, he was a giant dragon, in another, he was a fearsome female, but in many others, the scenario and terrain were different, as was the reason for the entire scenario and the way things were organized.
In certain worlds, the battle had already begun, and in some, it had already ended. While in others, he won and lost many others, technique after technique, different ichor, different scenario, different outcomes, different possibilities, neighboring worlds identical to this one, and many others that were completely different, but each was a different alternate and non-alternate scenario that could have happened at this moment.
Like a record moving fast forward many times faster than the speed of light, and Merciless brain struggling to keep up, but nevertheless, grasp tiny bits of information from the tad bits of info it could receive.
"The space girl was right, I can feel my mind flooding at a drastic rate, to the point my sanity is nearing a breaking point if it continues to go on like this."
Merciless said, his focus was now on Zakcry, who went into a fighting stance, his sword pointing towards Merciless.
However, this did not faze Merciless whatsoever, instead asked calmly.
"Ready for round 2, although I am afraid you might die this time around?"
"The space girl was right, I can feel my mind flooding at a drastic rate, to the point my sanity is nearing a breaking point if it continues to go on like this."
"I’ve faced worse. Let’s end this."
"Hehe, is that so?!"
*CLANGG!!*... The bio-enhanced claws of Merciless natural armor collided with the ebony black blade encased in dark purple flames.
Merciless sprang forward abruptly, his claws flashing with fierce and terrible energy. Zakcry met his charge, and Oblivion’s flames came to life. The two met in an explosion of energy, sending shockwaves across the already frozen and destroyed surface.
"Hmm, you definitely got slower, it seems that armor does have a limit egh."
Merciless abruptly remarked, causing Zakcry to widen his eyes in disbelief as if taken aback by the unexpected disclosure. So much so that he had to halt and question Merciless himself to ensure he had heard correctly.
"What...what did you just say."
"Hmm... agh, nothing much, but I will say that 69% mitigation of all status effects is just too unfair."
Announced Merciless and Zakcry responded.
"What how did you...
But, before he could ask any more questions, Merciless swung his tail forward, smacking Zakcry under his chin and forcing his head to tremble. Zakcry tumbled back as the impact knocked him off his feet.
Zakcry soared many meters in the air, but before he could go any farther, Merciless seized his feet and gripped them like a twig. As he swung his body to the side, bringing Zakcry’s entire figure down with enormous power, and slammed him into the ice, leaving a massive crater beneath him. He proceeded to smash him to the right, then back to the left, repeatedly.
Then he hurled him forward, sending his figure hurtling into the air. Merciless lifted his right hand, and a gigantic ice spike erupted behind him as his figure flew directly towards it, causing his armor to suddenly crack and decay as he was impaled squarely on the side of the spike, which pierced his left side.
Zakcry’s body lay limply on the large ice spike, his blood spilling out in black, thick rivulets that discolored the clear ice. His face was twisted into an agonizing grimace, his eyes wide with anguish and disbelief. The spike had pierced his side, shredding skin and muscle, shattering bone, and puncturing organs. His blood poured in all directions, turning the frozen structure a horrible shade of crimson.
The ground under him was wet with a combination of blood and shattered ice, forming a crimson puddle that gradually extended, soaking into the ice beneath his feet. The air was heavy with the metallic fragrance of blood.
His guts spilled out of the gaping wound, a tangle of blood-slicked intestines that hung like macabre decorations from the jagged edges of the spike.
His flesh was ripped apart, the skin shredded and pulled back to show layers of muscle and sinew underneath. The cut was raw and jagged, with skin curving outward and blood splattering into the freezing ground below. Pieces of his fractured ribs protruded, white bone standing out against the crimson backdrop of his damaged torso. Each breath he took forced the fractured bones to shift, grinding against the spike and inducing new waves of anguish throughout his body.
A sudden but short and loud scream escape Zakcry’s mouth, a rare sight indeed.
The impalement had torn his abdomen open, exposing his internal organs to the frigid air, which glistened wetly. His stomach and liver ruptured due to the force of the collision, spilling their contents into the pool of blood and viscera at the foot of the spike. The ice spike was coated in blood, and the scarlet liquid froze in spots, forming a terrible sculpture of frozen gore.
