Tyranny of Steel-Chapter 1123 Zara’s Mischief
Ghazi led Isabella through the palace in Granada, which he would one day reside in when he had become an adult. It was not nearly as large as his father's home, but the previous sultan had spared no expense during his reign to outfit it with the most luxurious trappings he could afford.
After his first visit to Granada, Ghazi had contracted a German construction company to rennovate his palace with the most modern luxuries Germany had to offer. From its own generator, which was powered by German bio-diesel, to the building's light fixtures, internal heating, and even air conditioner for those hot summer nights. What were normal appliances in your average German household was a form of supreme luxury here in Iberia that only the Sultan had access to.
If there were two fields of study, which Zara found the most interesting, they would be astronautical engineering and astrophysics. The field of rocketry was a relatively recent advancement in German history, and at the moment it had a use limited solely to the battlefields.
Thus, over the past few months, Zara had begged her father to allow her access to the Royal Kufstein University, where all the documents pertaining to the study of rocketry were widely available for the Reich's academic community.
Thus, while Ghazi was leading his new fiancee on a tour, Zara was playing around with a rocket of her own design within the Granadan Palace's gardens. This was a small scale rocket that was more designed as a proof of concept than anything else. She knew with this project that she would not be able to reach space, but as a ten-year-old girl, the fact that she could even build this was proof of her ability.
The only reason she was able to even achieve such a thing was because Zara was the Kaiser's daughter, and was thus granted access to restricted zones that normal civilians would not be able to enter.
Thus, what Zara had come up with after extensive research and experimentation was a hybrid rocket propellent which utilized a solid fuel, and a liquid oxidizer. Such as polyethylene as the fuel, and liquid oxygen as the oxidizer.
After saying this, Zara punched the button which would ignite the rocket, immediately sending the thing flying through the air. In preparation for this event, the palace gardens had been cleared of all personnel.
"Daddy, are you proud of Zara? Your daughter finally succeeded!"
"I think Ghazi and Isabella have hit things off relatively well. I was a bit worried there when I dropped this news on my son so suddenly. However, I believe he will enjoy spending time with your daughter."
"I must admit, I was a bit concerned when I first received a request from your house to ask for an arranged marriage between my daughter and your son. After all, the history between the Iberian Christians and Muslims is a long and bloody one.
Dear God in Heaven, what is that!?!"
"God dammit Zara..."
Just as Yasmin was thinking about this, Zara came rushing through the door with an excited smile on her face while screaming with joy.
It was only after Zara had expressed her complete joy with her successful launch test did she realize the terrified expressions on the face of the former King and Queen of Nevarre, as well as the stern and disapproving look on her mother's face. As a result, she immediately pulled out the cute card and knocked her knuckles to her forehead while sticking out her tongue.
In the past, this was all that Zara needed to convince her father to let her off the hook for her shenanigans, but Yasmin was far less forgiving than her husband. She quickly pointed in the direction of the girl's room and yelled a command at her.
Zara simply responded by pouting, and deliberately stomping her feet in a fit, as she begrudgingly obeyed her mother's commands. Once the girl was out of sight. Yasmin sighed heavily before apologizing to her guests for the sudden disturbance.
Alfonso and his wife continued to stare in disbelief out the window even as they did what Yasmin had suggested. It was only after absent-mindedly sipping on their tea for several moments did they finally come back to reality.
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