Tyranny of Steel-Chapter 1240 Released From Service

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Chapter 1240 Released From Service

While Berengar was enjoying his retirement, one of his women was currently on a journey of her own. The busty and mature valkyrie was kneeling before the leader of the Germanic pantheon, while reporting on the growth of their followers over the past few decades.

"Iceland's conversion is nearly completed, and the faithful have spread our religion to the rest of Scandinavia, and even parts of the German Reich. Give it a few centuries, and we may even see the numbers of our followers reach the millions, or perhaps even the tens of millions.

But our pantheon is not the only one which has been growing. In Egypt, the Ennead appears to be growing in popularity. With many of the local people converting from Islam to the religion of their ancestors. Undoubtedly this in thanks to your champions efforts. Who had made a pact with the God Anubis earlier in his life? I fear if they continue to grow at their current rate, they might become a powerful threat for us to deal with in the distant future..."

Odin did not seem too concerned by this revelation. Instead, he sat upon his throne looking happier and healthier than he had been in nearly half a millennium. The man who was once on the brink of death was now in a vibrant state, as he boasted of Berengar's accomplishments.

"That man has done more than I ever could have imagined. Never would I have thought that after your tragedy, you would be compelled to bear so many children for a mortal man.

How many is it now? Twenty, twenty-five? Your eldest son, he is the King of Iceland now, is he not?"

Brynhildr had a proud smile on her face as she nodded her head before confirming how many kids she had with Berengar.

"Excluding Sir, I have twenty-six kids. For which Berengar is the father of them all. And yes, my eldest son is indeed the current King of Iceland. My Lord, Odin, I must confess that I have been allowing Berengar and his other women to bathe in the sacred pool. Though it has not increased their lifespan, it allows them to remain youthful in appearance. I hope this is not a problem?"

Contrary to what Brynhildr was expecting, Odin simple chuckled and dismissed the issue entirely. He quickly took a drink from a horn of mead, before saying the words that the beautiful valkyrie had never expected to hear.

"That's fine. We have more than enough power to restore its properties a hundred times over. In fact, with all the success that Berengar has achieved, Freyja has been in a rather foul mood. The man rejected her all those years ago and took one of her Valkyries as his bride instead. I would be careful around her. She is quite envious of you."

Brynhildr simply blushed when she heard this and averted her gaze. The very idea that the queen of valkyries was jealous of one of her humble servants was simply unbelievable. But when she thought about all the times she had spent with Berengar, Brynhildr was able to understand the sentiment.

In fact, with each passing day, Berengar came closer to death's door, and though he likely had a few decades left to live. Brynhildr wanted to be the one to carry the man's soul to his own personal afterlife. Until now this had been assumed, but she could not help but request permission from the Allfather himself.

"Lord Odin, I was wondering if you might permit me a selfish request?"

Odin wiped his beard, which was dripping with mead, before granting permission to the woman so that she may speak her mind.

"Go ahead? What is it that you desire from me?"

Brynhildr lowered her head and fell to her knees as she made a request, which she had been brooding over for some time.

"When Berengar finally passes away from the mortal world, I wish to be the one to lead him to the afterlife. I know you and the gods have spent quite a bit of time and effort to ensure that a proper paradise is in place for your champion and his loved ones. But as his wife, I feel the need to personally lead the man through his journey. And if you permit it, to retire there with him for eternity...."

Odin's eyes narrowed as he heard this request. Brynhildr had been in his service for as long as he could remember, ferrying the valiant dead across the rainbow bridge and to Valhalla's gates. Yet she was suddenly asking to put her responsibilities aside, so that she may live a peaceful life with her lover for eternity?

It was indeed a selfish request, but he could tell by the determined expression on her face that the only thing she now had on her mind was her family. Thus, the mighty deity sighed in defeat as he allowed Brynhildr this selfish request.

"Although I would be lost without you in my service, I can tell that you are serious about this, and will have to find a proper replacement for you. Very well, go my child, and be with the man you love. I free you from your responsbilities...."

Brynhildr's ice-blue eyes lit up in excitement and disbelief. At first she thought she had heard incorrectly. But was she now free to be by Berengar's side, in this life, and the next?

Words could not express the joy that she currently felt, and thus she fell to her knees and bowed her head to the floor as she thanked the powerful deity for his benevolence.

"Thank you! I do not know how I can ever repay you for this kindness!"

Odin simply grunted and dismissed the woman's claims before sending her on her way.

"You have already done enough. Go, child, and be free!"

With this said, Brynhildr flew out from Valhalla's gates and descended upon the mortal world, where she quickly found herself outside the door to her home. Most of her children with Berengar were adults, and had gone on to support their elder brother in his pursuits as the King of Iceland. All she really needed was to take the youngest of their brood and sail off to the Reich, where she hoped to be with Berengar until the day he finally passed from this mortal world.

After packing up her things, and gathering her youngest children, Brynhildr took one last look upon the village which had been her home for decades and wore a bitter smile, before setting off on her journey to the Austrian village of Hallstatt where her husband now rested in his retirement.

Berengar sat on the lake's sandy beach, as he drank from a bottle of beer. He was in a particularly good mood, as he enjoyed the sight of his many wives and lovers playing a game of volleyball while dressed in nothing but micro bikinis. The way their curves moved as they played the game was an enticing sight indeed.

However, as he was taking in a scene which could only be described as heavenly, Berengar heard the voice of a woman who he was not expecting to see for another few weeks. He quickly looked towards the origin of the alluring voice and dropped his beer in the sand the moment he gazed upon Brynhildr's divine figure.

What this woman was doing here in the Reich, he did not know. But he also did not really care, instead Berengar ran towards his wife and lifted her in the air, while kissing her passionately as he did so. He was just about to question what had happened when she wore a lovely smile while informing her husband of the good news.

"I have been released from service to the Gods... From this day until the end of time I will henceforth be by your side, my love!"

Berengar was in complete disbelief at what he had just heard, but was happy nonetheless. He once more kissed the women in front of their youngest children before noticing something terrifying. All ten of his other women were gazing upon him with a fury that only a woman scorned could muster. As they realized that their man had over a dozen children with another woman.

It was at that moment that Berengar realized he was well and truly fucked. After all, he had utterly failed to mention to his wives just how many children he and Brynhildr had together, something which would undoubtedly be a source of envy to them all. Especially Linde.
