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Noah arrived on the ground with a shattering bang, reducing the burnt terrain to nothingness.

His time in that form was drawing closer to its end. He would need to kill her in the next few attacks.

Noah's instincts tingled and his figure disappeared from his position to appear high in the sky.

A beam of blackness had engulfed his former position turning what formerly used to be a vast plain into a stupendously large hole.

The silver flames generated from his breath attack vanished at that point, but they had done their job.

"The hearts of man is corrupt. Black. Darkness is corrosive," the lady's voice spread out across the vast hole her attack created.

Noah could feel a substance eat away at the air around him, he could also see that huge chunks of the ground touched by the black beam began to fall apart further.

She had infused her corrosive property into the attack.

Noah didn't care since it didn't affect him. He located the lady's position and commanded a cloud of sparks to manifest.

The golden runes and symbols running across his body intensified in their radiance at that event, and Noah saw a silver cloud coming to be, but it possessed golden sparks.

His cloud could cover the entirety of the hole, so that was what he did and the next moment an immense bolt containing an unreasonable amount of energy fell on the hole and lit up the entire thing and even the sky.

An astonishing intensity of heat washed over the surrounding lands, boiling everything till it caught flames, or just melted, lighting the regions up with a deep orange glow of boiling land.

Noah ceased the cloud's power a second later and felt the lady's presence barreling towards him at high speeds.

He shook his head as a sword of gold and silver light appeared in his hands. Noah wielded double blades and streaked toward her to intercept her attack.

He didn't just move in a straight line, however, turning into sharp zig-zagged curves that would not give his position away.

This allowed him to arrive beside the lady and swing his swords at her back, detaching her torso from her legs.

A cry of pain followed that event, but Noah had to shoot backward to escape the explosion of blackness that unfolded in the sky raining more of that corrosive blackness onto the world.

Not willing to let go of that chance, he allowed Muliix and Cudgel to appear on his body and his grip respectively.

He sent his staff shooting toward the lady while his armor prevented the black corrosive gas that rose to the sky from affecting him.

Cudgel exploded in size, shaking the sky as it slammed into the expanding mass of blackness. It shattered it with little effort but Noah had not seen where the lady was, so he had to make do with allowing his staff to smash into the terrain below, making everything fall into chaos.

The impact of those explosions could be felt literally regions away, but mostly magical beasts took note of it. And the habitation that did simply reinforced their defenses.

It wasn't exactly breaking news to hear explosions region on miles away. They were in a war after all.

Noah sprinted forward at the huge hole Muliix's passage had opened. For a testimony of how massive that black explosion had been, there were still portions mostly intact. The lady's attacks were solid-like.

They were high into the sky, but the blackness stuck to the winds, stuck to the ground corroding it and spreading even more of its corrosive-ness in the world.

Noah crossed the huge opening to arrive within a completely dark environment, still, he could see the world from the other side that Cudgel had torn through. The insides of that place were empty.

His arrival, however, saw both openings closing with blinding speed.

"You've reached the end of this battle." The lady's voice rang out from all around him. "Domain of darkness." She announced causing a tremor to travel across the expanse of that void and letting a crushing pressure fall on Noah's shoulder.

He couldn't move however since an equally powerful force came from beneath his figure, locking him in place.

"I have to admit, you've proved difficult to kill. But this is the end," her voice reverberated though out the world around Noah, but he remained in place. He didn't have time to talk. He only had thirty seconds to go seeing as he only had forty percent hp left. Were he to let his hp hit zero that would be death.

Noah took a deep breath closing his eyes. He allowed his consciousness to flow forth with full power.

The world rumbled in those instants as he sensed tens of black beams approaching his figure at terrible speeds. Their power being amplified by the special properties of that domain.

On the outside, the smooth black sphere stood in the sky, whilst large dark magical circles existed all around it creating the properties of her domain. A significant amount of energy had been poured into that spell.

The beams were close to arriving on Noah's body when he abruptly exploded into a wave of bright multicolored energy,

The pressure in that spherical domain tried to affect the expanding sea of brightness, but it was made of speed essence.

Noah had gained a strange innate ability as a dark speedling. He could deconstruct his body into waves of violent essence. His soul core and essence core were buried deep within that expanding mass, only destroying them could lead to his death.

The beam blackened portions of the multicolored mass, but they suddenly condensed to reveal his pristinely white figure.

Noah transformed into a silver streak at that point and he tore through the pressure in the environment to arrive at the position he sensed the lady at. She was now only a flying torso.

Her movement was frantic and quick. Still, even in her domain, he could achieve speeds she could only dream of. This was only thanks to his speed not being natural.

Noah's right hand grabbed onto the lady's shoulder, but thick blackness slammed into his figure trying to corrode his body. Unfortunately, speed essence existed on a plane anything born of mana would struggle to affect.

Nevertheless, black spots appeared on his white skin, but he didn't worry since there were still six other layers before his insides could be reached.

Noah crushed her shoulder, and silver sparks flowed out of his body while they barreled about within the pitch domain. Noah even had his eyes closed since they served no purpose.

Unfortunately, the power of that discharge was hindered by the domain's influence. So Noah unleashed his.

"Lightning domain," he called out, and a huge silvery magical triangle unfolded right from his figure to slam into the walls of that dark sphere.

A crackling silver mass started to swallow the black sphere from the outside and soon that event was complete.

The lady watched huge cracks open in her domain as it began to crumble, and words could not explain her level of shock. Still, a huge bolt landed on her figure and Noah's. 𝑓𝙧𝘦𝘦we𝘣𝙣𝘰𝘃𝗲l.com

Patches of her skin directly disappeared, but Noah rained five more bolts in those moments, greatly weakening her.

The lady struggled frantically to escape Noah's grip, and she almost did since her body erratically released dark beams, damaging the world below, the moment they flew outside of Noah's spherical domain of terrible electricity.

Unfortunately for the expert, golden claws shot out of Noah's grip, digging into her crushed shoulder, while his other hand erratically slashed at her flying torso.

He turned her into chunks of flesh and gore in mere seconds, but before the light of life could leave her stunned eyes, he placed his hand on her charred head and activated his unique memory-eating ability.

Noah managed to steal a significant chunk of her memories before her soul-core went black, signifying her death.