The ground under Zakcry was a horrible combination of blood, broken bones, and ripped flesh. Chunks of his armor, now worthless and damaged, were spread throughout the viscera. The hit was so powerful that portions of his rib cage protruded into his body.
But Merciless wasn’t finished; he gave Zakcry a single glance, and as if in response to his intent, Zakcry’s blood began to freeze, the cold itself becoming so frigid that Zakcry’s whole being transmuted into ice. Leaving not just a frozen artwork, but one that quickly decayed out of existence.
But like a cockroach, he came back.
"Honestly, what’s up with this sudden change."
Zakcry’s voice began to ring off, and Merciless saw him. Zakcry was entirely clad in the same armor that deteriorated alongside him, including the sword, yet they were also somehow alive.
"Attempt one fail ha?"
Merciless said to Zakcry who slightly scruffed at him, and replied as such.
"It’s meaningless you can’t kill me."
At this moment, Merciless turned back to Zakcry, his thoughts loud to no one but himself.
’So even physical erasure doesn’t work ha?’
But Merciless was undeterred; his vision was continuously shifting, and his mind was traveling through numerous universes at the same time. However, all of these scenarios had one thing in common: in these worlds, he was always fighting one adversary.
’... Oh, well! I will just keep killing and killing you till you eventually, die.’
Merciless spoke independently wondering if his words were truly his own, as memories of so many flood his being. His head was like a lake of turmoil, with memories both his and not his overwhelming him, yet it didn’t matter. Because, at that moment of uncertainty, bewilderment, and annoyance, all Merciless cared about was defeating the opponent in front of him.
But like everything else, it didn’t matter.
Words did not escape Merciless mouth, nay! What followed was an onslaught.
As the memories began to sink in and several worlds merged into one, some were familiar and conceivable, but others were like a dream, a whole new way to the road of power he had walked.
But for some that were familiar, like a blueprint in time or a blueprint in the universe, he began to project what he saw, some identical and some in his own unique way.
His hands were extended once again, and black mucus began to ooze from the crevices of his armor, eventually flooding the frozen ground beneath him with ebony-colored mucus that was pouring out in large quantities.
The mucus erupted outward in every direction, swirling around, and above a giant.
Sludge and black mire escape, formless in all its being spreading, and changing. As the black mucus spread, it began to twist and morph, forming bizarre, unearthly patterns. Within the black mass, bright purple eyes appeared. The eyeballs flickered and changed, creating an eerie, glowing glow over the battlefield.
A massive black ebony structure made from Merciless natural mucus was being built. Zakcry, on the other hand, was not going to sit back and wait to see what Merciless had in store for him before leaping forward. He held Oblivion tightly in his hands, charging it with enough negative energy to discharge.
However, before he could reach him, a sludge of black mucus burst from the earth and flew directly towards him at immense speeds, like a big spike pillar emerging from the ground and coming forward with lethal intent.
Updated from freewёbnoνel.com.
As such, at that very moment, Zakcry’s entire body began to take on an elemental state, and his armor, which he once wore, returned to that of Magma, as both he and the blade in his hand became pure lava that curved around the pillar and maneuvered its way directly to Merciless before he reformed his shape and prepared to slice Merciless in half from up close.
However, that was easier said than done since as oblivion exploded with impact, Zakcry was surprised to discover his strike did not reach, no! Instead, he struck something that seemed invisible to the naked eye, but equally indestructible as well.
And that was exactly what happened; by utilizing his solidification magical nature, he thickened the air around him, creating an invisible win barrier capable of withstanding blows that could sear planets in a moment.
The moment Zackcry was stopped, an Aether ring appeared in front of him, and without warning, a massive explosion went off from the small seven-meter sphere, as blinding light emerged from the ring portal, and a pillar of flames screeched out like a torch, and the moment it touched Zakcry, he evaporated into ashes, which quickly dissipated into nothing. As Merciless in that instance created a gateway between here and the sun, forcing him to be engulfed.
However, seconds later, another aether portal appeared behind him, causing flames to burst out the moment Zakcry began to reappear again, but as emerged, he was killed. And when another pillar of solar flames shot at him he was killed again in an unforgiving manner.
Then again, his destiny was the same: Zakcry would return, Merciless would spawn kill him, and in less than a minute, Merciless had murdered Zakcry around 35 times with nothing more than the sun.
Zakcry ultimately died and returned, but this time was different because the minute the rings detected him, they opened the gateway to strike him with the sun pillar.
But, as soon as that happened, Zakcry somehow managed to summon a shield that was silver in color and almost heavenly in nature; it was certainly not something one would expect to see on a vampire.
The shield itself managed to protect him at that crucial instant; since the pillar of heat did not reach Zakcry at the time, the shield began to glow a blue light around it.
Once again, several more rings erupted around Zakcry and opened up as they began to assault him from all sides, but the shield began to clone itself, splitting off from one another and creating duplicates of itself. And defending Zakcry from every available angle, but Zakcry also realizes something.
"As I thought, this ice freezes not only my children’s power to a great degree but also their durability as well, tsk...this is going ot be annoying."
Zakcry’s eyes glinted with a newfound resolve as he pressed forward, his shield deflecting the relentless solar flames. His movements were swift, the clones of his shield moving in perfect harmony with him. Merciless watched, his grin widening, his own power surging in response to the escalating battle.
"You’ve got tricks, I’ll give you that."
Merciless said, his voice carrying over the crackling of the flames.
"But let’s see how long you can keep up."
With that stated, the lightning began to rage in the sky, and without warning, a stream of crimson lightning fell from the sky, aiming to strike Zakcry, but he teleported away before it touched him.
However, one was insufficient, as crimson light began to shoot down like crooked laser zapping, vaporizing everything in its path as it sliced the ice below, while red light began to follow Zakcry. But in this case, his body was clothed in purple flames, and the minute the strike touched him, the lightning itself vanished, as it was reduced to zero.
’I need to change tactics, my weapons are kind of fucked right now cause of this ice, but it will do for now till I complete the charge up.’
Zakcry said to himself.
As he swung around swiftly, he created a gigantic tornado of purple flames that covered him from all directions, forming a barrier that prevented any outside attacks.
And within that barrier, he began to prepare.
’It looks like I will need to use battle mode.’
With those words said, Zakcry plunged into the icy depths, seeking out the dormant bioweapons. With a burst of energy, he shattered the ice below, revealing an arsenal of bio-organic weapons: a sword with a pulsating, veiny hilt, a spear with a serrated edge that dripped a corrosive substance, a gun that appeared to be alive with eyes that tracked movement, and more.
He began to dissolve each weapon into a blood-like state, absorbing them into his body. The sword fused with Oblivion, and then with his arm, transforming it into a blade that pulsed with dark and green energy.
The spear melded with his other arm, forming a multi-jointed limb capable of extending and retracting at will. The gun integrated into his shoulder, allowing him to fire bio-organic projectiles with deadly precision.
While another set of arms began to emerge, below his previous pair upon his transformation.
Absorbing a futuristic-looking gauntlet, his hand morphed into a cannon that could fire energy blasts. A whip-like appendage sprouted from his back, tipped with a stinger capable of injecting venom.
On the other hand, several pairs of bone-like tails with a large scythe-like tip at the end presented themselves, as long, thin, jagged, and flexible.
"A tad bit on the weak side, but this shall do."
With those words said, Zakcry began to take to the sky.
Emerging from the frigid depths, Zakcry displayed his new form, which radiated force and a murderous will to kill. He hung above the battlefield, a horrifying mix of man and bioweapon, about to unleash his newfound power on Merciless.
Merciless, on the other hand, remained still, the massive mucus structure slowly but steadily constructing something; it was evident that Merciless was up to nothing good. But that didn’t stop him from behaving unhinged as he always does.
"Im starting to think you really are a cock roach."
"The feeling is mutual buddy."
Zakcry spat back.
"Hmmm! Is this supposed to be some kind of final form, ahh I didn’t see this at all?"
Merciless inquired, and Zakcry lifted his cannon arm, and the assault began to charge up as green energy formed at its mouth. The very air around him began to corrode upon the start of the charge, and Zakcry responded accordingly.
"Why don’t you come and find out for yourself, what fun will it be if I spoil the show for you."
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